Abdirahman Hassan Nur
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Sirta noloshu waa hal-ku-dheg isticmaalkiisu ku badanyahay bulsho waynta ku hadasha afka Soomaaliga iyaga oo leh qofkaa hebel sirta nolosha ayuu fahmay oo ay dhici karto in ay ula jeedaan ama ka wadaan mid ka mid ah macnayaashan: 1. Wixii dantiisa ah ayuu ku foofaa wax aan dani ugu jirinna kuma habsaamo Si fiican ayuu noloshiisa u maareeyaa haddii ay tahay nolol ahaan, aqoon ahaan, dad la dhaqan ahaan, dhaqaale ahaan IWM 2. Waxa uu leeyahay karti ama awood qarsoon (potential power) oo uu danihiisa ku fushado baahidiisana ku *****lo 3. Waxa uu xariif ku yahay sida wax la isu waydaarin karo dadkana wax looga dhamaysankaro (negative sense) Macnayaashan oo saddexda hore isku dhadhaw yihiin balse ka u danbeeyaa uu yahay mid dhinaca khaldan loogu macneeyay ereyga “sirta nolosha”, ayaa dadka intiisa badani u fahmaan in ay ka turjumaan eraygan “sirta nolosha”. Lama odhankaro dadku waa wada khaldanyihiin oo sadexda arimood ee horeba waa arimo loo baahanyahay in qof walba laga helo. Waxa aan qoraalkan ama maqaalkan uga jeedaa bal in anigu waxa aan u fahansanahay “sirta nolosha” aan la wadaago bulshada akhrisata maqaalkaygan iyo sidoo kale in aan wacyi galin ahaan uga faa’iidaysto; waayo waxa aan jecelahay in bulshada aan kasoo jeedaa noqoto mid fahanta sirta nolosha oo aan gadaal ka tilmaamidoono! Waxa aan ku yar horayn lahaa tusaalayaal nolosheenna ka mid ah oo qof waliba arki karo ama dareemi karo in aan wax ka tilmaamo taas oo gogol xaadh u noqondoonta dulucda iyo ujeeddada aan ka leeyahay “sirta nolosha!” Waxa jirta in bulshadeennu ay ka koobantahay qaybo farabadan oo aynaan soo koobi karin balse waxa aan anigu ka abbaarayaa laba qaybood (categories) oo bulshada ka mid ah. Waa dadka aynu u naqaanno wadaadada oo aynu ula jeedno qof aan balwad lahayn, cibaadada ku fiican sunnaha Rasuulkuna SCW ka muuqdo iyo qaybta kale oo ah qof balwad leh, cibaadada aan ku fiicnayn ama aan cibaadaysanba, xaaraan iyo xalaal meesha uu wax ka helayona aan ahmiyadba siinin ee ka fikira uun waad u baahantahaye ka daldalo ama ha u badheedho isagoo od in ay xaaraan tahay ama si dadbanba ha ugu muruxsatee. Waxa aan rabaa in aan diiradda saaro nolosha labadan qolo iyo waliba loolanka dacaayadeed ee ka dhexeeya. Bal mid walba aan suurayno noloshiisa. Waxa laga yaabaa in uu haysto shaqo fiican oo ay suuro gal tahay in uu waliba ka dakhli badanyahay wadaadka balse haddana dakhligaa soo galaya aanu u maarayn sidii habboonayd xattaa haddii uu u maareeyona laga yaabaa in aanay barako badanba lahayn oo uu waxba hagaagsan ka qabsan kari waayo ama wax meel ka dhigan kari waayo. Waa uu roorayaa oo meel walba wax ka keenayaa haddana waxa ay noqonaysaa hal bacaad lagu lisay. Waxa uu mar walba loolan kula jiraa ninkaa wadaadka ah isaga oo u arka in uu noloshiisa cunaqabatayn ku yahay isla markaana dacaayado ka fidinaya. Haddii aad fadhiisato meelaha lagu shaaheeyo ama la isugu yimaado waxa aad maqli karaysaa qof qoladan ka mid ah oo leh nimankaa wadaadada ahi meelo kale ayay ku xidhanyihiin, sucuudiga ayaa lacag looga soo diraa IWM. Waxa uu qofkani fahmi kari la’yahay sababta keentay in uu cidhiidhi dareemo ninkaa wadaadka ahina nolol fiican ugu noolyahay! Waxa hubaal ah in qofkaa aynu ku magacawnay wadaad uu ka nolol fiicanyahay kan kale, ka muuqaal quruxbadanyahay, ka dhaqaale roonyahay aragtida guud kan xasiloonyahay. Haddaba, arintu maaha in qofkani waanaaggaa ku helay in uu yahay wadaad oo kaliya balse waxa jira arimo saaciday/kaalmeeyay in nolol deggan oo xasiloon oo qabaw uu ku noolaado. Waxa runtii wax wax lagu qaato ah in Diinteenna suubbani ay koobsatay dhamaan dhinacyada nolosha ka hadalkeeda; haddii ay tahay