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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. It's the final countdown 5 days to go! OdaySomali are you alright dear it's not 20 hours you made a mistake. If I have to fast for 18 hours and 12 minutes while i'm one hour ahead of you then it's impossible that you have to fast 20 hours.
  2. The existence of love before and after marriage has been talked about in the thread True love never dies.
  3. Che -Guevara;850991 wrote: I observe and put my observation to the test. Have you been in love before? If yes i'm sure you have had your share of acting insane over a woman.
  4. Che -Guevara;850987 wrote: Dear audience is women only. What about yourself?
  5. oba hiloowlow;850982 wrote: ^^ I like it laakin im going to buy a new car when i finish the payment inshallah Why though?
  6. Narniah;850930 wrote: Lol blue I'm not really sure If I am (blushing) , I'm still trying to make sense of it all. Considering the fact that I've never really been in love before.. I've had crushes though but nothing serious worth losing my sleep over or that made me restless. This however, I don't know what it is... Don't worry my friend, I won't get my heart broken. I hardly let anyone in so easily. And when I do, I'll let you know:) xxx Aaww how cute first time being in love your overwhelmed. Schat we are so alike me too i've never been in love before and I also never get past having crushes I always seem to find deal breakers. We don't fall in love easily which is a good thing we therefore stay more grounded
  7. oba hiloowlow;850973 wrote: Blue i bought the car last yr im still paying lol It's a beautiful powerful car it was a good investment and is gonna last you many good years.
  8. ^^ Nice Oba. How long have you been saving? What are you hiding with the tinted glasses? Looooooool Moonlight that was funny.
  9. I've read about telomeres. Youthful looking people who look much younger then their age aka babyfaced people have good genes. They are also more likely to be healthier then the average normal or older looking person. Many people with diseases have been found to have short telomeres so the longer your telomeres the younger and healthier your DNA will stay making you less susceptible to illnesses, diseases, viruses and bacteria. Telomeres is a DNA which is linked to aging and is on control how you age. They found out that people who look younger have long telomeres and therefore age slowly then people who people who look older they have shorter telomeres and therefore age faster. So for the people who have a youthful appearance embrace it you have advantages. That's why babyfaced people are so loved by people or maybe they are in for the good genes
  10. Oh my God your in love Narniah no way. Make sure you don't get your heart broken or you can always call me to break that persons legs lol Love is blind and love is a drug watch out to not get addicted and blind lol
  11. Showqi;850909 wrote: Okay, I take back my DUCO ... But I am warning you by the time you come back from your Ramadan break I will be almost close to 3000 post. See I knew you would miss me wise choice. That's the spirit now hold that thought. Your gonna be in for a suprise lol
  12. Narniah;850906 wrote: Your right it needs time. I also think that if you love to do something it makes the journey of learning that much easier. I speak many languages and want to learn even more. Morrocans speak berber and french. I have many morrocan friends their arabic is hard. I don't really like the saudi arabic/yemeni arabic, or those khaliji ones, I like Eyptian arabic|! It's clearer, easier to learn and more fun. True if you have fun doing something you learn more and faster. I have Morrocan friends too, Morrocans speak next to berber and french also standard Morrocan Arabic, berbers and the standard speaking Morrocan Arabics have a hard time understanding each other.
  13. Showqi;850899 wrote: Philosopher, Are you sure she is going to beat me by 30 days? Mise aniga ayaad niyad ii dhisaysaa niyow! Blue, marka hore Ramadan Kariim kuligeen. Marka xiga waxaan kuugu duceynayaa in marka ay Ramadaantu dhamaato uu ilaahay ku ilowsiiyo password-kii aad SOL ku soo gali lahayd (Aamiin dheh)... Loooooool are we giving up already come on be a better opponent the race has just begun. Take that habaar back right now. You know you will miss me when that happens and you will scream for me to come back and remember it becareful what you wish for. Ramadan mubarak to you too Showqi
  14. Looooooool how about this one.
  15. The-freeman;850895 wrote: Make an if you wish to make a delicious pie! Loool I already know the ingredients of apple pie. I will try to watch it and see what I think of it
  16. To that ghost town talk about getting your priorities wrong.
  17. The-freeman;850891 wrote: The Universe must come into existence before one can contemplate the making of an apple pie. Have you seen Cosmos? I never watch classics the only classic movies I liked to watch were those from Charlie Chaplin.
  18. Nin-Yaaban;850293 wrote: Ma dad waxaaba jiraba "4 hours" kabadan wax cuni karo? Aniga 30 daqiiqo wixii kabadan, waaba buuxsamaa oo cunto ilama tusi karo. Same here, I too there is no need to be in a restaurant for 4 hours that's ridiculous. What do those people even do all that time.
  19. Lol at first invent the universe what did he mean by that. I love apple pie I got mad love for all pies and cakes.
  20. Haatu;850882 wrote: My orginal name was Hatu. I don't know why I picked it though. I think I was sneezing whilst trying to chose and wala Hatu was born. Great ideas come at odd times when you don't expect it
  21. There are not many Somali songs that I listen to but I love this one. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  22. wyre;850638 wrote: Only A Week And Ramadan Will Start Insha Allah, I Hope As I Usually Do Will Take Some Rest From Online Insha Allah Inta Wax Iga Tirsaneyso Cafis Ayaan Ka Dalbanaayaa Me too we gonna take a holiday from SOL together. I've never been on a forum during Ramadan. You got my forgiveness count on that. 30 days of Wyre and Bluelicious free SOL lool Aaliyyah - That is before I knew where to get these things. So I asked my Morrocan friend and she told me I can find it easily at any Islamic stores so I went to one in my town and purchased it problem solved. I never knew they buy miswak toothpaste in Islamic stores but then again I only go once in a year and don't know what they have in store.
  23. Somali philosopher;850670 wrote: i have done the math for both of you. unless your averages change bluelicious should beat you by 30 days. my bet is on blue That's what's gonna make this race interesting because Showqi is ahead of me. Your a math genius man 30 days you say I need you on my campaign against Showqi. The 30 days is gonna start after Ramadan because with the fasting and iftar time plus the charity work that i'll be doing I would be too exhausted to be on this place. Showqi - Lool you know how it is we can chat your ears off. I got 1 vote already yaay
  24. Narniah;850456 wrote: Yeah once I get into it I can keep going. I understand it very well, but I speak broken arabic lol I get by. My cousins are actually half Egyptian, so I learned it from them. MashaAllah though it's great that you can read it. I'd do anything to be able to speak it more fluently, and at the rate I'm going I think I just might:) You gotta start somewhere, you have a big advantage since your cousins speak it fluently and you can practice on them, it only needs time. You would think that after having went to Arabic weekend school that I would be able to speak a few words but I don't but then again they didn't speak Arabic in class because there were different kind of nationalities in one class and they didn't all speak Arabic. There are several Arabic countries and I don't think they all speak the same kind of Arabic they have different dialects so how do you even understand someone who's from Morocco or Dubai. For example in this thread you guys somehow understand each other while your writing different Arabic dialects.
  25. Narniah;850429 wrote: ^Blue my habibti! Mafish muskila= Like, ..Don't worry...there's no problem (It's egyptian arabic Ana Ahibak luqtal arabi= I love the arabic language:) Lol at habibti now that word I do understand, your so in the Arabic mood. I assume you can speak the language I have no interest in ever learning Arabic I will stick to only being able to read. Aaliyyah - Thanks babes for the translation.