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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Bluelicious;756823 wrote: Now that you mentioned that I do see a lil bit of me in him but oh well we all have a person who is similar to us. Did you come across your female version? Or would you shoot her like the way you came in here with a gun about the poem. Probably, that's just life.
  2. Knight of Wisdom;756830 wrote: Lol, you guys discussing me right under my nose. Fine, I'm 16 years old. Happy. lol Did Snet block your IP?
  3. Bluelicious;756820 wrote: Lol we do have similar personality traits so you could be right. Well lets just say I'm more than right...
  4. Bluelicious;756813 wrote: Lol what do you mean in what way? I don't know, I have good senses and I think you are the female version of him.
  5. Yes, but you and him sound remarkably similar.
  6. Bluelicious;756786 wrote: If he says he is 40+ let's just believe him because somalis are known to make themselfs younger not older so when a person gives a big age believe them eventhough i'm still a lil bit skeptical like you :confused: True, they do make themselves younger, he's quite an energy filled old bugger eh. His views make more sense to me now, I thought he was younger than me due to the way he was writing.
  7. Knight of Wisdom;756769 wrote: I'm still waiting for your answer Xaji_Xunjuf ^^^^^ ! And I'm waiting for yours.
  8. Knight of Wisdom;756765 wrote: No, I'm not married. Lol (maybe). But, are you sure I'm a teen? Would you believe me, if I told you that I was alive and in a good age in 1978's during Cirro's execution? During the formation of SNM? During Kacankii 1984 parade (which I was present) and so forth? I think Bluelicious and I are skeptical.
  9. Knight of Wisdom;756762 wrote: Really? In my teens? LOOOOL No married man would have the attitude of a frustrated teen.
  10. Knight of Wisdom;756756 wrote: So, Somaliland (Waqooyi-Galbed) is a puppet Administration for Ethiopia, Puntland is another puppet administration for Ethiopia, TFG is a puppet administration for Mahiga and the AU and now Jubbland is going to be a puppet administration for Kenya/Ethiopia? Shit, only SSC , Galmudug are the only ones that are not puppet administrations for anyone.
  11. Knight of Wisdom;756751 wrote: Lol, what. You are not married, you are in your teens mate.
  12. ^^ "Married" hahahahahahahahahaaha :D:D
  13. Knight of Wisdom;756740 wrote: Lol, go get some sleep son. SSC isn't going back, it's moving foward. Say goodbye to the days when Sool, Sanaag and Cayn (SSC) were part of Puntland. We had a good 10 year run (1998-2008). lol R.I.P to Puntland. lol How come Galaydh wasn't in your list, that's my question
  14. Knight of Wisdom;756732 wrote: I'm qabiliste? LOL Can someone give this kid some The Morning After Pill or something. You sound like a belligerent College student who just got impregnated by a dude who doesn't want to be with her. Save your nonsense for the naive. You and I have NOTHING...absolutely nothing in common. SSC State is supported by 99% of Beesha SSC. The only 1% that don't support it are the ones in Hergeisa and Garowe (Like Fuad Adan Cade, Xabsade, Cabdi Samad Cali Shir) and individuals don't mean nothing to us. Why the hell are you continuing with the homoerotic storyline? 99%, just like the OWS is supported by 99% Man, one should be really embarrassed that he claims to be from a place that doesn't even exist, that he's hailing a leadership that doesn't exist, that he claims land but can't retrieve it. I love coming after SSC, you didn't mention Galaydh in your list how come?
  15. Knight of Wisdom;756717 wrote: You say SSC is a State only in name, yet here you are discussing it, loosing sleep over it and continueously, trying to throw cheap shots at it. lol What part don't you understand about, "We do no want to be part of SSDF State called Puntland"? You are from beesha MJ, stick to your Northern-Mudug, Nugaal and Bari, and leave us to our Deegaans. To you be your Puntland and to us be our SSC? Is that too much to ask? lol What's telling here is that you didn't dispute the fact that SSC is a minority and the product of a sub-sub-sub-sub clan agenda. You didn't dispute the fact that most people want to see the connection with Puntland. You are too qabilist to see the bigger picture. Cayn was even coined by Abdullahi Yusuf so please, it's not about qabiil. You don't speak for a "we" you speak for the few, which is exactly why it's a state only in name. Now calm down and come back my dear.
  16. Knight of Wisdom;756706 wrote: Your attempt at staying relevant is embarrassing, mate. I suggest you take the garbage your wrote and shove it up in your throat. Former Ex-Puntland President (Maxamed Cabdi Haashi) has denounced Puntland. LOL Wow, great comeback, you lost your touch, facts are not irrefutable I gather... He never denounced, he just said SSC is the creation of the abandonment of Laascaanood, I don't disagree with him, but son, it's time to come home. What's embarrassing is the existence of SSC, a state only in name.
  17. It was involuntary manslaughter so that's not on purpose. What he did wrong was to not perform CPR, tell the bodyguards to hide his medicine and administering drugs he knew nothing about.
  18. Knight of Wisdom;756688 wrote: Says who? lol General Abdisamad Shire. SSC doesn't speak on behalf of the people who live in the region, every single person I have seen with the exception of one kid who's the youth leader of SSC, supports Puntland. Just look at the facts, no one takes SSC seriously politically, not included in any discussions, not supported by anyone, not even invited to the Somali reconciliation meeting... It's a sub-sub-sub-sub clan who wants to have the territory for itself. Xudun is the most pro-Puntland town in all of your beel, it's Eastern Sanaag too.
  19. Knight of Wisdom;756671 wrote: Please, mind your own God damn business. This isn't about you or your beel. Exit is that way ------> It is my business, Eastern Sanaag is part of Puntland.
  20. Carafaat;756673 wrote: Duke, Isnt there are any exiting book with Pirates and bandits on the high sea's? If there was it would be in the section next to 'How to live in limbo and not go mad'.
  21. Knight of Wisdom;756667 wrote: I wonder if you will use Xabsaade as a reference when he leaves Somaliland for either TFG or somewhere else. lol The guy left Somaliland in 1997 and 10 years later SNM welcomed him with open hands. Seems like SNM will do anything to safeguard it's interests. How about you go ahead and mention where he left to and where you will go to when the going gets tough? Come back to daddy.