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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. Apophis;872695 wrote: ^^ The worst are the ones people send during Eid or beginning/ end of Ramadan; they are devoid of any creativity or originality. The worst copy and paste has to offer; just hideous. Lol at your superstitious. Apophis chain messages are always copy and paste.
  2. Jacpher;872687 wrote: ^Arabs? Wow! This ain't no different than those chain sms messages circling around with few azkaar, hadith or some quran verse and at the end of the message, it says you go to jannah if you forward it to ten people. I wonder what about seven people? Do I still go to Jannah? Nah you are three short. How does Mooge know this is some Iraqi girls running in the middle of Salah to watch some TV program? To me it looks a lot like people watching some jinni action going on. I hate chain messages delete them as soon as I see without reading it. Some people are gullible and still believe in such practice that if they really do that something good will happen to them in a few days. A Turkish friend of mine really believes in these stuff.
  3. Abtigiis;872222 wrote: After wallowing in love-less wilderness for eternity, the sensual ordeal is finally over. Bluelicious loves me and hey my wonderful mother should break skirt in leaping joy!! Ilililiiiillllliii! Wada dhalasho iyo dhiiga chants should herald a blissful wedding of Abtigiis and the bootylicious! Ladies and gentleman, the fury with which Blue reacted to my comments to her kind words is the final confirmation of the depth of feelings towards me on her part. Let the sky and the earth, the rivers and the desert bear witness to this momentous moment of true love as i say "I DO" to Blue's " will you marry me". Ha naloo duceeyo kolka. All I don't want to hear now is Blue's family asking me for a hefty dowry, so that i don't say, sidii ninkii dantu seeteeysay: "Xoolaa laxaad leh ee, wax kale libin ma hooyaane Lixdan adhi ah iyo qaalin, bay igaga laaleene Liil geliya caawana wixii, lagula laabmaayo Loool I must have been drug induced to propose to a man that's not something the sober me would have done eventhough that's perfectly acceptable thing to do in Islam. Oh just stop this will you I don't love you in that way but rather as a creation of God. Wyre - Lool at that emoticon. I know this guy likes to stir problems and make people against each other. Showqi - Animals? Come on we are not in Somalia, that aint happening lol
  4. oba hiloowlow;872474 wrote: hahahaha seriously this is sooooooo fake Co-sign. Arabs use scare tactics such as fake made up stories to educate their people.
  5. Does Diana ever do something good for any skin I wonder why people are still using it while knowing the dangers. In the end it's not worth it to risk your health for a lighter skin. By the way she looks like Casper the ghost.
  6. Abtigiis;871995 wrote: Bootylicious’s gratuitously foolhardy praise of me would have received a cheering mouth and flinging chest were it not for the fact that, on closer inspection, it equates to the proverbial rousing words that a caring mother tells to her heartbroken spinster after one more engagement proposal flops yet again, following weeks of preparations for a grand wedding ceremony. “Dhaban kaana waad leedahay, oofna kuma jabna, calafkaaga oo faras duulaya saaran baa kuu iman ee ha is xumayn”, the worried mother says to the old girl, more in desperation and confusion, less in hope and genuine assessment of her girl’s worth! The old girl, who is only too aware of deeper creases, coarsening flesh and imminent gaps in a drooping mouth that once kissed sweet, that once radiated scented breath, can hardly leap in joy on account of the thoughtful words of the distressed mother. Likewise, far more useful to my wilting self-esteem than this patronizing benevolence would have been a direct private message where ‘the Blue” expresses her love and admiration furtively. That did not come, and therefore I reject Blue’s comforting appraisal of me as a coquettish courtship of a cat-walking cyber script. It gives me pain not pleasure to know those who love me are only those who can’t or haven’t seen me! So, I agree with Mario’s assessment that rather than help restore my faltering love ego, Blue has fired the killer bullet! What a ungrateful old man you are for offending me like this, hereby I take my kind words back that were meant to help you. You aren't worthy of my comment you hopeless gigolo, go listen to your feminine master Ngonge since you joined his loser club and you obey whatever he says. I was the only one who gave you some useful advice the rest were all being negative offending and insulting yet you chose to offend and insult me rather then the people who insulted you. To me it looks like you like to be abused and insulted and have no self respect. Malika - That feminine Ngonge has always issues about what I say about other men he's being jealous because of the things I said about Abtigiis and especially about the part where I said ''the coolest man of all the 30+ on this place there is something about you that makes you stand out'' It seems my post hit him like a knife in the heart it's so obvious from his reaction. Mario B - Thanks dude but there is nothing to save here. Abtigiis is a loser and I was so wrong about him, this changes everything about him.
