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Why would you open another thread; we have "Somalia on The Move" which is intended to tally up major projects Turkey is carrying out in Somalia. At least use another title. The one you are using is a subtitle of the similar thread that precedes yours by at least 8 days. As far as I know of stealing threads is a crime in SOL.
The most modern hospital in East Africa is being built in Mogadishu.......Thanks again and again to Turkey
Warsamaale, be easy with brother secessionists. We have extended a red welcome mat for them and they are walking on it. Tolerate their bragging; they really deserve to feel winners for the first time in 22 years spent in fancy dreamland.
The hardcore separatists have compromised their position on secession. They agreed to the fact every rational-thinking Somali knew and had no doubt about it. Breaking up Somalia is an untenable END. Hargeysa (Halbeegnews)–09/07/2013– Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha ee dalka Soomaaliya Cabdikariim Xuseen Guutaale oo u waramaayey warfiyeenadda magaalada Ankara ayaa shaaca ka qaaday maanta goor danbe in is afgarad ay gaadheen wefdigii dhinaca Somaliland ee ay wada hadalada lahaayeen isagoo ayuu yidhi wefdiga dhinaca Somaliland ka soo dabcay halkii ay markii hore taagnaayeen. “Waxay walaaladayo reer Somaliland muujiyeen bisayl iyo dabacsanaan taasi oo haddii alla idmo bog cusub u furi doonta Soomaaliyada cusub, waxaanan maanta laga bilaabo rajo weyn ka qaba in midnimadii Soomaaliyeed dib usoo laaban doonto, waxaan u mahad celinaya walaalaha reer Waqooyi ee halkii ay taagnaayeen ka soo dabcay tanaasulaadka ay sameeyeena waxaanu dhinacayaga ballan qaadnay inaanu wax badan anaguna tanaasuli doono” ayuu yidhi Cabdikariin Xuseen Guutaale wasiirka daakhliga ee dalka Soomaaliya Mr. Guutaale oo hadalka sii wada wuxuu yidhi “walaalahayo Somaliland waxay kulanka la yimaadeen inaanay mawqifkooda ah inay Somaliland madax bannaanato laga hadli karin, balse markii danbe way ogolaadeen waanay ka dabceen in arrinta laga hadlo oo miiska la dhigo, oo laga doodo” ayuu yidhi Mr. Guutaale. Wasiir Guutaale wuxuu sheegay inay wada hadaladu sii daba dheeraan doonaan, isla markaana uu rajaynayo waa sida uu sheegtaye ay midnimadii Soomaaliya soo laabanayso “mawqifkii ay kal hore walaaladayo wateen iyo kan maanta wax weyn ayaa ay ku kala gedisanyahiin, taasi ayaanan filaya inay fure u noqon doonto in xal waaja midnimada Soomaaliya laga gaadho” Hadalka Mr. Guutaale wasiirka daakhliga ee Soomaaliya ayaa wuxuu daaha ka faydaya in wefdigii Somaliland ay ka tanasuleen mawqifkii hore ay u taagnaayeen ee ahaa inaan qaddiyadda Somaliland laga hadli karin ee ay tahay mid shacabku go’aan ka gaadheen . Warar Kulanadda Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya Ku Saabsan Kala Soco Halbeegnews Oo Heegan Idiin Ah
