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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. Conqueror;860521 wrote: Who may that be? Are you sure you wanna do this and make me say it?
  2. I didn't even know there were this many daadis songs I really thought this new song was the first. Keep it coming
  3. Conqueror;860507 wrote: I am the same Conqueror from Snet. However, neither was I against Udun from Snet nor did I ever supported Somaliland and it's Foreign Internet gangsters on Snet. As for Executive from Snet, we're not the same person. You see, I don't support Khaatumo nor Somaliland. Believe it or not, I was a staunch Puntland supporter few weeks ago. But, when I see Non-Khaatumites attacking my clan then I am obligated to come to the defense of my clan, no matter what political differences we have. I might not agree with many SSC clansmen, but no Puntlander (MJ) has the right to criticize a fellow SSC member, while glorifying their own criminals. Hmm.. interesting, you remind me of someone I know too. From Snet, Khaatumo ding ding we got a winner!
  4. Bluelicious

    Amal Aden

    Apophis;860352 wrote: She's Somali Norwegian Writer and critic. My favourite bit about her investigations into the Somali community in Norway: Other claims of traditions and attitudes of the Somali community in Oslo include that:[10] Somalis don't want to integrate in fear of losing their religion and culture. Somalis despise and fear Norwegians, who are seen as untrustworthy infidels and whores. Violence is common everyday. The father hit the mother, and the mother hit the children. Somalis "divorce" on paper only to gain public economical support for single mothers. Somali organisations work against integration internally, but presents itself to work for integration externally. Somalis aren't interested in their children, but give birth to many to gain the most possible social security payments. Many support female genital cutting, even though they say otherwise externally. Here's her Wiki She is bold and straightforward. That is why I don't know her she's Norwegian. Are you a Norwegian?
  5. *Ibtisam;860344 wrote: Abwaan, What Dhib? As for your argument- a lady sang a love song Saying I iga rooriin- dont run away. This guy replied with this song- I ii raadsan. So if you are going to do a song- it must be one where she takes back all her old words and says- awalba wax la jeclaado maad aheyn I will leave you to your cajiish shuukansi. Blue, dont let me see you on a street corner singing some love song for a man who told you waad igu riyotee ha i raadsan! I will beat you with your own heels- taught love eh I don't know what happened to Eamon he was the best thing that happened in music back in that time. He was famous with this song. Their drama was for everybody to see with their music fights. Loooooooool that was funny but i'm not that kind of person rest assured. I got some dignity and class left in me Abwaan - Here is more for your inspiration. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  6. Abwaan I still wanna sing just not those lyrics come up with something better that is woman friendly. Rejection and rejection go completely fine with each other then you have not listened to this song. Be warned about the provocative words. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> The female's response to him. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  7. Bluelicious

    Amal Aden

    She does look like a man who is she.
  8. ^^ Begging for a Farah ah?! He doesn't know us women yet. Abwaan you sexist is that your way of making a female version. Men will always side for men no matter what.
  9. ^^ I first need a translation of your lyrics as a singer you need to know what you are singing about.
  10. Abwaan;860312 wrote: Ok here is qaybtii hooriska bal intaan shanlada gacanta ku qabso oo ku sii tababaro inaad keeni kartid:D Roobloow sidaan layskuma ogeyn, Roorka jooji Riyadaydu waa weyn tahee, roorka jooji Raas baan lahaa wada dhistee, roorka jooji Rayn-Rayn ku wada joogaan lahaa, roorka jooji This was not the deal you gave some lyrics about rain loooool. Ibtisam - That is exactly what I thought too I agree. If I hear one more love song that's it i'm gonna go crazy lol
  11. Lol that is too bad some phones get commericalised but are not all that. I don't think his and yours have exact the same things there are common features that a phone has and there are also other features which they added on to that yours doesn't have. I don't think his 400 bucks got to waste it could last him for years.What kind of phone do you have?
  12. Abwaan;860304 wrote: Blue...If I write the famale version of the song, are you going to sing that? I can take care of the laxan and music. Just cod lee ma haysaa? Wiilkan waa in gabdhuhu bareejeeyaan oo iska dhiciyaan. Of course everybody can become a singer nowadays even if you don't have the voice for it they will beautify your voice with the computer. I have to warn you I can't sing so you will have to beautify my voice it's 2012. Bring the lyrics you got yourself a deal
  13. Carafaat have a safe trip. Take care of yourself.
  14. The first Somali artist I see singing about not wanting someone because every Somali artist is singing about someone they like so I welcome this change. The song is alright.
  15. Raamsade - Loool you got some jokes man. Abtigiis is into all kinds of girls so far I know whether they are buttless or not. Chimera - Looooool come on did you really think i didn't know especially after reading the 2. I knew all along what you were up to i'm all up for a good laugh
  16. Yeah it works good with few words but I haven't tried out with longer sentences. I do like to try out new stuff if I like it I will use it and if I don't I will move to the next thing. When it comes to electronics I don't switch fast as if it's clothes I buy one good thing and use it for years.
  17. Like grandfather like grandson. He looks like a exact copy of Muhammed Ali. They have some strong genes in the Ali family.
  18. It's not that hard it's exactly how they show it unless a person has rheuma or arthritis then a person could see it as hard and uncomfortable.
  19. Tallaabo;860201 wrote: Barbarian foqal barbarian!! How could they attack a woman like that just for her political views?? The Somali people's reputation and values are fast disappearing into the drain. May Allah help us. Agreed.
  20. Nin-Yaaban;860054 wrote: Well according to the article he won $550k (US, Ausralian?) for what happened to him. No money in the world could ever make up for losing time with your family/friends. That's just me. I agree with you no amount of money can give you back what you lost and your reputation ruined and society is unforgiving towards convicts it doesn't matter to them whether you were innocent or guilty. He is still young and it's shame to see that it's gonna affect his life and job prospects in the future.
  21. Google has launched a new feature the Google Handwrite which makes you able to write with your finger on the screen of your phone instead of typing into the search bar. So far I like it it's useful. The only con about it is that it's only for smartphones and tablets. Any one tried out this new feature. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  22. Lol @ mars for martians. Americans wanna take over everything.
  23. He's 20 year old with a daughter and he died while chewing khat what a shame. Who knew that this would be his last ramadan :eek: So indeed it's true that we all die according to what our lifestyle was. May Allah have mercy on his soul and help his family in this hard times.
  24. Narniah It's always great to see you and well done you got it too. Could you read the second one too? This game says nothing about a persons intelligence but i'm sure maybe you are a genius and we don't even know about it. Rather it shows how our brains work read and process things. As for strong mind I think everybody knows what it means since most live in a country where English is the first language.