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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. Abwaan;887815 wrote: not that I condone his actions but did you see his wife? And the lady he had the affair with? Paula Broadwell way nuuraysaa compared to his wife, she is younger too...:DA lesson for islaamaha inaysan weligood xarragada ka tegin haddii kale gabar yar baa duqeeda isbaaro u dhiganaysa. She was officially stalking him for a while and alcohol might be involved. I wonder what her doctor husband will do. I was sorry to hear this David Patraeus is a proffesional man whp earned respect for his work over the years. Will be interesting to see who replaced him. This is getting more interesting. Both of them were married people who cheated on their spouses and this has been going on for a few years. His wife must have been clueless how could she have not noticed anything. There are always early warning signs to everything. I googled both of the women and you are right Paula does look sexy but then again she is 40 years old and Holly is 60 years old age took her beauty away. You can't compare a 60 year old woman with a 40 year old one. She obviously looked different and much younger when she was 40. I agree with Nin-Yaaban why would he step down for only extra marital affairs sounds fishy, maybe there is more then they let us know. It could be he maybe broke the law or something.
  2. ^^ Lol and that is...? Going by the facial expressions I would say miss Awdal and miss Hiiraan they pop out of the picture.
  3. Informative and nice to see the diversity of the Somali beauty. So which of these gobol ladies won?
  4. Gosh 37 years of marriage down the drain what a waste. Why do such men even cheat he seemed to have everything. Don't like men who choose other women over their wives. Once a cheater always a cheater.
  5. Bluelicious

    Laila Adem

    ^^ Don't you think that's a bit harsh.
  6. Bluelicious

    Laila Adem

    Lool @ Taleexi and Abwaan. Bad boys for life
  7. Abwaan;887325 wrote: Blue, Somali poetry and songs are full of wisdom, symbolism, secrets etc...waxay suugaantu xambaarsan tahay farriimo dahsoon iyo kuwo daalacanba...bulshadeenna ayaa ah oral society ma ahane haddii la qori lahaa wax badan ayaa laga baran lahaa.....qofka miyiga jooga ayaad arkaysaa isagoo dhaanto Burma iyo Iiraan ku lifaaqaya amase ku halqabsanaya. I don't know if you have come across but xitaa xiddigiska ayaa suugaan loo meershey. Xiddigis = astrology I see thanks for your detailed explanation. Astrology is haram and is a form of shirk. Who ever practice it or believes it his prayers will not be accepted for 40 days.
  8. Showqi;849341 wrote: Carafaat, Abwaan hadii aanu Shiribka wax ka sheegi karin magaciisa ayuu u gafay. Qof ciyaalka xaafada ah oo aan 2bo kalmadood oo Shirib ah tuuran karin in uu jiro u maleyn maayo..... What's this shirib is it some sort of secret talk? Songs with a hidden message to the public?
  9. Good thing it's getting banned smoking is good for nothing. The money can be spent for something else.
  10. Apophis;886400 wrote: Agah, Rag Somali ba sidii foodleey u calaacalaya. War Blue's subconscious rightly chose SOL's Alpha male Apophis. Caadi iska dhigaa waa is ceebeysen a. Don't be so big headed I never chose you on top. I've known the others longer then you so it wouldn't be you. *wish I could undo my list and throw this one out*
  11. The people are now more educated and know their vote counts and can make a difference. Power to the people.
  12. Bluelicious


    Abwaan I don't know how to finish off that poem when I never heard of it. Taleexi I don't need that.
  13. Bluelicious


    Abwaan;886787 wrote: lol....Blue, tix warkeed, tix kalaa lagu raadshaa. What did you say?
  14. Che as long as Obama does all the things he talked about in his speech I think you gonna be in good hands the coming four years lol.
  15. Bluelicious


    ^^ No further questions I will keep your secret a secret
  16. Bluelicious


    It's alright was only curious, sharing is caring. Aaww so you in love huh Is she the lady you mentioned in your other thread?
  17. Bluelicious


    Nice poem Taleexi. Did you wrote it?
  18. Che -Guevara;886573 wrote: Blue....Obama won. Hopefully my text put smile on your face. Che thanks darling it certainly did Obama had a impressive speech. Yes we can Obama again! Not only did Mitt Romney lose in his birth state but he also lost in his home state. That must have been hard to swallow. Obama's victory speech " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Romney's concession speech
  19. Che -Guevara;886273 wrote: Blue....will do. I will text you:-) Great we got ourselves a deal
  20. Looool @ Alpha after seeing what you meant it was hilarious. Rudy as always you got some funny jokes. The last two kids were the sweetest especially the boy when he said; It's alright. I want you to feel happy aaww. Some of these kids are smart going by their responses.
  21. Che -Guevara;886267 wrote: Blue...barring unforseen circumstances, the results should be in tonight. I am voting mainly to put Elizabeth Warren in the Senate, otherwise Obama will win my State and I will be voting for him. That late well let us know because at that time i'm sleeping you know due to our different time zones.
  22. Bluelicious

    Laila Adem

    Sex sells is the motto of the music industry lol.