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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Xaaji Xunjuf;760932 wrote: And his bodyguard or his superior perhaps who is shining with him Mr Mahiga looooooooool Lool the US secretary of state for African affairs jendaye frazer told Abdilahi yusuf yey to resign and he did as a obedient Puppet so much for a recognized head of state lol You think Jendayi Frazer, the one you rolled out a RED CARPET for, a low level diplomat made the decision to to tell Abdullahi Yusuf to resign? Mashallah, you are a bright boy.
  2. We do not need fiction, we need Mogadishu, an actual capital of an actual country.
  3. ^^ LOL, finally a post that made me smile and it was a #fail. Welcoming a recognized Head of State and his Prime Minister is logical. #Fail, just like your dream of secession. At least real Head of States walked on ours
  4. I think your use of polished language might end up confusing you. I said that it shows YOUR naturally weak, not me Please don't go Sarah Palin on me with the use of too sophisticated grammatical sentences. No white man knows the difference between someone from your region and someone from mine. The self hatred for your own kind is quite embarrassing and not encouraging at all. Your region has been known to cater for the white man, not work with him, but to cater for him. That's why the British liked you a lot, they didn't respect you, they liked you, a key difference between the relationship Italian SL had with their protectorate over that of British SL. It's the same reason you roll out a red carpet for a low level diplomat.
  5. I believe my existence in reality far supercedes that of yours in limbo, for 20 years. Going around the world begging for people to recognize you while you keep producing terrorists for Al-Shabaab to fight in Somalia thereby trying to justify the reasoning for your secession. Your cruel support for terrorism does not seem to pay off. Remember, we stayed, you left when things got tough, don't talk about dignity, you've proven why people regard you as naturally weak.
  6. Oodweyne;760907 wrote: ^^^And, I find very astonishing that a nation call Somalia, that never stop talking both side of it's mouth where the "sacredness" of it's territorial integrity is concern, can't be bothered to noticed when that sacred cow has been voilated and who was the culprit. And, what is even worse, is that her leader is summoned to go and sign the very deeds of that voilation in other capital; and, still stand like monkey in a zoo for the humilaition of that sort before the very public he was supposed to be their leader of through the media... Now, you see, dear lad, as to how easy it is for the two us to play this game of "your-turn-my-turn-past-the-parcel-volleys-of-mutual-contempt" , to our heart's content's indeed... That line would work if it hadn't been for the fact that your supposed leader is fictional, his whole status is made up of thin air. He's on par with Igor Smirnov, no not Smirnoff the beverage, the President of another fantasy entity.
  7. I find it astonishing that a supposed "functioning" state which has tried to establish itself as a pillar of governance for the rest of Africa can't diversify funds to help its future entrepreneurs.
  8. Faroole cared in 2009 when he told them to restore the Green Line, they refused. He has not visited Galkacyo since. To me it looks as if he is pressuring Galkacyo to stay calm and not retaliate. Remember, the airport is indirectly controlled by Garowe, so if trouble arises from there, he gets involved.
  9. I'm pretty sure there's more than 1 clan living in the secessionist region of Somaliland, though power is concentrated among the few, much like a kleptocracy. There's dozens living in Puntland. Anyway, this is about Galkacyo, please stay on the topic.
  10. Israac is in North Galkacyo. Can it be any clearer? Gaalkacyo: (Allpuntland)-Qarax xoogan oo miinada nooca dhulka lagu aaso ah ayaa goordhawayd ka dhacay magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta gobolka Mudug gaar ahaana Xaafada Israac ee bariga Gaalkacyo iyadoo qaraxaasi uu khasaaro geystay islamarkaasna dhowr ruux ay ku dhaawacmeen iyadoo halkaas weli laga dareemayo xaalad kacsanaan ah. Qarax ayaa dhacay Markii laga baxay salaadii Maqribka waxaana uu ka dhacay Masjidka Albishaar oo kuyaala xaafada Israac kaasoo u dhow Masaajidka Nuurul-yaqiin isagoo Ahaa miinada dhulka lagu aaso iyadoo lagu aasay afaafka hore ee Masaajidka oo ah goob ay ciidamada Madanigu ka bixi jireen marka salaada maqribka la tukado islamarkaasna ay isaga qaybin jireen howlaha shaqo ee habeen kasta iyo Amni sugista. Wararkii ugu horeeyey ee qaraxaas laga helayo ayaa xaqiijinaya in sadex ruux ay ku dhaawacmeen Qaraxaas iyadoo mid kood uu ahaa Sarkaal lagu magacaabo Ilkacase oo ahaa taliye ka tirsanaa ciidamada Madaniga ah ee suga Amaanka xaafadaha Magaalada Gaalkacyo, Waxaana sidoo kale dhaawacaas kamid ah Arday qabay dharka Iskuullka iyo wiil Afar sano jir ah oo dhamaantood masaajidka kasoo baxay kaasoo qaraxu kula kacay goobtii ay marayeen iyadoo imikana loola cararay goobaha caafimaadka ee Magaalada Gaalkacyo. Qaraxan ayaa ahaa mid laga maqlay guud ahaanba magaalada Gaalkacyo waxaana imika halkaas weli ka dhacaysa rasaas ay ridayaan ciidamada Madaniga ah ee lala eegtay Qaraxaas iyo dad usoo gurmaday iyadoo ay dhulka u go’day goobtii miinada lagu aasay waxaana halkaas ku qulqulaya dadweyne aad u badan oo gargaarka dadka waxyeeloobay lagula tacaalayo ka qaybqaadanaya, Ciidanka Madaniga ayaa horey qarax loola eegtay iyadoo sidoo kalena hada ka hor toogasho lagu dilay labo kamid ahayd ciidankaas oo ka tirsanaa qaybta xaafada Garsoor , Ciidankan ayaa ah kuwo ay shacabku samaysteen oo amaanka sugaya islamarkaasna buuxiya kaalinta booliska oo hoosaysa gacan saarna la leh bulshada iyagoo habeenkii xaafadaha ka sameeya Roondooyin ay lug ku maraan xaafadaha magaalada si ay amaanka u sugaan iyadoo intii la sameeyeyna laga raystay falalkii amnidarada ahayd ee moobilada lagu furanjiray wallow dilalkii qorshaysnaa aysan waxba iska badalin. WIXII KASOO KORDHA QARAXAAS IYO SAAMAYNTIISABA APL KALASOCO.
