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Everything posted by QabiilDiid

  1. Mr. Reality Check, check the reality of the NEW SOMALIA. If we Somalis have gained any thing from the civil war, most of us are realizing that this qabiil label have no more weight in the polical discourse. Every child in streets of Gaalkacyo, Qardho , Hargeisa, Borama, Kismaayo, Beledwey, Baidhama and from all other Somali cities and villages, knows that it is not going to work for Mele Zanawi and Mr. Kebaki to divide Somalis along qabiil lines and then rule them by proxy utilizing fake sellout pseudo politicians. UICs are comprehensive representatives from all Somali sectarian areas. KU QUUS haddii aad camiil tahay...
  2. Ugaas Axmed Muuse Nuur is on BBC Somali Section at 14:00 GMT. For conveneince, forward the real player from zero to around 14.5 minutes. The message he is trying to tell the world is that they will never back off from this decision even if Cadde Muuse brings his tigrean mercenaries for a fight. He is clearly stating that they are part and parcel of Mog. UIC.Great day of Somalia...
  3. Sharif Hassan, the speaker of the Somali parliament is kidnapped and imprisoned in his hotel in Nairobi by the Kenyan secret services. He is not a free man and can not depart from Nairobi. The international community knows that and is not willing to do anything about it. Sharif Hassan wants to come to Mogadishu because he can not go to Baidoba as it is occupied by Tigrean Forces and will soon be a battle ground. Shariif Xasan oo la sheegay inuu Muqdisho ku soo wajahan yahay . Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan ayaa warar ay shabakadda warbaahinta ceelbuurnet heshay waxay sheegayaan in uu ku soo jeedo Magaalada Muqdisho kaddib markii uu martiqaad ka helay Midowga Maxaakiimta Islaamiga ah. Waayadaanba waxaa la hadal hayey in Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka uu ku soo jeedo Magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana arrintaani ka shaqeeyay 70-xildhibaan oo iyana ku sugan Magaalada Muqdisho oo kulamo la lahaa golaha Maxaakiimta Islaamiga ah. Guddoomiye Shariif Xasan iyo Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf ayaa mar kale khilaaf soo kala dhex galay kaas oo ku aadan kaddib markii ay isku khilaafeen qaabka wada hadal loola furayo golaha Maxaakiimta Islaamiga ah gaar ahaan shirka Khartuum. Warar ayaa waxay sheegayaan in Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanku uu qorsheynayo in Muqdisho uu ku shirguddoomiyo kulankii Baarlamanka, iyadoo maalmahan Magaalada Baydhabo ay ka soo cararayeen xubnaha Baarlamaanka, kaddib markii qaar ka mid ah hanjabaadyo uga yimaadeen mas’uuliyiinta sar sare ee Dowladda halka kuwa kalana ay u dulqaadan waayeen faragelinta Itoobiya ku hayso Soomaaliya. Maxamed Sheekh Nuur. Muqdisho.
  4. UIC leaders should not, I do not know what to call it in English but in Somali “masiirka, aayaha”, future is the closest word or destiny, in the hands of the drunk, sellouts who bought their dignity, country, people and religion for ‘thamanan qaliilaa”. There are eye witnesses who saw swindler Cabdullaahi Sheikh Ismaaciil (who is replacing Sharif Xasan the speaker of the parliament as the head of the government delegation in Khartoum as ordered by President Yeey and PM Geed in the last minute for obeying Mele Zewani’s brotherly advice) drunk in the public. Unless we say it as it is, whether we like it or not, we will never get out this quagmire. Please, temporarily, shelf the clan shirt out of sight, and approach the thread objectively. Haddii aadan sidaa yeellin, naaska Soomaaliya oo aad jaqday ku qabay. Ka fakar sawirada iyo qofku siduu yahay
  5. Waxa aad iigu markhaati furaysaa in adiga oo wiil tigrey ah aad diyaar u tahay in ay Geeska Afrika oo dhan uu gacanta kuugu soo galo, dadkayga Hargeysa joogaanna qaarkoo lagu sixray kala gooogoonta ummadda Soomaaliyeed. Halkaad tiigsaneyso iyo halka ay tiigsanyaan walee waa kala labo. Nin kuu digay kuma dillin ee qunyar isaga bax Soomaaliaya.
