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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. ^^ You still angry over the Laascaanood comment?
  2. xiinfaniin;755307 wrote: Che, I am afraid the answer for your question is no. UK is the ultimate test here--- if memory serves me right, they refused to join the Euro Zone. But they still have to help bail out EU members.
  3. It looks good the only criticism is the colour of the boots, they should have desert boots. I hope they have them, it looks good.
  5. SSC has given you and your entire SSDF administration 2 years of nightless sleeps? Ok, listen, this conversation ends here. Too irrational for me. See you around.
  6. WHY OH WHY do you copy my arguments? I've displayed over and over again you are the one with cuqdad, you didn't even use the word till I said it 5 times... Wow Listen, be honest, I have been wondering for a long time, how old are you, just state the number. Take your SSC bull and shove it, what the hell would we want with undisciplined, untrustworthy people? You don't even have an administration.. You wouldn't be able to compete with Ximan and Xeeb, Galmudug or even Azania, let alone Puntland or Somaliland. Talk about oil and stuff hahahahahaha
  7. Knight of Wisdom;755268 wrote: Don't loose your sleep over things you can't control. May Allah cure the Cuqdad from your heart and mind. SSC isn't part of Puntland and insha'allah will never be part of the SSDF administration. Cuqdad?! You sad piece of filth. What a SAD person you are. Wallahi unbelievable :D:D
  8. No, you are just a total embarrassment. Wallahi I've seen nothing like you on Somali forums. Obviously you suffer from cuqdad, but the homosexual storyline took it over the top. You lose an argument and you try and use my arguments against me. I tried to level it out with you, but as the dhabayaco you are, your egotistic attitude, and complete irrationality, which ironically you're accusing me of, has completely blinded you from the truth. Again, my own argument. Wallahi I just feel sorry for you, you are obviously incensed and frustrated by what's happening in your part of Somalia. Fix it up man, don't blame me.
  9. Knight of Wisdom;755243 wrote: LOL You're the one who came in here with your passive aggressive tone, acting as if you and I were 100% cool back in Somalinet. I tried to level it out with you, but as the dhabayaco you are, your egotistic attitude, and complete irrationality, which ironically you're accusing me of, has completely blinded you from the truth. Not to mention, I asked you few things pertaining to recent events regarding Beesha SSDF's leader accusing three different major clans of things he has no substantial evidence for it. We all know Faroole's accusations were pathetic and a desperate move. However, you decided to try and make all I said as irrelevant and immature. You either criticize what faroole said or you applause and support what he said. POINT BLANK ! Listen, please leave this forum, say what you want, Faroole is apparently my mistress etc, now people think I came here from SomaliNet.
  10. I thought you were normal. Seek psychiatric help.
  11. I always wondered why people ignore you on SomaliNet. You are irrational and idiotic. You don't seem to understand basic Somali politics. You never even knew of your own history with regards to corruption and thievery and now apparently Faroole is my mistress. Through these 7 pages you've kept on with the theme of homoerotic storylines with the people in prison and now gay mistresses etc. Stop replying to me, you are an embarrassment to yourself, your beel and your country. This guy is giving out advice to people like you. LOL to the FBI guy.
  12. Good job, in Puntland drilling equipment arrived but in SL you are talking about pirates.
  13. Mintid Farayar;755212 wrote: Banking on Turkey to save the day? Unfortunately, for all its all rhetoric, it's not yet even a regional power yet, let alone a global power that's able to influence the Horn (case in point: it's inability thus far to influence the Syrian situation even though that's where Turkey was assumed to have the greatest influence). Just another attempt for the Turkish 'Gulen' movement/business sect to penetrate East African markets. Saw more robust investment by this group in Kenya and Tanzania in the past few years. Penetration of under-developed and overlooked markets for Turkish products - this has been the real genius of the ruling party in Turkey (and how it's been able to deliver phenomenal economic growth in the past decade for their constituencies). Indeed, but it's the most popular Muslim country among all Muslims. It's economy shows how it is relevant. In 2002, Erdoğan inherited a Turkish economy deep in recession due to the financial crisis during the coalition government under the leadership of Ecevit. Erdoğan supported Finance Minister Ali Babacan in enforcing macro-economic policies. Erdoğan tried to attract more foreign investors to Turkey and lifted most of government regulations, with the average GDP growth rate 7.3% during his premiership as he presided over a record 26 quarters of economic growth. Since 1961, Turkey has begun 19 IMF loan accords. Erdoğan's government satisfied the budgetary and market requirements of the two on his watch and received every loan installment, the only time any government has ever done so. Erdoğan inherited a debt of $23.5 billion to the IMF, which has been reduced to $6.1 billion in 2010. He decided not to sign a new deal. Turkey's debt to the IMF will be completely paid off in 2013. In 2010, Five-year credit default swaps for Turkey's sovereign debt were trading at a record low of 1.17%, below those of nine EU member countries and Russia. The unemployment rate decreased from 10.3% to 9.7% in 2007. Along with the global economic crisis of 2008, Turkey’s unemployment rate jumped to a record high of 16.1% in the January–March period of 2009. In the April–June period of 2010, the unemployment decreased again to 11.0%, compared to 10.0% in the eurozone. In 2002, the Turkish Central Bank had $26.5 billion in reserves. This amount reached $92.2 billion in 2011. In the same period, inflation fell from 34.9% to 5.7%, the lowest in 39 years. The public debt as percentage of annual gross domestic product declined from 74% in 2002 to 39% in 2009. The World Bank praised Erdoğan for the courageous reforms and the economic stability in the country.