Xaaji Xunjuf;967433 wrote: This will be discussed it doesn't say it will be agreed on to hold a conference in hargeisa and Mogadishu it doesn't work like that, because its not neutral ground on both sides. Neutral ground and international mediation thats the best way forward for these talks. Or else we will continue to talk about talks lol. Mr. blindfolded, in case your eyes are open now, here is the agenda again ( English inserts are my mine): 1-in la fududeeyo isusocodka siyaasiyiinta iyo shacabkaba si siyaasiyiinta ka soo jeeda Somaliland dhalasho ahaan ee k a tirsan xukumada somaliya looga qaado xayiraada helaana fursad ay ku booqdaan Somaliland iyo degaanadooda oo dadkooda kula soo hadlaan,kulana soo tashadaan. (Unionist politicians and federal government employees visiting north region, the triangle area, should not be threatened by the SNM gang). 2-in wadahadalada ama shirka kan Istabuul xiga lagu qabto dalka gudahiisa sida Hargeisa maa Muqdisho. (the next meeting should be held inside THE COUNTRY). 3-in xeer u gaar ah shirka oo ergada lagu hago la sameeyo si looga dheeraado isqabsiga,muranka iyo wixii hakad ama carqalad gelin kara habsami u socodka wadahadalka. (Develop mechanism to control emotional outbursts some members may experience in the meeting hall). Geesta kale wuxuu Khaalid sheegay in Ergada somalilanda dhankooda ku darsadeen Ageendaha dhawr qodob oo uu ka xusay 1-qodob ku saabsan saami qaybsiga maalgashiga iyo kheyraadka dabiiciga ah. 2-qodob kale oo ku saabsanaa in Somaliland loo madaxbaneeyo maamulida hawadeeda . Isku soo wada duuboo wuxuu khaalid sheegay in shirku si habsami ah u socdo ilaa caawana socon doono hase yeeshee beri gelinka danbe la soo gebagebeyn doono war murtiyeedka ka soo baxana la saxeexi doono. wixii warara ee ka soo kordha shirka isha ku hay Qarannews Hargeisa
xaaji xunjuf;967422 wrote: gaadhhaye somaliland independence is non negotiable what is being discussed is all the other issues no one is expecting somalia to accept somaliland this is something we are all aware off. The issue of somalia and somaliland and the final settlement will be eventually reached when there are international mediators come inbetween the 2 countries.the issue will be discussed but it will not be agreed on this meeting most likely in the next talks in london. what a waste of time...... in the country, hargeisa or mogadishu;;; :cool: go change the agenda,,,,,,,
Xaaji Xunjuf;967410 wrote: Stanbul: Wada Hadalada Labada Wadan Ee Somaliland iyo Somalia Oo Si Toos Ah U Furmay iyo Dooda Dhinacyadda (Hadhwanaagnews) Monday, July 08, 2013 Hasa ahaatee, wasiirka arrimaha gudaha Soomaaliya, Cabdikarim Xuseen Guuleed, ayaa BBC-du u sheegay in ay diyaar u yihiin tanaasul kasta oo aan ahayn in wax loo dhimo "midnimmada dalka". Wasiirka Ganacsiga iyo Maalgeshiga Somaliland, Maxamad Cabdullahi Cumar, oo hoggaaminaya wafdiga dowladdiisa, ayaa sheegay in miiska ay gaynayaan arrinta gooni isu taagga Somalilnd. Hadhwanaagnews Stanbul, Turkiya. The poor man couldn't.........................> See the agenda as per your SNM Gang: Ajeendayaha Shirka Istabuul Ee La Ansixiyey Iyo Qodobada Ergooyinka Labada Dhinac (Somaliya & Somaliland) Qolo Waliba Dhinaceeda Ku Darsatey Writen by Qaran News | Published: Jul 8th, 2013 at 01:43 PM email to a friendprintsharesubscribe Ajeendayaha shirka Istabuul ee la ansixiyey iyo qodobada Ergooyinka labada dhinac (Somaliya & Somaliland) qolo waliba dhinaceeda ku darsatey Istanbuul-(Qaran-news)-Xubin ka mid ah ergada wadahadalada Istabuul uga qeyb gelaaya somaliya Khaalid cumar cali ayaa sheegay in wadaxaajoodka u dhexeeya ergooyinka Somaliland iyo soomaaliya saaka si rasmi ah loo gudagalay ama u