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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. Things don't always go according to plan. wyre;882612 wrote: AFTER 12/13 years, the only thing I know is, I will never be using SOL Me too.
  2. WhatsApp is a good app I would recommend. I have it on my phone (not a Samsung Galaxy) but it's also available for android. Skype is a good one too if you haven't tried it out. For the rest i'm not much of an app user.
  3. Don't know who Gabbal is but happy birthday.
  4. Lol a good joke is always appreciated
  5. Finding lighter skinned Somalis superior over dark skinned Somalis.
  6. Apophis;881988 wrote: No brother. I'm on the front lines against atheism. My motto is “faith is a fact". Lool :confused: :eek:
  7. DoctorKenney;881985 wrote: ^^I'm thinking you may be an Atheist....? He's being sarcastic.
  8. OdaySomali;881936 wrote: That is what I want to differentiate between... for example Narniah says she is not "allowed" to date? It speaks for itself that she meant she isn't allowed to western date him
  9. OdaySomali;881929 wrote: What do you people posting in this thread, including Narniah, mean by "dating"?... What is your definition of dating? Some mean western dating and others mean halal dating.
  10. From what I read it doesn't look he likes you in that way. He sounds more religious and lowering his gaze whenever he sees women. The reason he's being helpful and nice towards you is because he's friends with your brother. His behaviour is usually normal for a (painfully) shy person. It's easy to sometimes mistake someone's niceness for them being in to you when it might not be the case. You Narniah on the other hand seem to like this guy alot because you are similar and that's why you have your guard down with him. The similar traits you share is what is attracting you to him and making it easier to relate to each other.
  11. wyre;881604 wrote: what'bout somali waraabe dadow, an old lady said she have seen one Maybe she meant to say wolf because those exist.
  12. Apophis;881595 wrote: ^^ I saw it a week ago but I had to fast forward huge chunks of the second half ( where Abe drops his axe and becomes a politician/has a family; boooring). I give it 2.5/5* I found it a great movie and enjoyed it. I'm into that kind of genre, love horror and thriller.
  13. Apophis;881581 wrote: ^^ Maybe he has or maybe he has been bitten by a vampire and he wants to contact his new kin? This reminded me of the movie I watched yesterday Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.
  14. ^^ Lol Apophis Wyre vampires and werewolfs don't exist they are only fictional for entertainment purposes otherwise you would have heard real life stories about it.
  15. wyre;881310 wrote: lol waryaa Blu, I said i will marry for a passport, but not for dutch passport am sorry Lol Wyre I only quoted your words of a few months back never said anything about us now don't start dreaming.
  16. Alright *punches him on the arm* Now I can forgive you and don't forget to add us in your prayers. Good luck with hajj and have a safe trip
  17. Congratulations in advance on the fatherhood. Adoption sounds like a big responsibility especially if you are planning to raise him on your own.
  18. Narniah;881087 wrote: Unless he marries you, then he'd be your Mahram:p Lool Narniah he believes in marrying for the passport he honestly said that himself
  19. wyre;881083 wrote: that makes sense, shall i be your mahram You know that you can't be my mahram that's illegal. I've heard stories about men being a mahram for multiple women and they are not related to the man except for one who is maybe his sister or wife etc. Your hajj isn't valid right if you do such thing.
  20. wyre;881081 wrote: but MMA uploads from his computer, how does he do it? lets wait for him, Anyway i was thinking of uploading my photos here, i think it is not a good Idea Yeah definitely not a good idea to upload your pictures on here, don't do it. If you seen MMA do that maybe you should ask him.
  21. wyre;881080 wrote: yes, insha allah i'll go to hajj why two to three years, is it not far? Well you need a mahram right you can't just go alone and whenever you like. Your plans have to match with your mahram and that's my problem.
  22. Lol at wadaad Soler being here. I would want to go to hajj but not this year though. Maybe in the coming 2/3 years inshallah. So are you going to hajj after having performed umrah that would be a double bonus for you umrah and hajj in one year.
  23. wyre;881069 wrote: Yaakhey blu, dhib baa jiro, aniga waxaan rabaa inaan image kasoo attach gareeyo my computer, wuxuu dhahaa the size is big, so markaan resize gareeyo oo intuu i dhahay waad attach gareyn kartaa ka yar aan ka dhigo, haddana wax ka yar uu ii tilmaamaa i dhahaa wuu ka weyn yahay ee yaree then i make it smaller and it asks smaller i resize it smaller it asks smaller i make it smaller it asks smaller... what shall i do I'm not sure whether you can upload images from your computer. The option is there but I don't know whether it's working by the looks of you trying it out it doesn't work I think.
  24. Bluelicious


    Kulmiye;881039 wrote: bluelicious taught me how to do this! Well done Kulmiye from now on you don't need anybody. That is one of my favorite quotes too from Maya Angelou