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Posts posted by Yunis

  1. I was reading that article recently.


    I think the Xiin is in the aspirational camp side of Somalia's new phase. Any realist would see it as 'colorful circus', We have already seen how this "transitional" has led Mahiga an ex tanzanian ambassador propelled into world status and prestige, with no clear ulternative. This circus will continue and more impetuous UN figure heads will emerge with no concrete change on the ground.

  2. Yes no arguing there - from the stand point of failed state UN is obliged to play the head master.


    But their eventual ‘hand over’ time frame to permanent stable state by Somalis and for Somalis might not come to fruition any time soon given the political status of the state (or the strategic interest of the UN). They might claim that is their ultimate goal to quell donor’s persistence for minimum stability and moving away from endless transition periods.


    It’s also, complete opposite that UN recognition of Somali’s ‘brains’ are in Diaspora. UN is fully aware that the expands ‘brain’ is just as rigidly divided community as those in the country, they know that expands are not forming broader inclusive professional groups outside the country to rein in warlords, and the various Islamic militia groups, but Diaspora are rather actively settings up conferences, using Somalis clan loyalty to setup pseudo-regional states.


    This was evident of mahiga’s own admission while in Toronto that over 41 different region-states approached them for support, mostly organized from Diaspora community, Some he claimed weren't on the map.


    Then how could there be any meaningful handoff under such condition? This mandate could be as long as our life time or as long as we come to our senses.


    In things Somali political affairs, aside from the humanitarian missions Turkey will very well get frustrated and disappointed for getting into Somalia’s chronic conflict and cut loose when the drought ends, regardless how Turkey wants to project its emerging power.


    But, there is game changing event underway, the economic outlook of most of UN’s donors are on the brink collapse. Those vital flow of money and prestige towards UN and its agencies may dry up soon.., there might be hope then, which would force us to pay attention and allow Turkey to teach us how to walk, by showing us ways of settling our differences not scores, since UN’s mandate is financially unsustainable in the long run.

  3. ^ We are always in search for strategies / road maps from the foreign entities (UN, AU, EU / America). The core experience from the last 20 years is sadly that, the acceptance that not a single road map can come from us.


    I am not sure of how he was received in MN, but I was in Toronto during Mahiga's visit. The visit was sadly indicative of our Somali society's endless internal division and bickering. A week pirior to the visit, Different groups within the community argued (on how region A should get 25 attendees, region B should get 30.....etc) all vetting for Mahiga's earnest attention, not for Somalia - but that of their region. In the end it was a heavy security, non-descriptive hotel and only about 50 pll attending, some groups / regions even walking out. :)


    With a city of over 100k expats, so much for Mahiga touring 'Somali diaspra' community. Where Abdi wali's event was open to all Somalis - says alot on who is in charge of somalia


    Xiin – your focus with the substance of these meetings is all well and fine. But, where I have issue with is the general state of our affairs and diaspora’s hindrance to progress, but more division and no substance discourse.

  4. Why are most of you seem surprised?

    I would expect these type of thing from this TFG entity which only exists few districts within xamar, and represented abroad by unqualified, Unethical, and corrupt diplomats. Who got these posts through a system of favors, and bribery with no understanding of international affairs.



    This reminded me of friend of mine last year who went to visit his ailing mother in Mogadishu, as he got off the plane in Xamar. he was Greeted as part of Customs officer a fellow American and a CIA officers, asking him 'why r you here"?. He had to convince them he was there to visit him mom whom he had

    not seen in years.


    these so called leaders in Somalia waa qashin, almost 99% of them waa qashin, sanka ka qabsada....and has been last 20 years. very few have interest beyond their own or their qabiil for somalia...

  5. Where on that date? I was fresh eyed new graduated from school a few months prior, and started work in Small town (Hoover city) out Side of Birmingham, Alabama. Just started to prepare shaax(with Qolfe iyo Hayle), as I turn the tv on. There it was Two huge building on fire, it was surreal. I felt pretty much the same way every one around the world felt, a terrible atrocity and lots of innocent pll died.


    As it did with lots Muslims, it got very personal very quickly for me, co-workers questioning your believes, endless bashing of Islam at times overtly to intimidate, one co-worker will frequently leave small bible on my desk draws on regular basis. In those days I used drive from Alabama to Virginia where the fam lived to avoid the hustle on air travel. I remember I had to literally request a change of assignment to a different town to be save.


    Is the world a better place as a result? No, it was horrible atrocity not because of the scale or the nature of the atrocity - but because of who the victims were. It may not be planes into buildings, but the similar type atrocities have been taking place around the world, Unless you where in Europe / north America or Japan. If you look back history for hundreds of years, there are plenty of atrocities around the world mostly committed by imperial powers. Its just that this time it took place in a country where this type of atrocity was immune to.