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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. You are such, wallahi unlike any I have seen on the forums. If you believe it, take it, I can't help you.
  2. But shouldn't I be allowed to state the achievements of people from my region, you know, first to use modern weapons, first to lead the SYL, dominating the civilian government, not even mentioning Osmanya script, flag of Somalia etc, that's materialistic stuff, we don't state that like you. No? Ok. Well lets start off with the fact that SSDF had its foot on the ground unlike SSC.. We look at the bigger picture, not the narrow view of hatred like yourself. The support for Azania is not out of love but out of shared interests. There's only 2 beel in the history of the block that have understood that, and that is the beel of Siad Barre and the beel of Abdullahi Yusuf. You guys like others are not considered, well how do I put it, leadership material like these two beel. You are the prime example of why... Too quick to sell out.
  3. It's not true, your source is AllSSC as if you don't know it's a lie. The students that were returned returned to Mogadishu and they were not from Puntland they were from Sheikh Shariif's beel. Don't mix up news.
  4. Lying trash. My cousins are there right now, talked to them last week. Man you are pathetic. And your source is AllSSC hahahahahahaha It's the ones in Mogadishu that returned.
  5. I don't want you to come under Puntland, I only said that to be nice. My views about SSC on this website is known. I don't hide my views, look it up, there's a search bar right up there. You keep going back to stuff I've already debunked man, I don't know why you do that, I think if you repeat the same thing over again you'd make people believe your points are valid, just like Fox News. No one is going for your "natural resources", we got plenty ourselves, in fact drilling is commencing. Now, the only thing that makes me sad, is that two people of the same block have to discuss matters like these in such fashion. "Changing shirt", that's the bit where I simply lost respect for you, you had me up until then. What's with the "changed shirt" bit? You didn't say this when we talked about the ICU, but you say it when we talk about SL or PL. I'm not going to address the "why did he run away", if you had two brain cells you'd know why he had to, seeing as he was the only one left of the original people. Your achievements are ABSOLUTELY laughable Wallahi in God's name that's the funniest bragging I've seen in a long time. SSC is the first place in the History of Africa to have been bombarded via aerial LOL We made the blue and white flag so we would know what betrayal actually means. But moving on to the last bit, after the "achievements" you listed which were well, a bit off I must say. I won't address that, it's childish. GET OF OFF US, We don't want anything to do with ya'll (SSDF/Puntland). lol Of course you don't, it would be pricey to buy your loyalty, but keep on drawing checks from East and West.
  6. You are going back in circles like a dog, just like SSC. SSDF was a clan based organization. Who the hell is arguing otherwise? SSDF was defunct in 1998, you seem more moronic the more you post, so how was it around in 2006? I am congratulating one of the most bravest men in Somali history, people who hate him still respect him, something lost in people like you. Lying again, he didn't kill "thousands of Somalis, while under the protection of Mengistu". He defeated ICU, call it what you want, he defeated them. He started the catalyst that got rid of Siad Barre, something you still don't seem to understand after 5 pages of posts. Now, I understand your beel and the fact that it is the most undisciplined, most pathetic, most useless of them all, even before the people founding Azania but you don't have to get butthurt over my province's history. It's beneath me to even talk about your people's achievements, since there aren't many of them... any to be honest
