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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Archdemos;757504 wrote: OMG just finished watching this seasons Breaking Bad. Who would have thought W.W had it in him. Pinkman lives on, what a grade A liability. Great show. The first 48 is great also. I remember the vodoo episode, scary stuff. Yeah, I love the scene on the roof when he says Brock was not poisoned by the ricin. If you look closely at the scene, you see 2 birds painted on the wall, the one near Jesse is green, the one near Heisenberg is purple, green for life and purple for death in some cultures. The attention to detail is great like that. 'I won'.
  2. I watched this, the kid at 2:00 looks like a perfect cartoon.
  3. RaMpAgE;757478 wrote: I think Somalia might pull this one off, lets hope so. I agree, I think this year is the most special.
  4. Xaaji Xunjuf;757496 wrote: 4 5 Is not necessary bad its something the people of somalia agreed on yes its based on clan but why is that bad if they agree on it. The major various clans are all in favor of this formula the communities in somalia did not complain about it have you seen them complain Bal fiiriya xaasidnimadha, you know 4.5 is going to fail horribly, why you supporting it?
  5. Abtigiis, waan is diyaariyey, ha iga qaadan
  6. Also receiving funds, equipment and the expansion of Bosaso port Officials from Somalia's semi-autonomous region of Puntland said the best solution to combat piracy is to fight pirates on landand to support Puntland's maritime police force, during an international anti-piracy meeting in Tokyo, Japan. We told the international community that the best, most effective anti-piracy solution is to support our local maritime police and to fight pirates on land, Mohamed Raage, Puntland's minister of sea transport, told Somalia Report. International delegates agreed to support Puntland's proposal. "Japan promised to support our maritime police and train 200 of them. They also agreed to help develop Bososo port", added Raage. Minister Raage added that Japan agreed to equip Puntland's maritime police but did not divulge the details of what equipment would be provided. He told told that they hoped this project would begin early next year. Although Japan does not currently have any direct projects in Puntland, they have been assisting the region through other humanitarian agencies. "Japan has funded projects through international agencies such as the World Food Programme, but this new project will be with their direct assistance" said the minister. Delegations from Puntland, Djibouti, Kenya, Seychelles, Tanzania, representatives from the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia (ReCAAP), as well as observers from the United States and the European Union attended the meeting. Puntland has been waging their own anti-piracy operations, establishing international anti-piracy agreements, and cracking down on pirates on land, but with limited funds, men, equipment, and boats, it has been slow-going. The delegates issued a statement that they agreed to the following (unedited): Shared the views that this type of gathering for States neighbouring Somalia and the State of Somalia itself is extremely valuable and useful. Recognized that training courses which are being delivered by the Japan Coast Guard for technical assistance on human development, such as the course on maritime law enforcement, are effective and could be enhanced further. Concurred that the information sharing by each State concerned is important for the effective anti-piracy measures and the establishment, with the support of IMO, of the ISCs in Kenya, Tanzania and Yemen, in accordance with the Djibouti Code of Conduct, is the significant first step for anti-piracy measures. On the other hand, it was found that some focal points are not making full use of the shared information; it recognized, therefore, the needs for further human development in this field, making available expertise, for example, of the ReCAAP-ISC. Expressed appreciation to the efforts of each State for counter piracy measures at the territorial waters and the areas further beyond. Each State is encouraged to carry out counter- piracy measures at, not only its territorial waters, but also EEZ and other high seas; for this reason, it recognized the importance of necessary supports such as capacity-building for human resource. Noting the extremely limited sea-going assets in general in the region, it also recognized the effectiveness of the concept of the "embarked officers"; operations" in accordance with the Djibouti Code of Conduct, in which duly authorized law-enforcement officers embark on the patrol ships of other States or warships of their own State. Recognized that a number of comprehensive supports by the international organizations such as UNODC and IMO for reviewing judicial system in States in the region taking into account each and every circumstances of individual State are in place, and concurred that States willing to assist these efforts should support these activities. Recognized that coast guard agencies have been working efficiently and effectively in this field and that the necessity of sharing their best practices for the States wishing to enhance the coast guard functions. The meeting recognized the needs for enhancing capabilities of maritime law-enforcement, for not only States surrounding Somalia, but the State of Somalia itself; hence the importance of the support from international community Recognized the needs to consider the possible establishment of the maritime crime analysis centre in the region. Recognized the significance and importance of organizing this type of senior official level meetings periodically.
  7. I remember going to his house near the ocean, boxes full of new books he wrote. Alla ha u naxariistee waxaa maanta duleedka magaalada Qardho ee xarunta gobolka Karkaar lagu aasay Marxuum Qoraa Khaalid Cali Guul Warsame oo shalay Meydkiisa oo laga keenay dalka Denmark lasoo gaarsiiyey magaalada Boosaaso. Mahdi Shiikh Ciise oo kamid ah ehelada Qoraagaas geeriyoodey ayaa Horseed Media uga warbixiyey qaabkii uu askiisu u dhacay, wuxuuna ugu horeyn sheegay in Meydka Alle ha u naxariistee Marxuum Khaalid Cali Guul Warsame xalay saqdii dhexe la gaarsiiyey Tuulada Shaxda aa ah goobtii uu ku dhashay. Wuxuuna intaas ku daray in aaskiisa ay kasoo qayb galeen in badan oo kamid ah ehaladiisa oo ka kala yimid dalka iyo dibada labadaba isla markaana aaskiisa lasoo gabagabeeyey xiligii ay goorsheegta dalka Soomaaliya tilmaamaysey 8-dii subaxnimo. Dhegeyso codka mid kamid ah ehelada Qoraa Khaalid oo ka warbixinaya qaabkii uu aaskiisu u dhacay Qoraa Khaalid Cali Guul Warsame oo dhinaca kale kamid ahaa ruug cadaayada hal abuurka Soomaaliyeed kuwooda caanka ku ah Murtida iyo suugaanta dhaxal galka ah kana tegey Buugaag badan oo jiilasha soo socdaa ay aqoon badan oo Mug weyn ka dhaxli doonaan ayaa dhowaan ku geeriyoodey dalka Denmark oo uu in mudo ah ku noolaa. Waxaana Meydkiisa shalay lasoo gaarsiiyey magaalada Boosaaso arintaas oo ay ugu wacnayd kadib markii in badan oo kamid ah eheladiisu ay isku raaceen in Janaazadiisa lagu dhigo dalkiisi hooyo gaar ahaan deegaankii uu ku dhashay oo ku yaala koonfurta maagaalada Qardho ee gobolka Karkaar.
