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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. Che who have you voted for and when will the results be announced today?
  2. Carafaat;886156 wrote: Blue, what makes you think they have strawnberries and kiwi in Somaliland. Are you telling me they don't have strawberries and kiwis over there since you payed a visit there recently?
  3. Narniah;886187 wrote: Lol That old grumpy man has surpassed what we call old. He's so ancient every time he posts something I can almost hear his bones creak and crack. He's always moaning and groaning about something. Che your alright tho for an old man lol rudy-Diiriye;886214 wrote: congrats che!!! this is a day of infamy!! lol....if u would have ask me this serveral month or yrs ago if che was gonna be stud of sol, i would said ...not in this planet!!....but being in planet earth for sometime now, i guess i can say shyte happens!! I mean...what could go wrong...after all, we have pple like alpha blondy ( who by the way is alleged to be a dude but has surname, such as alpha b!!, che who is in his 60s but stillcan make a daqan celis xaliimos have wet dreams about him every nite!! This incident was never explained in the history of planet earth!! Can anybody plz explain this logically~~!! it dont make no sense. Loooooooooooool. This made my day Narniah according to Che's page he's 33 which is not old. Che, Rudy thinks you stole his spot.
  4. rudy-Diiriye;886146 wrote: i dont...i like skinny ladies!! no junk what so ever. Ok but what makes you think i'm skinny? For your information I maybe a health freak but i'm not skinny
  5. ''This meant that growing up and up to this day, most of my friends are not Somali. The consequence of this has been me being alien to a large part of the cultural norms of the Somalis and the language. Although I have been able to learn to read and write the language, I'm still lacking in many aspects.'' I'm in the same position as you are. As long as you are eager to catch up with what you have missed you are good. It's never too late to learn things about your culture. Better late then never. I come across the word eebbe all the time on this forum and wonder what it means.
  6. rudy-Diiriye;886143 wrote: my q's did puufis aka Apophis got on top!! does he have a special talent??? holla b...! whatchya hidding? Word on the str8 is that helikes big chested women! does that ring a bell!! Rudy Apophis is not on top, I was only ordening my list but didn't put them in a particular order. Looool at Apophis liking big chested women what man doesn't. He's not more special or talented then you are. You all the same no one is above the other.
  7. Wyre would you like someone to do that to you if you owned a visa card? If the answer is no then don't do it to another. It's a shame that you are doing this so soon after your hajj trip. Why you playing with your maybe clean record book if you have been forgiven of your past sins? Ps the visa card has probably already been reported stolen and blocked by the owner so it's no use to you anymore.
  8. Abwaan;886119 wrote: Blue, wiilashii madaxaad isku gelisey, dacwad baa laguu haystaa... Lol yeah how forgetting certain words can change the meaning of your whole text. Che let's hope he's not and didn't read this. Lol @ Haatu. Tell us who you're on about instead of referring us to Che
  9. Apophis;885617 wrote: Alpha my buddy, I wanted to say goodbye. I won't be here anymore. I have enjoyed our interactions immensely. Keep SOL awake Goodbye also to my good buddy Oba. Goodbye also to Ibti, the old man and Wyre the joker. It's been really fun knowing you. Apophis sad to see you go as they say everything good comes to an end sooner or later. Your are the kindest man I come across on this place with your patience of a buddha. Your positive presence, kindness and jokes will be missed. In your short stay you have left your mark. Good luck with your endeavours and take care. Alpha Blondy;885999 wrote: If y'all could see the state of me. i'm bedridden and very ill today. Please make dua for me and a speedy recovery. Alpha get better soon inshallah it won't be anything serious. Have vitamin c rich foods (strawberries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, watermelon, kiwi etc) and take vitamin c supplements it will boost your immune system so you recover faster. Vitamin c prevents and cures you from the flu. Also drink alot of water so you don't get dehydrated while your sick it makes a difference in your recovery time.
  10. rudy-Diiriye;885925 wrote: can u xfer me to the top! since i likes to be on top!! :0 Rudy my list was in no particular order. Maybe I should have mentioned that before misunderstandings like this happen.
