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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. Catches the ball and kicks it to make a goal. *throws a jacket*
  2. Alpha Blondy power is dangerous look at Kaddafi.
  3. My hair care regime is that I always use a mix of olive oil and coconut oil and trim my hair every 6 weeks. Sometimes I only use coconut oil but this method works for me. Hair growth depends on 2 things: 1. Your genes - Some people are blessed with fast growing long hair while others have a average or retarded hair growth and hair doesn't grow further past a certain length and will never grow long. To find out more about your hair and it's growth and length look at your moms hair. If she's got long hair that grows fast your more likely to have enherited the same. If it's not in your genes you could always give your hair a extra push in the right direction by improving your diet. 2. Your diet - Whatever you put in your mouth affects the health of your scalp and hair, make sure your diet consists of a multivitamin (which also contains B-vitamins which are essential for hair growth and healthy hair) and protein, a daily water intake of 2 litres, make sure you regulary excercise because excercise promotes hair growth by improving the blood circulation to the hair follicles. Have 8 hours of beauty sleep for not only healthier hair but also skin. It's when your sleeping when all the repairing and growth happens.
  4. I'm at least 6 inches long. I leave foamy lubrication when engaged in my job. What am I? You dirty minded people a toothbrush of course. What were you thinking.
  5. ^^ Lool at wuxuu ka cabsaday the sniffing kind inla moodo. Who doesn't love xalwo it's delicious.
  6. You can have them both no need to choose between them.
  7. sharma-arke451;757654 wrote: at least i agree, silly has no possitve dimension. Ok sorry? If you took it wrong
  8. We all got addictions ranging from smoking to spending money etc.. so lets share our addictions. What are you addicted to? My addiction are.... Doner kebab Estee Lauder cream Mac Primer
  9. Knight of Wisdom should see this since he enjoys polygamy I bet it would raise his blood pressure and nearly become his dead if he realises his nightmare became reality lol
  10. sharma-arke451;757641 wrote: i understand the rest, minus the silly It was meant in a good positive way don't take it negative
  11. Nin-Yaaban;757628 wrote: Maybe if you stopped looking for Ex.Convicts, u just might be surprised. Lol I don't look for ex convicts don't judge me by my thread I was only being curious and trying to investigate situation.
  12. sharma-arke451;757631 wrote: threadki ex-convict, talow ma nin yaaban ayeey oola jeeday inantu?? Lol Loool no silly that thread wasn't about him, I didn't even know he went to prison until now. When I made that thread I didn't even know of the existence of Nin-Yaaban.
  13. Nin-Yaaban;757612 wrote: Beauty and brains, u dont see that too often. Yes it's a rare thing to come across the whole package beauty & brains. The same goes for the men you don't see alot of men with whole package.
  14. Nin-Yaaban;757615 wrote: That was about 6yrs back. It wasn't anything serious, just a little domestic and Assault & Battery charge with the family. Oh ok it's alright we all have a past
  15. Nin-Yaaban;757608 wrote: The guys above? Click on the link there is an article. No i'm talking about you, you mentioned you have done some time in prison so I asked you what did they charge you for?
  16. Alderman;757603 wrote: I have copied from other articles featuring Somali politicians such Siad Barre and Daahir Riyaale and just changed the names. Lol sneaky, if you can do it then I could definitely do it How reliable are theses articles anybody can edit wikipedia :eek:
  17. Nin-Yaaban;757590 wrote: i bet she could have made more money as a model than as a civil engineer. She could but not every woman is interested in the modelling industry. Some choose to make use of their brains and not sell their bodies so millions of men can perv on them and millions of women can envy them.
  18. Uhm and how exactly do you do that? Only the people fluent in oral and written Somali can write those articles.
  19. Mashallah she is a talentend girl that goes to show how hard work pays off in the end.
  20. Alderman;757516 wrote: Hi, can anyone explain what 4.5 system is? I would like to know the same thing too.
  21. Wilhelmus van Nassouwe ben ik van Duitsen bloed, den vaderland getrouwe blijf ik tot in den dood. Een Prinse van Oranje ben ik vrij onverveerd, den Koning van Hispanje heb ik altijd geëerd. They should have been the winners of the World Cup 2010 " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>