Shinbir Majabe

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Everything posted by Shinbir Majabe

  1. Who said waa beentiis? just waxaan la yaabanahay is badalbadalkiisa, dhowr sano ka hor wuxuu ahaa Amiiral-Mu'miniin:D haddana waa Cilmaani dhahayaa hala kala saaro diinta iyo dowladda. F.G. Hogaan waxaan ku doortaa inuu leeyahay Principles, uusan ahayn jirjiroole.
  2. Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa waraysi siiyay wargeyska Il Giornale oo ka soo baxa dalka Talyaaniga. Madaxwyenuhu wuxuu ka warramay guulaha AMISOM iyo ciidanka Soomaalidu ka gaareen dagaalka ka dhanka ah Al Shabaab. Wuxuu madaxweyne Shariif sheegay in uu ku rajo-weyn yahay in madaxweyne loo dooran doono mar kale. Dad badan waxay la tahay in madaxweyne Shariif weli rumaysan yahay in diinta Islaamku noqoto sharciga ugu sarreeya dalka. Madaxwyne Shariif waxa uu gabi ahaanba badaley mowqifkiisii ku aadanaa in diinta islaamka ay ku lug yeelato maamulka iyo maareynta Dalka Soomaaliya waxa uu wareysi uu siiyey wargeyska Il Giornale ee kasoo baxa dalka Talyaaniga uu ku sheegay in ururkii maxkamadaha uu dalka burburinayay iyo in uu hadda aamminsan yahay in diinta iyo siyaasadda gabi ahaanba la kala saaro: waa kanaa waraysiga oo ku qoran af Talyaani: «Il vostro governo? Poteva fare assai di più. Non fatemi dire altro». Non appena nomini l'Italia di Monti il presidente somalo Sharif Sheik Ahmed s'irrigidisce. La secca risposta è la misura della distanza che ormai separa Roma e Mogadiscio. Una distanza allargatasi dopo la mancata riapertura della nostra ambasciata. Una riapertura promessa dall'ex sottosegretario Alfredo Mantica, ma disattesa dal governo Monti. Il vuoto lasciato nell'ex colonia è già stato riempito. Norvegia, Francia, Turchia, Inghilterra e Stati Uniti investono pesantemente nella rinascita della Somalia, scandita dagli investimenti di Ankara, dalle prospezioni petrolifere di Parigi e Oslo e dall'impegno di Londra per garantire un'intesa con i secessionisti del Somaliland e del Puntland. Una rinascita che il 48enne Sharif Sheik Ahmed, il presidente dell'ex Governo di Transizione pronto alla riconferma, descrive così in quest'intervista esclusiva a Il Giornale.«Abbiamo appena liberato il porto di Merka. Ora grazie agli alleati della missione Amisom contiamo di arrivare a Kisimayo e farla finita con gli shebab. La riconquista di Merka permetterà alle aziende straniere di riprendere gli investimenti. Magari tornerete anche voi italiani». La riconquista del caposaldo meridionale fino al 27 agosto dei territori controllati dagli shebab di Al Qaida è la premessa per tutte le future alleanze politiche e commerciali.Nelle acque prospicienti la frontiera keniota si stanno già affacciando i tecnici petroliferi norvegesi e la Total firmataria di un accordo con il Kenya per lo sfruttamento di cinque giacimenti petroliferi off-shore. Per evitare le incursioni militari del Kenya - ufficialmente a caccia di terroristi islamici, ma alla ricerca di un pretesto per l'annessione dei territori meridionali della Somalia e dei suoi pozzi - Sheik Ahmed avrebbe messo a punto un'intesa con Nairobi e Parigi. La liberazione di Merka è dunque il primo passo verso lo sfruttamento congiunto delle risorse petrolifere off-shore. «Il prossimo obbiettivo è la liberazione di Kisimayo. A quel punto - spiega il presidente la Somalia sarà un Paese libero, pronto a ripartire. I 215 membri del nuovo Parlamento sono al lavoro dal 20 agosto. Ora voglio rimettere in piedi l'esercito, garantire la sicurezza e impedire il ritorno degli shebab. Poi ricostruiremo quel che è stato distrutto da 21 anni di guerra».L'International Crisis Group, un think tank di riferimento per Onu, Banca Mondiale ed Unione Europea, non è così ottimista. I suoi rapporti sottolineano la corruzione del Governo di Transizione guidato da Sharif Sheik Ahmed e il mancato svolgimento di elezioni parlamentari. La nomina dei membri del nuovo Parlamento affidata agli anziani dei clan rifletterebbe la litigiosa composizione tribale fonte delle disgrazie del passato. «Solo chi non fa niente non sbaglia mai - replica il presidente chi m'accusa dimentica che in Somalia è impossibile garantire elezioni libere e sicure. Fino ad un anno fa Mogadiscio era ancora occupata dagli shebab. In quelle condizioni era altrettanto impossibile garantire la contabilità e registrare entrate ed uscite. Qui non si raccolgono tasse, il ministero delle Finanze è scomparso, la Banca Centrale un ricordo. Ora ricostruiremo tutto. Il nuovo Parlamento garantirà la trasparenza ed eviterà gli errori del passato».Tra quegli errori molti annoverano i trascorsi di Sharif Sheik Ahmed nominato presidente nonostante abbia guidato le Corti Islamiche, la formazione integralista che governò la Somalia dal giugno al dicembre 2006. «Certo, ho presieduto le Corti Islamiche, ma poi - spiega Sheik Ahmed ho capito che stavamo distruggendo il Paese e la popolazione ci detestava. Non ho rinnegato la fede, ho solo compreso la necessità di separare religione e governo. Un buon governo, ora lo so, deve realizzare le