Shinbir Majabe
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China to build 1.2 billion power plants in Mogadishu
Shinbir Majabe replied to Holac's topic in Politics
Source: http://www.polarisenergy.com.my/upload/9213/documents/POwer%20plant%20write%20up.pdf -
Somalia;975316 wrote: 1- In maamulka Jubaland magaciisa laga dhigo Maamulka Kumeelgaarka ah ee Jubba, waxaana maamulkaasi hoos imaan doona Sadexda Gobal ee Gedo, J/Dhexe iyo J/Hoose The Federal Government of Somalia and the Jubba delegations have agreed on to an Interim Administration for Jubba, consisting of Gedo, Lower Jubba and Middle Jubba Regions without prejudice to whatever the people of these regions decide finally as a result of constitutional process. This Interim Administration shall be called the Interim Jubba Administration. 2- Maamulkan wakhtigiisana noqoto 2 sano, waxaana marka la dhameystiro maamulkada Federaalka sida Dastuurka qabo maamulkan isu bedali doonaa Maamul Gobaleed Federaal ah The duration of the Interim Administration shall be a period of not more than 2 years, during which – and subject to the constitutional process – a permanent Federal Member State will be established. 4- Dhamaan ciidamada gobaladaasi ku sugan ayaa sidoo kale hoos tagi doona maamulka Jubba, waxaana la isku dhafi doonaa dhamaan ciidamada Dowlada, Raaskambooni iyo Booliiska oo hoos tagaya maamulka Jubba That all security elements, including, RasKanboni Brigade (RBK), the Darwish and any other militias shall be integrated into the central command of the Somalia National Army (SNA); and the regional police will be under the command of the Interim Juba Administration. 5- Hogaamiyaha Maamulka Jubba (Axmed Madoobe) ayaa soo magacaabi doona golaha Wasiirada , iyadoo uu wadatashi kala sameenayo dowlada Federaalka. The Executive Council shall be the executive organ of the Interim Administration, and whose members will be appointed by the Leader with consultation and coordination with the Federal Government. The Federal Government shall have responsibility to assure inclusivity. 6- Dekkada Kismaayo iyo Airporka waxaa sii maamuli doona 6da bilood ee soo socda maamulka Jubba, kadibna waxaa lagu wareejin doonaa guddi isku dhaf ah oo hoostaga dowlada Federaalka. Dowlada Federaalka ayaa uun magacaabi doonta Saraakiisha Waaxda Socdaalka ee ka hawlgalaya Xarumahaasi. The Kismayo Sea Port and Air Port Management shall be handed-over to the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) in 6 months period; after which the Federal Government of Somalia shall appoint a competent management team in consultation with the Interim Jubba Administration meanwhile the current management of port prevails for the next 6 months. The Federal Government of Somalia will appoint immigration officers to all entry points. Who translated this! WTH.. isku xishooda..
Series of Attacks in Mogadishu tonight
Shinbir Majabe replied to Cambuulo iyo bun's topic in Politics
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;972131 wrote: In what world does a nabadsugida qaranka's responsibilities fell to a mere duq magaalo. Kun jeer ayaa jago la iska qaadi karaa and nothing will change. Tarsan, kii ka horeeye iyo kan dambeen doono will not, cannot pevent qaraxyadaan, if they happened. Neither will anyone else. Soomaaliweyn kuli inay hal meel kasoo horjeesato ma'ahee. Plus those latest attacks and qaraxyo says more about Godane than anything else. It now seems he has the firm hand of Barbaarta. Kuwii check and balance ku haaye waxee noqdeen kuwa uu qaarjiyo, kuwa naftooda ula baxsado iyo kuwa dhumaaleysi ku jiro. That is why he is targeting Turkiga xataa. ` + 1000000 -
Good Progress.
War Aniga Markaan Yaraay Waxaa Leygu Yeeri Jiray Cali Kismaayo :D:D
Apophis;953897 wrote: I will update this thread and continue Oba's work. Thank you Apo..
Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn declared bi-partisan support for Somaliland in the case of military action against the threat from neighboring Somalia and other external militants such as al Shabab. The Prime Minister delivered the keynote speech this weekend in the Ethiopian Parliament in front of Ethiopian legislators. Mr. Desalegn specified that Ethiopia is ready to provide diplomatic, military, and economic support to Somaliland "should they need it". He underlined the long bilateral relationship between the two Horn of African states saying Somaliland and Ethiopia cooperate on many fields including security, economy and education. He told the Ethiopian lawmakers that he recently dispatched more than a dozen directors and chairman to Somaliland as a part of a high-level technical committee that will study ways to enhance relations. He said he wants to expand existing ties to reflect on the modern geopolitics of the region. The Prime Minister hopes the two sides will soon sign an official bilateral strategic cooperation agreement. The technical committee has been doing its studies for the past three years. Last year the gathering was held in the Ethiopian chartered city of Dire Dawa and this year in the Somaliland capital Hargeisa. "Somaliland is a friend and a key strategic ally for Ethiopia. We will spare no expense to defend and protect Somaliland. We are ready to extend an arm of support to our Somaliland brothers every time they are in need of one," he told the Parliamentarians. He said that the Ethiopian armed forces were ready to fight along side those from Somaliland and offer them technical support as well as training. He said he was wary of militants from Somalia who are spurring out off that country due to military pressure from the African Union troops (AMISOM). He did not specify if Ethiopia would support Somaliland forces against armed forces from from Somalia but he has indicated Addis Ababa will spare no expense to ensure the existence of Somaliland. He strongly emphasized that his government will standby Somaliland against any threat from "any direction". This is the first time one of the key nations in East Africa has openly offered its direct support for Somaliland since ending its bitter marriage with Somalia two decades ago. The keynote speech by Mr. Desalgn comes during time when there is diplomatic rift between Hargeisa and the internationally recognized but powerless government in Mogadishu. Equally it coincides with Somaliland's 22nd anniversary of Independence from the rest of Somali Republic. His message has received overwhelming support throughout Somaliland and residents have welcomed PM Desalegn's strong support. Somalilanders consider Ethiopia the closest ally and their ties traces back to more than 300 years. It was just weeks ago when Prime Minister Desalegn received the Somaliland President Ahmed Silanyo at his official residence in Addis Ababa. The two heads of State concurred on the enhancement of security, education and commercial ties. "Somaliland and Ethiopia share cordial relations of which we are determined to not only sustain but enhance as well," President Silanyo told Somaliland and Ethiopian reporters. On his part, Prime Minister Hailemariam, expressed Ethiopia's interest in fostering stronger relations with Somaliland based on mutual benefit. He said "Ethiopia is ready to further bolster its relations with Somaliland administration in the areas of trade, education, capacity building and port services." He also underscored that Ethiopia will extend support to Somaliland in order to ensure that Al-Shabaab forces who are fleeing from Somalia will not pose a threat to Somaliland. Source: http://www.ethiopianreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=53171
Mowqifka DFS ee Joojinta Duulimaadyada QM ee Berbera Hargeysa
Shinbir Majabe replied to Shinbir Majabe's topic in Politics
^^ here is the link -