  11. Thanks for the videos will make sure to check them out as i've never heard of this brother and his lectures.
  12. wyre;885567 wrote: Nope, a bit boor than this Wyre if you have darker then dark brown then you have soft black. Soft black isn't completely black the brown dominates over the black so it borders black but it's actually not the real black. I used to think black was one colour black is black but apparently black comes in two groups soft black and deep black which also is known as jet black.
  13. wyre;885550 wrote: i dunno if brown is the correct word, but am talking this dust like colour, as someone oo usoo lugeynaaye from mogadishu to kurtunwaarey, but the rest of the body is clean and he got some dust in his hair... Do you have dark brown like this:
  14. I would have a drink with the following interesting men: 1) Apophis 2) Che-Guevara 3) Showqi 4) Rudy-Diiriye
  15. Bluelicious


    Taleexi;885117 wrote: Haa, my son is my world and the best thing that I ever contributed to the world. And for better or worse my fertility is intact Aaww that's so sweet to think that way of your only son. Sounds like you are a great dad
  16. Apophis;885086 wrote: What colour is your hair blue? Jet black hair but I have my light brown eyes to compensate for the intense colour.
  17. Looks like Obama is gonna win again.
  18. Bluelicious


    Taleexi;883967 wrote: Sheekadu waa dhagdhag my SOL nomads!, badanaa igama xumaato, and even if it does, I accept the s-hit promptly and manage it. All in all, belo ma jidho, hadday jidhana ma buura - Left the motherland in my teens @ post civilwar. And now I'm old enough and have lived in different continents, visited 26 countries and still counting – at some point even got married with a lovely Somali girl in Holland until we took our separate ways and produced a son together in Whitechapel, London with the grace of Allah, I must underscore though, the blackbag was handed to me gracefully, if you only know what I mean – My son now lives in Nairobi, and me left from Sweden/Finland and have made home in America about a decade ago, I’m truely global. The other day, I visited MN and crashed on with a xaax, “Say Wallahi” girl, she even liked my wit and all but she asked me about my age after the lights were lit and she discovered few misplaced, sporadic gray hairs – I neither wanted to lie nor tell the truth therefore, I responded intentionally “labadii labaatanaad wax baa iiga dhiman ” she confused and thought I’m must be somewhere in between 21 to 39, Eebbow “say wallaahida noo daa”, sheekadiiba waxaan kaga dhigay “ Fabuhuta ladii kafara” , xasuuso kii ay isla murmayeen caleyhi salaam nebiyullaahi Ibraahim. The moral of the story, as a child I always dreamed about teaching Somali National University and that dream has never been closer than it is today with President Gurguurte and Co. being in Villa Somalia and Somalis’ renewable, ever recycling, and obscure conflict being in a declining mode – At least the public’s perception indicates so and I’m extremely nostalgic going back home and keeping Somalia and Africa moving this time around rather remaining in my adapted countries. Rest assured though, I’m grateful to those countries because they gave me opportunities and I will always indebted to them. You have a son? You keep suprising us. Good luck with your goal.
  19. Haatu;885079 wrote: Imagine a Somali with brown hair? Bloody freaky... It isn't freaky if you have the skin tone to match. Certain hair colours suit certain skin tones.
  20. Brown hair is beautiful makes you stand out. Why do you have problems with it? Do you also have brown eyes?
  21. Cambuulo iyo bun;884523 wrote: Apophis im having a tough period of my life i think Blue dankeschön i will try that out! You can do it bean man it's all in your head, whatever you make your mind conceive it can achieve. Remember every no is not a depressing moment instead it brings you closer to your yes.
  22. Cambuulo iyo bun;884510 wrote: Blue darling she left me, she said she wanted a real man. , I have been depressed since that And I was happy for you that things were going well for you with her oh well I guess nothing lasts forever. All good things come to an end sooner or later. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and start being optimistic it aint the end of the world plenty of fish in the ocean. Maybe you are looking at the wrong places where the wrong type of girls are. For example you find the promiscuous people at the club and the religious people at the mosque. So go figure out where you hangout and what kind of people are there and what you are looking for. Maybe you don't know what kind of women you looking for so you try every woman.
  23. Bean man isn't that too extreme to hate your life because there are no women in it. Life is not all about women. By the way what happened to your last woman? You lose some you win some.
  24. The only female I know who's from Minnesota is raula.