aspettative del popolo. Per questo sto cercando di garantire la sicurezza dei territori per permettere ai somali di rientrare dall'esilio e investire in patria le risorse accumulate all'estero. Per ora il mio piano funziona».Quel che non sembra funzionare è la sua rielezione prevista per il 20 agosto, ma continuamente rinviata a causa d'interminabili trattative con i capi bastone del Parlamento. Sharif Sheik però non si scompone. «In Italia dite chi va piano va sano e va lontano. Fin qui abbiamo nominato il presidente del Parlamento. Datemi qualche giorno e anch'io sarò riconfermato. Vi aspetto a Mogadiscio per il mio giuramento». Ayadoo af English ku tarjuman waa kan: "Your government? Could do much more. Do not make me say anything else. " As soon as Italy's Monti appoints the Somali President Sharif Sheik Ahmed stiffens. The short answer is a measure of the distance that now separates Rome and Mogadishu. A distance allargatasi after failing to re-opening of our embassy. A reopening promise by former Undersecretary Alfredo Mantica, but rejected by the Government Monti. The void left in the former colony has already been filled. Norway, France, Turkey, England and the United States invest heavily in the rebirth of Somalia, marked by investments in Ankara, the oil exploration in Paris and Oslo and London to ensure the commitment of an agreement with the secessionists of Somaliland and Puntland. A rebirth that the 48 year old Sharif Sheik Ahmed, the president of the former transitional government ready to reconfirmation, described in an exclusive interview to the newspaper. "We just freed the port of Merka. Now, thanks to the allies of the AMISOM mission we hope to get to Kisimayo and do away with the Shebab. The recapture of Merka will allow foreign companies to resume investment. Maybe you too will return Italians. " The reconquest of southern stronghold until August 27 of the territories controlled by the Shebab of Al Qaeda is the basis for all future political alliances and commerciali.Nelle waters off the Kenyan border are already ushering engineers Norwegian oil and Total signatory to an agreement with Kenya for the use of five oil fields offshore. To avoid military incursions in Kenya - officially on the hunt for Islamic terrorists, but looking for a pretext for the annexation of the southern territories of Somalia and its wells - Sheik Ahmed would have developed an understanding with Nairobi and Paris. The release of Merka is therefore the first step towards the joint exploitation of oil resources off-shore. "The next goal is the liberation of Kisimayo. At that point - says the president? Somalia will be a free country, ready to go. The 215 members of the new Parliament are at work from August 20. Now I want to revive the army, ensure security and prevent the return of the Shebab. Then rebuild what has been destroyed by 21 years of war. "The International Crisis Group, a think tank of reference for the UN, World Bank and European Union, is not so optimistic. Her reports emphasize the corruption of the transitional government led by Sharif Sheik Ahmed and the non-performance of parliamentary elections. The appointment of members of the new Parliament entrusted to the elders of the clan reflect the composition fractious tribal source of the misfortunes of the past. "Only he who does nothing never makes mistakes - replica president? m'accusa who forgets that in Somalia is impossible to guarantee free and fair elections safe. Until a year ago Mogadishu was still occupied by the Shebab. In those conditions it was equally impossible to guarantee the accounting and record income and expenditure. This is not about collecting taxes, the Ministry of Finance has disappeared, the Central Bank a memory. Now rebuild everything. The new parliament will ensure transparency and avoid the mistakes of the past. "Among those errors include many of the past Sharif Sheik Ahmed appointed president despite having led the Islamic Courts, training fundamentalist who ruled Somalia from June to December 2006. "Of course, I chaired the Islamic Courts, but then - said Sheik Ahmed? I realized that we were destroying the country and the people there hated. I have not denied the faith, I just realized the need to separate religion and government . A good government, I know now, needs to meet the expectations of the people. For this I am trying to ensure the safety of the territories to allow Somalis to return from exile and invest at home resources accumulated abroad. For now my plan is working. "That which does not seem to work is his re-election scheduled for August 20, but continually postponed because of endless negotiations with the leaders stick Parliament. Sheik Sharif, however, does not move. "In Italy, say those who go slow and steady wins the race. So far we have appointed the chairman of Parliament. Give me a few days and I will also be confirmed. I'm waiting to Mogadishu to my oath. "
  3. ^^ waan kula fahmay, ee haddii fara la iga haayo aan is deyno markaas waan kaaga leexday Musharaxaaga Mr. Looyaan!
