Shinbir Majabe

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Everything posted by Shinbir Majabe

  1. Ilwa Elman runs the Elman Peace and Human Rights Center in Mogadishu with her mom, Fartun. Her father was an ardent peace activist in the 1990s, spreading the mantra "Put down the gun, pick up the pen" around Somalia, but was assassinated in 1996. Elle returned to Mogadishu three years ago while the conflict still raged on in the city. She works closely with victims of rape and sexual assault, as well as rehabilitating child soldiers by teaching them vocational skills. In Memory of My Father, I Returned to Rebuild Somalia
  2. Xaaji Xunjuf;838417 wrote: Qawdhan Abdi Yalaxow Culusow Hurre Muuday Barkhad Shuuriye Deyr Abshir Geele Cawad Liibaan Qamaan Farax Guray Ducaale cabane Xujaale Cige Galaydh Shire Cigaal Gahayr Caydiid keenadiid Samatar Godane Jimcaale Xandule Magan karinaye Guleed Diiriye Sugulle Caynaashe Xirsi dhamal Xildiid haybe Ganey Hare Turwa Xamud Dumarka Cosob Cibaado Cawrala dhagdheer xalimo xadiya ardo idil Barako Ayaan hibo kaltuun Dhuubo Shuun Batuulo beerlula Kinsi weris Shukri Kowsar Fiigsan Hufan ceebla cadar XX, magacyadaan badankood waa Carabi, (XX, waxaan kuu heystay inaad tahay Soomaali Asal ah oo baadiye kusoo koray laakiin waa i niyad jabisay ). Ragga Abdi waa Carabi la micna ah Addoon Abshir waa Carabi la micna ah Hambalyo ama Farxad Farax waa Carabi oo ah sifaha Farxad Ducaale waxay ka kooban tahay Ducaa + le, qeyta hore waa Carabi oo la sifeeyay Xujaale waxay ka kooban tahay Xuja +le, qeybta hore waa Carabi Cigaal waxaan u malaynaa in laga keenay ereyga Ciqaal oo ah erey Carabi ah Jimcaale waa Jimca + le, qeybta hore waa Carabi Xirsi waa Carabi waxayna la micna tahay Magan haybe waxaan u malaynayaa in laga wado Heybad nin leh, Heybadna waa Carabi Xamud waa erey Carabi ah, la micna ah Mahadiye Dumarka Cibaado waa magac Carabi ah Cawrala waxay ka kooban tahay laba erey Cowra + le, qeybta hore waa erey Carabi ah xalimo waa Magac Carabi ah ardo waa Carabi la micna ah Dhul Barako Waa magac Carabi ah hibo waa Magac Carabi ah kaltuun waa magac Carabi ah, waxaa la dhihi jiray gabadhi Nabi Muxammed SCW Ummu Kaltuum Batuulo waa Magac Carabi ah oo la micnaha ah qof dhowrsoon Kinsi waa Carabi la micna ah Keyd weris waa Carabi la micna ah Ubax Shukri waa Magac Carabi ah Kowsar waa erey Carabi ah, suurad ka mid ah Quraanka ayaa lagu magacaabaa ceebla waxay ka kooban tahay laba erey Ceeb + la, tan hore waa erey Carabi ah cadar waa erey Carabi ah, udgoon ayaa loola jeedaa
  3. Manta or Maanta ? Talago? ayada ma aqaan, maybe spelling ka ayaa kaa qaldan. Spelling
  4. wyre;821821 wrote: Lolz @ cali wariiri, You dint get it kaaga Nasrudiin Maya ma ahan Nasrudin..
  5. ^^ Kistoo yar oo BLUE ah ayaa kugu hartay wali.. Ok, dee markaas naga daa Muqdishada aad wax ka sheegeyso maalin walba, gooso sıda SL ama Muqdısho halagaaga taliyo.. Simple F.G. BLUE = Wadaniyad
  6. Mr. Somalia, fulay ayaad tahay, Kıngofkıngs ayaa kaa geesısan.. Dee iska dheh PL way goosanaysaa if the Road Map fail.. waxba haku marmarsiyoonin Garowe baa caasimad noqoneysa! waad ogtahaye taas cidna qaadan meyso.
