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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. Sayid*Somal;849715 wrote: adigu sow nin ma ahayn? where did you get the heart to break? - mise you are another Bluelicouse (sp)? Malika - you have to remember the Xalaal even when you talking about the Xaraam - eh? I see you're another slave of that feminine NGONGE. Get a mind of your own you slave instead of copying things you hear from your master. His whole clique seems to be messed up. Birds of the same feather flock together. AYOUB;849738 wrote: ^ So learned to love from goats? Allow sahal Amores! AYOUB;849749 wrote: Warya Qardhawi, check this funny (romantic to you) thread. ! Lmaooo! :D I can't believe he didn't get it he's slow. You killed him.
  2. Some men and women wear their hearts on their sleeves and give their hearts away way too easy and fast for the first person that comes around i'm really against that. Love is a factor in marriage but not a dominating factor because marriage without love can last if there is compatibility between the two partners and some attraction to some extent. But if there is no love no compatibility and no attraction it's never gonna work out it's one big fail. Some people move quickly from attraction stage to being in love where as for others it takes a long time it's different for everybody. If you were gonna marry someone who your not in love with I would say go for the one who you are attracted to because with that one you have a higher chance of developing love for that person over time then if you would have picked someone your not attracted to. Ps there is a reason why your ex is your ex. I'm sorry to say this but your ex has probably moved on with his life I think why shouldn't you. It's unfair to yourself to be holding him in your life when your probably no longer part of his life and forgotten about you. Your only wasting your time and missing out on all the other great guys out their who could probably have much more to offer to you. There is a reason for everything in life so just take the good things you learned and make the best out of it.
  3. Macallinka;850022 wrote: ^ Not bad idea Thanks for the detailed information i'm now good informed about this jailbreaking. Maybe I will try it after my warranty is over and see it for myself because I heared that you can switch back to how your phone was at first if you decide to not want jailbreaking anymore. But for now it's a no.
  4. wyre;850073 wrote: As Blue And Narnia Said "great minds Think A Like" Exactly!
  5. Loooooooooool I can't stop laughing after reading the story and hearing the video.
  6. The-freeman;848671 wrote: An upgrade from the Alien point of view but also a downgrade as we're at the bottom of the nomad hierarchy. Somali philosopher;848667 wrote: ^^^i dont know if alien to nomad is a downgrade or upgrade. You two have been upgraded to junior nomad because you hit 100 post. The SOL sytem is as followed: 0 - 99 posts - Alien 100 - 999 posts - Junior Nomad 1000 - 2999 posts - Nomad 3000 posts and above - Senior Nomad
  7. Tallaabo;848841 wrote: Yoga!! Miyaanaad Ilaahay ka cabsanahayn? Waxa ii muuqatay oday Soomaali ah oo naago cadaan ah dhex fadhiya, cagaha iyo badhidana kor u taag taagaya, marna mijaha qoorta ku mar maraya. Lool there is nothing wrong about yoga and you mean the very advanced poses I never done those. You have mixed classes but also separate classes for men and women. Of course you start as a beginner and then work your way up. I've been doing yoga for years now on and off 7 years to be exact and I never attempted to try those advanced poses maybe because i'm afraid I might get stuck in that pose hahaha. Will try them out one day. I haven't seen Xaaji Xunjuf after he made this thread. He wasted no time and got into the routine right away I bet he is swimming. You go XX yeaah melt that fat away show that fat who's the boss and that it's not welcome anymore lol *motivating him*.
  8. Macallinka;849875 wrote: Sorry Blue, There are so many apps that can't be find in Appstore for whatever reasons, some don't have the distribution money(money given to Apple) others broke one or two Apple rules so in order for you to get these apps you will need to jailbreak your iPhone. I hope that helps sister I've done a bit of my own research and been to the Apple Store. They told me if you jailbreak your Iphone (they can tell when it's jaibroken) or open the back side you automatically lose your warranty. I don't think it's worth it to jailbreak and lose your warranty if you're in your warranty period because you never know what could happen to your phone in the near future and you might need your warranty. The best time to jailbreak it for the ones who are interested is to do it after your warranty is over. Overall I decided not to do I wouldn't like to take risks for only free apps when I hardly use apps.
  9. wyre;849864 wrote: Blue, Dear, Ka Laabo, Norf Wuu Kaftan Badan Yahay And He Really Didn't Mean To Hurt You, I Know Him, Adna Waad Ku Fududaatay I Won't Insult A SOLer Like That If I Were Me Wyre I think it's sad that the feminine NGONGE has to make things up about me such as me being a man just because he has issues. Clearly he feels hurt about something in the past and holds resentments against me. It's immature and doesn't even come across like a grown up person. It's even more sad that his so called clique friends actually believe what he tells them and don't even think twice about it shame on them gullible fools. NORF - I accept your apology.
  10. Nin-Yaaban;849855 wrote: Only person i can think of that lives in that state. He wouldn't do that he's innocent and shy to do the things you said in your earlier post.
