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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Very good news, but the roads in Garowe are good already, I hope more roads connecting places in Mudug, they are not good at all. Also Xudun and Badhan, those places should not be left out!!
  2. Good progress, I hope the parliament will be in a stand alone place.
  3. I love the Uncle Tom comments on YouTube. I cant describe in words how much I appreciate this message as a Somalilander. Mr Jeremy, British people understand Somaliland more than any other country. Britain should take the lead on re recognising Somaliland again, there should be now doubt about recognising Somaliland again. As a friend of Somaliland, if you continue your support, Somaliland will definetly acheive its goal of re recognition. Many many thanks. Thank you am honoured and humbled by this nobel task . Appreciated! ,no doubt Somaliland will be the frontrie of Africa when it comes democracy, justice.The 3.5 millions of Somalilander and their diaspora will soon enjoy good quality of life.I might sound too optimist but fact will point to that we are democratic country with vast minerals resource.However thier is may challenges laye ahead before we reach the ultimate goal. The question of succesfull Somaliland is not if but when . Thank you so much, Mr. Jemery Carvey CBE a great friend of our nation thank you a lot for the great job you for great country the Republic of Somaliland. you really honest and peace loving person.....keep going on... i hope for you a good luck. Why go ahead and write the full title including CBE?
  4. The woman's face is quite light But moving on, I think it's quite funny Universal TV is talking about this when they promote the new artists who aren't using "traditional" flavour in their performances or music. I like Aar Maanta, he's promoting traditional culture while Nimco Dareen... well lets just say she promotes something else.
  5. Are you going to allow all the gobolo in Somalia like Puntland did or discriminate?
  6. Man, it's as if I am speaking to a wall. What's happening now will not continue to happen if Somalia prevails. Awdal under any circumstances will not be part of your secessionist region. You are not arguing against that, you are just showing pictures of people in Awdal supporting the secessionist region... which they are CURRENTLY APART OF. What do you expect the "leader" of the secessionist region to say? Also, you haven't answered my question, why did Cigaal choose Riyaale to succeed him?
  7. I don't have audio tape of Bush lying about Iraq but I know he did. Your argument is flawed, it's a fact and the fact that you are disputing such a great moment in his "presidency" is sad. Didn't I just tell you the circumstances surrounding Abdullahi Yusuf not being in Somalia, and Cadde is in Somalia. The people living in Awdal are also known as Dirta Waqooyiga, it's not a clan name so you might as well drop it, but it is one I can use as much much as you using the one regarding Ras Caseeyr. Gagaab has no political power within his sub-clan counting 5 odays. It's like me saying I want my own state, it's like a homeless man on the street saying he wants his own state. So when did it become entire neighbourhoods? I'll tell you what it has to do with it, absolutely NOTHING, you just want to change the subject. Now it is Faroole... You are repeating semantics because you lost the argument.
  8. Somalia

    Hotel SSC

    Abtigiis;761229 wrote: Their politicians are the best pay-phones Somalia has ever produced. They only talk if you insert coins and only up to the time your balance is over. The biggest and state of art brand of these SSC pay-phones is called ‘Xaabsade AC’. The next best item in the market is called ‘Sandulle 900”. But they also have mobile gadgets, such as ‘Xaglatoosiye’ which is portable, with tiny antennas and said to be loved by the ladies.
  9. Xaaji Xunjuf;761197 wrote: Dude I don't live in a world of when and if I deal with facts post this so called bbc interview I have never heard of it president rayaale was a real patriot he loves his country he can live in dubai jakarta where ever he likes. Somaliland is a multi tribal society their democracy works for the past 20 years they only gained the magnificent rayaale leader will be remembered for securing the border of somaliland as for you're little subclan enclave mini sub ub sub clan states are being created raas caseer state there is so much you need to worry about. God bless Don't end this conversation, we are only beginning. Ask around, ask people you know whether or not Dahir Riyaale said those words. Why is he in Dubai if he loves his country? At least leaders like Abdullahi Yusuf are there for political reasons, Dahir Riyaale doesn't seem to CARE for your secessionist region. He milked you and left. Ras Caseyr is not a state, its a pseudo state and the fact that YOU of all people would bring up clan states within a CLAN state known as "Somaliland" is a bit embarrassing. We were just talking about Awdal and SSC, it's as if your memory relapses every few messages. Which border are you securing? Puntland forces are stationed around Laascaanood, they are in Xudun, they are in Badhan, in Hadaaftimo, in Tukaruq, so please go ahead and tell me, which border it is you are securing.
