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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. BBC: Somaliland forces 'surround ONLF rebels near Ethiopia' About 200 suspected rebels are surrounded by Somaliland's forces near the border with Ethiopia, a Somaliland minister has said. Interior Minister Mohamed Abdi Gabose told the BBC the men had arrived in the territory by boat and then travelled overland to the border. He said documents the men left behind suggest they belong to the ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF). Somaliland has declared its independence from the rest of Somalia. Its secession has not been internationally recognised but is far more stable than the rest of the country and in July held an election which saw a peaceful handover of power. Mr Gabose said the armed group were surrounded in the mountainous region which borders Ethiopia and Djibouti. The ONLF is fighting for the self-determination of ethnic Somalis in eastern Ethiopia, and has not yet commented on the allegations. Eritrea has previously been accused of training ONLF rebels - charges it denies. Eritrea and Ethiopia have a long-running border dispute. Somaliland has previously helped the Ethiopian government in its fight against the ONLF. ___ October 27, 2009 (NAIROBI) — ****** rebels accused the Somali Puntland regional administration of handing over youth from southeast Ethiopia troubled region to Addis Ababa government. Last year the ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) said Puntland regional administration had sealed a secret deal with the Ethiopian government to handover Oganden people and rebels to Addis Ababa. Puntland Administration recently arrested a number of youth from ****** region and and handed them over to the Ethiopian government, said Hussein Mohamed Nur, ONLF communication officer. In a statement to the independent Shebelle website Nur said Somaliland and Puntland deliver ****** youth to the Ethiopian government. He added that his group sent messages to the two administrations calling to stop such cooperation. The ****** rebels dismissed last September cooperation with the Islamist insurgents in Somalia, Al Shebab who want to topple down the UN backed government in Mogadishu. The rebel group said not surprised by this accusations from the governor of Somali officials who are "sponsored by Ethiopia," reaffirming that there group does not interfere in the internal affairs of the Somali republic and in fact has so far supported the new transitional government" despite the close relations between some Somali officials and Addis Ababa. Stop with the hypocrisy.
  2. NGONGE;756618 wrote: Going by the age old tendency of Somalis copying each other, I fully expect other similar memoirs to follow. Sharif’s: The teacher that became president; a tale of guns, books & airplanes Sheikh Aweys: From Al-Ittihad to Al- Shabab; a mixture of Xaq & Baatil Siilaanyo: The Uf Monologues; still on the campaign trail Faroole: The Imam’s Complete Sermons; how federalism began with SSC, Atom, Raas Caseer, etc Sharif Xasan: In the Thick Of it; Xisaabta ha la igu daro Ghandi: To Conjure Up A State; as, an, Yaa? Riyaale: I did It My Way; waana so noqon doona Al Shabab: Die today, live tomorrow; An Islamic Way Of Life
  3. I can already see his reaction
  4. Alpha Blondy;756586 wrote: not impressive at all. is this an attempt to woo the local kids into thinking there's peace and stability in Bosasso? Yes, envy isn't seeping through you at aaaaaaalll.
  5. Alpha Blondy;756590 wrote: did you refer to me as a dhaqancelis? you imbecile. No, I asked if you guys were on a dhaqancelis trip, what's with the insult?
  6. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;756548 wrote: My sister had an internet connection at her home in Xamar. That was 2003. She paid around $23 per month. Would it surprise you now? Soomaalida Soomaaliya joogo dadka adduunka ka dambeeyo ka dhigtee. Some of them have access to the fasted internet connection in the continent, ha moodin dad dambeeyo. My point is that you join forums when you are in your teen years, especially a forum like this, making you guys well over 25. That's it.
  7. They killed you over and over again and now even your own man bombed you. Stop embarrassing yourself with this SSC stuff and come back and apologize. Teens act out, just apologize and I'll take you back.
  8. Jerusalem Post: French President Nicolas Sarkozy allegedly called Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu a liar in a conversation with the US president, French website Arret Aur Images reported on Monday night. I cannot see Netanyahu anymore, he is a liar, the report cited Sarkozy as saying. You're fed up, US President Barack Obama responded, but I have to deal with it all day. According to the website, the comments were overheard by journalists during a meeting between Obama and Sarkozy at the G20 summit meeting on November 3. A technical failure allowed the journalists to listen to the private conversation on their monitors. They were then asked to refrain from reporting what they had heard. After speaking publicly for a G20 press conference last Thursday, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and President Obama reportedly got into a heated exchange in which Sarkozy declared he could not “stand” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and called him “a liar.” The French website Arret Sur Image posted the report on Monday, which said the conversation turned to Netanyahu after President Obama berated Sarkozy for not having warned him that France would vote in support of Palestinian membership in UNESCO, despite the White House’s strong opposition to the bid. The report claims that neither president knew his microphone was still on when they started venting to one another about Israel’s prime minister. Obama reportedly responded with equal fervor to Sarkozy, saying, “You’re fed up with him, but I have to deal with him every day!” One would think that such gaffes would be all over the media, but the website maintains reporters were asked to sign papers promising they wouldn’t leak the secret conversation.
