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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. What's with his pokerface reaction and it looks like he doesn't care poor woman I hope she recovers soon.
  2. There is alot of things wrong between the picture and the video. Maybe she was learning them how to pray her crowd look like reverts to me hence why she was translating each sentence she said. Her name doesn't sound Somali to me either she must be an arab or something.
  3. There is hope for these children to make their dreams come true since Somalia is slowly starting to change and head to the right direction.
  4. I've never heard of this man before but nevertheless it's good news for him and his talent. It's about time he got some recognition for his hard work. Carafaat;865736 wrote: I will for sure participate. I will try to organise a side event in my town. Ibti, any idea how I can get in contact with the old men or his crew? Maxamed Ibraahim Warsame alias Hadraawi is coming to Amsterdam on 12 december 2012 to collect his award and money. Mocht je geïnteresseerd zijn het Koninklijk Paleis ligt op de dam kan je gewoon niet missen maar ik denk niet dat je daar toegang zal krijgen.
  5. Apophis;865605 wrote: ^^^ It's a 2 million old chess game with no winners or losers; just a perpetual stalemate. Lol at your comparison with chess out of all things.
  6. Haatu;865599 wrote: Blue why do you have to ruin the joke I'm only giving women a heads up and besides we already know what you guys are up to we are not blind
  7. Women are like tea bags, you never know how strong they are until they are in HOT water. Don't imagine you can change a man - unless he is in diapers. What do you if your boyfriend walks out? You shut the door. If they can send a man to the moon - why can't they send them all? Never let your man's mind wander - it's too little to be out alone. Go for younger men. You might as well - they never mature anyway. Definition of a bachelor; a man who has missed the opportunity to make some woman miserable. Women don't make fools of men - most of them are the do-it-yourself types. Love is blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener. If you want a committed man, look in the mental hospital
  8. Apophis;865551 wrote: lol, a new way of running? What happened to the 'old' way of running? Well people are getting lazy and don't wanna use their whole body so they came up with that lame thing where you don't even have to use your upper body just peddle with your feet.
  9. It looks like the new way of running. If i'm using my feet I might as well use a step.
  10. Amazing piece of work I liked it.
  11. ^^ Lol at what he will do just to get in bed. A wolf in sheeps clothes The husband: "I'm not crying because she's dead, I'm crying because she lived for so long." Loool how cruel of him. Why did he marry her in the first place if he hated her.
  12. Blackflash;865239 wrote: Oh I see! I guess you're talking about Lorena Bobbitt. There was evidence to suggest spousal rape and violence in that case, so I can definitely see the comparison now. Bingo that was the one I meant that happened in the 90's. She was the first to do such act and in that time it shocked the world, she even appeared on the Oprah show. You really worked well with my vague information. Ps according to Oprah show she is married now unbelievable you would think her chances of ever getting married again would go down the drain :eek:
  13. Blackflash;865235 wrote: Are you talking about the L.A case , in which the only crime committed by the man was filing for divorce? If so, I don't see how the two are comparable as one involves an allegedly battered woman and the other a sadistic psychopathic woman. This isn't the case I meant and no I wasn't comparing the two just mentioning that there was an American woman who did that years ago when her husband cheated on her back then it was a big case that shocked everyone. She pretty much set the tone after that woman all women across the globe started to imitate her and cut their husbands sexual organs off. Men better watch out when they are sleeping at night or better yet never make a woman angry at night.
  14. Blackflash;865232 wrote: You're not alone Nin-Yaaban. I was arrested myself when I was 16 for a relatively minor crime (theft at a gas station). Have been on the straight and narrow since then, but have watched many friends upgrade to more violent offenses. There's only so much your parents and the system can do to/for you before you have to hold yourself accountable. No way how honest and brave of you to come out like that. Well done for turning yourself around for the better.
  15. Narniah;865228 wrote: SubhanaAllah, this reminds me of this proverb:| "The softness of a person's nature doesn't mean weakness because nothing is softer than water but its force can break the strongest Rocks." A woman is no different, specially a mother. I think she killed him because she wanted to protect her children. May Allah grant her patience and protect her from harm ameen. She's such an inspiration to many who have no strength or voice. Well said i'm familiar with that proverb! There are people who view being soft spoken or gentle as a weakness and not as strength. Never underestimate a person for you don't know what they are capable of. As for that man he got what he worked for by that courageous woman she has suffered enough abuse and finally stood up for herself. ElPunto;865229 wrote: This woman had a choice before deciding to behead this guy - why go through 8 months of rape - she could have moved her kids to safety . It doesn't make sense. But no doubt this guy deserved it if the rapes happened. I just question her judgement. She lived in a small village there is no safety.
  16. We have a woman who who cut a man's sexual organ off don't recall her name anymore and now we have this woman who not only shot a man in his sexual organ but also beheaded him. In a way the man was asking for it thinking he could get away with it.
  17. Bluelicious


    Apophis;865215 wrote: Not one for poetry but the above one speaks to me. Nice post Blue. A few years ago I wasn't into poetry either until I came across the work of Rumi now i'm all into poems. This is your beginning of getting introduced to poetry that is how it all starts. It all starts with the power of one poem.
  18. Nin-Yaaban;865158 wrote: 3 Ajanabi, 1 Somali arrested for MINDI homicide. Mohamed Hashi, 19. Usually people do the opposite of what she said. I'm baffled about it first person I see to make such a comment on convicts. But I agree with the following quotes she made. What these men didn’t realise was that when they murdered my son, all their hopes and dreams were buried in Milad’s grave with him. All that went away when they killed my son, so really when we buried Milad we buried these murderers too. Those boys would have been at work, and then by the time they were back their minds and bodies would be too tired to kill.
  19. Bluelicious


    Narniah what a awesome experience, i'm a big fan of Rumi too he's the best, greatest and inspirational poet in my opinion. His poems make so much sense and have islamic influences. When you read it you get the aha moment. Naxar Nugaaleed it must have been in there blood and genes to be so talented and cheers for your poem. Blessed thanks darling that one is in my favorite list love it cheers for that. Never thought there were this many Rumi poem lovers on here. Wonderful to share our favorite Rumi poems with each other. Omg it's Paragon the resident poet, welcome back! Good to see your still alive and kicking I like the following: Moving Water When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. When actions come from another section, the feeling disappears. Don't let others lead you. They may be blind or, worse, vultures. Reach for the rope of God. And what is that? Putting aside self-will. Because of willfulness people sit in jail, the trapped bird's wings are tied, fish sizzle in the skillet. The anger of police is willfulness. You've seen a magistrate inflict visible punishment. Now see the invisible. If you could leave your selfishness, you would see how you've been torturing your soul. We are born and live inside black water in a well. How could we know what an open field of sunlight is? Don't insist on going where you think you want to go. Ask the way to the spring. Your living pieces will form a harmony. There is a moving palace that floats in the air with balconies and clear water flowing through, infinity everywhere, yet contained under a single tent.
  20. Bluelicious


    Thanks Narniah Rumi got some good poems. I don't know whether you know him.
  21. Bluelicious


    Someday our souls will be one And our union will be forever. I know that everything I give you Comes back to me. So I give you my life, Hoping that You Will come back to me. ___________________________________________ Seek the wisdom that will untie your know see the path that demands your whole being. Leave that which is not, but appears to be seek that which is, but is not apparent. - Rumi
  22. Chimera;864832 wrote: These two videos were my favorite. Balls of Steel is hilarious never failed to make me laugh I use to watch it in 2009. It seems the Dutch television is getting flooded with more English programs.
  23. In every field you go networking is of essential and is a stepping stone to a high flying career if you know the right people.