furmay,isaragii koowaadna la saaray ama la qeybiyey afar xubnood oo gudi farsamo oo ka socda labada dhinac oo isku soo dubarida Ageendaha shirka. Khaalid wuxuu sheegay in lagu heshiiyey 10 qodob oo noqon doona Ajeendaha shirka oo qoloba qaar keentay,wuxuuna intaas ku daray in laysku raacey,lana ansixiyey qodobadaas. Khaalid wuxuu sheegay in qodobada Ajeendaha ee la ansixiyey in laga dodo ee dhinacoodu watay inay ka mid yihiin 1-in la fududeeyo isusocodka siyaasiyiinta iyo shacabkaba si siyaasiyiinta ka soo jeeda Somaliland dhalasho ahaan ee k a tirsan xukumada somaliya looga qaado xayiraada helaana fursad ay ku booqdaan Somaliland iyo degaanadooda oo dadkooda kula soo hadlaan,kulana soo tashadaan. (Unionist politicians and federal government employees visiting north region, the triangle area, should not be threatened by the SNM gang). 2-in wadahadalada ama shirka kan Istabuul xiga lagu qabto dalka gudahiisa sida Hargeisa maa Muqdisho. (the next meeting should be held inside THE COUNTRY). 3-in xeer u gaar ah shirka oo ergada lagu hago la sameeyo si looga dheeraado isqabsiga,muranka iyo wixii hakad ama carqalad gelin kara habsami u socodka wadahadalka. (Develop mechanism to control emotional outbursts some members may experience in the meeting hall). Geesta kale wuxuu Khaalid sheegay in Ergada somalilanda dhankooda ku darsadeen Ageendaha dhawr qodob oo uu ka xusay 1-qodob ku saabsan saami qaybsiga maalgashiga iyo kheyraadka dabiiciga ah. 2-qodob kale oo ku saabsanaa in Somaliland loo madaxbaneeyo maamulida hawadeeda . Isku soo wada duuboo wuxuu khaalid sheegay in shirku si habsami ah u socdo ilaa caawana socon doono hase yeeshee beri gelinka danbe la soo gebagebeyn doono war murtiyeedka ka soo baxana la saxeexi doono. wixii warara ee ka soo kordha shirka isha ku hay Qarannews Hargeisa
On anther hand, Alshaab's sleeper cells in Xamar are being exposed;;;; Barqanimadii maanta ayaa waxaa lagu dilay isgoyska Fagax oo ka tirsan degmada Yaaqshiid ee gobolka Banaadir askari ka tirsan Booliska Somalia halka qof shacab ahna la dhaawacay. Darawal watay gaari BL ah isla markaana goob joog ahaa ayaa *****lka ka qaaday in sadex nin oo bastoolado ku hubeysan mootana watay ay rasaas gaadmo ah ku fureen askarigan oo isla goobta ku dhintay. Gudoomiyaha degmada Heliwaa ee gobolka Banaadir Cumar Jacfaan ayaa sheegay in askariga la dilay uu ka tirsanaa Booliska degmadiisa, ayna dilkaas ka dib sameeyeen howlgal deg deg ah. “Howlgalkaas waxaa lagu dilay hal nin oo ka mid ahaa kooxihii dilay askariga oo laga helay bastooladii uu wax ku dilay, waxaana ciidamadu ay soo qabteen labadii nine ee la socotay iyo mooto ay wateen xabsiga ayey jiifaan heyadaha amaanka ayaana ku wareejinaynaa” ayuu intaa ku daray Cumar Jacfaan.
^^^Turkey is rebuilding the ex-parliamentary building of Somali Republic. Before the evils of civil war destroyed it, it was one of Somalia's antique landmark edifice. It became known as "exbaarlamaan" in 1980 because the military government of Siyaad Bare had constructed another building for his appointed members of parliament of the Somali Revolutionary Party he had created. But exbaarlamaan has left a lingering memories on young people growing in 1960s for it was the first center where Somalis were exposed to modern democratic debates.