  7. a man like Faroole speaks like he does because he has leverage, what is this leverage? Bal feker? Ma ceelkii la qoday ee laga waayay shidaalka?! marka hore Farole ha mideeyo inta uu sheeganaayo inuu maamulo, ka dibna ha iska difaaco Shabaab ka buuraha ugu jiro, howlahaas ayaa ka muhımsan OIL kaan faataadhugta ah.. (ka dibna dhulka desert ka ah ee uu dagan yahay waxba kama helayee asıga ıyo ciddiisa ha usoo guuraan dhulka barakeysan ee Koonfurta cagaaran, waanu qaabileynaa Xasadka iyo been-abuurkana ha joojiyo)
  8. Reer Garowe are the ones that only need to lift their fingers for Sheikh Shariif to come, "Sheikh Shariif, 24 hours baa heesataa in aad Garowe ka soo degtid", that's how Faroole does business. Pirate town residents way sii booteyn karaan illaa inta looga soo jeesanaayo, marki wadanka dhan la xasiliyo oo SL na lala heshiiyo, Shabaabna laga saaro meesha.. (dhuqdhuqda sii wada ınta dadka idınka share badan ay idıın soo jeesanayaan.. )
  9. Mr. Somalia, haka cabsan.. aad baan u daganahay marki aan la deal gareenayo reer tuulo.. Garowe marki ay 1000 (kun) sano jirsato ayaan Magaalo u aqoonsanayaa.. reer tuulo riyadoodana waxay iila mıd tahay Shabaabkii dhahay ALASKA ayaan qabsanaynaa!
  10. Sheeko Baranbaro ıga dheh! Road Map failure ma waxaad u taqaan Caasımadda kalıya.. Haddii uu Road Map ku socon waayo; wax Federal la dhaho ma jirayaan, wax TFG ama Dawlad la dhaho ma jirayaan, wax Garowe Princıples la dhaho ma jirayaan.. In Caasımad wareeejinteed lagu fakırana ma jıreyso. Haddii Caasimad la wareejıinayana waxaa loo wareejinayaa MAGAALO kale ee tuulo loo wareejin maayo. (illaa haddana MAGAALO wax la dhaho waxaa ka jira Hargeysa marki laga reebo Muqdısho).
  11. wyre;821455 wrote: Shimbir's real Name Muudey maya.. Magacayga waa dhib badan yahay, wuxuu ku jiraa groupka magacyada ku dhamaado DIIN sida Nuradin iyo Muxudin, qiyaas marka!! Wyre magacaaga amuu yahay Cali Wariiri
  12. Showqi;821411 wrote: Wyre adiga magacaagu waa Maxamed.... Emmm close..( laakiin the famous Egyptian poet ku badal Soomaali socod badan) Yours Xuseen? Nope!
  13. Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa xafiiskiisa ku qaabilay Safiirka cusub ee Dowladda Falastiin u soo magacawday Soomaaliya, isagoo kaga gudoomay waraaqihiisa aqoonsiga. Madaxweyne Shariif oo uu wehliyay Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibada ayaa ku soo dhoweeyay Safiirka Caasimada Muqdisho, oo si rasmi ah Dowladda Falastiin ay Safaarad uga furan doonto. Danjiraha Falastiin u soo magacawday Soomaaliya Kaamil C/llaahi ayaa Madaxweynaha u gudbiyay dhambaal salaan ah oo uu kaga siday Hogaamiyaha Falastiin, isagoo sheegay in Falastiin ay xiriir wanaagsan oo soo jireen la leedahay Walaalaha Soomaaliyed. Danjire Kaamil ayaa sheegay inuu ku faraxsan yahay in Soomaaliya Safiir loogu soo magacaabo, isagoo sheegay inuu ka qeyb qaadan doono sidii uu u xoojin lahaa xiriirka Soomaaliya iyo Falastiin ka dhaxeeya. Falastiin ayaa ka mid ah Dowladaha Carabta ee ku jira Ururka Jaamacada Carabta, waxaana inkastoo dhulkooda ay xoog ku heystaan Yuhuuda uu ka mid yahay dalalka ka tirsan Caalamka. Tallaabadan ayaa qeyb ah sidii Caalamka Safaarad uga furan lahaa Soomaaliya muddo 20-sano kadib, iyadoo Muqdisho ka furan yihiin Safaaradaha dalalka Yemen, Libiya, Jabuuti, Ethiopia, Sudan, iyadoo ay jiraan Safiiro dalalka Midowga Yurub ka socday oo waraaqahooda aqoonsiga laga gudoomay.