  9. Never has the possibility of a pre-emptive strike been more real. The IAEA for the first time acknowledges there's work on a bomb but the CIA still said no. _______ The UN's nuclear watchdog will publish new details on Wednesday on alleged Iranian work on an advanced design for a nuclear warhead developed with the help of a former Soviet scientist, according to nuclear experts. The report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which will also identify a suspect site where warhead components have been tested, is the most detailed presentation to date of its evidence for recent nuclear weapons research in Iran. It is expected to raise tensions in an already volatile region, amid reports that Israel, the US and the UK are weighing military options aimed at setting back the Iranian nuclear programme. Israeli officials are telling western capitals that the report represents the "last chance" for a peaceful resolution to the Iranian nuclear crisis. Iranian officials have already denounced the report as "counterfeit" and there are doubts, even in Washington and London, whether the IAEA evidence will be enough to convince Russia and China to abandon their opposition to further economic sanctions, let alone countenance air strikes. The report will use information provided by western intelligence agencies, and although it will cite only evidence that has been corroborated by the IAEA's own research, its provenance is likely to become a focus of debate. The IAEA report will say the Iranian studies on weaponisation have been downgraded since 2004 from building and testing components to mostly computer modelling. "This will not be a smoking gun," said Olli Heinonen, formerly the IAEA's chief inspector now at Harvard University. "But there are areas of concern, and much of it is alarming." One of the biggest areas of concern for the IAEA is evidence that Iranian scientists have conducted research on hemispherical arrays of explosives, of a type used in the construction of nuclear weapons to crush a spherical core of fissile material and thereby trigger a chain reaction. The central evidence for the research is a five-page document outlining experiments with the device, codenamed the R265 because it has a 265mm radius, but the UN inspectors are said to have gathered other corroborating evidence. David Albright, a former UN weapons inspector who now runs an independent thinktank, the Institute for Science and International Security (Isis), said the device, first described in a 2009 article in the Guardian, relies on a complex system to ensure a large number of explosives are triggered simultaneously. "It is a hemispherical aluminium shell system that contains a distributed array of explosive filled channels which terminate in explosive pellets," Albright told the Guardian. "The pellets simultaneously explode to initiate the entire outer surface of a high explosive component in hemispherical form under the shell. These explosive would compress the core. The whole hemispherical system is initiated by one initial point of detonation, or two points for an entire device of two hemispheres." Previous IAEA reports have said Iran appears to have received foreign assistance in its experiments with advanced explosive devices, and the Washington Post named Vyacheslav Danilenko, a Russian former atomic scientist, as a key advisor, who is said to have given lectures and contributed papers on explosives at Iran's now defunct Physics Research Centre, which had ties to the country's nuclear programme. Danilenko did not reply to emails seeking comment, but sources close to the IAEA said he told its inspectors that he believed his advice was being used for civilian purposes. He is now carrying out research for a Czech-based company which uses explosives to make tiny diamonds for industrial uses. Press reports from Vienna, where the IAEA is based, said Wednesday's report will also give details of the agency's suspicions that a steel bus-sized chamber spotted in satellite photos at a military complex at Parchin, 18 miles south-east of Tehran, has been used for testing explosive components for a nuclear weapon. The IAEA has previously conducted two inspections of parts of the Parchin complex in 2005, but found no evidence of nuclear activity. However, large parts of the complex were not subject to inspection. The Tehran government has rejected the evidence. The foreign minister, Ali Akbar Salehi, has rejected it as "counterfeit". In an interview with an Egyptian newspaper, Al Akhbar, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said: "The bullying powers of the world should know that Iran will not allow them to take any measure against the country." The IAEA report comes at a time of an unprecedented public debate in Israel over whether the country should take military action to try to prevent Iran developing a nuclear weapon, amid reports that the prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, is seeking to convince his coalition government to support such action. Earlier this year the US supplied Israel with 55 bunker-busting bombs, and last week the Israeli air force conducted drills at a Nato base in Sardinia for long-range attacks. Reports