  14. Best 30 minutes I've ever spent. :cool:
  15. Lol what a joke Hussein Abdi Dualeh, Somaliland's mining and energy minister, said the country was off investment radar screens not least because many people did not even know it existed.
  16. Majority of all places actually, a couple of villages here and there doesn't matter because we are the same within Puntland. So listen Mr Aerial bombings, so now the Kings are Puppets for the Ethiopians? "Hysterical reading what you write", classic projection! You are an absolute JOKE. Look at you man, I can't hold a conversation with you with someone so irrational.
  17. Knight of Wisdom;755093 wrote: You tried to diss my history, and it was self-evidence that my history is in every Book regarding Somalia's history, past and present. You tried to make my land as irrelevant to Somalia's political and social stages, but it is self-evidence that my natural resources is the largest. *BIG GRIN* Sxb, I'm older than you (most likely). Horta, you didn't answer my question. Why is it that Beesha SSC's desire to govern itself, bothers so much? lol It doesn't bother me, I told you over and over again, I think you are a joke, not that you don't have a right to govern yourself. I didn't try and diss your history, I succeeded in dissing your history. The fact that my region has been part of every major historical event in Somalia and the fact that we lead the block makes you jealous. It's just what it is. I don't blame you though, it's understandable. Tell me more about the "natural resources" and aerial bombings by the British. I'm going to bed, remember, we are the closest beelo, don't try and hold a grudge.
  18. LOL So you went from bragging about getting aerial bombed to owning the "largest" oil reserves in Africa". Not true at all but what the hell does that have to do with "respected" history?? Bal fiiriya naagtan beenta jecel, wallahi you suffer from severe case of cuqdad. Destroy me with your lies !!! Working with someone equalling getting owned by them is a REMARKABLE PIECE OF ILLOGIC How old are you? Serious question man.
  19. WHAT A LOSER! Bisnka , man, you are one hell of a jealous guy man. You have NO ONE. Maybe the SSC President . I forgot to mention Hassan Abshir who split the block of the south which let to the downfall of those thugs. Very respected. Oh shut up, "siyaasad against dblock". I've been talking about this block for 6 pages and now you try and turn it on me. It was Siad Barre who turned everyone against each other so there wouldn't a opposition, he's the reason why no one trusted each other. Try and spin that to your favour as well. Siad Barre was a wadani but a dumb one, a dumb one with the wrong ideas, there's no such thing as "wadani only" in Somalia, there's qabyaalad, and people who say there's no qabyaalad are the most qabilist, like Siad Barre. Look at who he alienated when he took power, the people he thought posed the biggest threat to him. Instead of inviting people in or leaving them alone, he targeted them. I don't want to get into SSC that's irrelevant stuff. As for Siad Barre, you naive little boy, you think it's about wadanimo? You think Siad Barre cared about a nation? He cared about power, which is why he divided and alienated most of the clans. HE BUILD BERBERA and HARGEISA FOR WADANIMO? You have a lot to learn. Do you even know the reason why Bosaso port was build? He was told my people from the region, what happens if a civil war breaks out, how will the people of the North survive, look at the places you build? And he realised that he had to build them. We saw this civil war coming from a mile away, Siad Barre's work is still not undone today. Even look at this, Aideed didn't want him to just give up power, the man spilled a lot of blood, here Aideed could gain power for Somalia, but he wanted Siad Barre. Red Berets used to rape thousands of women and kill the rest. If that's wadanimo for you, good, it says a lot about you. Also, don't reply a question with another question.
  20. No, it's not that, there's some words I can't use on here because it's blocked out. The stuff with Azania, you seem too dumb to understand so we won't even go there. Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke Abdirazak Haji Hussein Abdullahi Yusuf Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke Abdiweli Mohamed Ali Gaas Not mentioning Ministers, Generals or other Politicians. You have a thief called Ali Khalaf Galaydh who stole millions from a Somali sugar factory project and fled with it overseas only to return in 2000 and tell the thugs that he was "safe guarding" the money for the people and he got elected by the TNG. LOL What territorial integrity are you talking about?? THE PEOPLE don't even have integrity, you are split, undisciplined man, wallahi, everyone takes you as a joke. Why are you split? Why do you take money from both sides which influences you? You can't seem to survive on your own. That's just the truth. You didn't even want to acknowledge that Siad Barre was killing the rest of the block and the fact that he build other places that didn't belong to him. You still haven't told me who build Garowe, Bosaso, Laascanood and the rest.
  21. Bisinka, what a child. Absolutely amazed that we shared a common ancestor. Wallahi I don't know how to have a rational conversation with someone so blinded by hatred. It's best if we continue this kinda conversation via messaging. Message me whatyou just wrote.