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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. Hmm i'll pick Hi5 because it sounds more cool. Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer.
  2. Nice party but happy new year 2013? Since when does Somalia go by the gregorian calender. I'm not sure but isn't it following the islamic calender since it's a islamic country?
  3. I sit down when i'm waiting for the metro or train. After seeing this i'm never gonna pass that line nor stand close to the edge, I used to do that in the past so I would get a good seat. Heck with the good seat this can happen anywhere. When it comes to these things ignorance is bliss as long as you don't know you won't have no fear. From now on better safe then sorry. chubacka;905156 wrote: ^ I was bitten by a dog as a child, bloody monster dug it's teeth into my right thigh, I still remember my dad trying to explain to the policeman that the owner had dreadlocks, through lots of hand movements. anyway now I just stare dogs in the face, they know I am a survivor. Being pushed really is everyone's nightmare. And to be pushed because the crazy person thought you were muslim. I was bitten by a dog too when I was a child by my ankle. Years later when that dog died of old age I actually felt sorry for the old dog don't know why. After that I haven't been scared or avoiding dogs due to me being a fearless child back then. These dogs are everywhere certain people consider them their children so I just learned to live with them.
  4. I would vote for Mario to win the fight.
  5. sharma-arke451;905389 wrote: @blue, jokes don't hold. new solutions are available, but vary depending on specific problems. for example: economic reality should click right. a man spends what he has. demanding beyond what is in possession, is not right. it may lead to divorce. illustration : a teen girl falls in love with a handsome, ethically upright man, in his late twenties. the girl hails from a poor family, equally hassan, the man she fall in love with. hassan is a hardworking gentleman, who leaves no stone unturned to change the economic situation of his family. he tries all avenues possible to seek a sound well paying job, but since he has no one in the ranks, his efforts are futile. one fine friday afternoon, axado, the teen girl, meets hassan. they discuss at length about the beauty of having a prosperous family and the obstacles that face them. the pros and the cons of early marriage and the matrimonial life. after the charming talk, they decided to put time frame in their proposal, and that by friday, she will introduce him to her parents. as normal hassan kept on looking for the job throughout the week. luckily, he got the opportunity to be a night watchman at liiban hotel in the neighborhood. he started the job with charisma and efficiency. he got the chance to know people. he interacted with his workmates. days passed, and Friday was just hours to go. by friday, hassan meets the parents of axado. they welcome him. and after a brief interaction the session ends. after he has gone, the parents call axado, telling her about their findings. they told her about their economic condition, and how they can't support her daughters wedding party. they told her the place of wealth in life, and that it facilitates ease, and since hassan is a poor man as their family, she should look for other alternatives. hearing this, axado was furious with her parents, blaming them of not respecting her comfort partner in life, and the inferiority of wealth. she told them that money neither buys happiness nor love. and so on. the parents accepted their daughters will and told her that, theirs was just guidance and the final decision lied in her. to cut along story short, their due date came. as the norm, their wedding party costs was contributed by their family and friends alike. everything happened as planned. they became a wife and husband. walil xadiithi baqiyah. hadaan soo laabto Looks good
  6. sharma-arke451;905355 wrote: allow me to say, Dear blue, welcome back horta. solution: go for mr. Nice like Haatu,,,,,,,,,,, lol. joking Thanks for the warm welcome nice to see you too. Going for mr nice that's nothing new I thought maybe you had some new interesting theory or something.
  7. sharma-arke451;905245 wrote: the challenges of a household comes in many folds, mainly factors before and after marriage. main factors 1) a girl accepts to marry a man, who has nothing and hassles around with life. she says '' i love him. he is my perfect partner''. she is aware of his economic status and financial privilege. she accepts him as he is. the marriage ceremony costs are contributed by the friends and family. alhamdulilah, they become a household. once they settle, she expects him to supply A,B & C items, of which the aggregate financial consideration is huge. failure to which, she demands a break. hadee shale, adaa kuraacayeey, maxaa maanta isbadalay? sow maadan ku ogeen? 2) The man is nice and humble during courtship. he is kind and occupies a noble niche. the manhood pressure keeps him high, though hidden. after the marriage takes place, his true color appears in the horizon, because his needs are quenched. and he is no longer the former him. he becomes indifferent to good, and sows conflict in any avenue possible. nin bogsaday, balan fur maxa kale hee,,,,,, What do you suggest for a solution?
  8. I'll be eating more of it to test it out.
  9. Informative video about will power and self control. It's indeed more important then we might think. STOIC thanks for posting I might look up his book as well.
  10. She's beautiful mashallah hope she wins. Why do Arab women wear so much heavy make up though?
  11. Lol I don't have a fake one only a real one
  12. Abwaan my real birthday is in november.
  13. She is a beautiful lady mashallah. She must be experiencing difficulty in her daily life due to her length.
  14. Abwaan;901111 wrote: Blue waan kula kaftamayey...I thought that you were trying to act as Cambaro over here when you asked Wyre if he fixed his computer. Oh I see no it's not like that. Wyre made a thread where he shared that he had problems with his computer and needed a good antivirus. So I was asking him if he found a solution and a good antivirus that has worked for him. Just helping out a friend
  15. Abwaan;901102 wrote: Blue...Are you starting the SOL Cambaro version? SOL version of what?
  16. Loool.. Wyre did you fix your computer?
  17. Is Somali dugsi that bad as you guys are mentioning from your experiences. I went to a Morrocan dugsi where the teachers were sweet but yet strict and never hit nobody.
  18. Abtigiis;900748 wrote: Blue, no, no, no, ha u tagin ninkaa. No way. Lahadal ama PM ugu *** ama send it by email to him if you have his contacts. Also why do you feel jealous? Adiguba maad anaga naga sheekaysid oo aad jealous ka dhigtid isaga? It's not that I feel jealous no, it's him trying and wanting me to feel jealous with his stories that he has a girlfriend now as if I care about that. Last time I only asked him how are you doing and suddenly he started talk about his girlfriend what she has got and etc. I'm not that kind of person who tries to make a person jealous that is a waste of time for someone who has moved on.
  19. Behind every successful man there is woman a strong woman
  20. Abtigiis;900736 wrote: Now, Blue,let not be philosophical about as simple matter as love. If the English hasn't done it, let me try Somali: :D Hooriga la sheegiyee Hebad liita ma ihiye Hanti nin aan lahaynoo Habranaaya ma ihi Waxaan ahay nin hanadoo Fulinaaya hawshee Ma ii hagar baxdaa? Kii xumaa ee meesha kula joogay ee Carafaat ahaa la kaasho oo bal heestaa ka soo jawaab. If I ask Carafaat to translate to me your Somali lyrics. That's his lucky day he's gonna start talking about his new found girlfriend and trying to make me jealous. Let's wait for him and see what he has to say...
  21. Wyre the best solution for problems with softwares and etc. is to bring your computer back to a earlier date when it was still fine with system restore. After that install Panda antivirus I read it's one of the best out there and my friend who is a computer geek and knows the computer inside and out also recommends it. He installed it for me and for 3 years I had no virus spywares trojans etc. it was clean unbelievable it really works.
  22. Abtigiis;900634 wrote: Bluicious, Whatever! That song is for you. I am repeating it here and now: I am not in love. Oh so the song was about you I see. Well in that case I don't know what to think of this. How can one be not in love when they were never in love in the first place. Sounds like there is something I was unaware of.
  23. The corrections by Jonathan Franzen.