  6. They have to heel their masters’ advice. Madax Afrikaan ah oo Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo Ra’iisal Wasaare Geedi ka codsaday in ay isaga baxaan Magaalada Baydhabo Axad, October 29, 2006(HOL): Warar aynu ka helnay ilo lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa sheegaya in Madax Afrikaan ah oo uu ku jiro Madaxweynaha Dalka Kenya Mr. Mwai Kibak ay dhawaantan la soo xiriiray Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo Ra’iisal Wasaare Cali Maxamed Geedi, iyagoo la la sheegay in ay ka codsadeen in ay isaga baxaan magaalada Baydhabo sababo dhinaca amniga ah. Wararku waxay sheegayaan in madaxdaasi ay kula taliyeen mas’uuliyiinta ugu sareysa Dowladda Federaalka in ay si KMG ah u tagaan Magaalada Nairobi, isla markaana ay Magaalada Baydhabo kaga soo tagaan xubnaha kale ee Dowladda Federaalka iyo Ciidamadooda. Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo Ra’iisal Wasaare Geedi ayaa la sheegay in ay ku gacan seyreen codsigaas, iyagoo u sheegay mas’uuliyiinta la soo xiriirtay in ay ku adkeysanayaan sii joogitaanka magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta u ah Dowladda Federaalka, isla markaana ay horkici doonaan dagaalka ay Ciidamadooda iskala soo horjeedaan kuwa Maxkamadaha Islaamiga. Arrintan ayay wararku sheegayaan in ay soo baxday kadib markii ay xoogagga Maxkamadaha Islaamigu wax yar u jirsadeen xarunta fariisinka u ah Dowladda Federaalka, iyadoo uu horayna Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf ugu sheegay Dhiggiisa dalka Kenya in ay isaga iyo Ra’iisal Wasaare Geedi ku wada jiraan rag ay Maxkamadaha doonayaan in ay khaarijiyaan. Ra’iisal Wasaare Cali Maxamed Geedi ayaa la soo wariyay in markii ay soo gaartay farriintan kadib uu saxaafadda u sheegay in ay Dowladda Federaalka ka guureyso Magaalada Baydhabo, balse halka ay u guureyso ay tahay Magaalada Muqdisho. Dhinaca kalena magaalada Baydhabo ayaa la soo weriyay in ay weli ka socoto howl baaris ah oo lagu hayo qaraxii 18-kii September 2006 lala beegsaday Kolonyo gaadiid ah oo uu la socday Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf, taasoo ay baaristooda haatan ku lug yeesheen baarayaal caalami ah oo ay ku jiraan kuwo ka socda Dalka Mareykanka. Horay waxaa magaalada Baydhabo, gaar ahaan halka uu qaraxa ka dhacay u booqday Saraakiil ka socotay Hay’adda Sirdoonka Britain ee MI6, kuwaasi oo sawirro ka qaatay, iyadoo ay xusid mudan tahay in qaraxaasi oo xoogganaa uu ku dhaawacay madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf, sida uu madaxweynaha qudhiisa u sheegay TV-ga Nation ee xaruntiisu tahay Magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online Mogadishu, Somalia
  7. Mr. Baashi, UIC are aware of the Tigrean air forces and that is why Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Hassan with open discussion with Mog students on BBC last Friend presented the UIC military strategy to minimize the effectiveness of aerial bombardment. The UIC forces will never concentrate in large numbers in one identifiable spot. I do not think the Tigrean military planners will utilize military helicopters. Any low flying airplane is target reachable by UIC antiaircraft guns.
  8. ^^ I agree with you that he is the most controversial personality I come across on the forum.
  9. Mr. Equilibrium, you are one of most balanced persons I have ever seen on SOL. What percent of the so called Somali federal troops in Baidhaba areas are willing to die fighting besides Tigrean mercenaries to protect President Yeey and PM Geed knowing that soon after their spirits detach from their bodies, they will be residents of Hellfire in perpetuity. My estimation is that if they are not drugged, the number is less than zero percent. Zip. Yacnii eber inshaa Allaah.
