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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. What?! The admin can read our PM's?! This can't be true otherwise that would be a violation of our privacy :eek: *goes on a deleting spree*
  2. Showqi;841079 wrote: Miyuu imaqlayaa dee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,we need to get that lady for Carafaat! I could relate with your C1000. When I used to work at AH as a teenager the things my older co workers were talking about during break time was shocking. They would talk openly and without shame about their sexual affairs and I learned alot of things from them in terms of theory.
  3. Showqi;841070 wrote: Blue, I heard that story long time ago during my break at my first paid job (bij de C1000). Believe me I could't belief how a man could get stack during the .......... Oh my God Showqi you're smarter then I thought when it comes to the female anatomy i'm impressed. For a second I thought you would not understand me but you seem to know what's up. Now you need to tell Carafaat he didn't get how that is possible
  4. Abtigiis;841060 wrote: Blue, ka dhex bax meeshan adigu gabadh baad tahaye, yaana waxaa Ikraan lagu sameyey kugu sameeyne. :D Lol Abtigiis i'm not famous that will never happen. i'm already gone because I don't believe in doing such things for money fame and being in the spotlights oh hell no
  5. Showqi;841056 wrote: Carafaat, taasi dhunkasho wey dhaaftay.....................Waa temperature-kii oo kor u kacay ilaa iyo 900 degree Celsius:D Loool Showqi. It was probably fake and I think the woman had done kegel excercises and therefore had strong pelvic muscles.
  6. This looks like a publicity stunt to draw more attention to their wedding and it looks like it worked. Celebrities and their everlasting urge for always wanting to be in the spotlights and selling their private affairs to the media. What happened to keeping your private affairs private, your fans and the world don't need to know every aspect of your life smh.
  7. The moral of the story; don't kiss and tell and you go to heaven I don't believe this. This sounds like the stories Arabs make up to scare people.
  8. Wow two siblings both over 100. What do these people even do or eat to be over 100 and functioning like a 70 year old.
  9. ^^ Brainstorming together that's the way forward. The key here is together not solo. If we bundle all over creative and smarties talents together we can do that and it should be easy.
  10. We could do so much better then them! This is nothing, i've faith in our people.
  11. Bluelicious


    Loooooool that was so harsh.
  12. I agree with Rudy and Somalia it says Somaliland region not country that's how I read it too.
  13. What a way to waste your money. They could use it for better use such as food cloth and shelter. Somalis and Djiboutians need to realise that khat is a hard drug and brings many cardiovascular and mental diseases. It's not something to take lightly or brush off as it's good for socialising. It has a self destruction effect on a person.
  14. Loool @ Che's video Oh now I see what Che meant and why Abtigiis went all upset about my comment. He probably dealt with with men acting like a woman or vice versa.
  15. Abtigiis;839342 wrote: Haye showqi. Lool @ blue. Waryaa blue, gadhka ma maalin kastaad xiirtaa?! I don't think there is a better freudian slip than this !! Waryaa panty sniffer you sound confused. What are you chatting about? I merely gave a random option. It was better then your beating up lol.
  16. Abtigiis why so aggressive in beating the person to find out their manhood :eek:
  17. Hmm tough question since we also need to keep it clean. Sit on a cactus plant
  18. I agree with Genius Pauper, Rudy Diiriye and Wadani. I've nothing to add everything has been said.
  19. Mr bean is tha man " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  20. Beauty comes with a price. In this case it's who wants to be fairer in order to be beautiful has to to suffer. Since when do we even connect beauty with skin colour what a bullshit. Dark people want to be white and white people want to be darker. People tend to want the things they can't get.
  21. wyre;839228 wrote: Now I Am Realy Confused Why don't you post the words leopard and cheetah in Narniah's "Somali-English-Game Thread" and someone might translate for you. There are really great translators over there and they are able to help you out. Raula - Thank you
  22. wyre;839216 wrote: That Is Not Leopard Dee Lol yes it is. Are you arguing with me for the sake of arguing. Let's leave it at that
  23. wyre;839207 wrote: What Is Cheetah In Somali Horta And What Is leopard In Somali The Other Thing Why Would I Be An Animal While I Am proud Ibn Adam You're asking the wrong person if you wanna know the Somali translation. Wyre where did I write that you were an animal I was talking about the two animals you misunderstood me. Ps; look how fat that leopard is in the above picture of this thread which only proves my point.
  24. wyre;839193 wrote: Cheetah Are Heavier Yaa Blu And Leopards Are Thinner And Taller, Waad Isku Khaladay Haddaba No no wyre you're wrong. I've done a written work about this years ago and I have a good memory. The Cheetah is slim and tall that's why he can run fast he doesn't have that excessive fat like a leopard or a lion. You can't be the fastest animal in the world and be heavy the two don't go together
  25. Poor man after all that he's still smiling Seeing this makes me appreciate my own health and being able to function physically so much more and not take it for granted.