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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. Che -Guevara;884350 wrote: So, you are unbiased fair-skinned person dear Blue? Dinkas are blue not black. You are trying to find out what my skin colour is by making assumptions. Lool Che you failed Had to google dinkas they have strange lines on their forehead and they are black.
  2. ^^ No a fair unbiased person would say that. Anyways it's true what I said there are many good looking people around in the world and they are not all light some of them are dark.
  3. Wadani;884199 wrote: I've been told I look like Chris brown before, and trust me I did not take it as a compliment. To me, he looks like a light skin daanyeer lol. Narniah, I think girls find any light skin guy attractive without even really taking in the facial features. I know many handsome darker brothers who don't get as much attention from girls as average looking light skin guys. It's all about the facial features which makes a person good looking it's not really about the skin colour. Someone can have a light skin and yet not be good looking where as maybe someone who has a darker skin could have better facial features and be more good looking then that person. It's wrong for some people to think light skin colour equals being beautiful. Beauty is in all skin colours.
  4. Che -Guevara;884332 wrote: You mean Blue has to qax. Lol I would be homeless or dead. Thank God hurricanes don't come here.
  5. ^^ Well you definitely ruined mine, 40 seconds I will never get back again
  6. Ew the one in the white and blue needs to pull up his pants that is not a good sight.
  7. Che so Sandy hasn't affected Boston that much huh? Since you are here to check in that your ok and everthing is still functioning.
  8. Marrying Chris Brown?! Gosh I guess some women like being in abusive relationships!
  9. Paragon;883939 wrote: Lol. Thanks guys. My sweet Hooyo is in Nairobi and having not been with her for such a long time, I'm after her blessings Inshallaah. They say home is where your mother is yet for Paragon home could never be any other place. If things work the way I want, my mother is warming up to the idea of going back home, specially Kismaayo which she loves to bits. I have never met anyone who loves the motherland more than my mother - to the extent that whenever she is ill, she has this STRONG belief that the only medicine is hawada caafimaadka leh ee carrasanta Soomaaliya. Her words. Some of the things that makes me laugh is how my mother is always glued to SNTV and the hilarious thing is my mother is very conservative and doesn't like music yet all music on SNTV is good because apparently that is good waddani music. Lol. I take a dig at her extreme waddaninimo and she takes a dig at my lack of waddaninimo. Would you believe it? Me? Not enough Waddani for my mother! Anyway enough with all that. The most import thing is that I'm talking to folks who want to rush me into either Somali or Kenya politics since Kenyan elections are upcoming. However, I'm still catching up with my mother and leaving her behind to relocate to the mother land is giving such a nasty dilemma. Where are you now? In Nairobi or Hargeisa? How lovely that you are spending some time with your mum. There is never enough time to be with your mum.
  10. Bluelicious


    Apophis;883930 wrote: Life, a pretty funny film if I recall. Life is a comedy
  11. Bluelicious


    Malika;883887 wrote: ^I think our friend Taleexi, just had a 'aha moment' about life - realising all the running around to better it is just an illusion...hehe Better late then never they say
  12. Skeptic;883293 wrote: Blue ... Sister Aaliyah's remarks are not corrections .. its reaffirmation quoting a Hadith ... As Wadani already said I replied to your post not that from Aaliyyah otherwise I would have quoted her or mentioned her name
  13. Tallaabo;883270 wrote: ^I knew that but wanted you to make some confessions to me, like the Catholics do when they go to church. Anyway, I fasted today and so I am hoping that my bad records are not only wiped clean but my whole bad records book is fed into the heavenly shredder and disposed off in an environmentally friendly manner. Haha come on you weren't sure yourself either who are you kidding. Yes i'm hoping for the same thing that our fast got accepted and our records of sins wiped clean. I don't have any juicy confessions for you i'm a good girl lol
  14. Narniah;883272 wrote: Lol@ Maroodi Blue you don't have to tell them there are ways they can work it out. Somalis when it comes to qabeel are more skilled/powerful than all the secret Intelligence services combined. Lol at more skilled then secret intelligence service, you are right. I never tell them my qabil as you said I let them figure it out themselfs.
  15. sharma-arke451;883246 wrote: if apes say so, we accept dee. Danyeerku caqli badnaa maistidhi? Weren't you fasting arafat? What's with the insults? Respect everyone even if they have other faith then you. By the way the welcome page says both asalamu alaykum and welcome.
  16. Wasn't there a woman who also did this a few years ago and she got I think millions for it.
  17. Thanks for the correction.
  18. Tallaabo I found the answer The Prophet (saw) says: ''Be content with the fact that Allah will expiate for your sins for a whole year before the day of Arafat and the year after the day of Arafat.'' - Saheeh Muslim 6 november 2011 - 25 oktober2012 = previous year 26 oktober 2012 - 14 oktober 2013 = coming year Only minor sins will be erased on arafat for major sins you have to repent.
  19. Tallaabo;882924 wrote: Thanks Bilaal. Inshaa Allah I will fast tomorrow. @ Bluecious. Its 2012 & 2013 I think. Are you worried about 2012? Did you do some really bad things? The reason I asked was because it seems to be unclear to me. We are now in 2012 that is the starting point so if the hadith says previous year that would mean 2011 and would make the coming year 2013. The two years are not consecutive that's what got me confused or maybe it shouldn't be that way. No don't get me wrong I aint worried done no major sins I should be concious about. It's always good to ask forgiveness for your sins whether it be minor or major.
  20. “It expiates for the sins of the previous year and of the coming year.” Narrated by Muslim So does that mean 2011 and 2013? What about 2012?
  21. wiil;882513 wrote: some1 asking my qabiil is the most annoying thing i've experienced.. Me too I actually never give in to tell them my qabil. Eventually they give up and walk away.
  22. Wadani;882726 wrote: I see what u mean, but i'd like to think SOL isnt like just any other somali forum out there. Haduu ilaahay nafta ii daayo, I may drop by every now and then. Inshallah, you are right about that though.
  23. ^^ Because forums are not my thing and I never stick to a forum more then 2 years. Besides by that time I got better things to do and don't have as much free time as now.
  24. Wadani;882716 wrote: Y do u say that Blue? My response or the response to Wyre?