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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. OdaySomali best of wishes with whatever you decide it's your life your choice don't let others tell you how to live your life.
  2. Chimera;893984 wrote: A week ago I realised and experienced painfully upclose how meaningless the concept of community loyalty is on any level including 'love', and how you could be walking healthy and powerful one day and be fatally hit by a car the next. Just live your life, if Allah swt wants you to be with another Somali, it will happen, no need to force it or base your decision on what others think, outside of your parents ofcourse. Just live and enjoy. We tend to not know what we have got or take it for granted until it's gone or taken away from us. We shouldn't take our lives for granted.
  3. Lol genius idea indeed. Who is not afraid of a ghost they are scary.
  4. Apophis;893839 wrote: For me it's a no because I wish to preserve my Somali lineage. Me too and it's also much easier for everyone to get along since there are no language barriers
  5. Abtigiis;893670 wrote: Waan jeclahay dee! Naxar.Aad waliba! Incidentally, I invite my Bluelicious this one from Cartan. Wistfully seductive. Intee aaday ayaantaan.... Indeed this is a beautiful song, like the instrumental version too. Abtigiis it's also the song I dedicated to you in our thread. I'm around but I have a busy period that's why you haven't seen me much." frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  6. Abtigiis;893810 wrote: Apophis,bluelicious, iyo wyre hadda coddeynta ka baxa oo admin ka u sheega in tradition with Somali elections, waxaan codkayagii ku wareejinay odayga. At least you have time. Me i am getting old. OG:- LST, fadlan tixgeli codsiga dhalinyarada. If you planning to give away you aint getting my votes no more. Take it or leave it but there is no passing further otherwise I might as well give it to someone else in the first place.
  7. ^^ Lol Wadani I don't know you as a troublemaker. Abtigiis;893616 wrote: Meeshan aniga magacayga ha laga saaro fadlan. Waa maxay ciyaalkan (Moge) iyo maxaabiista (Nin Yaaban) nala dhex wado? Midda kale, maxaa aniga iyo Bluelicious labadanadiiba meesha loo keenay? Codkayga ama iyada ha loogu daro ama keeda aniga ha la iigu daro, ileen waxaan nahay ul-iyo-diirkeed oo waa kaad la socoteen arooskiiye! :D So far the couple has 10, aniguna wali ma codeeyn. I will vote now. I will vote for Apophis. Just like you said we are two people merging in to one. You can have my votes anyday
  8. In a nutshell, women are angry. They’re also defensive, though often unknowingly. That’s because they’ve been raised to think of men as the enemy. I disagree as I don't see men as the enemy. If that's the case men should step up the plate instead of feeling intimidated by the success of women. No one is stopping them.
  9. Legend of Zu;893343 wrote: Toy boy? he would be an old toy boy then Age is not a factor for that term
  10. Lool what a awkward situation to be in. Considering the woman is happy about her man being away for a year and going by her tone and invading your personal space it probably was an invite to be her toy boy lool
  11. Adoption it's a wonderful thing and something I would maybe consider doing in the future. Some things are going on in Minnesota if the abortion rates are as high as 46 percent. What is the ruling on abortion in islam i'm a bit confused about that?
  12. Che -Guevara;892870 wrote: But if someone show you, they are kind and have no bad habits, should I not believe them? It almost seems like one is always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Che you are quick to jump to conclusions, it applies to both positive and negative things and actions.
  13. Che -Guevara;892865 wrote: How people showing who they really are is usually a negative thing. It almost seems the real you is bad you only! Of course it's a negative thing but it's also a warning to you for showing that's how they are and if you wanna proceed being friends or whatever with that person it's on your own risk. What I meant was; if someone says for example they are addicted to cigarettes or self absorbed or a liar etc or they show you by their actions you should believe them as it's true because they know themselfs better then you do.
  14. Che -Guevara;892774 wrote: The only thing missing is electric shocks, I guess that could be implanted in the tracking device as well. Who knows they might do that as well since they search for ways to oppress those women.
  15. Abwaan;892791 wrote: lol je weet maar nooit. Zo dus jij bent ook een van ons goed om te weten
  16. Omg things are getting worse in Saudi Arabia for women. Imagine Wyre getting a text his future wife is about to leave the country lool.
  17. Jacaylbaro;892727 wrote: .... She can still beat him by doing what he asked to do That is hard if you love eating Somali food and there is no gym over there for her to excercise.
  18. Those are conditions she will never fulfill and he knows that. So he will never have to bring her to the west. What a sneaky man to give the woman false promises to come for her.
  19. Lool at looking at me through the camera? What have you done Wyre that you are not telling us?