  7. Wadani;871830 wrote: Bluelicious you, my dear, are a wonderful person, masha'Allah. Wadani thank you dear it means alot coming from you, you are a amazing person yourself too. Great minds think alike
  8. Abtigiis inadeer life is not fair and will always play games with you and throw hurdles at you but that is what makes life exciting and interesting. Not everybody is destined to find love or a suitable partner on this world and we need to accept that because there is more to life then only love. Sometimes things come when you least expect them and never compare yourself to others they may have qualities that you don't have and you may have qualities that they don't have and admire about you and wish they had. By the way it's better a person never tells you that they love you then hearing a fake I love you that would break your heart. At least then you know they don't take it lightly and dish it out very easy to the first person that comes along. Assuming they are the average Farax I don't think they have your amazing qualities. I'm a young woman and I find you the coolest man of all the 30+ on this place there is something about you that makes you stand out, you're a charismatic, witty, intelligent, great story teller and great writer I enjoy enjoy reading your threads and you seem to have good manners thus making you a gentleman. You seem to have it all going on for you I think the approaching is your problem like many people and maybe you should give women of your age a chance after all you have alot in common and life goals they would understand you better. You are a wealthy man because you still have your good health and no illnesses and diseases. There are only two types of people who are the wealthiest on earth; the one who still has his good health and the one who has no debt. So consider yourself lucky and count your blessings. Being content and grateful with what you have at the moment will only increase what you have over time. Try meditating and yoga that will give you some inner peace Oba Hiloowlow - No man is born with the most excellent skills to approach women, you learn that over time by women rejecting you. Players and men who have great succes with pick up lines are men who have been rejected many times and developed and improved their skills thus making them an expert in their field over time. As I always say each no brings you closer to your yes.
  9. I'm doing good how about you?" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  10. Goofy with Dutch subtitles. I love Goofy those were the good times
  11. OdaySomali;871361 wrote: Blue, be a bit more compassionate walaal. For all you know their family members are on these forums; and knowing that they chose/got caught up in that lifestyle, is not any less painfull or anguishing and certainly does not provide comfort to their families. Imagine if your brother or son got killed and what you are saying now, was said to you. But it is indeed very unfortunate and regrettable. I understand where you are coming from but I don't think i've been that harsh in my comment, I don't have any compassion for a person who chooses to live a certain lifestyle and gets killed by it. They don't have any compassion either when they are harming other people when they are living that lifestyle. You get what you worked for when their death comes around I may give my condolences to the family but i'm not compassionate about their death.
  12. AYOUB;871373 wrote: So long as you you didn't confuse me with Carafat, nothing to apologise for and we still like that. Lol now why would I confuse you of being Carafaat I know the difference between the two of you. You are opposite poles.
  13. Jacpher;871367 wrote: ^monkey see monkey do baan maqli jiray. Bluelicious : horta bluelicious maxaa laga wadaa. Wili waad i akiyuus gareenooysaa miyaa adi? It has no meaning it's two words joint together to form a new word. Jacpher i'm no longer accusing you I was only explaining things to Ayoub. I don't know what's going on/ or has been said between you guys all I did was react on whatever was being discussed in this thread. Maybe there were misunderstandings created between each other I already said to you that this is getting all confusing since I don't know what happened before this so hence I said fair enough when you said you never said that nor meant it that way.
  14. AYOUB;871336 wrote: You did.. That was a typing mistake I only meant to write Jacpher. Sorry Ayoub I take that back.
  15. Bluelicious


    ^^ Thank you for sharing Uztaad haven't come across that one yet.
  16. ^^ No it's not Haatu I looked it up now and I was right except for the word man it should have been men. So the movie is called: White men can't jump
  17. AYOUB;871331 wrote: ^ Why did you accuse me of giving me Lesula a clan name? Ayoub dear I never mentioned your name unless you are Jacpher. Your innocent thread got hijacked and injected with tribalism
  18. Jacpher;870802 wrote: No ina-adeer that's not what I said. No I didn't say that. No It was not said by me. You misunderstood what I said. And It was Alpha who injected the clan, tribe thingy into the topic, not me. Relax, no one said anything about a clan being a monkey. It seems like you misread the whole thing or Alpha confused you more. I think Apophis can tell us who said that. This whole thing is only confusing anyways fair enough
  19. Apophis;871126 wrote: I don't know, it looks cute; like a giant guinea pig. You wouldn't be saying that after he bite you. There is nothing cute about that rat gives me the chills I hate rats and mice.
  20. ^^ That's why I said imagine catching one of those walking in your house that would be your worst nightmare.
  21. Lol at bikini parade imagine Maadeey at a bikini parade he would have blown up the whole event
  22. ^^ That's the biggest rat ever imagine that one walking in your house.