  10. I would go even to say I disagree with Caddow to waste resources to travel to Khartoum. Why spend time and energy to talk out the Ethiopian agents in Baidoba to convince their masters to take their troops out of Somalia. It is clear war is inevitable.
  11. Originally posted by Equilibrium: [QB] trust me when your loosely connected army consisting of multiple ethnicies go M.I.A on your uncles like they went on your uncle mengistu we will enslave you and you will be my housedog for ever!!!! I love it...qix..qix..qix....That is exact what uncle lord lords of U.K. and uncle sam sams of USA are telling Mele Zanawi to leave Somalia alone because if religious war breaks out, it will be the end of the Ethiopean Empire. The wish of Somali nationalists is written on the walls and my friend xabashi is blind enough to see it. War is what Somalia needs and war it should be.
  12. As long as one single foreigner soldier remains on Somali Republic soil, UIC should not reopen talks with the Ethiopian agents in Baidhaba. Most of these agents are hostages themselves and can not speak theirs mind in a free environment. If president Yeey and PM Geed are afraid for their personal safety, they have to go to Nairobi or to Addis while the Khartoum talks are under way; but the Ethiopian troops have to leave immediately and get out of Somalia. No more foreigner mediators. No more the deceiving Kenyans in the middle of debating Somalis. The oil and army embargo on President Yeey and Geed and their foreigner masters must be tightened if they pursue their doomed strategy for bringing tigrean soldiers to Somalia. Dowladdnima ummadda Soomaaliyeed waa in ay dib u soo noqataa iyada oon qofna ka xarig xiran, waxaanna taa dhalin kara maxkamadaha. FREEDOM lives on the shoulders of the true sons of the motherland who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the wellbeing of the majority. If some of Somalis are not ready to die for Somalia, the existence of Somalis as respectful citizens of the world is in a great jeopardy. ------------------------------------------------- MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Somalia's government said on Saturday it had decided to attend a third round of peace talks in Sudan with rival Islamists. The dominance of the Islamists, who control much of the south after seizing Mogadishu from U.S.-backed warlords in June, threatens the Western-backed interim government's attempts to impose central rule on a country in chaos since 1991. In September talks, the two sides agreed in principle to create joint military forces and reconvene on October 30 for power-sharing talks on political and security issues. "We have decided to attend the Khartoum talks," Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi told a news conference in the government's provincial seat Baidoa, monitored by Reuters by phone from Mogadishu. "We are ready to implement any agreements reached ... We are ready to play our role in achieving a solution to the Somali problem." An Islamist official said the Islamists were hoping to leave for Khartoum on Sunday. The two sides have met twice in the Sudanese capital for Arab League-mediated talks that have produced little other than a promise to recognise each other and not make any military moves. Negotiations stalled after government allegations the Islamists had broken the pact against military expansion by seizing more territory, and Islamist claims of foreign interference in Somalia. Islamists say Ethiopia has sent troops to protect the government of Abdullahi Yusuf -- the 14th attempt at effective central rule since the 1991 ousting of a dictator. Addis Ababa denies any incursion although it says it has sent several hundred armed military trainers. "It is the Islamic courts who breached previous agreements reached in Khartoum," Gedi said. "Instead of appointing their committee to represent them in implementing the agreements they started fighting and expanding their territorial control." The Islamists flank the administration on three sides and have stopped fuel shipments reaching its sole outpost. Gedi said parliamentary speaker Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan would lead the government delegation to Khartoum, despite legislators saying this month he had quit that role. "The speaker of parliament is still the leader of the government delegation. We only heard from the radio that he had resigned, we have not received any official notice," Gedi said. Many fear the stand-off could erupt into a regional war, sucking in Ethiopia and its rival Eritrea, which denies charges of sending weapons to the Islamists. Kenya, as chair of regional body IGAD, will jointly mediate next week's talks. Source: Reuters, Oct. 28, 2006
