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Posts posted by Yunis

  1. UZTAAD;870153 wrote:
    I think the most deserving is mr gaas to continue as pm because he has done a wonderful job so far. if he is going going to bring some other useless islaax guy that will be a grave mistake. this is not some religious group business.


    nonsense - Pic our ilk Faroole mantra or else days are over with.

  2. … the better part of his (Zenawi) life, he tirelessly labored to bring peace to Somalia.....I wish he were with us today to witness the fruits of his labour - Hailemariam Desalegn

    Translator was clearly annoyed by the 'Hail to the victor' praises directed towards Zenawi with his ‘Igaa raali ahaada, dhagahaa i culuse’. With this speech, its save to assume Hailemariam intends to replicate zenawi’s policies to the extent possible in the horn.

  3. It does matter who the PM is; After all it’s Prime minister who will be afforded the powers to set the government agenda. With over 20 warlord characters still in the parliament – the quality of PM is just as important as the president.But, No predictions from me this time around, I am just waiting predictable Faroole's reaction when it turns out Puntlander is not chosen.

  4. I have seen a youtube trailer, and it doesn't come close to a comedy spoof as some claim. The filmmaker named Sam Bacile supposedly made this disgusting film that vilifies Muslims, which has caused so much violence that still reverberating across the Muslim world.


    Plausible conspiracies perhaps; you'have got disturbing movie about Muslims released on the eve of Sept 11, in the middle of US elections, to top it off the director's name is just pseudonym Sam Bacile, clearly with intentions to disguise identity. someone is either trying to involve more wars with the US or at minimum some tea-party ***** trying to bring problems for Obama. Here is the Atlantic Journal article:



    As part of my search for more information about Sam Bacile, the alleged producer of the now-infamous anti-Muhammad film trailer "The Innocence of Muslims," I just called a man named Steve Klein -- a self-described militant Christian activist in Riverside, California (whose actual business, he said, is in selling "hard-to-place home insurance"), who has been described in multiple media accounts as a consultant to the film.


    Klein told me that Bacile, the producer of the film, is not Israeli, and most likely not Jewish, as has been reported, and that the name is, in fact, a pseudonym. He said he did not know "Bacile"'s real name. He said Bacile contacted him because he leads anti-Islam protests outside of mosques and schools, and because, he said, he is a Vietnam veteran and an expert on uncovering al Qaeda cells in California. "After 9/11 I went out to look for terror cells in California and found them, piece of cake. Sam found out about me. The Middle East Christian and Jewish communities trust me."


    He said the man who identified himself as Bacile asked him to help make the anti-Muhammad film. When I asked him to describe Bacile, he said: "I don't know that much about him. I met him, I spoke to him for an hour. He's not Israeli, no. I can tell you this for sure, the State of Israel is not involved, Terry Jones (the radical Christian Quran-burning pastor) is not involved. His name is a pseudonym. All these Middle Eastern folks I work with have pseudonyms. I doubt he's Jewish. I would suspect this is a disinformation campaign."


    I asked him who he thought Sam Bacile was. He said that there are about 15 people associated with the making of the film, "Nobody is anything but an active American citizen. They're from Syria, Turkey, Pakistan, they're some that are from Egypt. Some are Copts but the vast majority are Evangelical."


    What are we to make of Steve Klein's assertions? I'm taking everything about this strange and horrible episod with a grain of salt, though I will say that I haven't seen any proof yet that Sam Bacile is an actual Israeli Jew, or that the name is anything other than a pseudonym. More to come, undoubtedly.



  5. Our new policies will be revolving around one important issue; and that is eliminating the suffering of Somali people and where we can not eliminate it, we need to reduce it to at least to an acceptable levels.

    a real understanding of the core issue in today's Somalia. With the right prime minister and cabinet this guy can make history for the better.