  4. ^^ Abwaan hubka dhig, is qarxis Shabaabka ayaan ku ogeyn.. - Haddii sxbkaa Looyaan uusan ahayn nin dawakhsan lacagtaas $10,000 ma dhiibeyn, sababtoo ah way iska caddahay inuusan xitaa wareegga 1-aad ka gudbeen.. mise odayga lacago fara badan ayuu la yimid miiska marki aa leedahay hala kordhiyo..
  5. Awalba falaad ayay ka ahayd, markii la dhahay $10,000 keena ayay boodeen!! yaa dhiibi karo lacag bilaash ah adigoo og in lagaa badinaayo,. Wali waxaa harsan kuwo badan oo maalmaha soo socda ayagana ka bixi doono tartanka Madaxtinimada, sida Abwaan's Musharax Mr. Looyaan.
  6. ^^ Fak iyo fak waa Soomaali, "wuu fakaday ama waa fakad" sooma aadan maqal..
  7. ^^ wali far ayaa kugu godan, oo laguma hubo! waa in lagu test gareeyaa.
  8. ^^ Uchi, dee Shinbirku waa aniga! Xaajiga wuxuu la hadlayaa aniga iyo Oba Hilowle.
  9. Conqueror;859136 wrote: I'd love to see both Puntland and Jubbaland declare Independence. Adiga marka hore waa in lasoo baaraa Soomaalinimadaada!!
  10. Jacpher;859112 wrote: By the way, what dhaqaale Puntland receives from the South? Ma hadda mise wixi imaan doonna? Hadda wax dhaqaale ah oo Dawlad Dhexe ay siineyso Dawladaha Gobolada ma jiraan, sababo badan oo cid walbaahi ogtahay, Laakiin haddii ay toosto Dawladda hadda la dhisayo waxaan hubaa in Puntland ay noqon doonto Dawlad Goboleedka ugu horeeya ee ka faa'iidi doono kana maaleysan doono sababtoo ah waa Dawlad Goboleedka kaliya ee hadda shaqaynaya, kuwa kale waxay u baahan yihiin in lasoo dhiso. Marka Faroole bootadiisa ah in uu goosanayo illaa intee ayay socon doontaa, mise ogtihiin in Federal System ka hadda Soomaaliya loo sameeyay, Baarlamaankiisana hadda la dhaarinayo in Puntland ay u ololeyneysay, haddii uu ka baxo nidaamkaasna ay cidna waxba ku falaynin mar haddii inta soo hartay aysan jirin wax ay isku diidayaan aysan jirin.
  11. General Duke;859094 wrote: ^^^"Dr." Hiraabe" is one of the funniest Somali writers. The problem is he is trying to be serious.. Yaa waaye Dr. Hiraabe ? Qoraalkaan waxaa qoray Ayuub A. Aden .