  13. Do not rush. Take your time. You will like it... “Shacabka Digil iyo Mirifle beerahooda Masagada, galeyda iyo khudrada ka soo baxday cunayaane munaafaqiinta meesha dowlad shisheeye kalkaalku ku heysa cunaqabateyn ha la saaro, xitaa haaddii wax lagu fududeynayo yaan shidaal na lagu dilo u gudbin” sidaa waxaa yiri guuxa mujaahidiinta furinta hore ee dagaalka. “Taakuleyn shidaal iyo cunto ka timaada dowladda taagta darran ee Tigreega, soona marta masaafo ka badan dhowr boqol oo Km waxay keeneysaa fashil dhinaca taakuleynta ah” sidaa waxaa yiri sarkaal muddo dhinaca taakuleynta ka soo shaqeynayey oo u waramay guuxa. Kalkaaliye dhinaca caafimaadka ah ayaa isna waxaa uu yiri “Haddii culeyska dagaal uu mid dhaqaale uga kordho odayaasha Makriga gebi ahaantood dhiig kar baa ku kacaya” “Nimankii isku dayey iney tabar siyaasadeed ka raadiyaan ninkii Kenya u socda, inaga ha ina weydiiyo Fiiso in maanta cunaha lagu dhegaa waa xaq soo daahiray” sidaasi waxaa yiri ganacsatada Soomaalida ee Kenya ka shaqeysata. ********ta ciidanka u ahi haddii ay waayaan Shaah ay qaadka ku cunaan markaasaa hub ka dhigis lagu sameyn. Maahmaah baa aheyd (Ninkaad nin ku tahay nin looma noqdo) Xamar oo quudinayey baa dagaal loo abaabuli ilaa dowlad ma fadaano ay ka dhacdo cunaqabateynta ha lagu wado” sidaana waxaa qaba sarkaal arrimaha bulshada ku taqasusay. DHARBAAXYADII BU'AALE (FASHILKII TABCANAYAASHA) Diin-diin baa laga sheegay inuu yiri “Meeshii la iigu tashanayey sow ALLE ma joogin” hadda shaxda khayaaliga ah ee tabcanayaasha iyo tigreegu qorsheeyeen waxaa uu ahaa si nuurka ALLE umadda siiyey loo demiyo in afar meelood isku mar dagaal ka dhaco, unugta Cabdi Qeybdiid ku hayo Bandiiradley oo kaashanaya Puntland iney soo weeraraan Gelinsoor, unug kale oo Maxamed dheere ku hayo mustaxiilnna ay soo weeraraan B/weyne, Raxan Itoobiyaan ah iyo daydayda reer Puntland-na ay soo weeraraan Buur hakaba, laakiin runtu tahay in Barre dagaalka xoogiiisa galo kana gudbo Bu'aale oo uu maalin iska xaadiriyo Kismaayo. Boqorka tiisaa socone sida wax u dhaceen habeenkii weerarka la qorsheynayey maalintii ka horeysay ayaa muhaajidiinta aaga Bu'aale dagaal lama yiraa kaasuye hub ka dhigis ku sameeyeen ninkii loo hanweynaa ee Barre (Dersi adag ma kuu dhigay oo aad ka sheekeeyso) ka dib maxaa dhacay? Cabdi Qeybdiid iyo Puntland korontadii baa ka tagtay waxayna go'aan ku gaareen in reer Caabud-waaq iyagoo Beer laxawsanaya waxa Barre Hiiraale gaarey ay dhinacooda colka u soo wareejiyaan, waxayna ileyn inta nabada jecel wax uma sheegi karaane dhanka nimankii dhihi jiray (HAWADAAN KU SOO TUKANAA.. Timoweyn), Maxamed dheere wiilashii baa ka soo baxsadey, Buur hakabana barqey ka dubur jeediyeen.. ALLAAHU AKBAR.. taas ciidateyn dheh. Nin aad u daacad badnaa baa 95-kii yiri “Dalkan waxaa ka socda xikmad ALLE, maalin baana nasri la heli” hadda nasrigii waa kan, in cudud kasta oo diinta iyo dalka cadow ku ah si fudud ILAAH u jebiyo, sarkaalkii 16-sano Jaalle Sadde ku dhaaran jireen (Timadheere BARRE) baa 3 wiil dilay 30 gaarina laga qabsaday, xikmad ALLAA ku jirtee howlgal caadi ah maahan, Maxamed dheerihii jiray markuu wiilasha dagaal gelinayo, ma aniga iga gaaban baa ku jira ciidanka, istaag baan ku dagaal geli, xabadna igu dhici meyso baa barqo sidii loo ceyriyey far taagi la' boqorkaa rucbi ku riday, Cabdi Qeybdiidkii xoogagii Caydiid 6 mitir kula dagaalamayey baa Bandiiradley banooni ku ciyaaraya hamisaa ku dhacday. C/llaahi Yuusufkii qofkii waxaan rabaa diida Badduu ka cabayaa dhihi jiray maanta GEDO ka cab ayaa arini la mari ( Bay ka guur, Gedo u guur iyo meel amxaaro ka dhowdahay)googorada Tigreega ka cab. Xigasho wargeyska Xog-ogaal Xafiiska Muqdisho
  14. Sayid Turki On HornAfrik qix qix qix
  15. Qudhac, The Sayid Turki is coming to visit Hargeisa. To be a fair fight you have to be warned. So get out of your cosy nook in the West and go to the front if you are the man u are claiming. "no more lines"