Horudhac: Waxaa booqasho qaadatay 9-11 Maarso, 2013 ku yimid Puntland wafdi ka socda Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya (DFS) oo uu hogaaminayo raiisul wasaaraha Mudane Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon.Wadahadal dhinacyo badan taabtay oo ay isla yeesheen labada dhinac kadib, waxaa lagu heshiiyey qodobada soo socda: 1. KOR UQAADISTA KALSOONIDA IYO XIRIIRKA DFS IYO DOWLADDA PUNTLAND: Labada dhinac waxay ku heshiiyeen: 1.1: In la wanaajiyo xiriirka iyo wadahadalka madaxda sare ee labada dowladood la isna dhaafsado booqashooyin, lana ilaaliyo Protocol ka dowliga ah. 1.2: In la dhiirigaliyo wada shaqeynta hay,adaha kala duwan ee Puntland iyo Dowladadda Federaalka. 1.3: In la dhaqan gelliyo dhammaan heshiisyadii dhexmaray Puntland iyo dowladihii KMG ahaa wixii aan ka hor imaanayn dastuurka. 1.4: Ilaalinta iyo ku dhaqanka Dastuurka Federaalka. 1.5: In la joojiyo lagana hortago wax kasta oo wax u dhimi kara xiriirka iyo wadashaqaynta labada dhinac wixii tabasho ahna lagu xaliyo wadahadal. 2. 0: ISKAASHIGA AMNIGA: 2.1: Isdhaafsiga Xogta, khibradaha iyo isku xirista hayadaha Nabadgalyada. 2.2: Waxaa la isla gartay soo dhawaynta qaadista cunaqabataynta hubka ayadoo la iska kaashanayo xaga hubka iyo saanadda ciidamada. 2.3: Dhisidda ciidan qaran oo isu dheelitiran iskuna dhafan, lagana soo qoro dhammaan gobalada iyo degmooyinka dalka. 2.4: In si wadjir ah looga wada shaqeeyo la dagaalanka argagaxisada iyo burcad badeedka. 2.5: In dowladda federaalka ay dayactirto maamushana xeryaha loo aqoonsado inay yihiin xeryo heer qaran. 2.6: Waxaa lagu heshiiyey in ciidamada Nabadgelyada Puntland laga caawiyo gunooyinka, isgaarsiinta, Gaadiidka, tababarada iyo agabka(logistics). 3. 0: DHAQAALAHA IYO HOUMARINTA: 3.1: Waxaa la isku raacay inay jirto baahi deg deg ah oo ku saabsan sidii loo helli lahaa Shillin Soomaali cusub. 3.2: Waxaa la isku raacay baahida loo qabo jaangoynta iyo midaynta canshuuraha (Tarifs) dalka oo dhan. 3.3: In la iska kaashado hurumarinta iyo kobcinta maamulka maaliyadeed ee dalka. 3.4: In DFS dadajiyo shirciga maalgashiga shisheeye lagana faa,iideysto khibradda Punland. 3.5: In Puntland saamigeeda ay ka hesho dhammaan mashaariicda horumarineed iyo banii,aadanimo ee heer qaran ayadoo DFS soo dhawaynayso una fududaynayso ciddii caawinaysa Puntland. 3.6: In loo hawlgalo wadashaqaynta iyo midaynta hayadaha socdaalka (immigrations) . 3.7: Waxaa la isla gartay in DFS ay saami ku yeelato dakhliga dekedaha iyo garoomada diyaaradaha si waafaqsan dastuurka. 4. 0: SAMAYNTA DOWLADAHA FEDERAALKA KA MIDNOQONAYA: 4.1: Waxaa labada dhinac isla garteen in Dowladda Federaalku ay dardar geliso nidaamka federaaleynta dalka si waafaqsan dastuurka isla markaana ka hortagto wax kasta oo wax u dhimi kara taaba gellinta dhismaha dowlad gobaleedyada. 5.0: HANAANKA GEEDI SOCODKA DIMUQRAADIYADA PUNTLAND 5.1: Waxaa labada dhinac isla qaateen in la bogaandiyo lana dhiiro gelliyo hannaanka geedi socodka Dimuqraadiyeynta Puntland, isla markaasna la dhowro shuruucda iyo xasiloonida Puntland. 5.2: DFS waxay taageeraysaa lana soconaysaa geedisocodka dimuqraadiyadda Puntland. 6.0: ISU CELLINTA HANTIDA LA HAYSTO: 6.1: Waxaa labada dhinac ku heshiiyeen in DFS dadajiso isu cellinta hantida gaar ahaaneed si loo hello dib u heshiisiin dhab ah, ayadoo la magacaabayo Guddi heer qaran oo madax banaaan go,aamadiisuna yeeshaan awood fulineed. 6.2: Waxaa labada dhinac ku heshiiyeen in DFS dadajiso dib u soo cellinta hantidii qaran gudaha iyo debada. 7.0: SAMAYNTA AQALKA SARE EE BAARLAMANKA FEDERAALKA: 7.1: Waxaa la isla qaatay in DFS dedejiso dhismaha aqalka sare ee baarlamaanka si waafaqsan Dastuurka Federaalka. ……………………………………DHAMMAAD…………………… ………. Saxiixayaasha Heshiiska: 1. Raiisulwasaaraha Dowladda Federaalka ee Soomaaliya Mudane Dr. Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon(Saacid) 2. Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland, Dr.Cabdiraxman Sh.maxamed Maxamud Source
BY: PM ABDI FARAH SHIRDOON | ON FEBRUARY 22, 2013 In recent days a court case in Mogadishu has attracted attention all over the world. The details of the case are not for me to comment upon here – it is sub judice as an appeal is under way – but what surprised me was that the commentary did not include any reference to the most remarkable thing about it: that the case was happening at all. Only several years ago, justice in Mogadishu meant a Kalashnikov. Today it is delivered in courts. Somalis are encouraged by the re-emergence of an independent judiciary, whatever its faults at present. They have responded positively to the government’s refusal to interfere. It is important to respect the new institutions of a fledgling democracy, not ride roughshod over them. Justice must be allowed to take its course. If we find due process has been abused in any way, then appropriate action must be taken. I start