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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. My legacy: hmm.. maybe a famous scientist not sure. I would have to get back to you about that.
  2. Good points to reflect on excellent thread! It's never too late to change yourself or the course of your life unless you are on your death bed.
  3. A whining and complaining man is not a good look.
  4. ^^ You haven't watched it he. After seeing that video I doubt you want to see it again.
  5. My goodness I can't believe I just watched that :eek: It's my first time seeing a camel giving birth too. What the hell is hanging out her vagina?? My appetite for the day is gone!
  6. ^^ Homer Simpson - classic Somebody is hating on science :rolleyes:
  7. Che -Guevara;861721 wrote: Only investment in primary education will increase literacy rates. *Blessed;861769 wrote: ^Agreed, sadly most of the attention back home goes to children in urban hubs whilst the majority are ignored. There's nothing with the current Somali script. It's easier to master than Arabic and is also more accessible to children raised in the diaspora who use the latin script. Co-sign.
  8. How to learn in your sleep It sounds like every student's dream: research published today in Nature Neuroscience shows that we can learn entirely new information while we snooze. Anat Arzi of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, and her colleagues used a simple form of learning called classical conditioning to teach 55 healthy participants to associate odours with sounds as they slept. They repeatedly exposed the sleeping participants to pleasant odours, such as deodorant and shampoo, and unpleasant odours such as rotting fish and meat, and played a specific sound to accompany each scent. It is well known that sleep has an important role in strengthening existing memories, and this conditioning was already known to alter sniffing behaviour in people who are awake. The subjects sniff strongly when they hear a tone associated with a pleasant smell, but only weakly in response to a tone associated with an unpleasant one. But the latest research shows that the sleep conditioning persists even after they wake up, causing them to sniff strongly or weakly on hearing the relevant tone — even if there was no odour. The participants were completely unaware that they had learned the relationship between smells and sounds. The effect was seen regardless of when the conditioning was done during the sleep cycle. However, the sniffing responses were slightly more pronounced in those participants who learned the association during the rapid eye movement (REM) stage, which typically occurs during the second half of a night's sleep. Pillow power Arzi thinks that we could probably learn more complex information while we sleep. “This does not imply that you can place your homework under the pillow and know it in the morning,” she says. “There will be clear limits on what we can learn in sleep, but I speculate that they will be beyond what we have demonstrated.” In 2009, Tristan Bekinschtein, a neuroscientist at the UK Medical Research Council's Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit in Cambridge, and his colleagues reported that some patients who are minimally conscious or in a vegetative state can be classically conditioned to blink in response to air puffed into their eyes. Conditioned responses such as these could eventually help clinicians to diagnose these neurological conditions, and to predict which patients might subsequently recover. “It remains to be seen if the neural networks involved in sleep learning are similar to the ones recruited during wakefulness,” says Bekinschtein. The findings by Arzi and her colleagues might also be useful for these purposes, and could lead to 'sleep therapies' that help to alter behaviour in conditions such as phobia. “We are now trying to implement helpful behavioural modification through sleep-learning,” says Arzi. “We also want to investigate the brain mechanisms involved, and the type of learning we use in other states of altered consciousness, such as vegetative state and coma.” Source
  9. Lol isn't that what we all thought they proved us wrong.
  10. These guys are just wow, never seen anybody do such tricks with a basketball not even the professional players. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  11. The Zack;861122 wrote: Feeri guudh, I hope all is well for u as well. Zenawi's death aint important huuno. The condolences coming from Muslim parties is just disgusting. Haha i'm fine couldn't be better.
  12. Hello Zack, how you doing? Millons (even maybe more) people day everyday across the globe. Some of them had horrible deaths and no one who even knows about it let alone putting importance on their death. Therefore the death of that dictator who killed millions of people shouldn't hold any importance. His death isn't any holier or better then all of the people who died before him.
  13. Bluelicious

    Hello all

    Wyre are you feeling any better now?
  14. ^^ Oh yeah in the end it's all worth it nothing can top that
  15. Same here Juxa don't like changes either eventhough sometimes change can be good. Damn woman you beat me and I thought my 7 years was long and holding a record
  16. Aaliyyah;860716 wrote: true that Blue. But, I also heard you have to first fast the days you missed in Ramadan before the 6 days of Shawal. Yes if you wanna get the reward of fasting for a year you have to make up the fasts you missed first to make your Ramadan complete before you move on to do the 6 days of Shawwal. You can read it clearly in the hadith above so if you are a woman it's gonna add up. That is bad news for the ones who have to make up 7 days. That would mean they have to fast for another 13 days. Holy moly Lord have mercy
  17. Somali philosopher;860367 wrote: LG optimus T i kno its out dated but it has all the things i need Whatever works for you. Don't mind all of the commercialisng of phones. If you like a certain phone don't let anybody talk you out of it. I had a Sony Ericsson for 4 years then a BlackBerry for 3 years and now I have a Iphone. For 7 years I had the same number untilI I changed when I switched to the Iphone to change things up. The thing I dislike is people who change their numbers and phones so often you can't even keep up.
  18. Showqi;860641 wrote: No Blue it's not shoes, Kabbad is a beautiful mat that our Reer Miyi use to make. You see our forefathers and grandmothers use to make many things with their hands. Here is a video of Somali girls making Kabbad It looks like a qadifad. So did you inherit any creativity with the hands or are you hopeless?
  19. You are also allowed to spread your 6 days of fasting over the month of Shawwal rather then fasting for 6 consecutive days after eid.
  20. Abwaan;860606 wrote: Looool...Wiil Culus baa meesha wacdaro ka dhigay.....Ibti...markay hawshan arag tolow ma roof-kay ka dhex bixi...? Lol joker why are you objecting all this daadis songs. Let me guess it's because women have made more daadis songs then men like Blessed said we have perfected the art of kicking farahs to the curb lool. Jaceylbaro, Will cusub and Blessed did a good job. It's refreshing to have a rejection thread for once rather then all the love song threads we have already. Stop whining i'm still waiting for those lyrics you promised me that you would work on it better be good.
  21. Wiil Cusub;860526 wrote: To stay on negative mood bal tan eeg yaa badiyay raga iyo dumarka? WAA RAG (Faarax VS Xaliimo) Lol we are not in a negative mood there comes a time you get fed up with love songs and you wanna hear something else to balance things out. No doubt about it the women won your video is fun
  22. Conqueror;860527 wrote: Bluelicious, What are you talking about? You are that coward KOW. It's NOT nice to see you back again. Your days won't last long as always toodles.