  11. Nin-Yaaban;849850 wrote: I knew those sex chat line calls to Somalia were expensive, but not this expensive. The only person i can think of that lives there is Che. Asaga hala weeydiiyo. Are you implying Che did it.
  12. Bluelicious


    GaroweGal;849691 wrote: I agree the finals were awesome. Good on Roger, I almost shed a tear for Murray. Imagine carrying the hopes of an entire nation, too much of a burden. Serena undoubtedly one of the greatest athletes the world has seen. When she retires it would be the end of an era. Have you noticed how racist Tracy Austin is towards the sisters, she always cheers for the white opponent against any of the Williams. Disgusting! But then again she could never measure up to them! Looking forward to the Olympics, but I must confess I only watch the athletics especially the relays, gymnastics and the volleyball. I know it was so sad for Murray they all started to cry with him, for a split second I wanted him to win since Roger Federer won so many Grand Slams and could win one next year. That's because that Tracy Austin is bitter about them winning she's hating on them for always winning and can't stand them succeed time after time. Or maybe she feels sorry for their opponents being slaughtered by the William sisters on the court lol. I don't have a particular favorite part of the Olympics I watch it in general. Is Somalia playing in the Olympics this year.
  13. Cambuulo iyo bun;849837 wrote: Yeah but the question is why do these teenagers choose this sort of lifestyle is it ''easy money'' that is entices them Everbody wants to know that too. I wouldn't know only them can tell us what drives them.
  14. Some people are hungry for money. The Somali person who did this should be ashamed of him/her couldn't he/she get Skype.
  15. Cambuulo iyo bun;849829 wrote: tell them blue, dear They knew exactly what they were getting into I don't think they were clueless about the world around them and the fate of their other gang members that died before them.
  16. These young men knew their chosen lifestyle would get them killed some day it was a matter of time.
  17. N.O.R.F;849680 wrote: lol Let's not blow his cover. He has been working on it for a while now You're a gullible fool who believes anything his feminine master NGONGE tells him. It's not the first time I see you acting like his slave. In case your narrow mind don't know me i'm a woman. You don't even know me on this forum so don't act like you do shut up and go buy yourself a pair of brains to think for yourself instead of judging people you don't know! Wyre - These two don't act like the other elder people they are immature toddlers who have tea parties in here and gossip and chat like women about women. Can't you see i'm the highlight of their day. They are so boring that I need to be the subject in order for them to get excited. Jacaylbaro - Hello, the coolest and funniest elder man in this thread
  18. Indeed it's a dangerous heart disease well said. I agree with everything you said. The-freeman;848940 wrote: Agreed- my brother went to university, and though I had no interest before, I went too. It can be a drive for personal improvement.But he's still taller than me :mad: Dear Freeman stop envying your brother. You have qualities that he doesn't have and admires about you and vice versa. You can't be perfect in everything.
  19. Looooooooooool those 2 guys were weirdos saying salaam to a donkey. Can it get more crazier.
  20. Carafaat;848847 wrote: Ngonge and Norf, waxa tihiin madaxda hadalada yar yar. kursi ayaan ku seexday iyo roob ayaa ka da'iya Ingriiska, ayaa war idiin ah. Lmao touche! There is the answer to why we don't post here he has nothing better to do then to nac nac like a woman. Can't you see his inviting us out with his reverse psychology. This feminine man (NGONGE) seems to love my name so much that he always chats about me when he's chatting to you or others. Waryaa boring oldie we say NO to your lame invitation.
  21. Narniah it's time to become the No Woman asap the more no's the less likely they will come back. The reason they are stealing your clothes is because you haven't set any boundaries with them and you give them the impression it's ok.
  22. Bluelicious


    Serena Williams is the queen of aces how many aces can one make after each other I love her feisty and playful way of playing. Not only did she won the female singles but she also won the female doubles with her sister Venus. They are a powerful duo wow. Agnieszka Radwanska she is a true Polish girl with her pokerface but nevertheless she was good and fought back bringing Poland to the finals for the first time in 83 years that is a achievement too. Roger Federer is a strong server. Omg he has now 17 Grand Slams he's a tennis machine. The man doesn't seem to crack always holding his composure and coolness. He was a true winner deserved it. The men's match got emotional when Andy Murray got emotional and started crying I felt for him losing in his own country ouch. He brought Great Britain to the finals for the first time in 74 years. He's still young and Federer is aging he can win Grand Slams in the future. Jonathan Marray won the men doubles at least they won something. Both the men and women finals was awesome. The wimbledon ended with a bang this weekend I loved it. Murray and Radwanska may have lost but they did make history for themsefls and their countries. I'm excited about next year. What a year this has been first the Euro 2012 then the Wimbledon 2012 and next Olympics all followed by each other in a short time. Let the good times roll ahaha Next event now: The Olympics.
  23. I'm gonna be cheering for my team The Red Devils aka Manchester United. Ps have you seen the Wimbledon finals since your a sportsman?