from Israel have suggested that any raid against Iranian nuclear sites could be routed over Iraq, which has no anti-aircraft batteries. However, Avner Cohen, an expert on Israel's own nuclear arsenal and a professor at the Monterey Institute of International Studies, said: "I think it's 70%-80% bluff that we are planning to attack. I don't think Israel is planning to do anything right now, but it wants to leverage the report to put maximum pressure on Russia and China to agree to very new sanctions or risk a new war." Cohen added: "Everybody recognises it will be counter-productive, that the costs outweigh the benefits. Iran would leave NPT [nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty] throw out the IAEA, and declare it has the right to nuclear weapons. I don't they have a majority even in the inner cabinet to do it, but there is no question they are building capabilities." He said they thought that even hawks did not believe that Iran would use a nuclear weapon against Israel, but they believe it might be necessary to go to war to preserve Israel's relative power in the Middle East. "Ultimately this is a fight over the Israeli nuclear monopoly in the region," Cohen said. Jeffery Lewis, a nuclear expert at the New America Foundation, said that the details of the IAEA report would be crucial in judging its significance. "If the allegation is that the Iranians have continued to do research at university level, the question whether these things are unambiguous. The precise level of government involvement is the key," Lewis said. He added: "If Iran is moseying towards a bomb option, there are all sorts of things they can do legitimately which taken in sum support the hypothesis they are taking that path. The thing they want to avoid is making that final choice [to make a bomb]. "We are going to have accept there is going to be some risk, but maybe its worth living with ambiguity in the hope of somehow heading them off from exercising that choice, because iff you strike the Iranian programme you guarantee they are going to turn around and try to make a bomb. You buy yourselves a few years but it's pretty sure they end up with a bomb." Explosive charge: The scientist accused of aiding Tehran Vyacheslav Danilenko, a Russian former atomic scientist, was alleged in the Washington Post to have provided advice on explosives to Iranian scientists which was incorporated into Tehran's design for a nuclear warhead. Sources close to the IAEA confirmed he was the "foreign expert" referred to in its past reports on Iranian weaponisation. It said he had given lectures over a number of years to Iranian specialists on how to rig simultaneous explosions: mastering such explosive force is critical in building an implosion-type nuclear device, in which high explosives compress highly enriched uranium or plutonium until it reaches critical mass, triggering a chain reaction. However, in interviews with the IAEA, Danilenko is said to have insisted that he had been under the impression his advice would be used for purely civilian applications of explosive technology, sources close to the agency said. Although he did not specify what those applications were, he now works for a company called Nanogroup, based in the Czech Republic, which specialises in the use of explosives to make tiny diamonds for industrial purposes. On its website the company describes itself as "the first industrial manufacturer of nanodiamonds in the world market". Danilenko, who is said to be writing a theoretical textbook on high explosives, did not respond to requests for comment.
  10. He's supported by every beel except the people of Mogadishu and Somaliland, yours included supported him. Don't make stuff up, Somali Galbeed liked him too, Jubboyinka loved him, Puntland, even the ones that didn't agree with his policies respected him. Your comment was so twisted you should be banned from the forum. Knight of Wisdom;756538 wrote: I think it's self-evidence. I don't need to argue about something that is very obvious. The guy is hated by Reer Bari, Reer Nugaal, Reer SSC, Reer Maakhir, Reer SNM, Reer Awdal, Reer Jubooyinka, Reer Gedo, Reer Banadiir, Reer Galmudug, Reer Ximaan iyo Xeeb, Reer Somali-Galbeed, Reer Hiiraan, Reer Bay iyo Bokol and so forth. The only people that support him are Reer North-Galkaacyo, the Israac-District inhabitants. lol You take what I wrote and put it upside down.. Good luck your future in this forum, it looks bright, your debating skills superb, your attitude great, your Islamic values outshines the rest.
  11. Knight of Wisdom;756536 wrote: Actually, Abdullahi Yusuf has the LEAST supporters. He is hated by ALL Southern/North/North-Western/North-Eastern/Somali Galbeed and some portions of Central SOMALIA. The only people that like him is his IMMEDIATE sub-subclan, the so-called Omar Maxamud. So, yeah...he definitely won't be missed. lol He's supported by every beel except the people of Mogadishu and Somaliland, yours included supported him. Don't make stuff up, Somali Galbeed liked him too, Jubboyinka loved him, Puntland, even the ones that didn't agree with his policies respected him. Your comment was so twisted you should be banned from the forum.
