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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. The clue of what he has seen is in here: Let’s just say there is somebody in my building that needs to be put down. Like a dog. Maybe it was one of those people who abuse animals in a perverted way.
  2. I find it hard to believe that Maaddeey is a undercover CIA agent the man doesn't have those skills. Is this for real or is Maaddeey getting pranked.
  3. What a cute adorable baby. His/her first word he/she learned must have been mum.
  4. That was a kind gesture to help the old man in need.
  5. Garnaqsi spill the beans about you and the 50 Shades of Grey.
  6. Mario B;870730 wrote: It's search for a better life, but i hope there is a time soon when Somalis say enough is enough and move back home or go to countries that are safe [ Zambia, Mozambique, Angola, Botswana, Uganda, Congo [Kitanga province] etc. Exactly my point why not go to more closer countries such as those you named above. South Africa is all the way at the bottom of Africa which means they have to travel longer to reach their destination. Yeah let's wait for that day inshallah hope that will be soon because this is no live for those poor Somalis to be targeted like this.
  7. Mario B;870725 wrote: ^ This is the second murder in as many weeks in which a Somali woman has been killed in similar circumstances. The previous woman [AUN] was a mother of three. Why do Somalis even live in South Africa knowing the dangerous circumstances and being a country where racism still exists and is practiced widely. You hear all of these horror stories but yet that doesn't stop some from still moving to that country.
  8. Mario B;870720 wrote: A a nine month pregnant Somali lady got killed after being raped in her own home by armed South Africa savages. I hope those savages d!ck fall off as they die a terrible death sometime in the near future.:mad: Thanks Mario In her home subhanallah what a cruel murder but then again South Africa is the most dangerous country in the world. You're never safe not even in your own home. Tallaabo - You're so greedy helping me out wouldn't kill you and I will learn with time just not today.
  9. What happened translation please. If only Google translated Somali.
  10. Aaliyyah;870663 wrote: Of course I will pray for him no doubt. But, it doesn't hurt to advice him. As muslims it is part of our duty to preach (although in my post I barely preached him I simply suggested he grabs a copy of the Koran and see for himself ..) “And who is better in speech then he who invites to Allaah, meaning, Islamic monotheism and does righteous deeds and says; `I am one of the Muslims`” [Quran 41:33]. I know but it isn't really appreciated looking at their replies so you better off saying nothing anyways I was just telling you that you were entering a dead end conversation.
  11. Aaliyyah;870395 wrote: Secondly, Look at you denying the very existence of God. Yet, God is merciful and he's giving you time to repent if you so choose to. Do yourself a favor and read the Koran (or the English translation if you don't understand arabic). And, remember at the end of the day if you believe it is only to your benefit. God doesn't need anything from his own creation. Don't waste your time and energy you can't guide whomever God chooses to misguide there is no way you can save that person. You can't also misguide a person whom God has guided. Whatever you do it's like trying to make the impossible possible just let him be and accept him for who he is. If you sincerely care about him and his future the best thing you can do is make a prayer for him so God can guide him back to the right path that's all.
  12. Wadani;870637 wrote: Blue have u read it? Well yeah i've read it but my novel days are over i'm just not that into reading anymore. Have you read it or is this the first time you heared about it?
  13. Garnaqsi wouldn't that mean you have a dirty mind too since you know about that erotic novel and probably most likely also read it. Look you even made JB search for it and download it Ps that song is ok it's one of those songs that you have to listen alot to start liking it.
  14. Apophis;870608 wrote: It's really him....according to close sources. I lost interest in the other thread when Jacpher started on about "aadam ibn aadam" and Ayoub mentioned something about 4.5 and monkeys. Don't believe everything you hear unless you saw it with your own eyes. I didn't fully understand those two replies either anyways drop the beautiful Lesula and let that monkey do it's business in peace
  15. ^^ Lol at you posting that monkey around. Did you know Ayoub and Jacpher gave him a clan name? I know it sounds ridiculous.
  16. Alpha Blondy;870270 wrote: ^ its quite obvious jacfar is being a tribalist. this is quite sad in the 21st century. From what I read Jacpher is saying that black people are descendants of monkeys wtf. That clan is everything is clear from this thread as now even monkeys are pointed to having a clan. Tribalism has reached a whole new level and this is ridiculous.
  17. Nobody ever comes alive out of the hands of Al-Shabaab so there is very little chance of him being alive.
  18. Wow how amazing I should have come across that website much earlier.
  19. Lool he has lovely brown eyes.
  20. Nin-Yaaban;869933 wrote: I use the same camera also....and i find out NAL helps too. Check this out... NY in the building! Greetings from overseas right back at ya sweet man thanks. Very nice video with a good quality camera, seems the HP isn't being a racist to you. Garnaqsi - Gentleman first you show us your Mr Darcy style first. We wanna hear that posh British accent of yours. Then maybe we can discuss it