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Posts posted by Yunis

  1. Somalia;864961 wrote:


    History of Jubbaland


    General Mohamed Said Hirsi ‘Morgan’ made the first modern declaration of Jubbaland State in 1998.

    The conquering TFG militias were from clans related to Jubbaland’s founder General Morgan.



    ;;);))DissidentNation you really want pull this one? hope Morgan doesn't read this crap and try again

  2. This reminds me of Nas's crack-head voting from Hempstead poem ''Supplies are thin, so stealing ain't a sin'' back in the 90's.but, seriously some of you (Gaas & Shariif supporters) can't resist in trying to blown this out of proportion and are fearful of the current Farmaajo momentum. You ‘have nothing to be fearful of - he will transcend clan barriers, Somalia will undoubtedly make a progress towards stability and onto establishing a genuine peace.

  3. Allamagan;864430 wrote:
    You cant reason with a fool. Just their nicknames enough to tell a lot about these individuals. Dr. Looyaan needs not approval from some sick low self-esteem nobodies. His educational and professional achievements speaks volume for itself.

    Allamagan - sxb the guy has a commendable qualifications, laakiin don't fell into Abwaan's trap. lets be honest, Loyaan chances are very slim, its Farmaajo who enjoys enormous following.


    Abwaan - So, Gedo Times recanting their story means he has base support?.

  4. What makes no sense is the fact Maadeey and his cowardly shameless postings have the exact effect of his extremist propagandist intentions, which is to arouse anger and shock effect. Some are even calling him to be banned. Really? If he really believed that there is true Jihad anywhere in Somalia, he would have been in the front lines himself; but, he choice to sneak into a public internet coffee and posts graphic without context, knowing he lost the bigger war of idealogy. One shouldn’t be offended by what such a character posts or says.


    Ps. I talked to Kismaayo saaka - KDF were dealt with a heavy blow yesterday. Lost men and equipment and are said have been pushed back to their bases in Afmadoow. These Kenyans are a joke

  5. ^^^

    Let me do it for you - Booweyaasha in my neck of the woods are pushing this same false pretext that Faroole is hell bent on derailing A-weli chances. One friend even goes further claiming, if A-wali loses top seat, he would challenge Mr Fingerless in Garowe. It’s all political hoaxes, Ilko-yaxaas hoostay ka xidhiidhsan yihiin:D.

  6. Not saying she brought this on herself, but over the years she took her politically conscious songs to whole other level, she was always singing while sporting different Somali Regions, ethos and onlf flags.


    With the crazy things Somalis are capable of these days who knows, she might have ticked off some while wiping down her forehead with a flag of Tol-lands or others could have misinterpreted by the ethos flag hanging tightly around her curvaceous h!ps, while she was humping lustfully on stage as an inappropriate condolence gesture towards zenawi's death.