Dowlada Turkiga oo dib u dhis ka bilowday xaruntii Ex-Baarlamaan ee magaalada Muqdisho (SAWIRRO) Xaruntii hore ee Ex-baarlaman oo ku burburtay dagaaladii sokeeye ee sanadihii sagaashanaadkii ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa 22 sano ka dib waxaa ka bilowday howlo dib loogu dhisayo kaasoo ay wado dowlada Turkiga. Waxaa la arkayey maalmahan gaadiidka iska rogayaasha iyo baaleyaasha heyadaha Turkiga oo goobtii xaruntaas ay ku tiilay ka daabulaya dhagxaan ka dhashay burburka xaruntaas oo ka mid ahaan jirtay goobaha ugu quruxda badan magaalada Muqdisho xiligii beri samaadkii. Xaruntan ayaa aheyd fadhi u aheyd baarlamanada dowladihii rayidka ahaa ee dalka ka jiray intii u dhexeysay sanadihii 1960-kii illaa 1969-kii, iyadoo dowladii milaateriga aheydna ay markii dambe u bedeshay xaruntii maxkamada badbaadada dalka. Dhagaxii guduudnaa ee xaruntaas ay sameysneyd ayaa intii ay socdeen dagaalada sokeeye iyo dowlad la’aanta mir-mir loo kala fujiyey oo la kala iibsaday, waxaana laga sameeyey intooda badan foornooyinka lagu dubo Rootiga. Sidoo kale, dowlada Heyadaha Turkiga ayaa magaalada Muqdisho dib uga bilaabay dhismaha Marshi-beeyadaha wadooyinka oo bilo ka ka hor hakad galay ka dib markii shaqaalaha heyadaha Turkiga weeraro lagula beegsaday Muqdisho, waxaana aad loo xoojiyey amaankooda.
^^^^^^ Somalis who reside in your imaginary "LaalaaLand" if they do not believe in your delusions have no voice. Thus, logic dictates that the gang should expel her from Hargeisa….
GAROODI;966687 wrote: The reason why we and you are so different is simple. I am genuine. I was genuine about somaliweyn hence why SOMALILAND joined Somalia in 1960. I was genuine about that so much that the capital for the Ethiopian military invasion was Hargaisa not mugdisho. Borama and Hargaisa got bombed by Ethiopian airplanes not mugdisho. You are not genuine. The pirates want everything through deception or force even though they can't fight and the hag with the new found ownership of vast land see no reason why they should share anything they want to make Somalia their own fiefdom which as the majority population and capital belongs they can and unlike the pirates who were state welfare dependent the hag have economic power, numbers and have shown they can fight. So Saxib keep your Somalia because no one is genuine anymore The debate of whether SNM GANG have the skills, the intellect, the legality or the consensus of the majority of the people so that they can form their own tribal state, recognized by the world, that debate is over and done with, finito, FORGET ABOUT IT………….. But take this as an antidote for your delusional self aggrandizement. USP (UNITED SOMALI PARTY OF NORTHERN SOMALIA) COMPOSED OF PEOPLE OF AWDAL REGION, SANAAG REGION AND SOOL REGION is celebrating Somali's FREEDOM DAY....... " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
Xaaji Xunjuf;965788 wrote: What does this have to do with hargeisa? To share national pride with the people of Mogadishu and to celebrate the national freedom day with them, IKRAN CARAALE, the high-powered musician, has just sent a newly composed song from Hargeisa as a gift to the Somali people in which she expresses her determination to hang on to the unity blue flag of Somalia." frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
WAA KOW.............................. Aqoon yahan jiir ayaa u soo jeeday siilaanyo in uu si deg deg ah isku casilo ,hadii uu diidana xilka laga xayuubiyo, ka dibna maxkamada la soo taago. Anigoo ah aqoon yahan jaamac cilmi jiir oo madaxweyne siilaanyo isku beel nahay ayaa waxaan ka damqaday xaalada uu hada uu dalkuy marayo oo ah meel adag,iyadoo dhalinyradii dalku aysan hayn wax shaqo ah , isla markaana ay sii badatay qabyaaladii oo uu horseed ka yahay siilaanyo ,hadaba waxaan umada reer somaliland iyo madaxweyne siilaanyo u soo jeedinayaa laba arimood oo kaal ah . 