  12. MoonLight1;859092 wrote: you must be blind or brainless, read the article, the guy is telling us that Puntland will not exists without the south;)lol, this guy must be a comedian. he doesn't realize Puntland was almost bankrupted between 2005-2009 due to its spending on its entire budget on bringing security to the south. Qoraaga wuxuu ka hadlayaa waxa dhici kara haddii ay Puntland go'do, iyo saameynta ay ku reebi doonto. Laakiin ma sheegin qoraaga in dadka Puntland ay rabaan go'itaan iyo in hadalkiisa ay ku raacsan yihiin. ... bulshada Puntland lama qabaan cagajuglaynta Faroole inay miro dhalin karto..
  13. MoonLight1;859086 wrote: ... Puntland aint going no where.. Halkaas uga har. Qoraaga ma sheegin in Puntland ay go'eyso balse Faroole ayuu ka hadlayaa oo bootadiisa waan go'eynaa badatay.
  14. ^^ Waa runtaa.. Faroole wuxuu ka hadlayaba ma oga.
  15. Allow run ka yeel in Cagajuglaynta Faroole ay sabato burburka Federaalnimada. Mowqifka Faroole wuxuu lamid yahay Nin Geedkii uu fuushanaa salka ka jaraya, runtana wuxuu ogaan doonaa marka geedku jabo oo dibir xumi ku dhacdo oo uu bawdo ka jabo. Sidoo kale, ninkii durbaanka si xoog leh u tuma, ugu dambayn sacabbada ayaa biyo ka galaan. Bal aynu is-weydiino natiijada Putland ay ka heli doonto ka bixidda dawladda dhexe ee federaalka ah: Waxaa dhici doonta in dhammaan mas'uuliinta wax ka maamusha dawladda dhexe ee ku abtirsada deegaannada Puntland ay dib ugu noqdaan deegaannadii ay ka yimaadeen ama qurbajoognimadii laga raystay. Waxaa dhici karta in inta kale ee isku hartay ay gaari doonto heshiis wax wadaqabsi oo lagu gaaro nabad waarta, barwaaqo iyo baraare. Dhaqaalihii Puntland kasoo geli jirey khasnadda dawladda dhexe oo meesha ka baxa. Bahnimadii reer Puntland oo go'doon noqota. Isdhexmarkii, ganacsigii iyo isku-jillaantii soo taxnaan jirtey oo gabaabsi noqota. Puntland waxay wax ku tahay kamid ahaanshaha dawladda federaalka ah, haddayse diyaar u tahay inay ka baxdo way u madaxbannaan tahay inay aayaheeda ka tashato. Sida Faroolaba uu u arko in federaalnimadu ayna macno weyn u lahayn bulshada Soomaaliyeed, dad badan baa ku guuxaya in lagu kala tago, gobolladuna soo dhismaan oo dib laysugu soo noqdo marka wax la wadaagi karo, sida ay haddaba qabto Somaliland oo weli ishaa falatayn ku jirta. Dhabnimada bulshada Puntland lama qabaan cagajuglaynta Faroole inay miro dhalin karto? Ma dan bay u arkaan in Faroole sababo inay ka go'aan federaalnimada ay la wadaagaan bulsho-weynta Soomaaliyeed? Mise waxay Faroole ka tahay markay ridu caanayarayso gujaa lagu dayaa? Dad badan badan baa u jeeda xeeladda Faroole u guntan, taasuna waxay dadajin karta burburka ku iman kara qaabka federaalnimada. Aragtida Faroole waa mid gaaban oo laab-lakac ah oo ka horimanaysa rabitaanka bulshada reer Puntland. Haddaan Puntland la siin wax ka weyn cadka ay xaqa u leedahay federaalnimada waynu ka baxaynaa kuma salaysna aragti miisaaman iyo danta Puntland. Kuma salaysna caddaala iyo sinnaan loo dhan yahay. Ma ahan hab-wanaag dawladnimo lagu wadaagi karo oo abuuri karta jecayl, walaaltinimo iyo waxqabsi loo wada siman yahay. Maxaa Puntland federaalnimada ku seegi kara? Wax badan. Ma garwaaqsan yahay Faroole duxda iyo nuxurka Puntland ugu jirta kamid ahaanshaha federaalnimada? Jawaabto waa Maya. Bulshada reer Puntland mala qabtaa is-giriirixiska Faroole? Jawaabtu waa Maya. Haddii Faroole ku adkaysto mowqifka uu hadda ka qabo federaalnimada, maxaa dan ah oo ku seegi kara bulsho-weynta reer Puntland? Ma habboon tahay in Faroole uu la yimaado fikrad gibbaan ah oo dhibaal mooyee aan lahayn nuxur siyaasadeed? Mid dhaqaale abuurta iyo dhalisa Soomaalinimo guud? Waa lagu yaqaan fudeydka iyo ka fiirshi la'anta. Waxuu is moodaa hadii aan loo jawaabcelin in u BUUQIISII u meel maray. Keydmedia Online -
  16. Che -Guevara;859074 wrote: Stop posting Ileys crap. Ma horaa loo post gareeyay?! Marki hore waxaan moodaayay shaaciro, balse gadaal ayaan ka ogaaday iney run tahay oo dadbaa Jannadi Fardowso ugu duceeyay Marxuumka!!!