  8. I am going to marry more than 1 if the first one allows it, if she says I need to calm the f down, I will calm the f down and buy her roses.
  9. ^^ She posted it on her FB FANPAGE, so what is the difference between the picture and the link to the real picture?
  10. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;757400 wrote: Baliis, don't post clan names. Are you not allowed to quote articles that including qabiil names if it is in a quote form showing that it isn't you but part of the article?
  11. A_Khadar;757380 wrote: Is that Galkacyo.. If it's, I like its planning.. Most cities in somalia have lost city planning and they lack streets.. nice pic.. That's the old part of the city you see, also the lower bit of the picture, the streets have been allocated well. Here's a picture I made so you can see the change and that it is a small part of the city. Google Earth 2004 picture
  12. Somalia

    Forum Query

    There's no custom avatars and there's no signature.
  13. Xaaji Xunjuf;757291 wrote: I support the khaatumo Conference Cali Ciise CabdI and Cali khalif galaydh are doing a great job using Galkacyo as an example is very bad why divide a city , a city cant develop if its divided and especially as small as Ceerigaabo. Galkacyo it self should be under one administration puntland or Galmudug or what ever but its very bad to divide a city into two and both admins galmudug and puntland see that. Galkacyo could develop much more if it was under one Admin and both admins know that. Besides if you have been to ceerigaabo you would know that eventhough the media tries to divide the city into sub Communities and stuff and names like that reer Ceerigaabo are pretty much united and refer them selves as reer ceerigaabo instead of xafad hebel iyo wax la mid ah its not like Galkacyo. Mar mar wabay maakhireyaan lol This is just a fraction and most of the houses were not there 5-6 years ago, the big ones were not there 4 years ago. The city has expanded like NO other city in Somalia in that time period.
  14. nuune;757215 wrote: Ps: are we sure she is a woman. Dadka dhahayo wey qurux badantahey unbaan anigu la yaabanahey, she is not even close to a qooleey, let alone duqsi. Ps: Che said she/he is alright, meaning yixaas ahaan waa laga dhigan karaa for one week only. How can you question such beauty? :eek: Personality seems great too, I'm going to marry her , I'll let you know if she was worthy.
  15. A hospital for women and children built by the United Arab Emirates UAE in Somali capital Mogadishu will be completed soon, officials said. The al-Hanan Hospital for Motherhood and Childhood is being built at a cost of three million dirhams around $816,700 by the UAE's Red Crescent Authority in cooperation with the Women and Health Alliance International. Mohammed Khalifa Al Qamzi, RCA secretary-general, said the hospital, which will be the largest specialised medical centre in Somalia, is equipped with the latest devices.
  16. Xaaji Xunjuf;757196 wrote: Habarta afka buuraysa eh reer burco ma waxay moodaysa in caydh loo qorayo because habeen bay buranbur tirisay oo ay madaxw amaantay maanta inay is buuf buufiso looga ma baahna. Madaxweynaha somaliland ma lacag ba lugu shuba ma telefoon ba slaanta ku dhe inay mehered yeelaato. Hadu yahay ethnic burcaawina ma waxa lugugu yidhi biyaha burco macaaneynaya siilaanyo slaamaha reer burco iyo kuwa reer berbera iyo kuwa reer hargeysa iyo kuwa reer borama wa isugu mid Ngonge are you going to see the president on saturday I am considering going, when I represent myself as Somalilander, I choose the beel of Egaal, I believe that's the one that holds the core ideology of the state. I think secessionist parties are the most funniest, due to the passion for fiction, wallahi no joke.
  17. Yeah it worked. Also, I sent her this message on Skype when adding her Waxaan rumeesanahay inuu hadhalka aad ku hashay yahay mid aan aad ugu soo horjeedo laakin wallahi quruxdha kaa batay, bal aan is wareesano.
  18. *Ibtisam;757144 wrote: ^^^^^What is love got to do with it? zeeero, big fat zero. July 2011 baad geybigaguba dhalayet, wait for your years lil one. 2014, I hope you will accept my love then.
  19. Alpha and Valenteenah both need to Skype her , Ibtisam too.
  20. She's unbelievably beautiful to me, I'd go to her father after I graduate... If anyone gets her e-mail, don't hesitate to message me.
  21. EDIT: I FOUND HER! Her Skype : guccixalimo27 Cambaro, what an old school name, I am more attracted to her. She has her own facebook page. Her views are horrendous, but... Say mashallah
  22. Carafaat;757139 wrote: Kow, if back in the '70 and eighties one could express its opinion or start a political movement , I am sure nobody would go to Mengistu or start a rebel movement. Ofcourse as a Worshipper of Dictators and their policies, I assume you cant comprehend caus and effect.