1: in madaxweyne siilaanyo xilka iska casilo madaama oo uu ku fashilmay gudashada waajibaadka qaran ee loo igmaday . waayo hada dalku wuxuu ku socdaa iyo halka uu marayo cidi garanmayso sidaa daraadeed waxaan ugu baqayaa madaxweyne siilaanyo in uu xilka iskaga tago oo uu is casilo , hadii uu diido waxaan ugu baaqayaa umada somaliland inay ridaa waayo miyuu ka wanaagsan yahay madaxaweynaha dalka masar oo hada mudaharaado waaweyne ku socaa siddii xilka looga qaadi lahaa , waayo madaxweyne mursiga masarba waa la doortay oo hal sano ayuu haayya xilka xalka uu siilaanyo xilka hayay mudo sanad sano ah, markaa waa in xilka laga qaadaa, oo hadii uu diido xilka xayuubin lagu soo oogaa oo weliba amxkamada la horgeeyaa oo lagu soo eedeeyaa musuq-maasuq ,cadaaladaro iyo fidinta qabyaalada oo hada umadadii reer somaliland kala fogeysay. Gabagbadii waxaan leeyahay shacabka reer somaliland iyo cid kasta oo ka naxaysa dalkan inay talaabo qaado sidii loo badbaadin lahaa dadka iyo dalkaba. Qalinkii:Aqoon yahan Jamaac Cilmi jiir Hargeysa/Somaliland
FUNNY, Exclusive: Somalia Central Bank a 'slush fund' for private payments - U.N. Tuesday, July 02, 2013 Money at the Central Bank of Somalia is not used to run government institutions in the war-torn Horn of Africa country, with an average 80 percent of withdrawals made for private purposes, according to a U.N. report seen by Reuters on Monday. The confidential report by the U.N. Group of Experts to the Security Council's Somalia and Eritrea sanctions committee blamed a patronage system - dubbed the "khaki envelope" practice after the color of the stationery carried to the Ministry of Finance - for preventing the creation of state institutions. "In this context, the fiduciary agency managed by PricewaterhouseCoopers was reduced to a transfer agent that could not ensure accountability of funds once they reached the Somali government," the report said. "Indeed of $16.9 million transferred by PWC to the Central Bank, $12 million could not be traced," it said. "Key to these irregularities has been the current governor of the Central Bank, Abdusalam Omer." PricewaterhouseCoopers, Omer and the Somalia U.N. mission did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Omer, 59, is a dual Somali-U.S. national who left Somalia at age 16 and returned in January to become governor of the Central Bank in a country with a shattered economy and broken financial system. The overthrow of a dictator in 1991 plunged Somalia into two decades of violent turmoil, first at the hands of clan warlords and then Islamist militants, who have steadily lost ground since 2011 under pressure from an African Union military offensive. Somalia was virtually lawless and unable to assert authority until a Western-leaning government was elected last year. The U.N. report said all bank decisions were made by Omer because there were no board members in place and the bank does not operate as a government body subject to policy decisions or oversight from integrity institutions and parliament. "On average, some 80 percent of withdrawals from the Central Bank are made for private purposes and not for the running of government, representing a patronage system and a set of social relations that defy institutionalization of the state," it said. The experts said Somali Finance Minister Mohamud Hassan Suleiman had tried to reduce the scale of the patronage system, but "it is so pervasive as to be beyond his control without a fundamental restructuring of the system." CENTRAL BANK A "SLUSH FUND" Under the patronage system, a person can ask Somali leaders for a private payment "that cannot be resisted for personal or other reasons," the U.N. report said. A senior politician signs a note authorizing the payment, which is honored either directly at the Ministry of Finance or the Central Bank, the report said. "This custom is also called the 'khaki envelope' procedure on account of the color of the envelopes seen carried to the Ministry of Finance," it said. "Since banks in Somalia, including the Central Bank, cannot make electronic transfers internally or externally, all transactions are made in cash." The report found that between September, when the new government of President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud came to power, and April, almost three-quarters of withdrawals from the Central Bank were made for private individuals. "Such statistics indicate that the CBS has effectively functioned as a 'slush fund' for the (patronage) system rather than as a financing mechanism for government expenditures," the U.N. experts said. The report noted that Mohamud's