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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. Che -Guevara;846379 wrote: ^He's fitting in unless he's trying to impress Blue. Lol why do I think that you have something to do with this because of that Rules For Women During Euro Thread. I think Wyre uses the game of if a woman isn't interested in football then i'm not interested either.
  2. Che -Guevara;846375 wrote: ^Wyre is waterboy. Lol Wyre is never mad and suddenly he has football rage over this match this is strange I tell you.
  3. The Germans are OUT! Woohoo Italy on top! Oba Hiloowlow indeed super Mario Wyre I thought you didn't watch football nor played it. Those were your words.
  4. Rudy what's the benefit of jailbreaking? What can you do with the Iphone once it is jailbroken?
  5. ^^ Get your mind out of the gutter you nasty man.
  6. wyre;845680 wrote: Yaan Lagu Soo Bardhimin Miyaa Showqi Lolz :D Yup you got it you never know how your trip will end
  7. wyre;845675 wrote: I Don't Know Ab't Oday Shirwac, Balse Wiilwaal Goes By The Name Wiilwaal Loool you joker that guy is not him. Your pointing at his name because he happens to use the same name as him.
  8. Good luck camel milk, have a safe trip. Come back as a whole lol
  9. wyre;845672 wrote: Lol, You Don't Know Wiilwaal? He's Funny Guy You'll Like His Videos Search From Youtube He's Also A SOLer Seriously? What name does he go by? Is that Oday Shirwac also a member of SOL?
  10. None! What I think of seeing fizzy drinks: Tooth erosion Sugar Bone decalcification
  11. Wyre who's this Wiil Waal i've never heard off and seen before?
  12. Carafaat;845277 wrote: Blue, I dont know what a cinnamon challenge is. But it sounds dangerous. Care to explain? It's a challenge where you have to swallow a spoon of cinnamon as soon as possible without inhaling the powder it's a difficult game. You have to stick with one spoon as too much cinnamon powder can be dangerous. So far no one has succeeded. I did the challenge with my friends and ended coughing it out I thought I was choking. I dare you to do it and report back to me " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  13. Aaliyyah;843568 wrote: easy to follow. Those of you who want to learn howta make somali rice, give this a shot. Althou instead of water I use "maraq" salaam p.s blue it is not my strength either. But, the more you practice the better you get at it, just like everything else in life. That's how I look at it too, i'm in the practising mode right now I notice I get better with the day. Compared to last year i've made alot of progress so yes i'm happy with the results but still i've no passion for cooking. I'm gonna search myself a chef no more hassle
  14. Narniah;845076 wrote: I lived in turkey for an entire year, Istanbul to be exact as an exchange student. I just got back two weeks ago. I had the best time of my life there. I had some of my friends from my school with me so I wasn't completely alone but I was the only Somali in my group. I must warn you about a few things... Turkish people are outrageously curious, just like Somalis but just a tad bit worse. Nothing is off limits for them! Anything that comes to their mind, they will ask you. During my stay there I got stared at, pointed at by everyone, literally EVERYONE lol. They will stop what they are doing and just shamelessly stare at you. My Turkish friends reassured me that it's because they love what they see, otherwise they wouldn't be starring. I learned this was true after a few months down the line. But at first you gonna be like 'why they all starring at me' relax they are just marveling at your beauty. Turkish people love brown/olive skin, everywhere I went the Turkish women would circle around me and literally touch my skin and say chok guzal ai ai lol which means oh beautiful nice. I had strange old women pinch my cheeks and kiss me all over my face meh. At times it was overwhelming. Turkish people love Somalis, and they all know about the famine that happened. Everyone who asked me where I'm from and when I said Somalia, they all wanted to know if the money they sent came to the right hands! A lot of you don't know this but most of the money that came out of turkey didn't all come from the government but out the pockets of Turkish citizens who took it upon themselves to fill forms and send money directly. You will find people from all over the world in Turkey, but not many blacks. Some Turkish people have what I call 'The shoe face' they just show no emotion and come across arrogant. But I found that some of those same people surprised me at times when they offered to help me with my luggage or allowed me to cut through the queue. Turkish people will protect you at their expense if you are ever wronged. No bystanders will watch it like Europe or America where every man/woman is selfish and will mind their business. Turkish people have a lot of pride! Can we blame them they used to rule the world. One thing I must mention is Turkish men's immense respect for females. I never stood on a bus/ underground, the men will never let a woman stand they will all get up to offer you their seat. MashaAllah. And no man is ever allowed to talk rudely to a woman if he does he gets jumped by all the men. I was a witness of this several places, women there are empowered! Don't travel alone unless you are ready to be wooed by their Turkish men, they will not waste a chance to speak to you. The best thing about Turkey is hearing the Azhan! MashaAllah, there's a mosque every corner. I haven't seen any Somalis in turkey, none. If you have any questions do ask. Looks like you had a great time over there adventurous Narniah. Turks are civilised people I like their hospitality
  15. Carafaat answer the question have you done the cinnamon challenge or not?
  16. Carafaat;845092 wrote: Bluelicious, are you fishing for an invitation? Afcourse I can cook, in fact I cook every weekend for friends and family. What do you use the tumaric for? @Showqi, shaaha Dhega yare aan ku dara. adna? No I was just suprised, never knew you could cook and was actually interested in cooking. I'm gonna search myself a personal chef who's a excellent cook. I use turmeric in milk to drink it and to cook in food. You will get used to the taste. Lol at you being tea addict. You have to start now if you wanna completely stop by ramadan. Build it down slowly the amount of cups of tea you have per day that's the best thing to do as stoping at once will give you withdrawal symptoms.
  17. That's cool. I don't know what mine would be yet. I doubt they will ever bring the signature back.
  18. I love cinnamon & turmeric those are my favorites. Cumin makes me sneeze so I avoid it. You can cook?! I'm suprised Carafaat that you actually entered a kitchen :eek: Have you ever done the cinnamon challenge?
  19. Bluelicious


    Garnaqsi;844870 wrote: I assumed you safely missed that part. I guess I was wrong. Yes I missed that part last time but I was sharp this time. I knew it the answer was in that sentence. The second chapter of Garnaqsi code got decrypted You like older women do you that's why you like to pretend your old. I see your game.
  20. Marksman;844844 wrote: To me it seems that most Somalis (in the West) care mostly about the wedding, but unfortunately many barely work on their marriage and easily give up on it. It's really sad. I agree with you.
  21. Carafaat;844852 wrote: Blue, why did you restart this thread? Alpha and I have agreed to close down this thread. It was meant to acknowledge Alpha's long lineage and his place in the hierarchy of tolka. But the thread was hijacked by folks with smaller lineages. Carafaat I was only answering wyre's question I didn't restart anything. I'm out of the thread if that makes you happy continue.
  22. Bluelicious


    rudy-Diiriye;844417 wrote: a xaliimo who likes older guys is called sugga momma....! Lol suga momma is there even such thing. I think Uchi was right I think the answer is gold digger. Garnaqsi - Who's the greatest man alive? Is that you?
  23. ^^ Lool he is the is big wolf.
  24. Behind Somaliland Somalia is written in white. I think JB edited to Somaliland.
  25. Oday Shirwac has a old mans voice while he is not even a old man. Some peoples voices are deceiving.