  14. ^^ Ahmed Showqi.. (the famous Egyptian poet)
  15. Wareegtooyin si kala gaar gaar ah ugasoo wada baxay Xafiiska Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya Mudane Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa xil ka qaadis loogu sameeyey Wasiirkii Wasaaradda Arrimaha Bulshada,Shaqada,Shaqaalaha,Dhalinyarada iyo Ispoortiga ayadoo isla maantana Wasiir Cusub loo magacaabay Wasaaradaasi. Wareegtooyinka ayaa hadaba ukala qornaa Sidan:- XEER MADAXWEYNAHA j.s. Lr.124, taariikh 19/04/2012 Xil Ka Qaadis Wasiir Markuu arkay:- Qodobka 44aad,xubintiisa 3aad ee Axdiga kumeel gaarka ah; Makuu arday:- Qodobka 2aad ee Sharci Lam. 14 ee 3dii Juun 1962kii iyo wax ka bedelkii ka dambeeyey Nidaamka Dowladda (Ordinamento del Governo); Makuu tixgeliyey:- Soo Jeedintii Ra’isulwasaaraha,Sumad XRW/481.04.12 kuna taariikheysan 18ka April 2012, oo ku saabsaneyd xil gudasho la’aanta Wasiirka WasaaraddaShaqada,Shaqaalaha,Dhalinyarada iyo Sboortiga Asagoo Aqoonsaday:- In ay waajib tahay in shaqada Qaran loo guto si hufnaan,amaanno iyo karti ku Dheehanyihiin; Wuxuu soo sarayaa Xeerkaan: Qodobka 1aad Waxaa xilkii Wasiirnimo ee uu hayey laga qaaday: Mudane Maxamed Muxiyidiin Sheekh Mursal oo ahaa Wasiirkii Wasaaradda Shaqada,Shaqaalaha,Dhalinyarada iyo Isboortiga. Waxaana Wareegtadan ku saxiixan Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya Mudane Shariif Sheekh Axmed Wareegtada kale ee iyana lagu magacaabay Wasiirka Cusub ee Wasaaradda Shaqada,Shaqaalaha,Dhalinyara iyo Isboortiga ayaa u qorneyd sidan:- XEER MADAXWEYNAHA j.s. Lr.125,taariikh 19/04/2012 Magacaabid Wasiir Markuu arkay: Qodobka 39aad, Farqadda 2aad, Qodobka 44aad Farqadda 1aad, Xafarka”e” Axdiga KMG ah ee J.s. Makuu arkay: Qodobka 78aad, Farqadda 4aad ee Dastuurka 1960kii Makuu Tixgeliyey: Soo Jeedinta Ra’iisulwasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka KMG ee Soomaaliya ee ku sumadeysan XRW/481.04.12 taariikh 18 April 2012 Markuu garwaaqsaday: In Jagada Wasiirka Shaqada,Shaqaalaha,Dhalinyarada iyo Isboortiga Banaanaatay ayna waajib tahay in la buuxiyo si ay dani ugu jirto maslaxadda umadda Soomaaliyeed Wuxuu Soo Saaray Xeerkan Soo Socda: Qodobka 1aad Laga billaabo marka uu Madaxweynuhu saxiixo Dekreetadan waxaa Mudane Maxamuud Jirde Xuseen loo magacaabay Wasiirka Wasaaradda Shaqada,Shaqaalaha,Dhalinyarada iyo Isboortiga ee Xukuumadda Federaalka KMG ah. Wareegtanna waxaa ku saxiixnaa Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya Mudane Shariif Sheekh Axmed.
  16. Mukulaalow;821086 wrote: ;) oo reer koonfureedka muxuu koofi ugu wada galiyey? Rag kaadiriin ah oo waaya arag ah iney yihiin ayay muujinee!
  17. :D:D Afkudable looma baahna oo colaad hurinaya, Doodana aad ayay u wanaagsanayd. Labada Aqoonyahanna fikarado wanaagsan ayay ka dhiibteen.
  18. Taleexi;821074 wrote: One-sided discussion thus, a piece of sh-it iga dheh One-Sided kulahaa?! Meesha FAYR iyo FARALAAB maa rabtay inuu ka dhaco?
