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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. Taleexi;851754 wrote: Soomaaliga ciyaarta ka dhaaf. How can I explain myself to say "Wallahi"?, Blue, the night was called off prematurely if that makes it easier for digestion!, for me boorsooyinka waaweyni agtayda waxay ka yihiin no go zones !, waa sasaa markaan boorso weyn arko I now understand what you meant by it, damn Taleexi she got you good poor you man went straight for your ehum ehum. Good man stay away from handbags it's no man's business
  2. I like the date farms since I love dates. Love all your other pictures too they are beautiful.
  3. Hello Taleexi What did you find in there that shocked you? What's habeen bashaalkaygii?
  4. Loool Showqi made a similar thread about women and their big handbags here. Do you got a problem with what we carry in our big handbags you men are too nosey. We like to take care of ourselfs wherever we are we have to look fabulous all the time
  5. Aaliyyah;851706 wrote: Honesty is the best policy ayaa horay lo yidhi lol..Next time you two don't lie. Just be straight forward. We were honest about our experience. We are not perfect we all tell a lie or white lie once in a while even the most honest person.
  6. ^^ Wyre that is such a fun song I love it too. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  7. Do you know you can get a huge fine if you get caught maybe even doing some time in jail. Switch over asap while you still can.
  8. oba hiloowlow;851694 wrote: ouch# a similar story happened to me once, not cool!!! Oba same here but on a different place.
  9. Loooooooooooool Nowadays everyone can afford internet but you still got the lazy people who still do that. Wiil do you steal internet?
  10. She is caught red handed
  11. At least he is creative and got A+ for that.
  12. Mannen jullie weten toch dat khat meer kapot maakt dan je lief is. Dit onderzoek verbaasd me niet. Carafaat - OdaySomali is tegen khat zie je niet *** hij zich inzet om de Somalische mensen voorichting te geven, hoezo is hij dan een handelaar.
  13. I already knew all of this and most of it is common sense She forgot one thing college guys are not looking for serious commitment during their college time. All they are thinking about is party and girls.
  14. ^^ Tell him Blackflash. He probably finds intelligent women intimidating and scary. Lool at breathing blow up doll
  15. ^^ Raamsade speak for yourself and not for the whole of men you sexist! Those are your preferences.
  16. Thanks for sharing with us Abu. Repentance is a good thing. I will watch it at a later time.
  17. Interesting presentation I agree with him.
  18. Women have always been smarter then men they only never got the chance to prove themselfs. 5 - Lol at who runs the world of course women
  19. I knew this already but thanks for the reminder. This is a good thread for those who don't fast and think they are gonna starve.
  20. Aaliyyah;851002 wrote: ^mashallah blue, glad you found what you were looking for. Anyways, I am up for that too being free of SOL for Ramadan insha'allah and maybe even longer .. salaam You can join us too that way we can all focus better on ramadan and get the best out of it without distractions. Ramadan mubarak to you too.
  21. Hmm that is a great idea to start with a clean sheet. I have a dirty big list but here I go. I'm sorry to anyone I offended or hurt their feelings unintentionally or intentionally. Please for the love of God be brave enough and forgive me. Coofle - Can you translate what you said I would like to know.
  22. ^^ I think i'm gonna be fasting longer then you
  23. Maaddeey if you want yellow teeth drink more tea and coffee they are well known teeth stainers especially coffee. Some people are blessed with naturally yellow teeth and will do anything to get white teeth and you wanna go from white to yellow now that I find strange. Are you ok dear what happened that made you want to smoke again? If you really want to smoke again why don't you try out the nicotin patches that you put on any place that you want on your body and it will release the nicotin from the patch into your bloodstream. It's for people who wanna quit smoking but hey it can work the other way round too since smoking is all about the nicotin addiction and not the cigaret itself so therefore you don't need the cigaret. They sell it in beige colour and transparent. Do you want your lungs to look like the left picture because believe it or not that's a smokers lung.
  24. The-freeman;850468 wrote: ^^^ favourite re-interpretation: :D Loool I like The Simpsons I still watch it