  10. You are arguing that nationalism is something you favour but that it is not possible. Nationalism IS possible. It was possible in the 1960s when we had the most civilised government. Back then the secessionist region started its agenda of leaving, breaking away just after 1 year because you felt you weren't allocated enough cabinet seats in July 1961. So the agenda of the secessionist region during peace time has been clear for decades that you funny enough wanted the system of 4.5 even before anyone else wanted it.
  11. Xaaji Xunjuf;761155 wrote: President daahir rayaale said many times that he would wage a war if his country sovereignty is undermined not even the great cigaal said of the current presidnet of somaliland the people of awdal showed what they believe on 18 may this year from caruur to ciiroole. There is no sovereignty. There was a specific BBC clip where the former NSS Berbera Station Chief couldn't answer the question regarding unity. His intentions were clear, he sucked out the money from your region and left for Dubai, true rageedi. Of course they will come out on 18th of May, the day the one clan entity decided to call national day, because they live in the region, they are part of the maamul, but when peace prevails throughout Somalia, do not DOUBT that the people of Awdal will call off the game. I am glad you mentioned Cigaal, why did he appoint Dahir Riyaale to be his successor? We both know the reason but please, do tell. I can even see in your response that you can't argue against it, because you know it is true, instead, citing 18th of May celebrations, come on man..
  12. Lol@"Lionel Richie aan geliyaa noo"
  13. GaroweGal;761136 wrote: ToughGong.... I couldn't help but notice that the newest nation in the world, the Republic of South Sudan, which gained its independence on 9 July 2011 is not on your fake, fabricated and fictional map but the so called, self declared, break away region of North West Somalia is on the map. What is the world coming to? some people must be deluded and daydreaming .....God help you and your clansmen! looooooooooooooooool
  14. Xaaji Xunjuf;761109 wrote: Lool Like Somalia right where you have 17 Clan states and 17 presidents that's what you wish for you're own Country but Please do not wish that for your Neighbors its not Cool. Doqonkasta iyado kaley ku mooda,Somaliland and the people of Somaliland are more united than ever. What you should Promote is the Unity of the people of Somalia the same way the people of Somaliland love the unity of their Country. Which neighbours? Listen, I don't know if you are playing with me, but your secessionist region doesn't have 1 clan, I know the power lays within 1 clan but there's others. They've shown that they will not be part of it. I know Dahir Riyaale is your best argument but when he was "President" of this supposed sovereign state he was on BBC and he couldn't give a state answer on reunification. I'll try and find the clip for you. Please try and discredit me, the people of Awdal, forget SSC, the people of Awdal whom I myself know a lot, regarded as the most intellectual Somalis do not want to be part of your region IF it was recognised and Somalia was at peace. It's just the way it is. SSC, well, you can forget that one. There is no unity in the secessionist region, there's delusion of grandeur and you are trying to fill that void of emptiness by coming online and pretending you live in a real country, you do not. Excellent point @Carafaat, that's the point I've been trying to put across his mind, there's a larger picture.
  15. We aren't Arabs that will be divided up. Even if the region was to become a nation (which is ever so more bleak looking), it itself would be carved up along clan lines. The likelihood of SSC and Awdal being part of what is essentially a region controlled by one clan is slim. Some people see the larger picture, I am afraid the people of "Somaliland" do not.
  16. ^^ You don't have a right for nationhood, and it won't be granted to you. It hasn't even been granted to you during 20 years of civil war, what on EARTH makes you believe it will be given to you later? PS: I do like that you compare yourself to Israel, it was bound to be revealed sooner rather than later.
  17. What country? Nothing Nothing Not even on the World map Sxb, are you confused? This is our country, you can kiss up to the white man as much as you like, but we will cover you in this.
  18. Lol at 4:35@ Just a few hours ago I was black so I know how that feels
  19. Carafaat;761022 wrote: Somalia, I though your capital was Garowe? My regional capital is Garowe My national capital is Mogadishu
  20. Che -Guevara;761010 wrote: You seem to have a thing or two for these sort of women. I do not deny this charge.
  21. I swear I haven't been laughing like this for a while, , who is she? EDIT: On second thoughts, she is definitely crazy, mentally incapacitated is another one I should look at.