dhinaca akhlaaqda, dhinaca dhaqaalaha, dhinaca ijtimaaci/bulsheed. Waxa laga yaabaa haddii qofku uu dareemo cidhiidhi maskaxeed (stress/frustration) in uu u cararo xagga dhakhtarrada maskaxda ama culimada cilmi-nafsiga wax ka taqaanna si uu talo uga helo oo dhibkaa uu dareemayo uga baxo. Haddaba ma kula tahay in Diinteenna islaamku ay si xeel-dheer uga hadashay cilmi-nafsiga iyo sidii qofku uga bixi lahaa cidhiidh maskaxeed kasta oo ku yimaadda oo ay sababi karto nolosha oo qofka ku adkaataa? Waa arinta aan rabo bal in aan la wadaago dadka anigoo tusaale usoo qaatay labadaa qaybood ee bulshada ka mid ah. Arintan haddii aynu fahanno waa waxa aynu odhan karno waa sirta nolosha. Sirta noloshu waa in aad fahanto oo kaliya in aad Ilaahay garato iyo sidoo kale in aad garato uun sababta aad u nooshahay iyo wixii laguu abuuray. Tusaale aan bixiyo. 1. Nabigeenna SCW ayaa la dardaarmay saxaabigii waynaa –Ilaahay haka raali noqdee- ee Cabdillahi bin Cabbaas. Waxa uu ku yidhi Rasuulku: Ilaahay ilaali adigana wuu ku ilaaline, haddii aad cid wax waydiisanayso isaga waydiiso, haddii aad cid kaalmaysanaysona isaga kaalmayso, ogow dadka oo dhami haddii ay isu yimaadaan si ay wax kuu taraan inaanay ku tari karin in Ilaahay kuu qoro mooyaane, ogow dadka oo dhami haddii ay isu tagaan si ay kuu dhibaan in aanay waxba ku yeeli karin in Ilaahay kuu qaddaro mooyaane…….. 2. Aayad qur’aan ah ayaa micnaheedu ahaa “qofka camal wanaagsan la yimaadda, lab iyo dhadig kuu doono ha noqdee, ee isla markaana mu’min ah, waxa aanu noolayn doonnaa nolol fiican, aakhrina abaal marin ta u fiican ayaan ku abaal marinaynaa. “من عمل صالحا من ذكر أو أنثى وهو مؤمن فلنحيينه حياة طيبة ولنجزينهم أجرهم بأحسن ما كانوا يعملون” 3. Rasuulku waxa uu xadiis kale ku yidhi: qofka istiqfaarta (danbi-dhaaf dalabka) joogteeya saddex arimood ayuu helayaa oo kala ah in danbigiisa la dhaafo, haddii uu dhib ku jiro oo meel uu ka baxo looga sameeyo iyo in Ilaahay ka arsaaqo meel aanu ka filahayn. Way farabadan yihiin nusuusta ka hadlaysa arintan balse intaa ayaan kaga kaaftoomaynaa. Waxa aan uga jeeda haddii qofku fahmo intan iyo inta la mid ka ah waxa la odhan karaa sirtii nolosha qofkaasi wuu fahmay. Waxa dhacaysa haddii qofku Ilaahay ku xidhmo in nolosha loo barakeeyo waxa soo galayaa haba yaraadaane. Waxa uu noqonayaa qof Ilaahay ku kalsoon; Ilaahayna shaki la’aan wuu siinayaa wixii uu ka doono. Ma rabtaa in risiqa laguu ballaadhiyo sida nimankaa aad wadaadada ku tilmaantay? Ma doonaysaa in doolar badani kusoo galo? Ma rabtaa in baabuur kala jiidan aad wadato? Ma rabtaa in Ilaahay fidnada faqriga kaa badbaadiyo? Waa in aad sirta nolosha fahanto oo ah in Rabbi ku xidhnaato camal badhax tiranna la timaado, adigana Ilaahay taa bedelkeeda nolosha ayuu kuu sakhirayaa oo kuu barakaynayaa. Waxa aan kusoo gabagabaynayaa, sirta noloshu Diinteenna ayay ku jirtaa bal u fiirso, wax kasta ama dhib kasta oo qofka soo waajahda waxa la inoo jideeyay hab aynu ula macaamilno oo uga baxdo. Risiq ballaadhan ma rabtaa? Haa, Alla ka cabsiga badi isagana talo saaro, dhaqdhaqaaqna same Ma rabtaa in dayn lagugu leeyahay aad iska bixiso? Haa, ku ducayso ducada ah “Ilaahayaw xalaashaada igaga ilaali xaaraantaad, fadligaagana igaga qaniyee ciddii kaasoo hadhay, ku talo gal in aad daynta bixiso, dhaqdhaqaaqna samee. Waxa uu Rabbi yidhi qofka dayn lagu leeyahay jecelna in uu iska bixiyo waxa aan isku waajibiyay in aan u kaalmeeyo qofkaa (xadiis qudsi). Haddaba yaynaan ku mashquulin hebel waxaas oo lacag ah halkeebuu ka keenay iyo yuu ku xidhanyahaye; aynu fahanno sirta meesha ku jirtaa in ay tahay sida Ilaahay loogu kala dhawyahay in loo kala nolol fiicanyahay. Cabdiraxmaan Xasan Nuur Email: abdirahman_hn@hotmail.com Hargeysa, Somaliland.