  19. As hit and run attacks, sporadic shootings and suicide bombings by the al-Shabaab militant group continue to plague Mogadishu, life must go on for the capital's residents who have developed a culture of suspicion as they wonder who among them could be an al-Shabaab sympathizer or potential attacker. Residents told Somalia Report that they grow anxious when they see an unknown person carrying backpacks or bags, fearing a bomb might be inside. Although al-Shabaab was forced from the capital in August of last year, the group has conducted regular attacks in the city on military installation, the presidential compound, markets, intersections, the National Theatre, hotels and Sufi run mosques. Sufi is a moderate Islamist group of Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama (ASWJ) which has joined the Transitional Federal Government's (TFG) fight against al-Shabaab. “The more explosions and assassinations in this city, the more we harbor suspicions amongst us as a community,” Ahmed Omar, a Sufi worshiper who runs a small business in Bakara Market, told Somalia Report. Al-Shabaab female suicide-bombers have now made everyone - men and women - potential attackers in the eyes of residents. The deepening distrust has brought new concerns to the residents who have had to adopt a high level of vigilance. It has made people less trusting, feeling more insecure and difficult for them to rattle on the war between al-Shabaab and the Somali government. “If you see a person with a hand bag or hand luggage then you should be very afraid because you cannot know what is inside the bag,” said a laborer, Abdisalaan Mohamed Several residents who returned from al-Shabaab controlled areas of Elasha Biyaha for Wadajir and Dharkinley districts were ordered to register at the police stations by local militias loyal to commissioners of those two districts. “The police want to know the number of your family members. It is compulsory for you to tell the police the figure of your family so as to resettle in these districts,” Fartun Ali told Somalia Report. According to Ali Hassan, a junior official for the administration of Wadajir district in Mogadishu, there should be no doubt that the militants would use females to launch more suicide bombings. “Women can be used particularly in the places that are difficult to penetrate. Even some squad within al-Shabaab men pretend to be women by wearing female attire like veils and burqa just in order to hunt down our forces,” said Hassan. It is not unusual to see TFG soldiers turn their guns on the usual suspects like students with backpacks and veiled women. In the areas controlled by the al-Qaeda linked al-Shabaab group, women were required to wear veils whenever they appeared in public or they would be lashed with small sticks, however in today's Mogadishu, the veils breed suspicion. Traditional Somalia culture is slowly giving in to the burgeoning suspicion within communities. The habitual acts of sharing political views at tea time, offering free rides to pedestrians, embracing one another by kissing cheeks and the back of hands when greeting and welcoming strangers into homes for a meal, are no longer the norm in Mogadishu. These precious acts are fast eroding in the face of conflict for a more cynical but necessary culture of suspicion and mistrust. “We would have liked to help carry another's luggage without checking and did so once but that was then. We have no confidence in our siblings let alone others. Now I always worry when i travel with passengers in my own taxi or public buses because I do not know what is in their bags,” a taxi driver Mohamed Yusuf told Somalia Report. During the day, folks can be seen in restaurants enjoying seafood or drinking tea in cafeterias, the favorite Somali treat, but most of them do not dare express condemnation about the ongoing violence for fear of being targeted. Both the government and al-Shabaab have infiltrators in the public and you need to keep your mouth shut to stay alive. “We are really agonizing over this and you cannot identify al-Shabaab because their infiltrators dress in civilian clothes,” said an elder Hassan Abukar. Some Somali women choose to wear niqab or burqa, a full-length garment that may cover their faces for religious reasons and do not like to leave their homes without it but they cannot afford the daily risks that instability and distrust exposes them to. Many of them are either forced or requested to take off their veils in public places. Unmarried Somali girls are wont to wear veils without staunch belief in a specific ideology but preferably to cover their faces. Oftentimes veiled women are not able to get free rides from local car owners and taxi drivers inside Mogadishu due to the growing suspicion in the community according to Qadro Ahmed. “I was wearing a burqa when I asked someone who was driving his own car to offer me a free ride but he looked at me sternly, refused and turned away from me,” said the resident. Qadro told us about an event she witnessed while she was travelling by bus with other passengers. A woman boarded the bus carrying a bulging black nylon bag. She picked a phone call and in response to the caller referred to her bag saying, "No, I haven't blasted the goods yet but I am about to." The panic stricken passengers including Qadro fled in fear and alighted from the bus. When it did not explode as expected, they confronted the bewildered woman who laughed and told them she was planning on 'selling' some clothes she had in the bag. She had reason to laugh. The word 'blast' means 'sell' within enterprising circles and residents of Mogadishu. This previously innocent street slang had adopted a new and dangerous meaning in this particular situation. This humorous but sad moment provides insight into the traumatised state of Somalis who have been exposed to generations of violence. “It is a bad habit when people use the word 'blast' instead of 'sell' in public places. It has to be stopped due the current situation in the country," demanded Ahmed. In the current context, his adamant demand may well be justified. Endless battles and covert warfare tactics are fast depriving Mogadishu residents of much more than meets the eye. Long known traditions and habits have suffered the brunt of warfare as a new language, attitude and culture of suspicion and fear continues to flourish in Mogadishu. Source
  20. faarah22;820978 wrote: eat your heart out mr somalia , puntland aint got alpha wala beta wala gamma. :D:D walaa Delta.