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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. ^^ Perhaps the Sol garden at midnight there will be firework
  2. ^^ Loooool you sounded like a news reporter
  3. Apophis;872822 wrote: The video did not show why he was picked from the crowd, all we hear is those rent a cops saying "odd behaviour" which can mean a variety of things (who wouldn't act odd after travelling the long journey to Australia). And "smelling of alcohol" is a BS charge as all white folks drink all sorts of booze whenever they step on a plane (wouldn't they also smell of alcohol?). He was angry because he felt he was being singled out and he has every right to express his anger, within the law. Ps: I wouldn't judge him for drinking, the majority of humans do and as man, has the right to do whatever he likes without being tied down to the morality of any society. He can choose. You are trying to justify this man's actions. Had he not done those things he would have not been picked out. Things took so long because he was not working with them thus making things only longer for himself and yet he complains why it takes so long lol.
  4. *Blessed;873364 wrote: Blue babes, try to be a little more sensitive here, you don't know if their relatives and friends are on the forum. And it's never a good idea to speculate on these things. Alright I will take that into account but I was just saying there is a possibility that's all. Didn't mean anything bad with it. MMA - Got your message!
  5. Nin Yaaban it's the silent before the storm right now. There's always something brooding somewhere in the world. It's only a matter of time until it manifests itself.
  6. Long live Somalia! Now let's wave our blue flag and do the happy dhaanto dance to celebrate
  7. ^^ Some women are indeed not cut out for it to be a mom I do believe that. Not all mothers are good and want the best for their child.
  8. ^^ Ok in that case my bad. If there was a fight between them I don't think it was an accident as some people are capable of doing anything. Without the fight I would have believed that it was an accident. There are plenty of people around who killed their families and lied about it. She could be lying to safe herself from further problems.
  9. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;873295 wrote: From suuqa madoow in Koronto rumour mill (and I know the girls' hooyo), waxaa la yiri gabadha shilka ku geeriyootay and walaasheed gaariga watay gaariga ayee ku dhex jireen oo wada socdeen, but dagaal af ah dhex maray. Wey joojisay tan watay, tan kalena wey ka degtay. Iyadoo gaariga sii wato la hadal istiri, fariinka intee qabato meeshee ka rabtay ayee sheelaraha ku deysay. Waa shil. Eebba ha u raxmado gabadha geeriyootay. So it all started with a fight? My goodness your own family how cruel :eek:
  10. Gosh if these people think that way about their kids they shouldn't have them in the first place period. I don't really like kids nor am I good with them but no child deserves to be abandoned and neglected that way.
  11. Showqi;873166 wrote: War hooy, hooy ka joog! Dumarka ragga Ku waasha la' iskuma daandaansado. Hadii kale waxaanu arki doonaa adiga oo leh waxbaa la'iga goostay;) Looooooooool Showqi you are scarred for life huh
  12. If the sister didn't lose her sanity or went in to shock then she's perfectly fine and will overcome this calamity. Inexperienced or bad drivers are dangerous no joke. Behold the result of this accident.
  13. Apophis;872808 wrote: The man had a right to be pissed off as he felt he was being targeted. He expressed his anger but he was still within the law ( as I'm sure they would have loved to arrest him). There's nothing which says you have to be docile while being harassed. Bravo to the man, he's a credit to the race. Nobody harassed him he didn't gave those people the chance to explain why they took him aside. If you smell like alcohol and you have that kind of behaviour of course you're gonna be taken aside that's not targeting. They are doing their job.
  14. Narniah;872804 wrote: Loooool @ Free Mandela ...Omg that was just bonkers! That was a banging exit
  15. ^^ Some people like the hard way and make things complicated for themselfs. I've seen this episode of Border Security. Indeed the man is so dramatic and difficult to deal with. Lol at free like Mandela.
  16. Xaaji Xunjuf;872758 wrote: Guys anigu i need an iphone sida blackberry torch u samaysan mid leh teeb touch na leh oday weyn baan ahay touch kaliya kuma noolaan karo. Too bad XX Iphone only has a touchscreen option.
  17. Lmao at 1:21 & 2:00. How brilliant it's almost the same as the real Apple commercial vdeos.
  18. AUN. Just when Mogadishu was becoming more of a safer place. I wonder was it the father from the one who fainted?
  19. Apophis;872732 wrote: Because getting a real card is a million times more satisfying than receiving an e-card, which implies no effort at all was put into it. It's quite easy; all you have to do is calculate planetary positions( Pluto is counted as a planet for this purpose) and say the ancient magical words. It's pretty basic. Picking the right card for you and writing your message that is effort on it's own. Maybe you should stop being so old fashioned and go with the time. Seriously it's the same one goes through the internet the other through the mail but both contain the same message. Nobody is gonna be sending you a handwritten card lol you know that everything goes digital now. I don't believe in that horoscope crap it's all made up, only 1% percent is true and 99% is lies.
  20. Jacpher;872733 wrote: Aay dhoonti siinki soo. Aay woosanti toot Dutch laanguweej. This is what I understood: I don't think so. I .... Dutch language. Elaborate on the words I didn't get. Narniah - Nee je hebt gelijk over die jongen zag hem ook maar ik gaf antwoord op jou vraag of het die jongen was en ik zei nee het is een meisje.
  21. Jacpher;872722 wrote: Qué idioma es que ustedes hablando. Jacpher we are speaking Dutch. Now you know so you can recognise it next time.
  22. Apophis;872723 wrote: lol, How can I hate them? How can you love em? Horoscope told me? No seriously Apophis how can you hate that. Lool at horoscope told me as if you know my horoscope.
  23. Narniah;872719 wrote: ^Bedoel je tovalig die lekker ding op die linke kant lol Loool nee joh het is een meisje, denk niet that ze door had dat ze gefilmd werd Heb je dat gedeelte gezien van die Chinezen. Ik lachte me kapot omdat ze houden ervan om letterlijk alles te fotograferen.
  24. Apophis;872709 wrote: Something like this Just awful. Oh those e-cards I use to love receiving them. How can you hate that? How did you know my birthday is coming up?
  25. Apophis;872702 wrote: How about those horrid e-cards people used to send; thank jebus they died What kind of e-cards do you mean? Jacpher - You sneaky man