Elmi Bodheri as a pure poet by Abdi Ahmed Digale ( Digale) Elmi Bodheri, was almost born in 1908 in the northwest region of Somalia, he particularly belonged to Hargeisa city where genealogical descendents and ancestors of his tribe and family are inhabitants. But, I am not going to deal here with his biographical sketch profoundly but to discuss about him as a pure poet man, Elmi Bodheri, was a prominent figure and pure poet in the Somali territory as his romance and sublime poems narrated extremely in Somali literature. Though, he was attributed to be the king of love while if his name is sounded every body will automatically think of love because of his miraculous and wonderful story related to his romance with Hodan, yet no doubt that he was a great Poet. Many Somali famous poets and cultural philosophers employed his masterpiece words in their literary imaginative expressions, poems and lyrics. With his long remembrance era, he left behind extraordinary poems which are currently taught in Somali schools, his poems were inspired by tragic and horrific situation of his love with the mentioned lady, because the man produces poems in some reasons as feeling of love and other tensions in social aspects. Elmi Bodheri, was by nature both great dreamer and pure poet whose romantic impressive poems are available tremendously in Somali literature. The richness and quality of his artistic poetry are comparable to the famous poems produced by the most Somali prominent poets as Abdi Gahayr, Raage Ugaas, Salaan Arabey, Qawdhan Du’aale, Dayrwaa, yawle and Timacade. He began, composing one of his best love poems in which he expressed and depicted his strong marriage ambition to Hodan while the story of his love became well known throughout Somali environmental areas. Though, I do not want to provide historical episode dealing with his biography in detail, yet it is necessary to take you back to the days of his legendary love story because the main source of his poems was his exceptional romance which finally ended in tragic era.Bodheri, faced lots of terrible life days during the era of his desirable marriage. On the other hand, he was alert with the Somali primitive feelings and sense towards open love incidents but he was forced by his unprecedented love episode. Hence, in order to judge and evaluate the richness and sublimity of his different poems I narrated in here some lines from his romantic poems because it is impossible to discuss here his poetic wisdom in a small article. Hadhka galay hurdadu weyxuntee, hohe maxaay seexshay Bal inaan habaar qabo, maxaa Hodan iweydaarshay Asleep at midday is evil, oh why did I fall asleep Unless I am cursed, why I missed Hodan Qaararkii Hodan Haddii ay quruxi waxtari oo lagu qaboobaayo Aniguba khadraan soo arkiyo, qaararkii hodane Eebahay inaanu idin qatalin, qariya laabtiina If the beauty could do some thing, and soothes the soul I have already seen, Khadra,and shoulders of Hodan Before Allah judges you, cover your chests Hadimo Sidii geel horweynoo waxbadan, hawdka miranaayey Oo horo la soo joojiyo, kuraygu heegaayo Kolkaad Hodan tidhaah daan, ayaan soo hinqanayaaye Haday hawlyaraan idinlatahay, aniga wey hooge Iyadoon xabaal lagu hamsiin, waanan kaa hadhine As huge camels being grazed over time, in the jungle And brought to a lake being controlled by lad When you mention Hodan I wake up If it is easy to you, for me is a sad Till she is buried, I will not leave her Therefore, Bodheri composed many interested poems of which he became more famous in Somali regions, here I could not explain whole the story of his romance era but I elaborate briefly the sublimity of his poems which made him to be as a pure poet where I