  12. The circumstances that surrounds them being on a forum while in Somalia.
  13. Knight of Wisdom;756533 wrote: Look at Abdullahi Yusuf's face. Does that face look like a face heading to Jannah? lol Does that face show any signs of innocence? lol Does that face have any likability, any signs of creditability, any signs of LEADERSHIP? lol It's obvious that Abdullahi Yusuf is heading towards playing Hide N Seek with Hitler in HELL, where he truly belongs for killing hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of Somalis from the 1970's to the present. May he perish in Hell, and may his supporters/followers perish with him in Hell, Amin ! I didn't know you could judge a person by his looks, but your last comment is downright twisted. I know you like qabiil but you just wished hell on millions of people even some in your own "SSC" that I know. Illahi ha ku caawiyo.
  14. The Zack;756519 wrote: Yea but when its -21 degree, man it aint easy to shovel than snow. It just kills me. Somalia, how is it odd to live in Somalia? War illeen tanoo kale! I find it odd Somalis living in Somalia are on forums unless they were shipped there for better behaviour or maybe you are old guys who went back freely. Join dates go as far back as 2001 on a lot of you guys so I gather you are old men, it's time to pass the torch
  15. Abwaan;756479 wrote: loool...i don't want inaan horboodo and I would like to see inuu isku xayeesiiyo iyo in kale...haddii uu ka hadlo wixii uu dad laayey from 1978 - 2009 iyo xukun-jacaylkiisii waa la qaadan karaa, haddiise uu ka buuxiyo saan bay ahayd anigaa Maxamed Siyaad (AUN) ku dhahay xilka ka deg, Soomaaliyaan nabad la rabey iyo cantarabaqashkaas cidna ka qaadan mayso. For those of us stating that they would read this with interest and who can't wait to get a copy, are you also ready to read Indho-cadde's, C/Qaydiid, Muuse Suudi, Xasan Daahir, Morgan, Qanyare, Xaabsade etc...? Already beenabuur baan u jeedaa... C/llaahi Yuusuf baa dad ku eedeynaya Itoobiya ayey u adeegi jireen ? Waa wax lagu qoslo. I think it is the other way round oo Nuurcadde ayaa si farsamaysan C/llaahi iyo Itoobiya uga takhalusay. It's a fact that Nuur Cadde went to Ethiopia and a person hailing from SSC went to New York to lobby against Abdullahi Yusuf, that's just a fact.
  16. No, I don't mean it to be an insult, I'm just wondering what you are doing in Somalia.
  17. No, I'm in London. I thought most of you were too , are you all dhaqancelis?
  18. Man, so all of you people are actually in Somalia? Talking about commuting and stuff, that's hilarious
  19. Showqi;756449 wrote: Lee Bosaaso Masaajid weyn ma ku yaalo miyaa? maxaa waaye dadkaan banaanka ku tukanaayo..... Ciid mubaarak reer Bosaaso. It's Eid, everyone does Other one
  20. The Zack;756437 wrote: He raised good points though, haddii runta la sheegayo. He made no points. He knows Azania is being created and that his block are against it, his final attempt to survive as what he always was, a clan leader. Recovering-Romantics;756442 wrote: Mind sharing with us what those "good points" are? RovingMadness?
  21. Don't know what the hell graduation has to do with it but I never lie and I wouldn't say 'Wallahi' if I would lie. Not crocodile tears just reeling for what could have been..
  22. You are like our troubled son, you leave but we will always take you back because we are family. Look at Azania, all grown up and about to go off to College while you guys are not able to finish Vocational School Wallahi it breaks my heart.
  23. Look at what happened to you in Erigabo, they tell you to let your guard down and they karbashed you into another century. Now, you are bombing each other. Apologise and request to come back, we welcome you with open arms. A small militia tells you to give up your arms and then they play you like that? That's just wrong on so many different levels. Leave behind Xaabsade, SSC "leadership", Galaydh the Crook and come back to become what you once were, remember when Abdullahi Yusuf used to take us to Caynabo for fun? We all know the constant violations that Abdullahi Yussuf of Puntland is committing against Somaliland territory. Before, the issue of controversy was in regard to Lascanod, but over the years it has got worse and now he has not only taken over Lascanod, but he has also pursued an expansionist agenda and have been successful in occupying most of the Sool region, eastern parts of Sanaag and declared Buhodle capital of a new region called Cayn. Despite all these disturbing developments, the Somaliland government in Hargeisa has not halted its Khat chewing sessions , and did not consider taking action to avert this invasion of Somaliland . Even when the current president made a visit to Lascanod and was attacked by militia forces loyal to Abdullahi Yussuf and fled the town, no counterattack or any kind of military response was given. - Somaliland Times Abdullahi Yussuf's forces are at the outskirts of Caynabo , while the Somaliland forces that were formerly stationed in Lascanod are now in Caynabo! - Somaliland Times You need to wake up and smell the gunpowder in your region. Your elders are already in place in Garowe, you young bloods need to come home. We will expand to regain your rightful land.