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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. MMA that is because we are nomads by nature it's hardwired within us to travel we love freedom
  2. I agree with you he should fly to Turkey. It would be good if we maintained contact with Turkey as political friends seeing how much they did for our country. This new president better not be as Sharif Ahmed who spent most of his time up in the air around the globe then on the ground in his own country.
  3. The man is still around since he still has the responsibility and duty as a moderator. He's probably doing more behind the scene work then on the scene (forum). If your sincerely concerned about him try sending him a pm i'm sure he's gonna answer and with that show you that I was right.
  4. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;868749 wrote: Since I go frequently to Nayroobi, I hate markii loo dhawaado Nayroobi. It gets turbulent after the plane passes where Koonfurta Suudaan's border is because buuraha u dhow Nayroobi. It is mini-turbulent and I keep forgetting each time until I experience again. Ducooyin ayaa bilaabaa. Nothing scarier than a plane 37,000 feet above the ground shaking violently and unexpectedly. Thanks for telling me that I will make sure I never go to Nairobi i'm so freaking scared of turbulence the only good thing about it is that it makes you make more prayers thus your fear of planes or turbulence is gonna bring you closer to God. You damn right about that nothing scarier then a plan shaking violently unexpected so high in the sky it makes you start thinking of your death. What makes it worse is the plane staff are not allowed to inform the passengers when something is wrong unless it's very serious like the plane is gonna crash to not upset, make them scared and to prevent chaos.
  5. Dhagax-Tuur;868673 wrote: ^Not unmanly to admit that flying scares the shrieks out of me, right? Lol. It does. I am not on that plane, and just watching it scares me. Can't wait the day they'll invent something smoother than plane-flying to get us from a to b tout de suit. I have an idea something that runs under the sea, submarine type, that can do 300km/hr or more, pref. It'll take the edge off travelling. I will start pitching it at Dragon's den. Don't worry dude such things have nothing do with being a man or a woman, even the biggest macho man would feel powerless and scared high up in the air when something happens. Being a bit scared of flying and planes is perfectly normal that is because you know the risks and things that could go wrong, for all you know you might share a seat with a lunatic who is ready to blow himself up. Saw plenty of those on National Geographic you can't trust your fellow passengers. Travelling under water that sounds something which needs alot of work and underground work. Underground works take a very long time and are difficult to do not to mention that it's gonna cost more money then the cost of making a plane. Who knows your idea might work you can always try, let me know how it goes.
  6. I fail to see how that skeleton man is gonna defend that chubby man. One push from a muscled man with more fat and that skeleton will fly across the room loool. I bet he doesn't even know Taekwondo or how to use the body as a killing machine without using weapons.
  7. My worst nightmare is when a plane gets in a turbulence. Maybe i've watched too many planes crashing down at National Geographic. I seriously need to stop watching those programs it instills fear in you. In this matter about planes ignorance is bliss.
  8. How times have changed nevertheless it's funny.
  9. What people will do to go to another country. It's sad for these people to die during their dangerous journey. I guess freedom comes with a price.
  10. This the most used from your list; '' Would you like to help me wake up for Fajr? ''. It's hilarious when religious men use those pick up lines. You don't expect them to do such thing.
  11. So in other words you dislike Mooge. Mooge may be a lil rough on the edges but he is a nice guy.
  12. Narniah;868160 wrote: I know many revert brothers who are *sigh* MashaAllah looking. *Faints* lol I know a Half Somali half Dutch brother, he's as white as it gets and so fit. When he confined in me why sister's aren't sending him marriage proposals like his revert counterparts, I told him to be a lil less fashionable and replace his jeans with thobes get a kofi, become a Wadad, be regular in his local mosque then watch get taken off that shelf faster than a white coated oreo. lol Seriously though, our sisters nowadays want men who love the deen. That's why they marry reverts, so Somali guys need to get with the Quraan and start practising the deen more. The Somali youth is all about deen. It's the older ones like men & women in their late twenties and whatnot who party, don't cover properly and just make all the Somalis look bad. From inside out, we don't just want a brother in a thobe, who cusses randomly, doesn't pray, who doesn't go to Jummah prayer. You gotta be the full package, basically. The youth doesn't have a good example unfortunately so who do we look up to? The prophet (saw) and the people who are nearest to the sunnah. Our parents (but you can't marry someone who's your parents age), the community whom they feel like shares the same qualities. That's why when they see a young man who fears Allah, is willing to forsake this dunya for the akhirah, they will pick him over the Somali guy who doesn't know anything about the deen. But mashaAllah I see a rise of Somali brothers on the deen lately, which is great mashaAllah. This will not only benefit themselves but it'll help them to possible secure their position and chance of impressing a good sister who's looking for a righteous brother. Lots of ramblings but hopefully you get my point Inshallah. Well said and true! People are stepping up their games. Lmao you made me laugh when you said '' I know many revert brothers who are *sigh* MashaAllah looking. *Faints* ''
  13. Coofle;868182 wrote: Let me Generally explain it... Endocrine glands = Qanjidhada Marinka la'a Adrenal glands/ Supra-Renal gland = Qanjidh Kalyeed (( Personally I would renamed it "Qanjidhka Kali-nabane " kk)) Adrenal cortex = Diir hoosaadka Qanjidh kalyeedka .... ((Personally I would prefer "Maydhaxda Qanjidhka" -- Cortex of the gland)) Adernal Medulla = Madhulaha . Thank you very much for your detailed helpful answer
  14. Since this is a Somali-English thread I thought I post my question in here since it's relevant. What are the adrenal and adrenal cortex called in Somali?
  15. rudy-Diiriye;867693 wrote: crying is for momma boyz! i never do......but i smile alot! ITs magic! only for the ladies though......homies, run when they see my face! Well...just just guess how i got my nick-name. So dont cross Rudy or else, u will be toast. I am str8t like an arrow but i dont like to take things seriously. I always wondered how you came to the Rudy part of your name. Apophis - Stop being so paranoid and thinking each thing is to get something out of you. How you interpret things is not always how it was intended. It looks like you took my reply to heart loooool come on just because I said you suck.
  16. Che -Guevara;867686 wrote: Other than children no but I know people who cry for the sake of crying. I can't deal with people who cry for the sake of crying that is too much and at some point you get fed up about it.
  17. Che -Guevara;867677 wrote: When Qandalawi watches 'When Harry Meets Sally' Looool, maybe he has seen somebody who does that or maybe he does it himself who knows. Have you ever came across a person who screams while crying (while not being angry or upset) I can't imagine such thing. Apophis - Your secretiveness about normal stuff sucks! :mad:
  18. Apophis;867673 wrote: I think I cried for abit when I was born but I stopped the next day; it did work for me. That is the biggest bullshit I ever heard.The fact that you are so secretive about it may suggest you do cry and don't want me to know. It's not that big of a deal.
  19. Apophis;867668 wrote: Whenever I get hay fever people think I'm crying; annoying as hell. There is nothing worse then having hay fever in summer. I get watery eyes in the winter. What about you and real crying?
  20. ^^ Who screams when they are crying that is odd.
  21. Apophis;867659 wrote: ^^Why change when you're in the right? Lool stubborn man we can't both be stubborn
  22. Apophis;867656 wrote: Have you ever driven on the left side? It feels much more natural than the right side. As I said "left is right" is actually right. No I haven't and I don't think I will ever plan to do that. Maybe you should try out our side.
  23. Isra;867646 wrote: ^ Aphopsis ..... psh psh *whispers* its a post doctoral degree. Loool why you gotta tell him that. He was about to do all the work and google it.