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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. Stop posting all together! Go enjoy your holiday you're on! Sun sea beach women good food and you want to be here lol :eek:
  2. Apophis;863375 wrote: Thank you but I have learnt about Islam and I have seen the truth (as much as humanly possible) for myself and no, no going back. Ps: pray for me to get rich, then we can talk Why did you had to lie when I asked you whether you were muslim? I don't like liars :mad: Strange that you said you were a muslim when I asked you in one of your threads and now you tell the opposite to Aaliyyah. Seems the latter is the truthful one.
  3. RaMpAgE;863526 wrote: Heres one, *** as in *** Hiddink, is a name, I think its short for Gustavo. Lmao dude it's not what you think. His name is Guus Hiddink. You pronunciate his name like Khuus not like the Somali word for the male private parts. The pronunciation of the 'G' is different in Dutch then in English.
  4. Chimera loooooool het is je gelukt iedereen is verbaasd
  5. What she is discussing is overreacting of positive thoughts sometimes reality is needed. I agree with everything she says though. This is exactly what is going on right now in the world.
  6. Chimera;863572 wrote: I'm not mad, this is me. I like to troll once in the blue moon, while others prefer insulting one another, engaging in gender fights or generalise their own community. I instead highlight the irony with a case of deja-vu. These interracial discussions are very alien to me though, I think I have only encountered one in my life, and I live in a big Somali community. Ok if you say so but it came across as if you were mad anyways continue. Personally i've never seen or come across interracial marriages so I don't get it when people talk about it. I think you should let your opinion be heard in that thread. I say do it it would be fun!
  7. Chimera;863554 wrote: ^Point is: same sh!t, different day. These marriage topics seem to be the most popular on SOL, along with politics and stuff about degeneration. While the more interesting topics are ignored. I hope this flood of old topics will make everyone sick to the stomach and get back to the good stuff. I hear you and you are right about that. You should post this comment in that new thread that is going on right now maybe they are not aware of it. Chimera chillax that thread will die away in a day. There is no point in stressing yourself out over these things. These things will work themselfs out. Che - I think it's not the time for provocation since Chimera seems to be annoyed and mad.
  8. Uuumm Chimera what's with all of these old threads about interracial marriages that you have re-opened. What's your point?
  9. MMA - Whether you write kut or kud the pronunciation stays similar. Shinbir Majabe - To be honest i've never heard of fak iyo fak before just like Wyre.
  10. Bluelicious


    Lmao this was too funny man. Thank God there is no GhettoSiri.
  11. Lmao @ fak iyo fak so deh. That got me laughing. The somali words kir iyo kut. Kut has a different meaning in Dutch and means woman's private parts.
  12. Maaddeey a lil warning could do for the pictures. One man is smiling and another man has gun shots in his face shocking. I don't get people who die smiling. Maybe he has seen paradise who knows. War - What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!
  13. ^^ Have you ever seen the movie ''White man can't jump''? If yes then you will get the joke.
  14. oba hiloowlow;863206 wrote: Blue Abaayo what can i say we faaraxs are irresistible.:cool: Lol @ irresistible, don't you mean disposable for the next person. Men - You can't live with them or without them
  15. Cure: Don't give out your heart. No man is it worth to be crying over him oh hell no! Woman up woman plenty of men left in the world!!
  16. Bluelicious


    I always thought it was a offensive word too.
  17. Lovely pictures had to google where Eastleigh was located.
  18. We have a box full of those cassette tapes sended in by family. They wouldn't even let me convert their cassette tapes into CD. A CD lasts longer then a cassette tape talk about being old fashioned.
  19. Juxa;862338 wrote: Blue, working mothers can also have successful children. as you said it is all about finding the right balance and investing time and effort on your children. I was pointing out that not only working parents can have succesful children as the article was stating but that parents who are not that rich and where the mother is a stay at home parent can also have succesful children.
  20. Having 5 succesful children is possible it all depends on how much time and effort the parents put into all of their children. Stay at home mothers can also have succesful children.
  21. wyre;862061 wrote: The Finger Thing.. It Happened To Me Too :D Every man experiences the finger thing at least once lol
  22. Humble. Lol Wyre. Yeah Peasant what do you mean by delicious.