  11. I agree sxb, may Allah punish them for raping children.
  12. President Faroole has been actively pushing for the next round of reconciliation talks to be held in Garowe, something Mahiga was in favour of. Why do you think Puntland never responds to anything from Galmudug, due to fear? I mean seriously, you think it is due to fear? Man, we could take Laascaanood in a day if it wasn't for politics, you are sleeping sxb, way ahead of you militarily.
  13. Of course, it started on around Sunday with the attack on a convoy where 2 men were wounded. The reason they are going to Galkacyo with the trouble is because 2 of the men who were the attackers were killed in response.
  14. Xaaji Xunjuf;760810 wrote: Galmudug na walaga cabanaya lol Puntland has too many eyes on it to play football with the young pseudo states. Somali reconciliation conferences are to be held in Garowe, how would it look if it retaliated against an endangered specie? They provoke when they know no one will attack.
  15. What was he right about? A militia in Galmudug is causing all of this trouble.
  16. Why does each assassination happen on the North side, if this is really Al-Shabaab, why doesn't it target everyone regardless of the side of the city they live on? Puntland State of Somalia Garowe WAR SAXAAFADEED 23 November 2011 Galmudug Waxay Khal-khalgalinaysa Amaanka Puntland Dowladda Puntland ayaa ka digaysa weerarada hubaysan ee ka socda magaalada Galkacyo, iyadoo bartilmaadeed laga dhiganayo bulshada rayidka ah, mas’uuliyiinta Dowladda, shaqaalaha hey’adaha samafalka, iyadoo kooxo hubaysan degen-na xaafada Galmudug ee magaalada Galkacyo ay khal-khalgaliyeen diyaaradaha Qaramada Midoobay (UN-ka). Dhacdooyinka hoos ku xusan ayaa muujinaya dhacdooyinka amni-darro oo isa-soo taraya: • 6 November 2011 – Baabur ganacsi oo Puntland laga leeyahay ayaa lagu afduubtay Galkacyo iyadoo weli ay kooxo hubaysan baabuurkaasi ku haystaan gudaha xaafada Galmudug. • 8 November 2011 – Baabuur labaad oo Puntland laga leeyahay ayaa la afduubtay waxayna kooxo hubaysan baabuurkaas weli ku haystaan gudaha xaafada Galmudug ee magaalada Galkacyo. • 16 November 2011 – Qof shacab ah oo Reer Puntland ayaa lagu dilay weerar ka dhacay magaalada Galkacyo isagoo wadada maraya. • 18 November 2011 – Mas’uul u shaqaynayay hey’adda samafalka ee Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) ayaa lagu dilay magaalada Galkacyo. • 20 November 2011 – Sadax qof oo shacab ah ayaa lagu dhaawacay weerar lagu qaaday baabuur ganacsi. •21 November 2011 – Madaarka Galkacyo ayaa la duqeeyey. • 22 November 2011 – Mas’uul Reer Puntland ah ayaa lagu dilay agagaarka xaafada Galmudug iyadoo dambiileyaasha ay u baxsadeen dhanka Galmudug. • 22 November 2011 – Madaarka Galkacyo ayaa mar labaad la weeraray, iyadoo la carqaladeeyey howlaha dayuuradaha shacabka iyo dayuuradaha UN-ka ee howlaha samafalka. Weeraradaan isxigay ayaa laga soo abaabulay xaafada Galmudug ee koonfurta magaalada Galkacyo. Dowladda Puntland ayaan marnaba u dulqaadan karin weerarada lagu hayo shacabka, hey’adaha samafalka, howlaha ganacsiga ama madaarka magaalada Galkacyo. Dowladda Puntland ayaa shacabka ugu baaqaysa in loo midoobo meelna looga soo wadajeesto kooxaha lid ku ah nabada, amaanka iyo xasiloonidda deegamada Puntland. Dowladda Puntland ayaa sidoo kale ogaysiinaysa Beesha Caalamka weerarada lagu hayo Puntland lagana soo abaabulayo xaafada Galmudug. Dowladda Puntland waxaa waajib Dastuuri ah ka saaran yahay inay Dadka iyo Dalkaba ka difaacdo cid kasta oo khal-khalka galinaysa amaanka.
