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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. Juxa;847774 wrote: Blue, many young people don't know as their parents send the money. But now that you are young adult hopefully you will help family, friends and old neighbours out! Juxa personally I already help out those you mentioned in whatever way I can help them if they sincerly need help financially and know will pay me back. I don't invest in people who I know will use the money for something bad or I don't trust and are not close with. People need to watch out who they give money to as not everyone is honest/trustworthy and some people think you're their personal ATM always take take but never give back. I don't like wasting money especially not on the wrong people.
  2. wyre;847720 wrote: But Do You Know What Dahabshiil Is ? That is a dumb question. Read what I wrote
  3. Che -Guevara;847500 wrote: Leave Blue alone. She doesn't know where Dahabshiil is located in her town. Che you know and understand me so well it's scary sometimes. Never seen a Dahabshiil office let alone used it. I've never sended money overseas
  4. ^^ Wyre how many cup of teas have you had? Tea addict 9 cent for a cup of tea? Really? My goodness. One trip to Starbucks and your money is gone.
  5. Che -Guevara;847293 wrote: Germany vs Italy. I like any game that results in England losing. The usual sorrow on their faces is always priceless. Lool I noticed that too. I can't believe they called that shorty Iniesta of Spain best player of Euro 2012 I dislike him and he doesn't deserve it.
  6. Malika;847450 wrote: I cant stand people who want to know about me [asking personal info or whatnot], when I careless if they existed or not. Same here.
  7. JB - You need to go back to school. Your math is not good. Oba - I take back my words since 2000 shilling is only 0.09 dollars. I would have given that child 20 dollars i'm generous. Our money has no value like the Turkish money. Wyre - What are you so shocked about? As if you know it I doubt that.
  8. Che -Guevara;847283 wrote: ^lool...We should start petition. I don't know how LSK missed that but I am glad you are sporting blue Blue:) Let me know when you gonna do that you already have my vote. Isn't it time you changed that smiling face of your avatar? Great thread I like it
  9. No, how much is it in euro and dollars?
  10. What the hell 2000 shilling for just polishing your shoes?! What a rip off.
  11. Wadani;847195 wrote: Lol, y'd u say it like that, like something is wrong with it. Actually I used to visit the forum to use it as a reference point to measure my own ideas and opinions against. I dont always get to discuss politics, culture and other things we talk about here with a lot of the young Somalis i know in real life, so I wanted to get an idea of the thoughts of other dhalinyaro (some odayaal too lol) and where I would fall in the general spectrum. Soon I had enough of just reading and felt the need to contribute, and that's when i finally joined. Don't get me wrong I think there is nothing wrong with seeing what kind of forum your getting into before you join. But I do think there is something wrong with a person getting to know people instead of the general forum. If someone tells you out of the blue I know everything about you wouldn't the first thing you thought be what a creep you feel like you have been stalked. Anyways you joined at the perfect time new year, new year new start lol. You are a great member I like you Wadani
  12. ^^ No way i'm not telling them it's your thread you tell them since you had the balls to post this.
  13. People who put their fingers everywhere in public like eg picking nose, picking ears etc. and then afterwards playing with it and touching things.
  14. Loooooooooooooool. I got the joke. This is so JB
  15. Wadani hmm okay if you say so. I guess you did that to get to know the forum a bit in general right. wyre;847181 wrote: Yes, And The Most Respected Guys In SOL Are Xaaji Xunjuf Nin yaaban Showqi Abwaan Ngonge :D Where are the women?
  16. Welcome to SOL Nudawn. So you know all of us interesting. Why haven't you become a member sooner if you were lurking around for a long time? Avoid the politics section or you will lose your head
  17. Garnaqsi;846976 wrote: In my 70s I'll be a filthy billionaire married to a 25 year old Britney Spears lookalike blonde. The tragedy of course will be that she's waiting for me to die so that she inherits the wealth, and not that I'm in an old people's home somewhere, having last seen my only daughter a year ago when she visited and stayed for about 20 minutes, thereby living the ironies of embracing and arguing for Western culture, as you would wish. Hehe! Loooooooool I laughed. You pervert why 25 and you actually like gold diggers?! Isn't it depressing to you that she would be with you because of your money and not because of you. Watch out she is gonna kill you to inherit all your money :eek: Cause of death: hungry gold digger
  18. Wow what a game! History has been written tonight. Never in history has a country won with 4 goals difference on the whole Euro and World Cup existence and also won the Euro Cup for a second time in a row. That's just amazing. Super Mario needs anger management did you see how angry he became and left the field immediately. He later got called back to the field. What a sore loser he needs to change his attitude. Bonucci is a cry baby does he really need to cry throughout the whole thing. Someone needs to slap some sense into him. Crying because you lost is okay but you don't need to cry non stop. Too bad about Italy losing I really wanted them to win it was their time to shine aargh. What I think? Eff spain and Italy are sore losers!
  19. I want Italy to win because Spain already won Euro cup 2008 and World cup 2010 and I don't want them to win this Euro cup too. Let those Spain hit the road man.
  20. ^^ Lol you already thinking of asking her hand in marriage to her father just because she is a doctor/surgeon come on. I applaud her for going against the odd and never giving up on her dream. Relentless does pay off in the end.
  21. Mukulaalow;847083 wrote: lol Wyre waa regeedi. I like his straight forward notion of "she needs a man, and I need a passport" ;)loooool... Blue will not accept it, but hope she will fix another chick from Rotterdam. hey blue, the song is fine with me as long as it praises MUM, no matter what language. Mukulaalow I only know one Turkish girl who desperately wants to get married and she is open to different races as long as he is muslim. There is a but I wouldn't want her heart to be broken by Wyre since his only plan is to use the woman to his advantage or else I will break his. Wyre - Hit yourself in the head! :mad:
  22. GaroweGal;846973 wrote: Blue- You what? Have not seen Pride and Prejudice that's a crime against cinema lol. Showqi- Do you speak Hindi? Why Somali people watch Indian movies is beyond me. Lool I figured that. Maybe I should try watching it to see what's this hype about. I'm cold when it comes to romantic movies I don't even watch it unless it's with someone else because I don't like all that lovey dovey stuff. I prefer watching comedy horror and action/adventure. I'm not really girly girly I know. I've got the right guy for you who's the Somali version of Mr Darcy: *Drum roll* It's Garnaqsi (don't write him off yet just because he's an atheist maybe he will change in time). He has it all even likes to act older then his actual age which is a plus.
  23. Carafaat;847072 wrote: you should look up the Dhaanto thread and contribute your favorite dhaanto. I will listen to it and intepret the lyrics, so choose your song wisely. About having a change of heart, a heart cant be changed, we can only open or close our heart to people. I don't want to since you closed up from me and keep acting weird. I'm not willing to work on things anymore since things are rusty and i've done my best tried everything and now i'm gonna leave it as it is. You always make it seem as if i'm the bad woman.
  24. Carafaat;847065 wrote: I'd rather adress you with your full name. p.s. where is the OG in your avatar? And why havent you contributed to my "I love Dhaanto" thread? Carafaat when you change the way you address me with my name it shows that you have a change of heart about me and that there is something that you are upset about. There is more to it then you actually want to admit. I know these things. I know i'm an OG and I don't need to show it with a flag it's not a country, Somalia is my country so therefore I prefer the blue flag. I haven't seen your 'I Love Dhaanto Thread'.