have taken down some lines from his poems .you assume that I left some important days of his life but let me take you back shortly to the days of his love, while working a in bakery in Berbera city, a young lady of extraordinary beauty named Hodan entered into the bakery with the intention of buying some bread, she was a polite and pleasant woman belonging to a rich family, she greeted him with the phrase “good morning” then he immediately fell in love with her, but this episode ended I tragic situation that horrified every body who heard it. On the other hand, he was alert with the Somali primitive feelings and sense towards open love incidents, but he was forced by his unprecedented love episode. Source: http://togaherer.com /?p=1189 Abdirahman Hassan Nur Islamabad, Pakistan.
1. Waxa la tibaaxay in ay sharci-darro tahay in nin ku nool waqooyiga Carolina ee dalka Maraykanka lagu aaso koonfurta Carolina! Yaa ii sheegi kara sababta ay sharcidarro u tahay? 2. Yaa ii sheegi kara sida "SEVEN" looga dhigi karo "EVEN". Kollay dad badan oo xisaabta ku takhasusay golaha waa fadhiyaan! Akhyaarta bal labadaa xujo halaga soo jawaabo. C/raxmaan Xasan Nuur Islamabad, Pakistan.
Elmi Bodheri as a pure poet by Abdi Ahmed Digale ( Digale) Elmi Bodheri, was almost born in 1908 in the northwest region of Somalia, he particularly belonged to Hargeisa city where genealogical descendents and ancestors of his tribe and family are inhabitants. But, I am not going to deal here with his biographical sketch profoundly but to discuss about him as a pure poet man, Elmi Bodheri, was a prominent figure and pure poet in the Somali territory as his romance and sublime poems narrated extremely in Somali literature. Though, he was attributed to be the king of love while if his name is sounded every body will automatically think of love because of his miraculous and wonderful story related to his romance with Hodan, yet no doubt that he was a great Poet. Many Somali famous poets and cultural philosophers employed his masterpiece words in their literary imaginative expressions, poems and lyrics. With his long remembrance era, he left behind extraordinary poems which are currently taught in Somali schools, his poems were inspired by tragic and horrific situation of his love with the mentioned lady, because the man produces poems in some reasons as feeling of love and other tensions in social aspects. Elmi Bodheri, was by nature both great dreamer and pure poet whose romantic impressive poems are available tremendously in Somali literature. The richness and quality of his artistic poetry are comparable to the famous poems produced by the most Somali prominent poets as Abdi Gahayr, Raage Ugaas, Salaan Arabey, Qawdhan Du’aale, Dayrwaa, yawle and Timacade. He began, composing one of his best love poems in which he expressed and depicted his strong marriage ambition to Hodan while the story of his love became well known throughout Somali environmental areas. Though, I do not want to provide historical episode dealing with his biography in detail, yet it is necessary to take you back to the days of his legendary love story because the main source of his poems was his exceptional romance which finally ended in tragic era.Bodheri, faced lots of terrible life days during the era of his desirable marriage. On the other hand, he was alert with the Somali primitive feelings and sense towards open love incidents but he was forced by his unprecedented love episode. Hence, in order to judge and evaluate the richness and sublimity of his different poems I narrated in here some lines from his romantic poems because it is impossible to discuss here his poetic wisdom in a small article. Hadhka galay hurdadu