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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. What's all the fuss about, the man has a foot fetish so what! Whatever tickles his fantasy to get laid.
  2. Gas prices are soaring high and keep increasing, time to ditch the car and use another alternative which causes less pollution.
  3. Raamsade;876382 wrote: ^Then you should've seen him when he was in high school, he looked a lot leaner although still muscular. Man o man has the dude buffed up since high school. We went to the same school. Lol you actually know him, good because you can tell him that those pumped up muslces need to get smaller. Some things are not meant to be stretched out that far. With all that veins bulging out because those muscles are on the verge of exploding and expanded beyond elasticity no wonder they lose their flexibility.
  4. Hello Abtigiis, I appreciate your effort and sincere kind apology. Good to know you value your relations with people more then your own ego. You are a good man and never done anything bad to me except for this one slip up and therefore you deserve a second chance. I've already forgiven you and everything is alright again. Just shows I was always right about you. Thank you for the lyrics eventhough I didn't understand everything but hey it's the nice gesture and thought that counts Ps could you please translate the lyrics for me if it aint too much trouble?
  5. Che -Guevara;877425 wrote: LOL I know, Reuters and AP are my insider people. Some people are gonna give you the evil eye and get a heart attack lol
  6. It's about time! Congrats to the new prime minister. Hope he does a better job then all the previous ones. Somalia is ready for a change and the future is looking bright. Ps Che your the first to post the news while you don't even have a source in Somalia and weren't even keeping yourself that busy with it
  7. wyre;876979 wrote: he is not new but this is friendship Fix him with some halimos, he is in need of some estrogen attention
  8. Che -Guevara;875428 wrote: I didn't actually think you will check politic section aka asylum center. Well Che, suprise here I am Sometimes I come in here to see what's the latest update on the Somali politics. You will see me write in here once in a blue moon.
  9. Calling a person while they are sleeping just to get them comment and like your status, that's ridiculous. Someone needs to learn him asap how Facebook works and the rules he must be new.
  10. So she was a golddigger well good riddance then don't you think wyre.
  11. lool reminds me of this autotuned news event: " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> I'm still laughing about it; hide your kids.. hide your wife looooooooooool.
  12. ^^ Looooooool @ you just got smacked. Kevin Hart is just hilarious. Fighting is not the answer to our problems. *Ibtisam;875212 wrote: Looool. this thread made my morning. loooool Malika!!!!!! loool Fighting over women or man is not cool, unless the dude was 1) man handling her or 2) Bothering her despite being told to piss off. She just needs to promptly remove his arm and say, hello farah, have you met my husband farah? (regardless of she just met you), normal he would move along swiftly. Im sure she gets hit on all the time and deals with it on daily basis, so no need to start a fight or get beaten. Fact 1: Guys respond to women threats better than a man. IF you threaten him- he will kick your as*s because he feel challenged. But when a 5.5 skinny xalimo threatens to cut his balls off if he dont bugger off, he will go. Fact 2: Stop going to hood-rat weddings You know the ones where guys lurk outside waiting to jump girls or in their cars offering rides at the end of the night. Fact 3: Your girl can handle herself, you are always not going to be around to get beaten up or call your clan- so let it be You took the words right out of my keyboard! Was thinking the same but you beat me to it Thumbs down for buff men I prefer lean muscles like those of Bruce Lee.
  13. Welcome DAMON1. What can I say I love friday and I hate monday. The friday feeling does indeed exist. It's the day that you see all of the people you haven't seen during the week they all come out on friday.
  14. ^^ Lmao that one cracked me up because I remember the video.
  15. Never give a perfume to your female friend. A perfume is a sentimental gift which you only give to someone who you love such as a girlfriend or a wife. Give her a practical gift something that's useful to her but stay away from the sentimental gifts or she might think that you got the hotspots for her that is if she's smart and can figure things out.
  16. Apophis;874633 wrote: Looks like you've been influenced by Niiko :cool::cool: Ps: will you be buying GTA 5? Lol you think so i'm such a tomboy. Yes I will buy GTA 5.
  17. oba hiloowlow;874625 wrote: ^^ :) blue yeah.. You play GTA ?? I dont know why but i never liked that game at all but still you're a cool lady. This was the first time I kept track of when this game was gonna be released I even wrote it in my day planner so I don't forget it. Damn right I play GTA but I haven't played in a year now. I'm not really a gamer I only play occasionally.
  18. The sales for the new Fifa 13 started today. Oba reason enough for you to be happy huh since you're one of the first buyers. I'm planning to buy the Fifa 13 for my baby brother next week. Played the Fifa 12 twice and it's a boring game which i'm terrible at. But i'm excellent at GTA now that one I know how to play
  19. Agreed with Raula. Wyre why don't you ask her who she is and how she knows you that will sort things out. Becareful with such people you never know what their real intentions are.
  20. So this is how they make Google street view.
  21. Apophis lol ok, I see you enjoyed the act of the man. Wyre got some explaining to do.
  22. ^^ What are they saying? What's this about?
  23. Abwaan;873755 wrote: lol@Blue...please teach me some of your tricks, cause I want to beat Taleexi. Lol ok I can do that don't worry
  24. Abwaan;873751 wrote: Anigoo Nin-Yaaban la yaabban baan Taleexi iyo Alpha arkay oon sii yaabay. Goormaa SOL wada fooxiyeyaal noqdeen? oo Blue iyadana bal arag. Oh yeah Abwaan I have many sides to me