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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. My prayers are with the people of Gaza. This is disturbing to see how people are so happy about other peoples death and destruction.
  2. Yeah Mooge tell us lol. Didn't know you were into habesha women She got some killer moves very talented. Omg Che is so right some moves are too explicit lol.
  3. <cite> @Soloman said:</cite> One of the most barbaric remnants of our old, mindless traditions. The sooner we got rid of it the better. I feel sorry for the poor little girls who go through this misery. I remember reading a book written by a Somali lady (I think it was Raaqiya Oomaar, not sure about the author) back in the 90's and to this day when female circumcision is mentioned I get terrifying flashbacks from the horrific scenes depicted by the women interviewed by that author in that book; from the mutilation process, during the unsanitary recovery period, the difficulties when they're having their periods as well as the agony they go through during child birth. And on top of all that, there's no evidence that it's even needed from the point of the religion. This right here. It's sickening how some parents can be so cruel to their daughters while knowing the dangers. Welcome Soloman.
  4. This is something I would like to know too. As far as I know a person has to pay 2.5% zakaat on money that they have been saving for at least a year. I'm not sure I could be wrong.
  5. And the winner is.... Germany!!
  6. Last day of football. Today it's the final of the world cup between Germany and Argentina. I'm rooting for Germany to win this cup. Go Germans!!
  7. Che, i'm happy our orange team reached semi finals and secured a third place after the win from Brazil last night. We left with a bang and did pretty good for a small country with nearly 17 million people By the way that Argentinian goal keeper had a cheat sheet of where every player would shoot during the penalties.
  8. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un. Sorry to hear about your loss in sha Allah Allah will give you another gain as he sometimes takes to give. I recently lost my grandma too so I understand how you feel. The best tip I could give you which helped me alot and returned my inner peace is; understanding death and why it happens, trials and tribulations, and the give and take concept of Allah. May Allah forgive and have mercy upon your grandma and make it easy for you and your loved ones in this difficult time. Ameen. Ps an interesting article by Yasmin Mogahed: Why do people have to leave each other? Part 1 People leave each other. But do they return? Part 2
  9. Che you either made a wild guess or took a look at the match schedules. Mexico is the next opponent. Luis Suarez comes across as a maneater. He got suspended for 4 months and will not play further in the world cup. Luis already wanted a peace of Giorgio Chiellini's meat at the Confederations Cup in 2013. This made me laugh so hard.
  10. <cite> @Che -Guevara said:</cite> My bad, I meant Mexico. Brazil is happy they are not facing the Netherlands. It looks like from the second round on it's gonna be alot easier. Most strong teams are gonna be eliminated this first round eg Spain, Portugal etc.
  11. Je weet oranje aan de top I'm doing great couldn't be better and on top of that summer has officially started. Tell me how you are doing. What's new
  12. They are a cute couple, too bad they aint got the same religion but I guess that aint a problem for him.
  13. Nah Che they got beaten earlier today by Holland with 2-0. Chile is also going to the second round since they second best in group B.
  14. What a ratchet. The vulgarity is so off putting and unlady like.
  15. Showqiiiii! We are one game away from the quarter final.
  16. About time that shit got banned for good, well done to the Brits. Men who chew khat are such a big turn off.
  17. Homunculus when exactly was that news debunked because a few days ago I read an article talking about vaccine induced autism. I will get back to you and post the link.
  18. <cite> @Dhagax-Tuur said:</cite> 5Th fastest. Africans played well but were not clinical enough. Most possession, most of play, but Only one goal to show for. Really? You telling me there are 4 other players who scored faster then 32 seconds. Well I would like to know who they are.
  19. Germany 4-0 Portugal. Who watched Portugal get defeated yesterday. Christiano Ronaldo was crying after the 3rd goal. Didn't see that one coming, also his team lost hope which further contributed to their wack game. Pepe got a red card for headbutting a man who's down, that was a dumb move. Overall it was well worth the watch.
  20. Safferz - Oh that was so harsh of them but yet true lol. The same thing happened to germany vs portugal. Portugal sucked and lost with a big fat zero. Ciyaal Facili - You are welcome. That's what we are aiming for. Hopefully they will succeed. In general it seems this year teams are playing much better then last world cup. Holac - Didn't watch either because it started at midnight in my timezone and I had work the next day. All I know is that it ended with; Ghana 1-2 USA. The American player Clint Dempsy scored 32 seconds after start making it the fastest goal in world cup history.
  21. ^^ There are 4 year olds who can't speak due to speech delay. This is sad hopefully he will soon be reunited with his family.