with this example to illustrate the important point that justice in Somalia is, like most other things here, a work in progress. It is unrealistic to expect a fully functioning, transparent judiciary to emerge in the immediate aftermath of Africa’s longest civil war. I have been quite clear that reform of the judiciary and police is at the heart of my government’s programme. We have already started this task and our direction of travel is positive. As my government approaches its 100th day in office, I would like to share some of our recent achievements and the challenges we face. To begin with the most dramatic development, security is our people’s greatest concern, our number one priority and our number one success. Only recently Mogadishu was close to being completely overrun by the foreign-led, Al Qaeda-allied Al Shabaab. Thanks to our brave fighters and those of Amisom, the insurgency is on its knees, our city has been liberated and, to quote a recent report, “the sound of hammers has replaced that of guns” as Somalis return to rebuild homes and businesses, lives and careers. In December we removed 60 illegal checkpoints that were extorting more than $1m a month in bribes from innocent civilians in Mogadishu, replacing them with police and security forces. The story doesn’t end in the capital. Since the end of last year, we have liberated the towns of Kismayo, Marca, Jowhar, *********, Janale and Awdeghle towns, where we are working hard to develop representative local authorities and deliver local services. Talking of representative government, our political institutions, like other organisations in Somalia, are in their infancy. How could this be otherwise in a country eviscerated by more than two decades of conflict? Yet after eight years of difficult transitional authority, we managed the move to a fully-fledged government smoothly and entirely peacefully, after what a recent UN report on Somalia called “the most transparent and representative” election in more than 20 years, the first held in Somalia during that period. We now have a lean, effective Cabinet – how many countries in the world can boast of having 10 ministries? Then there is a robust and lively legislature, which has already made its mark under the excellent leadership of Speaker Jawari, who presided over 46 sessions in the first four months of the parliament’s life. Fifteen sub-committees will be holding the government to account in the spirit of parliamentary democracy. A permanent Human Rights Commission will address the troubling record of human rights abuses, especially the killing of journalists and sexual violence against women. To judicial reform, security turnaround and political development, we must add the beginnings of economic recovery. Poverty and unemployment, the natural legacy of war, are widespread in Somalia. We are making progress by creating a conducive environment for economic recovery. We have instituted strict public finance management rules and are steadily establishing transparent and accountable public finances. Tax collection is a priority that will lay the foundations of a normal, functioning economy. We have energised the Central Bank. Economic growth will come from a combination of the public and private sectors. By creating the conditions for peace and stability, we have enabled growing numbers of Somalis from the diaspora to return home. They are voting with their feet, taking up positions in government, starting new businesses with the resilience and commercial acumen for which Somalis are world famous, investing in new opportunities, employing their fellow citizens. All these are steps in the right direction. There is no sense of complacency in this assessment of our achievements. We know the challenges we face are formidable. We need time to build institutions, time for economic recovery, time for reconciliation and time to create lasting peace and prosperity. We have planted a sapling and must now allow it to grow, with the ongoing support of our international partners, for which we remain deeply grateful. I am optimistic because I recognise how far we have come in such a short time. Only recently, we were the world’s worst failed state, with the most dangerous city in the world, home to a rampant Al-Qaeda led insurgency. Look at us today. We are on the right path. Somalia has turned a corner, and there is no going back.
Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud, who has been president since a surprise victory in presidential elections in August, said he wanted British government help to bring back Somalis living in Britain. The former professor compared the situation in his country to that of Europe in 1945 but said there was an opportunity to restore a functioning government after 22 years of civil war. Describing exiles as his country's greatest asset, Mr Mahmoud said he would use a London conference jointly organised by Britain and the Somalian government to establish ambitious programmes to rebuild health, education and government services. He said he intended to approach the double Olympic gold medallist who was born in Somalia but sent to school in Britain to come home to help promote reconciliation. "People like Mo Farah have a very big role in reconciliation and trust building in Somalia," he told The Daily Telegraph. "Mo [Farah] can be a very good role model for young people. It's a good time to seek the support of people like Mo Farah. "Our people did not leave the country by choice but there were circumstances that compelled them to leave and made them a diaspora here. Those difficulties are now becoming an opportunity. We have people like Mo Farah who are highly qualified. This is a real asset for us." Mr Mahmoud has presided over a rapid transformation of Somalia. The al-Shabaab terrorist movement has been pushed out of the capital and has control over a shrinking footprint. Foreign troops from an African peacekeeping mission and Kenya have pushed the al-Qaeda affiliated movement to the brink of losing its last strongholds. "Shabbab in Somalia is virtually defeated. They do not control much territory, their command and control is shattered, they are on the run," he said. "That does not mean Shabaab is eliminated, the threat is still there. The war is soon going to another phase. There will not be territory controlled by Shabaab. They will melt down into society. The will be stand by side of road planting roadside bomb, using suicide bombers," he said. Mr Mahmoud said the time is right to move Somalia from a "relief phase" to a full scale recovery effort. He said he had met Somalian surgeons and policemen during his trip and called them to give up their holidays or take sabbaticals to work in Somalia. He cited the example of a 500-house property development under way in Mogadishu as a trailblazer for investment from the diaspora. Mr Mahmoud said he hoped the British government would fund schemes to allow civil servants and other government employees take up temporary placements with his government. He also said charity staff working in Somalia should be forced to work for government ministries. Justine Greening, the International Development Secretary, announced a scheme on Monday to send staff and training consultants to assist Somali MPs in carrying out their official functions. "The Somalia problem is not just a Somali problem. It is a regional problem. It is an international problem," he said. "Remember when the Olympics were held here they were threatened by terrorism from Somalia. Somalia as it was is a threat to the world. We need to fix this problem – this is in the interests of the UK and the interests of the world. "There is no country in the world that recovered from a civil war without the support of the world. We need help," he said. A spokesman for Mo Farah said that the winner of 5,000 and 10,000 metre races had already demonstrated his willingness to help Somalia to recover from war by setting up the Mo Farah Foundation. It builds schools and provides health services in his homeland. Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk