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Everything posted by Garnaqsi

  1. *Blessed;745840 wrote: That's my all time favourit song. I love it too! It’s an epic tale of love and tragedy; an oracle within which the moral values of an entire culture is encoded. It’s a pity that no-one (that I know of) has ever produced an unabridged cover of it, probably because that would be impractical/too long for a song. EDIT: I just remembered that Beledweyn, another epic Hadrawi tale, is about as long and Samatar sings it in an unabridged form!
  2. Som@li;745622 wrote: Actually some of the new guys can beat and do a better than the original singers, but I agree most of them butcher. If you can a better job, Ahmed Gacayte is long dead, AUN, no issue with new comer keeping it up , innovating it for new gen Couldn't possibly agree more. We shouldn't have issues with new singers keeping the classics alive; rather, it should be encouraged. Some singers are of course naturally hard to beat, or even equalise for that matter - people like Magool and Gacayte; but I remember one time listening to the above-mentioned 'jacaayl dhiig ma lagu qoray' version of Birimo and being shocked by how really good it was.
  3. Abtigiis;745288 wrote: Ninba waxuu tilmaamaa, halka taranka roobkiyo Laga helo tigaadee, tayyo lagu majiirtee Taan dumar ku leeyahay, waa Gabadh Togdheeroo Toban iyo lix jirahoo, hiddihii ku taadhee Maxammuudi toob weyn, saddex qayyd ka tolatayoo Oo daraya muusguna, taakiyo badh muuqdee Dhacluhuna taraxxa oo, tusbax luqunta galisoo Sidii boqorad taash xidhan, hadalkeeda tirisoo Kolba erey ku tuurtee Sida timo haldhaaleey, ugu tagay hurdada xalay Anigaba Togdheer baa, turdun iiga muuqdaa Noole wuxuu ka taahaa, ama salal ku sheegaa Ama gacan ku taabtaa, halka nabar ka taabtee Burco waxay ku taalaa, xiddidada tin iyo cidhib Tabinayaa dhigee, hadba dhan u talawshee Todobaatan jeer baan, soo toosay xalayoo Taan dumar ku leeyahay, waa gabadh Togdheer Peace to all! Good stuff! You don't write it like that, though; the convention is to write one verse in every line, not two!
  4. I fell in love with this song many years ago -- I still view it as one of the most beautiful songs ever! ♫ Dhagar-qabe - Axmed Gacayte ♫ Anigoo dhallaanoo qalbigana ka dhimanoo dhaayaha wax ka arkeyn Arladaba dhamaanteed dhalanteed igaga jiro dhaxalkii adowgeey Inta aan dharaar qubay dheydii haraatiyey ma u dhiibay dumaroo taladeyda la carantaye dhootin ma isku dhaliyoo meel xun anigu ma is dhigay Dheda roob ma noqotoo biyo lagama dhaansho dhuuma lagama buuxshee Nimey talladu dhaaftiyo nin laf dheer ka kala jabay labaduba dhantaalmee Anigaa ka dhiganoo dhinaceygan taala dhagama xun iyo ceebiyo hurdin ma isku dhaliyo meel xun aniga ma is dhigay Dhagar qabe abeesiyo halaq lama dhunkado oo dhabta luguma qaatee Haweenka ka dhiganoo ninki dhinaca saara ka idleeya dhiigee Anaay igu dhex tuureen dhamac iyo dab shidanoo qeyrkey i dhaafoo dhanna maanta haaysane waxan tala idiin dhigay haku dhiiranaanina. ♫ The lyrics, the way he sings/delivers it, the kaman -- it's a thing of beauty and perfection!
  5. Somalina;744880 wrote: You might want to edit out the clan names from your postings. You gotta love SOL's rules!
  6. Abtigiis;744907 wrote: Garnaqsi, I was pulling LST's leg. Gotcha!
  7. Abtigiis;744905 wrote: Libaax, Sakiin 2012 armay more bearing inagu leedahay? Intiina meelaaha joogta mooye, i mean. :D Since the US tends to fiddle with the affairs of everyone (being a superpower and all), I would say this has bearing on pretty much everyone on the planet. Besides, if some of those republican nutcases come into power, I think humans might even go extinct.
  8. NGONGE;744645 wrote: How much do radios cost again? (the police one will be great). Here is the police one. It's also available all over the shops in London for £10-20. Disclaimer: you seem to be eager about tuning into police transmissions. I hereby declare that I'm not responsible for any illegality that may stem from your possession of this item!
  9. *Blessed;744524 wrote: Sidaad ula heshay baan ka yaabay. Are all guridanbayso treated as such? I though I was a special case. :D Oh no you didn't, haha!
  10. *Blessed;744510 wrote: ... but most of my things are bought for me but anyway... Ma reer baad u yartahay?
  11. Owning a radio is not sad; it's better than owning a television. I own one, but my wireless headphone has built-in radio, so I usually use that one instead -- a weird thing is that it can monitor local police transmissions with amazing clarity (not that I listen often).
  12. Mohammed;741046 wrote: ... Boondheere;741252 wrote: ... Note that my replies to you, which were waiting for moderator's approval for sometime, have now appeared.
  13. Congratulations, Alpha! Che -Guevara;744363 wrote: ^You are not officially part of the cult yet, and you are already preaching? loool That made me laugh!
  14. Valenteenah.;744361 wrote: Garnaqsi, NG has NEVER liked any newbies. You've to make it to full nomad before he calls your posts 'stuff and nonsense'. Well, that explains a lot then - thank you! NGONGE;744378 wrote: Anyway, I was right about that one. Look at the thread he started! Ouch!
  15. Malika;744372 wrote: ^lol, you cant be that bored?..Lol Are you implying that one can't possibly ask me a bit about myself without being bored? I take that as an insult!
  16. Let me try! Valenteenah.;744369 wrote: Why don't you tell us a little about yourself? I'm student from UK. I'm starting graduate program this autumn. I used to be a nomad in another life, which explains my presence here, as I found the forum while trying to buy some camel milk online! I love Somali literature -- music, poetry, and all the rest of it!
  17. Testing whether I can post threads or not (I couldn't as of few days ago)...
  18. NGONGE;744170 wrote: There must have been at least a hundred new users joining in the past year alone, not one of them stands out! Banal oldie displaying the classic older generation superiority syndrome!
  19. I agree. This site is not newbie-friendly exactly. I still can't access my inbox, manage friend requests and so on. Even some of the posts that I've made were said to be waiting for moderator's approval but never appeared (I don't think they could have been denied).
  20. BoldNewSomali;743712 wrote: I agree the Shababites brought a lot of destructive ideology, but this jilbaab craze preceeded them. Even here in the West a lot of Somali ladies are wearing jilbaab. I dont get it. I find it really curious. PS: I agree with you Garbasaar was/is beautiful. I think it came with the civil war. It's known that extreme religiosity rises in hard times.
  21. I was meaning to buy one of those cameras... GaroweGal;743886 wrote: I promise to not throw any of your catalogues out ever again. That made me laugh!
  22. Alpha Blondy;743865 wrote: this is more realistic. better than a 'faanan' wearing a suit bigger than him in a park somewhere, caressing the flowers. I agree. I don't know why they do that. It's probably cheaper, but it's also completely tasteless!