government "cannot necessarily be faulted for the continuing patterns of corruption per se, but it can be held responsible for the appointment of individuals involved in past or present corruption." According to Central Bank accounts, a cashier at the Ministry of Finance, Ahir Axmed Jumcaale, was responsible for withdrawing the greatest amount of funds. The report said that between 2010 and 2013 Jumcaale withdrew $20.5 million in his name, which was then used for individual payments under the patronage system by successive finance ministers or finance officials. An individual named Colonel Abdiqaadir Moalin Nuur took out $4.7 million between 2010 and 2013, the second largest amount of money, according to the report, which said there was no explanation for his withdrawals. The International Monetary Fund officially recognized the Somali government in April, ending a 22-year hiatus, and last week offered technical support and advice, a first step in efforts to secure debt relief for the country. Also last month, the Central Bank of Somalia published its first annual report since civil war erupted in 1991, putting the total debt at $3.2 billion. To win debt relief offered to poor nations, it has to draw up a financial management plan. (Editing by Christopher Wilson)
2011-05-25 07, check the date of the article; has relevancy to what is happening in somalia now,,,,
Munaasabadan ayaa waxaa ka qeyb galay madaxweynaha federalka Soomaaliya Xasan Shiikh Maxamuud, ra’iisul wasaaraha xukuumada Soomaaliya Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon (Saacid) Golaha wasiirada, maamulka gobolka Banaadir iyo qaar ka mid ah xubnaha baarlamaanka. Fanaaniinta degaan ee reer Jabuuti, Hobolada waaberi, Heegan, Horseed iyo walaalaha Hargeysa iyo Muqdisho ayaa waxaa ay ku soo bandhigayaan munaasabada heeso wadani ah oo ka turjumaya xoriyada iyo qiimaha ayb ku fadhido. Waxaa gudaha Garoonka socod ku maray qaar ka mid ah shaqaalaha wasaaradaha dowlada Soomaaliya, dadweyne ka kala socda degmooyinka gobolka banaadir, qeybaha kala duwan ee ciidamada qalabka sida oo gaado ka cayaar soo badhigay, ciyaartoyda isboortiga kuwa hidaha iyo dhaqanka iyo qaar kale. Waxaa munaasabadaas khudbado ka jeediiyey gudoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir, raisul wasaaraha iyo madaxweynaha oo ka waramay qiimaha ay maalinta 1da Luulyo ugu fadhido umada Soomaaliyed iyo hagankii dheeraa ee loo soo galay xoriyada oo ay sheegeen iney naftooda ku waayeen dad fara badan, waxayna ugu baaqeen bulshada Soomaaliyed iney ka qeyb qaataan dib u dhiska iyo soo celinta nabada dalka.
Saalax;965638 wrote: Don't give yourself a heart attack kiddo. No one is interested in Jowhar, koonfurian bananas iyo waxan aad sheegaysiid. We're content with our Somaliland. I am happy with my 689 km coastline of Somaliland. Some psychologists have to organize a boatful trip of economists to do field study in The Triangle because what you are saying is contradictory to the human and even to the animal nature. All living things prefer to have more than less. So you and your baddies are content with $242 instead of $3340 just because the GANG says so, laughable indeed laughable…. “Muuskii janaaaliyoo, jowharad la moodeey….. “ Take that as carrot……..
Saalax;965629 wrote: Hargeysa is not a coastal settlement, it makes sense to open the headquarters in the coastal areas. Gaadhaye Maydh to Berbera is 242 km. Maydh is located in north central Sanaag while Berbera is located in central Sahil region, it is quite a distance. Erase the nonsense and hatred from your poisoned mind. You are Somali. The fabricated “lander” postfix to the most honoured word in the universe “Somali” is a figment of your imagination. My friend, I know that the GANG lied to you, but you have ownership in 3340 km coastal waters instead of confining yourself in a mere 242 km... Imagine the catch!!!!! Come home son from the cold and from Goban’s hot drought winds and start singing “babaygii janaaliyo, canbo jilib ku taalaay”….
Waa quud aan jidhin qoryo u guru.....
Prominent Alshabab leader surrenders himself to Authorities
GaadhHaye replied to Che -Guevara's topic in Politics
He must give SFG full detail of how many foreigner fighters are in the country and operationg with Godane;;;;