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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. ^^ Lool how do you know those terms?
  2. Carafaat;892351 wrote: Blue, ik heb dat in een Chinese supermarkt gekocht. Daar heb je originele kruiden en niet van die industriele shit producten Tegenwoordig kan je gewoon bijna alle producten van de Toko ook gewoon bij De Tuinen kopen, het is wel ietsje duurder maar voor de rest is het hetzelfde. Ik ga het een keer uit proberen en laat je weten wat ik er van vind
  3. Carafaat;892338 wrote: Hunno Macaanto, Chai Masala is basicly tea, its made from an aromatic blend of black or green tea with warming diffrent spices and milk. You never been to India, Kenya, Tanzania? Nee ben nooit naar die landen geweest. Heb je dat toevallig bij De Tuinen gekocht?
  4. Wadani I was only joking. Hey Mooge are you telling us you love fadhi kudirir more then your live. Heck with fadhi kudirir drop whatever you are doing and go home.
  5. Lol Mooge shouldn't you be protecting yourself instead of updating us. Watch your back one of them might be behind you right now and boom lol
  6. Is this part of the documentary when she went to Mogadishu or is this a new documentary about Hargeisa? Where can I watch her documentary about Mogadishu as I don't have access to BBC? Please pass me the links if you have them.
  7. ^^ Cheers will look out for that. Maybe you can turn this into a skin thread
  8. Aaliyyah have you tried it out? How do you keep that honey on your face? Honey melts when it comes in contact with your body temperature.
  9. oba hiloowlow;889374 wrote: This right here I haven't seen or read about before. Nice to see ambulances being used that is a sign of progress.
  10. Wyre & Abtigiis never mind about that old fool he's hurting, life has been very unkind to him. Spewing hate is his oxgen. Thank you for all your warm congratulations and songs.There is one thing missing here the dhaanto dance. Abtigiis let's dance and make the dancefloor unsafe, hope you got some rhythm in you Do Somali ladies do ululations at weddings or is that a Arabic custom only? Ubax caro ka baxay Iyo xadadiisu qalbiga Kasoo baxay ayaad tahay Axdi meel ma dhigana Macaan mays aroosna " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Agagaarka wadnaha Hadaanad ku ool …..... Asluub badanoow Amaan badanoow Sidii ubaxii Udgoon badanoow" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  11. Abtigiis don't rub it in Wyre's face. Lol Oba the two are not in the same age group. It looks like Wyre got beaten by experience.
  12. Well if i'm engaged congrats to myself as Abtigiis is a good man Abtigiis awww how sweet thank you I dedicate this song to you: " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  13. Lol Oba you joker, is this some sort of daadis song? And why me and Abtigiis?
  14. oba hiloowlow;888930 wrote: wth isn't new year in 31th december,2013 what 1434 are you talking about?? Oba today is the islamic new year. The christian new year is on 1 january 2013. Whoa the year has flown by so quickly I can't believe it. The world is going fast.
  15. ^^ I agree with you. Soon we will have brain atrophy because technology does almost everything for us.
  16. Apophis;888438 wrote: Do you not find it funny that all the theists swallowed the story with no call whatsoever for proof? If someone makes a claim, I say show me the evidence and not you said it so it must be true . SOLers need to be more like AB&AP of the ABAP coalition. Think critically! There is a possibility but i'm going by his credibility and seeing he's a God fearing muslim man. He asked the member for permission in his message you can clearly read it above.
  17. Apophis;888428 wrote: Will I be banned if I say "I do not believe it for one second a true atheist has been "turned" around?" Besides, this is the kind of thing theists like to openly celebrate so no need for privacy. Why is it hard for you to believe there is a possibility of a atheist reverting to Islam? He/she isn't the only one, many have reverted before this person. (I don't mean on this forum but in general)
  18. True words thanks for the video. I agree good/excellent character and credibility leads to being a good muslim person. I always say the same thing too there are non believers who have good character and credibility but they are not muslim and if they converted to Islam they could become pious easily because they have the right foundation.
  19. Lol at senior Soler and his cousin. I could only think of Mooge who's from Kenya though I don't think he's that old.
  20. This was indeed needed and a lesson to all of us. This goes to show there is hope for every atheist. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  21. Apophis;886400 wrote: Agah, Rag Somali ba sidii foodleey u calaacalaya. War Blue's subconscious rightly chose SOL's Alpha male Apophis. Caadi iska dhigaa waa is ceebeysen a. Dear Apophis I apologise, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for my rudeness and inappropriate comment towards the above post which you didn't deserve. There was nothing wrong with your comment. I misunderstood your comment by accident because I skimmed through it.