weyxuntee, hohe maxaay seexshay Bal inaan habaar qabo, maxaa Hodan iweydaarshay Asleep at midday is evil, oh why did I fall asleep Unless I am cursed, why I missed Hodan Qaararkii Hodan Haddii ay quruxi waxtari oo lagu qaboobaayo Aniguba khadraan soo arkiyo, qaararkii hodane Eebahay inaanu idin qatalin, qariya laabtiina If the beauty could do some thing, and soothes the soul I have already seen, Khadra,and shoulders of Hodan Before Allah judges you, cover your chests Hadimo Sidii geel horweynoo waxbadan, hawdka miranaayey Oo horo la soo joojiyo, kuraygu heegaayo Kolkaad Hodan tidhaah daan, ayaan soo hinqanayaaye Haday hawlyaraan idinlatahay, aniga wey hooge Iyadoon xabaal lagu hamsiin, waanan kaa hadhine As huge camels being grazed over time, in the jungle And brought to a lake being controlled by lad When you mention Hodan I wake up If it is easy to you, for me is a sad Till she is buried, I will not leave her Therefore, Bodheri composed many interested poems of which he became more famous in Somali regions, here I could not explain whole the story of his romance era but I elaborate briefly the sublimity of his poems which made him to be as a pure poet where I have taken down some lines from his poems .you assume that I left some important days of his life but let me take you back shortly to the days of his love, while working a in bakery in Berbera city, a young lady of extraordinary beauty named Hodan entered into the bakery with the intention of buying some bread, she was a polite and pleasant woman belonging to a rich family, she greeted him with the phrase “good morning” then he immediately fell in love with her, but this episode ended I tragic situation that horrified every body who heard it. On the other hand, he was alert with the Somali primitive feelings and sense towards open love incidents, but he was forced by his unprecedented love episode. Source: http://togaherer.com /?p=1189 Abdirahman Hassan Nur Islamabad, Pakistan.
Thank you so much, Abu Salman. Indeed,the institute, I am wishing to establish, is that for "Human Development", as our nation is sabotaged by wars which lost all social and educational values. Therefore, this institute will exert on rebuilding of our nation by teaching the people the significance of unity, education and good governance. Actually, we have the land but we do not have the right people! I mean by this, that we need reorganizing from bottom. For the implementation of this project, we can definitely have many programs to do in a very comprehensive methods, i.e. orientation and psychological self-development, trainings, academic studies and so on. I am grateful to you again for your valuable suggestion. Thanks so much. Abdirahman Hassan Nur Islamabad, Pakistan.
Dear Friends, I highly appreciate your debates and exchange of ideas. It really sounds so great. After that, I am seriously needy of your contribution of idea. I am gonna establish an academic institute in Somaliland/Somalia (as you wish). I have the project of what to do and the objectives but I would like you to give me some tips regarding the structure and the basic requirements for initiating that institute. I mean the method of technical structuring of the institute. I am always grateful to you. Thanks a lot. Abdirahman H. Nur Islamabad, Pakistan.
Dear Faheema, Thanks very much. I think you need not to apologize me because we were just discussing about and interchanging our ideas regarding Elmi's love story. I did not mean to show you that I got disappointed of your question but merely to share my impression with you on Elmi's story. You have a right to raise any question which is running through your mind. Thank you so much again. Best Wishes.