  17. Well, if you'd read what you even quoted, I mean you didn't just read it, you quoted, I said it should be levelled, I didn't say by who or that I was going to carry it out. My dreams are coming true, if you think stuff like this goes unnoticed..
  18. Clearly this is no laughing matter. If Somaliland's former VP was in this, and according to the Amnesty International this was an unfair trial and a 16 year old was subjected to gang rape, one must wonder what happens at the lower levels of government.
  19. This is part of my series to highlight a trait of sexual violence conducted at the highest level of the secessionist government of Somaliland. Rape in the Somaliland Presidential Compound Axmed Yusuf Yasin, the VP of Somaliland personally ordered that Samsam be taken into custody at once; the ordeal for this 16 year old girl began after such a command was given by the second most powerful man in the Somaliland authority . November, 2004 16 year old girl raped by dozens of men in the Presidential Compound of the supposed secessionist state of Somaliland. Ask yourself, if this happened in the Presidential Compound, what is going on in the region as a whole? Her uncle was the Minister for Youth and Sports, and even after Amnesty International came out against this unfair and vile act, he supported the heinous crime, saying she was a "spy", her own uncle! This shows the utmost contempt for the rights of women in this region. Amnesty International Public Statement Zamzam Ahmed Dualeh, sentenced to five years imprisonment on 15 December 2004, with the main charge being "procuring information regarding the security of the state", should be released immediately - or a re-trial, under conditions meeting international standards of fair trial, should take place as soon as possible. Zamzam Ahmed Dualeh, aged 16, was arrested on 15 August at the Vice-President's house and has been on trial since 4 October with several adjournments. She was alleged to be obtaining secret information about the Vice-President's house on her visit to Hargeisa from Puntland, which is almost at war with Somaliland over disputed border regions. She denied the charge before the regional court in Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland. Unfair trial Amnesty International considers that her trial was grossly unfair and produced no evidence to substantiate the serious charge of espionage affecting the security of the state. The judge summarily dismissed her allegations that she had been raped by six police officers from the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) officers and tortured. She was tried as an adult, even though her identity card specifies her age as 16 years, thus a child under the internationally-recognized limit of 18 years. The court claims she is 17. The judge reportedly said that the maximum sentence of ten years imprisonment was reduced on account of her age. After the first weeks of being held incommunicado in police custody, she has been detained in Hargeisa Central Prison (a prison for adults), where she is allowed visits. Two reports and testimony by government doctors, said to have assessed Zamzam Ahmed Dualeh's rape allegations, were provided to the court but not made available to defence counsel. She was reportedly pressured by various government officials and others visiting her in prison to withdraw her rape and torture allegations, on promise of release, which she refused to do. In court, she identified one of the alleged police rapists, a senior Criminal Investigation Department officer, who was giving evidence for the prosecution and claimed she had "confessed" to the alleged conspiracy. No reply from the government Amnesty International has received no reply to its letter to the Minister of Justice asking for urgent action on concerns about Zamzam Ahmed Dualeh's rights as a child, the judge's failure to institute formal investigations into the rape and torture allegations, and several fair trial issues, including the imprisonment of her defence lawyers. In order to uphold the principles of child rights protection, and also to ensure that she has all necessary medical treatment, Amnesty International on 30 November, publicly requested that Zamzam Ahmed Dualeh be provisionally released, rather than detained in an adult prison for a prolonged and indefinite period. Amnesty International requested that a fully independent and impartial inquiry be established during the trial into the rape allegations, in particular, including one or more medical professionals experienced in rape investigations, bringing in international expertise as needed. It requested that, in accordance with international standards, the findings of the inquiry be provided to the court, including defence counsel; and, if the allegations were substantiated, those alleged to be responsible for this serious crime be tried in accordance with procedures which meet international standards of fair trial, and Zamzam Ahmed Dualeh adequately compensated. Amnesty International also expressed concerns about the failure of the court to respect international standards of fair trial, particularly the non-admissibility of statements obtained as a result of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment; the right to legal defence representation; the right of lawyers to perform all of their professional functions without intimidation, hindrance, harassment or improper interference; and the right to trial by a competent and impartial court.
  20. There's no fighting, there's one militia who attacked the airport. The level of deception is remarkable.
  21. AsadSL;760657 wrote: isla yaab bro. Maxaa la yaaba? I stand by my comment. It's not a call for violence but a reconstruction program.
  22. God bless SSC and their state which lies somewhere between Russia and South Africa. I like the fact that you gave up your whole state to form a party, so you can BREAK Somaliland from within. What an ingenious idea.