  16. He is "Sayid Mohamed Hassan" for the new Somalia in the 21st century...
  17. I like his new line "no more lines". A must to listen to.....
  18. Qudhac my friend. It will take you centuries to understand the concept of nationalism. I will make it simple for you. I will kill my own father for Somalia. Somalia is the only thing I care for. Whoever is in a position of power to put Somalia back together is my MASTER. Test me, my friend Qudhac. Do not attach any thing to the word Somali and let the Mother Queen keep her “Lands Lands†for a while. Say Somalis are one nation under the blue beautiful flag with five-pointed star in the middle. I promise you I will shoe shine your shoes and make you my hero. No hard feeling. Let bygones be bygones. Now I support UIC 100%. They will rescue Abdulaahi Yuusf from Ethiopians who have taken him hostage for the last couple of months in Baidhaba and they will bring him to Mogadishu. Then they will capture or kill Riyaale your fancy president. Control your emotional blood pressure. It is Ciid and SOL members are no mood to hear screams from u. Riyaale with his SNM criminal gangs will go and Somalia will come back stronger and brighter, and your children will be saved from complete annihilation. I know you can not see the unlimited values attached with the big picture because the Satan is beating his collection of empty cans for elusive recognition that will never come to your way. Hold on. Control your nerve. It is ciid. I am just giving you the reality on the ground. Even if Mr. Waraabe who is one of your worst uncles repents and re-ascertains his belief in the Somali Republic, I will forgive him for what he has done to Somali people. I know that you know deeply in your heart that this thing is not going to work for u. But because of macangagnimo (stubbornness) you can not come back from the wrong direction of the traffic. You see you will soon be crashed and run over. I know you will die fighting for your position. The reunion of the south and north Yemen was not bloodless in 1980s. Likewise, when the UIC cleans southern Somalia and they will come to u. What you do?Sell yourself to Ethiopians. Every world affairs analyst who watches Somalia is saying if a religious war erupts in the horn, the loser is Mele Zanawi and you guys will be collecting no more penies in the begging bowl for renting Barbera harbour to the man. Allow sahal..
  19. ^^^man cool it down. i do not kwon where this arguement will take you. Are u the authority on ascertaining what other know about "the collective will of the poeple". i got u. u got new knowldge u gleaned from streets of uncle sam. The latest news though that uncle hiiraale ran in women's fabric and will soon join the rolls of the unemployed collecting pension from his ethiopen masters just like what qanyaare is dong in baidhabo. take it easy. it ciid. man.
  20. No doubt in my mind that the will of the Somali people will prevail.
  21. They did and that is why they are rushing to the front to capture the likes of adeer Hiiraale. What can you do about it? Cry/
  22. ^^^ no doubt in my mind that the will of the Somali people will prevail. Labo borobogaan haddii ay sinaadaan ka kitaabka haysta ayaa run u dhow; mirqaankuna ka fog yahay...
  23. Bare Hiiraale must be captured dead or alive. Why the UIC always let the warlords go? If warlords are not ceased, they will still keep barking in some dark alleys. Good news...ciid mubaarka to all....