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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Baraxley should be LEVELLED to the ground.
  2. Its a provocation trying to test Puntland's response. This has been done many times. First they attack villages and small towns around Eastern Mudug and then Galkacyo. They know there's too much at stake for a response. 2 men from Galmudug were killed in Eastern Mudug a few days ago when they tried to attack a small convoy, while the people in the convoy had 2 wounded. So they attack and they lost 2 men, that's probably what's bothering them this time.
  3. I do not get the attack, I think Amin Amir went a bit too far, I get he has no favouritism but this attack against a fellow nationalist, that I do not see the point of. The Samatar brothers have shown themselves to be hardcore nationalists, going across clan lines to make their point.
  4. He's loyal to the state, no tribe. That is his job, good for him.
  5. I believe the admin can solve this by checking Bluelicious' IP address and comparing it to any Knight of Wisdom used. People can't be this ignorant and not see there's a trait of resemblance.
  6. I think it is time frisk their leaders again, when they use the airport.
  7. The vindication of Abdullahi Yusuf could not have come at a better time. :cool:
  8. Bluelicious;760059 wrote: Somalia - Might?! Lol don't change your words now you were saying that I am him. Even after I swore on Allahs name and my grave and told you i'm not him you still went on about in every thread saying i'm him when i'm NOT Knight i'm innocent! Seems wallahi doesn't hold no value to you. Just because you know him better from another forum doesn't give you the right to go harass every person you see that has a similar trait as him. Which is ridiculous and i demand that you leave me alone and stop with the wrong accusations to give me a bad name. We are humans we can have the same trait as another human that's normal. Why would you swear on graves or Allah's name since you are an Atheist? I believe you are him, so what? Until an admin looks at your IP addresses you'll be him. He has a track record of making 2 profiles to support each other, it's trolling on a whole new scale, one that I admire, so that's it.
  9. Somalia


    Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;760236 wrote: Waa oga in si qalad ah laguugu micneen doono. Erey Afmaay ma'aha minan, waa erey Afmaxaatiri, though some Afmaay speakers use it. Waxaa ereygaan aad u isticmaalo Reer Banaadiri. And it means more than a 'venue,' it means home, guri. Maahmaahda caanka ah ma maqlin miyaa? Minanka minankaaga waaye ha ismartiyeynin . My source was Reer Mudug, I am afraid it was a foreign language to him.
  10. Somalia


    Bluelicious;760240 wrote: I have reported you keep trolling false accusations about me consider yourself ignored from now on! Good, report me for expressing my opinion.
  11. Somalia


    I repeat, Knight of Wisdom is Bluelicious, I dare the admin to check their IP addresses.
  12. Johnny B;760179 wrote: Al-shabab on steroids. Soon enough, an Al-shabab pilot, flying a French mirage will be dropping his bombs on Nairobi. lol
  13. Well, Somalia has no government that can enforce such a regulation, nor has it made itself look like a pillar in African governance like the secessionist region of Somaliland has.
  14. Wiil Cusub;760120 wrote: KKKKKKK Malaha maskax shaqaynaysa tani kamay soo bixin. Waa run oo Gabooye dulmi bay Soomali oo dhani ay ku haysaa balse Koonfurtaad sheegaysaa mayna ahayn ta Looma ooyaanka u bixisay ninkaa beel hubaysan aan ka dhalan. That is incorrect. In places such as Galkacyo, the Gabooye own some of the largest businesses and are an essential part of the economic and social life. For example, an engineering company owned and operated by Gabooye builds a huge percentage of the houses in Galkacyo, they have their seats in the city council and the Mudug region districts. Some also own hotels. People should be treated as people and not animals. That is just my view.
  15. Very beautiful picture, take more man.
  16. Somalia


    Showqi;760041 wrote: Labo sano ka bacdi adigana waxaan kaa sugeynaa in afsoomaaligaagu fiicnaado waa hadii aad seefta Adminka ka nabad gasho............. It's only a matter of time he deems me a liability. But I do not know the reasoning for the banning, so I look forward to the reason, KoW got "personal attacks", so mine must be one never used before. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;759999 wrote: Haye muxuu ku micneeye 'minankaaga?' None of us understood it but he said 'minankaaga' must mean venue, and that it is maymay, so you must have said 'are we invited to come around the venue?' He went onto to say a little gabay giving tribute to such use of the language, said it was "roses without thorns".
  17. I'm not insulting women, I am helping them by highlighting that this supposedly "functional" government can't adhere to a simple regulation established in 1972. Is this because the regulation was done by Siad Barre whom they do not like? I don't know, I am just asking questions and putting it out there for people to make their decision.
  18. He didn't beat nothing, Farmaajo saved the country and Abdiweli continues.
  19. One should use his brain and establish the link between 'why every targeted killing happens in the Northern part of the city' and if it is Al-Shabaab, then 'why do they not target every person who is legitimately against their cause whether it be in the North or South'?
  20. No, I am against them, but don't give me the view that you are fighting them when they enter, it is none of your business. Even if they enter people shouldn't fight them because they wouldn't win. The US wants them to enter because there's sign of stability and if they enter people will join Al-Shabaab and it is back to square one. The US and you don't want to change the status quo because a powerful Somalia is against your interests. I am not only a fan, I am an admirer of Abdullahi Yusuf. Put it in your location, spread it, the man had a vision like no other.
  21. Somalia


    Showqi;759656 wrote: Maygaag miyigeeda markaad Milgo ku guursato Muumin kuu duceeyiyo markay marwo kuu mashxarado Malab macaaniyo markaad muqmada muudsato Muxibada kalgacalkiyo markey Milgo madaxa kuu salaaxdo Muusanowgiyo markaad muranka meel ku xoorto Miic miicdiyo markey madax adeyga kaa masaxdo Mudane kala duwane markaad Mas'alooyinka kala maareyso Marti lama i laawee maandhow mininkaaga ma soo marnaa? I had to ask a friend what mininkaaga means, he said he 'adored' your 'delicate' use of the language.
  22. Maxaa adiga uu soo duubanee? Wadan kale baan moodhiye in aad joogto, rabsho iney Somalia ka dhacdho is your dream because without it secession is out of the question.