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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Che -Guevara;757120 wrote: ^There's none. This will end in failure. Reality is, you know it won't. It has too many supporters and after Abdiweli told Shariif to shut up, failing is not an option.
  2. Your headline has absolutely nothing to do with the contents of this article. Cuqdad is bad, the oil has to be shared anyways so calm down.
  3. Dabrow;757087 wrote: Thanks for proving my point. You want to argue for arguing sake. I wrote that wrong and my english is not the best in the world, but i hope you got the message, thats what matters. No, I left you to it, because you failed to prove me wrong. , you buried yourself, lets leave it there.
  4. Dabrow;757085 wrote: Cleary you want to dicuss for the dicussion only and this text above have no substance, you contradicting youself by saying you have saved that somaliland should be attacked. But generally speaking this is not only about you but the whole of SOL. We have different camps thats have different clan agendas and thats mirrors the sitaution back home, and its -recipe for failure. ok thanks for insight in to your beliefs, but understand my messages. Somalis enemies are themself. ok.
  5. Dabrow;757079 wrote: The clan mentality, protect puntland at all cost, attack somaliland at all cost or what you think is the enemy of your clan. Somaliland dont exist as recongnized country, why would it be in that list? Dont make me believe you are dumb or something because I told you already I wanted to see how you reacted and not because I "thought" it was in that list. I dont rub thing is in people face, thats the old mentality bro. I don't believe in attacking Somaliland, I believe in federal entities, a federal parliament made up by the population numbers, not 4.5, that's not a Puntland or a Southern Somalia belief. Please provide to me where I've said that Somaliland should be attacked at all costs, the closest I've ever said is SSC to come back to Puntland for a fair power sharing and that their lands would again be under their control. That's a populist idea, not mine. Another thing I've said is that the idea of a sovereign in Somaliland should be attacked if recognition is granted, that idea is shared by all democratic countries around the world. If Texas was to secede, the US would have a right to go in and take control because that entity would work against the interests of the rest of the country.
  6. Dabrow;757064 wrote: Somalia: Ok if you claim you are new school like me why are you holding on dear life on the old mentality that demolish our country? I'm no somalilander, but I wanted to see your reaction...and you did not dissapppoint me at all. We need to start see each other as somalis and not the old way and keep the animosity running eternal time, just a good reminder. Go ahead and explain to me, which mentality. No one makes a joke that Somaliland is in this list, you actually THOUGHT they were in the list, because there's one list out there that they are in. So you thought to yourself, "let me rub it in his face". Please, rub in my face something factual.
  7. The Zack;757047 wrote: ^You are 21 or younger? I don't buy it. You know too much about Somali politics for a say wallaahi. I'm 19.
  8. Knight of Wisdom;757025 wrote: You, your clan and Faroole only know how to fight against it's own people (Reer Galgala, Reer Garsoor) and obviously, spread propaganda against Reer SSC (Only Propaganda, cause physically ya'll can't do shit). lol What propaganda has anyone spread? Come back to papa, you are getting destroyed there.
  9. Dabrow;757010 wrote: lol i'm no somalilander, are you brain not functional? Can you read? I make it simple. 1. Was not serious about that. 2. I'm no somalilander 3. I support one Somalia 4. You are qabilist bro. And thats why somalia is not on that list, we have to many ppl of ur kind. Yes, I am the reason for Somalia being where it is, I single handedly destroyed a country before I was even born.
  10. Dabrow;756974 wrote: On serious note. I was not serious, but somalia could been on that list and probably do much better then any sub sahara country unless they where infected by disease called clanism, bro go to a doctor. You cleary showing the symtome. I call you out on your bull that you thought was real and I am a qabilist... I read somewhere that your fictional entity was on the list and you thought it too. Hilarious.
  11. SSC should reach out to Faroole if they don't want to get slaughtered again and again.
  12. Dabrow;756966 wrote: No, but somaliland is. Hahahahahahahahahaha, no it's not, next you'll be telling me it's on the UN Security Council.
  13. Who is Mr Bihi, the man is very prominent in Minneapolis, in all the videos in YouTube about Minneapolis and Somalis, you are likely to find him.
  14. I wish I could be at the seminar, after further reading I do not support it though
  15. We are talking about the game not piracy, so yeah.
  16. There's no piracy in the game and the game has another storyline. When some people suffer from grandeur delusions, they don't do nice, I hope you know that.
  17. Naxar Nugaaleed;756875 wrote: where the hell have moderators gone in this place why?
  18. "A nasty piece of work named Waraale" :D:D:D
  19. Freedom;756863 wrote: ^^^ What you talking about! Gang thugs come in shooting and asking questions latter and your issue is Hargesia saying chillout, and i wonder why white people wonder about somalis. Maybe you should get the self confidence to stop caring about what WHITE people think about you.
  20. Indeed. But they are khatar for claiming such a huge and contested area where tens of clans live.
  21. Knight of Wisdom;756848 wrote: Somalia, I already know your username in Snet and I know you're not block from there. lol Bluelicious, unfortunately, according to Somalia, my debating skills are very premature, with no creditability whatsoever. I am banned wallahi, IP address blocked. Who did you think I was? Be honest.
  22. Knight of Wisdom;756838 wrote: Lol, no. I decided to contribute to SOL. The name "SOL" kinda reminds me of Gobolka Sool, due to the similarities in their pronunciations and spelling. Don't worry man, I've been trolling them for a long time, they blocked mine permanently and instantly when I signed up.