  7. As you can see it's the way the flags are arranged so logically the Somali one is one the side. 1. Howlgallada ciidamada Kenya ee Gudaha Soomaaliya waxa uu u jeedkiisu yahay ka hortagga hanjabaadaha kooxda Al-shabaab, ee ah in ay qal qalgelineyso amniga iyo dhaqaalaha dalkaasi, iyadoo dowladda Kenya ay xaq u leedahay in ay isdifaacdo sida uu dhigayo qodobka 51-aad ee xeerka Qaramada Midoobay. 2. Al-shabaab waa codowga, labada dal ee Soomaaliya iyo Kenya, waxa ayna Qatar ku tahay gobolka iyo caalamka intiise kale, waana in si isku mid ah labada dowladood ay uga hortaggaan dhibaatada kooxdaasi, iyagoo la kaashanaya beesha caalamka. 3. Howlgalkaan waxaa hogaaminayo ciidamada qalabka-sida ee Soomaaliya, iyagoo taageero ka helaya ciidamada Kenya, si ay bartilmaameedsadaan goobaha ay ku dhuumaaleysanayan Al-shabaab. 4. Dowladda Soomaaliya waxa ay soo dhaweyneysaa howlgallada ciidamada Kenya ee ay ku taageerayaan ciidamada dowladda Soomaaliya, kuwaasi oo si daris wanaag ah iyo ka mid ahaanshiyaha Midowga Afrika uga qayb qaadanaya howgalkaasi. 5. Labada dowladood waxa ay isweydaarsan doonaan warbixinada ku saabsan dhaq dhaqaaqyada Al-shaabab, iyadoo la dhisi doono guddi wada jir ah kuwaasi oo si gaar ah uwada shaqeyn doono, islamarkaana kulamo gaar gaar ah ku wada qaadan doono magaalooyinka Muqdisho iyo Nairobi. 6. Dowladaha Soomaaliya iyo Kenya waxa ay sameyn donaan dib-lomaasiyiin labada dhinac ah kuwaasi oo u ololeynaya taageerada howlgalada bilowga ah, islamarkaana xubno ka tirsan kooxdaasi dib-lomaasiyiinta ah waxa ay kulan 1-da bisha November ku yeelan doonaan magaalada Nairobi ee xarunta dalka Kenya, waxa ayna safaro ku kala bixin doonaan caasimadaha labada dal. 7. Ciidamo dheeraad ah oo ka socda Midowga Afrika ee AMISOM ayaa la geyn doonaa goobaha laga sifeeyo maleeshiyada Al-shaabab ee koonfurta Soomaaliya, si ay u xaqiijiyaan amniga iyo nabadgelyada deegaannadaasi, ayna u caawiyaan maamulada ay dowladda Soomaaliya ka hirgelin doonto Gobolladaasi. 8. Beesha caalamku waxa ay kaalmo beni’aadanimo oo deg deg ah gaarsiin doontaa goobihii dhawaan laga saaray Al-shabaab, iyadoo sidoo kale deegannadaasi ka hirgelin doonto xarumo caafimaad iyo goobo waxbarasho. 9. Maxkamadda dambiyada dagaalka ee ICC waxa ay dowladda Soomaaliya ka caawin doontaa baaritaannada shaqsiyaadka dambiyada dagaal geystay ee Al-shabaab ka tirsan, sidii maxkamad loo soo taagi lahaa. 10. Beesha caalamku waxa ay keeneysaa taageero dhinaca farsamada iyo maaliyadda ee ku aadan xanibaadda isticmaalka dekadda Kismaayo, ilaa iyo inta Al-shabaab laga saarayo dekadda Kismaayo. 11. Dowladda Kenya marnaba wada xaajood la gelimeyso Al-shabaab, balse dowladda KMG ee Soomaaliya waxa ay u madax banaan tahay in ay wada hadalo la yeelato Al-shabaab, iyadoo laga tixraacayo heshiisyadii Jabuuti iyo kii Kampala oo ay taageereen Urur gobolleedka IGAD iyo Midowga Afrika
  8. LOL, I honestly don't know how you guys do this with a straight face.
  9. New Year's Eve parties are best in Scandinavia I wanna post pics but ..
  10. Susan Rice like Condi makes black people of America look bad... Not to mention Obama. If the people were informed about what he is doing, including the assassination program, he wouldn't stand a chance, but I guess people choose to be misinformed. PS Look at this Journalist ACTUALLY CHALLENGES the State Department
  11. nuune;754942 wrote: ^^ What is my ip address, post it here please, now I am waiting you to act on your claim! On your next post, no more talk, just post my IP address, and say it LOUD in red color so to be visible to everyone. no man here it is You get the person to press that link, then I will get it.
  12. This is for fun, no one takes your details, who would need your details? You are monitored for having discussions like this one, not for putting in your date of birth. If people wanted to monitor you, including myself I'd track your IP address and then get your address.
  13. nuune;754934 wrote: So basically, BBC wants to know my date of birth, country of birth or country of residency, my gender, records my computer information on the background, and then it tells me the result of world population, tricky way of modern history surveillance on innocent people on the cover of giving them some interesting statistics. You just gave away an important factor of your life, and you are in danger of constant surveillance, thank you. Just the date of birth .. And press 'GO'.
  14. This lets you see which number of person you are since history began! Lol wtf? Flawed but interesting.
  15. ^^ How about you finish what u started?
  16. Probably, your technology is far superior than the rest of East Africa.
  17. Somalia

    TYT agrees

    I know, also, they are Somali, all 26 of them that's why I posted the story.
  18. Don't you find it odd it got thumbed down 3 times in less than 20 seconds?
  19. Somalia

    TYT agrees

    Goooood class action lawsuit
  20. burahadeer;754865 wrote: the article says puntland & those snatched him were Brits..My God what somaliland has to do with this!? Once near Laas Qorey when the British Utility ship came to Berbera, they continued on to Maydh etc, tried to go to foot near Laas Qorey with speedboats but had to retreat after receiving gunfire. The only proof you need is that none of these guys disputed it, a rarity.