  17. Somalia;859066 wrote: ICU's most pre-eminent leaders are Al-Shabaab. Hassan Dahir Aweys - Head of Advisory Committee (Today Al-Shabaab) Fuad Shangole - Head of Education (Today Head of Puntland branch) Mukhtar Robow - Security Branch (former Emir, Spokesman, Deputy Leader of Al-Shabaab) Hassan Turki - Head of Ras Kamboni Brigade (Aligned with Al-Shabaab) Only Sheikh Shariif, Indhacade and an Addow left. You think the ICU was an organic group that didn't have foreign support? Lol Kaliya waxaad sheegtay qeyb ka mid ah, aaway intee ku hilmaamtay raggi kale (oo maanta Dawladda ka mid ah): - Sheikh Abdiraxmaan Janaqow - Deputy of Executive Chairman. - Professor Ibrahim Hassan Addow - Head of Foreign Affairs Department - Yusuf Siad Inda'ade - Chief of Security of the Islamic - Abdilkadir Ali Omar - Deputy Head of Shura Council ... iyo kuwa kale oo badan. sida Dr. Omar Abdalla Ali, Abdirahman Hassan Omar iyo Dr. Hussein Abdi Elmi.
  18. Geeri Naxdin Leh Inaalilaahi Wa inaa ilayhi Raajicuun,Raysalwasaarihii Dalka oo Geeriyooday. Jigjiga(CakaaraNews) Talaado August 22,2012.Madaxweynaha DDSI Mudane Cabdi Maxamuud Cumar,Golaha Capinetka DDSI,Odoyaal-Dhaqameedka DDSI iyo Dhamaanba Qaybaha kala duduwan ee Shacabka DDSI ayaa Tacsi Tiiraanyo leh u Diraya Qoyskii,Ehelkii,Qaraabadii, iyo Asxaabtii uu Ka Geeriyooday Raysal Wasaarihii Dalka Marxuum Meles Senawi lehna Samir iyo iimaan Ilaahay ha inaga wada siiyo Marxuumkana Janadii Ilaahay ha ka waraabiyo. Marxuumka ayaa u Geeriyooday Habeenkii Xalay ahaa Xanuun waayadanba hayay,Guud ahaanba Shacabka Reer itoobiya Meel kasta oo ay Dunida ku Nool yihiinba Maanta waxay u Tahay Geeri iyo Tiiraanyo Qaran. Hadaba Madaxweynaha DDSI iyo Xukuumadiisa ayaa aad uga Tiiraanyaysan Geerida Naxdinta leh ee ku Timid Raysalwasaarihii Dalka Marxuum Meles Senaawi,iyadoona Madaxweynuhu Yidhi Mudane Meles Guud ahaan Qowmiyadaha itoobiya Gaar ahaana Qowmiyadihii la cadaadin jiray Ma iloobi doonaan Xuquuqdoodii Qowmiyadnimo ee uu sugay Gaar ahaan Soomaalida. Guud ahaanba 80kun ee milyan ee Dalka itoobiya ku nool ayaa Geeridan naxdinta leh ee ku timid Marxuum melez senawi aad uga tiiraanyaysan islamarkaana tacsi u diraya. :D:D
  19. @ 7:07, marki loo yeero Xildhibaan Abdiwali Gaas, Ambassador Mahiga: "ohh.. my friend, you made it.. ahhhh.. very good.." :D
  20. ^^ @1:27, waxaa maqleysaa Sharif (President) oo la hadlaya Fowsiyo (Xildhibaanad): "dad cusub aa keenteen sanadkaan.. yaaaah.. hahah nus waa cusub yihiin" :D:D @2:03, marki la yeeriyo magaca prof. Jawari, Sharif (president) asigoo la kaftamaya Fowsiyo : "walaalkaa aa u sacbinee miyaa.. hehehhe " :D:D