Dear Faheem, Thanks a lot for your interesting question about Elmi Bodheri -if he really loved Hodan or just wanted her for lust! In response to your question, I would suggest you read the whole story about Elmi not just stick on one point. Perhaps, he did not interact with Hodan much because of some reasons but let me tell you that he tried much to meet her and indeed he met her several times but the problem was that such matter (his love poems for that girl) was very new to Somali culture that resulted to be considered shameful and aggression. On the basis of that Elmi failed to get his love and ultimately he died. In addition, if the person is eager for lust (craving of sexual intercourse); it is unlogical to recite such poems so this seems he was a victim of love with its highest level until he was dead. Thaks so much, again. Abdirahman H. Nur Islamabad, pakistan.
I highly appreciate you, Mr. Aden, for your well presentation and analysis of this crucial point. In deed, Arab world and Muslims at large are on the road to ZERO if they don't reform their economic system. Thank you, again! Best regards. Abdirahman Hassan Nur LL.B(Hons)Shariah and Law International Islamic University Email: abdirahman_hn@hotmai l.com Islamabad, Pakistan.
Waxa su'aal ina waydiiyay ruuxa la yidhaa Arlaadi, su'aashaa oo ah sidan: 1 ayaa waxa laga jarayaa 10 waxa soo hadhay -9, haddaba -9 afsoomaali ku sheeg ayuu ina yidhi. Aniga waxa ay ila tahay in ay noqonayso jawaabtu (sagaal taban), xisaabta haddii tiradu ay caadi u qorantahay sidan oo kale 9 waxa la odhanayaa way togantahay oo waa 9 togan. Haddii ay sidan oo kale tahayna -9 waxa la odhanayaa way tabantahay oo waa 9 taban. Aad ayaad u mahadsantahay.
Due to a wide discussion on the issue of recognition among Somalilanders, I would like contributing to the discussion in the following manner. I would like to begin my article by examining the term "recognition". This term, or word, has a literal meaning as well as a political or legal meaning. It's literal meaning in the dictionaries is defined as " the action of recognizing somebody, something or of being recognized". But, if we look it at if from a legal viewpoint, international law defines it as "the act of formally admitting the existence of a foreign state and dealing with it as such". As well the Institute of International Law has defined the term "recognition" in the following words:- It is the "...free act by which one or more states acknowledge the existence of a definite territory of a human society, politically organized, independent of any other existing states and capable of observing obligations of International Law by which they manifest through their intention to consider it a member of international community". The context of these definitions shows that the state does not politically exist if it is not recognized by the international community and it does not have any consideration without recognition. Yet, there are some jurists who put conditions for the recognition of a state solely on the following terms:- 1. The community must be politically organized 2. It should have control over a definite territory 3. This definite control should tend towards permanance 4. The community thus constituted must be independent Regarding all these things and the conflicting concepts towards the recognition, there are two main theories of recognition: 1. Declaratory or Evidentiary Theory 2. Constitutive Theory The dimension of these two theories are on the elements of statehood. When discussing what constitues a state and its essentials elements, there are four political elements of a state: 1. Definite Territory 2. Population 3. Government (Executive Authority), and 4. Sovereign (law-making authority according to the western law, in the Islamic concept, Allah is the sovereign). According to the law, the capacity to enter into relations with other states is the fourth element of the state. There is no concept of sovereignty in the legal phenomena for the statehood although some jurists like Hans Kelson consider it as one of the essentials of state. Anyway, the constitutive theory says that the state must fulfill those elements and furthermore, it should get recognition from the international community. And this is (recognition) is the fifth element for statehood. In the contrary, the declaratory theory says that if the state fulfills those above mentioned components, it means that state has already existed and is automatically recognized, therefore no need for declaration of recognition. In the case the international community declare that they have recognized such a state, this recognition is merely a formal acknowledgement of the established facts. The act of recognition is merely declaratory of an existing fact that a particular state or government possesses the essential attributes as required under International Law. To Continue.. In the next article, we will analyze these two theories and how they are applied. May Allah bless you. Abdirahman Hassan Nur Email: abdirahman_hn@hotmail.com Islamabad, Pakistan.
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