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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. ^ Why are you quoting yourself? To keep this nonsense thread alive? :rolleyes:
  2. The people of Somali Galbeed make SSC look good. Very disorganized, refugee mentality and no progress in 21 years.
  3. ^^ I knew the bomber, God rest his soul, excellent guy, he was framed. AUN.
  4. looooooooooool Well, it technically would make it easier for them to conduct their shenanigans.
  5. AUN. It was just a matter of time before something would happen. It's a large and dense bazaar. I blame the Mayors, God help the people.
  6. Surely these e-mails are fake, did they really pay 5 million dollars to Shariif and Sakiin?
  7. December 2, 2011 Madaxweynaha Jabuuti oo kasoo horjeestay in Somaliland loo aqoonsado dal madax banaan Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Jabuuti ayaa markii u horeysay si cad ah uga hadlay mowqiifkiisa kaga aadan aqoonsiga ay raadinayso maamulka Somaliland taas oo ay ku doonayso in ay ka madax banaanato Soomaaliya inteeda kale. Ismaacil Cumar Geelle oo wareysi siinayay mid kamid ah Wareysiyada kasoo baxa dalka Faransiiska ayaa ka hadlay arimaha kala duwan ee ka taagan dalka Soomaaliya,waxaana si gaar ah wax looga weydiiyey arimaha Somaliland ee la xiriirta aqoonsiga ay ka raadinayso Caalamka. Madaxweyne Geelle ayaa la waydiiyey su’aal ku saabsanayd sababta uu u aqoonsan waayay Somaliland maadama bilo kahor ay Dowladiisa aqoonsatay dalkii cusbaa ee kusoo biiray caalamka ee Koonfurta Suudaan oo ka go’aday Waqooyiga. ”Koonfurta Suudaan way ka duwan tahay Somaliland,waxay halgan dheer usoo galeen madax banaanidooda ama xorriyadooda”,ayuu yiri. Wuxuu sidoo kale sheegay in Somaliland ay aad u deg degeen isagoo sheegay in ay samaysteen astaamaha dowladaha lagu yaqaano ee ay kamid yihin lacag iyo calan,isagoo ku sifeeyey ama tusaale ahaan u qaatay in gaarigii ay ka horumariyeen dameerkii jiidayay. ”Waxaa u ogolaanay in Passport-kooda ay dalkeenu kusoo galaan iyo in cid wakiil uga ah soo dirsadaan”,ayuu mar kale sheegay isagoo raaciyey in aysan wax dheeraad ah u qaban karin. Madaxweynaha dalka Jabuuti ayaa dhamaan hadaladiisa u muuqdeen kuwa uu kaga soo horjeedo in xilligaan la kala qaybiyo Soomaaliya xilli aysan jirin dowlad dhexe oo maamusha dalka. Maamulka Somaliland ayaa weli wax jawaab ah ka bixin hadalkaan kasoo baxay Madaxweyne Ismaacil Cumar Geelle,balse waxaa la saadalinaaya in ay saamayn ku yeelan karto xiriirka dibloomasiyadeed ee labada dhinac.
  9. Group A: Poland, Greece, Russia, Czech Republic. Group B: Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Portugal. Group C: Spain, Italy, Republic of Ireland, Croatia. Group D: Ukraine, Sweden, France, England. God save Denmark , it has been called one of the most toughest groups ever in Euro history.
  10. G.O.E.T.I.A;762679 wrote: I didn't know Ayan Hirsi and the traitor Abdillahi Yusuf were from the same clan. I had to check after reading your comment. So the qabilist here is none other than you, yes you Mr hiding-under-the banner-of-Somalia-but-hailing-from-clan-enclaved-Puntland . Please spare us your ridiculous moral lessons, you're not the right person to hold this kinds of notions - im afraid there is no somali person free of clanism in this world, including myself, regardless of how much we spin things around. Again, i have expressed before and will say it again, I don't support the secessionists agenda, but to call them qabilist as if you were somehow free of this desease is laughable. I sympathise with my fellow brothers&sisters somalilanders and i wish them the best - be it self determination or unity. I wish the same for Puntland or any other clan enclaved regions, like the notorious Ogidenia. Ilaahay ha no sahlo. Ah, again challenge me, how is a person qabilist because he is from Puntland? You are just like him, if not worse, because you seem to be the qabilist here. Puntland IS IN SOMALIA, I mean, do I have to draw you a map? We aren't the ones going around claiming to be anything other than Somalis, we aren't the ones distancing ourselves from other Somalis. What did I say that was qabilist? You have no facts whatsoever, I am from Somalia's Puntland region, I've made that clear. So how is that qabilist? Please go on and explain that. "Moral lessons", what's MORAL about anything I said? I mean, seriously, what the hell is MORAL about ANYTHING I said? Have you left grade school? Rub two brain cells together and read again, how did Abdullahi Yusuf enter a conversation about Somaliland? Qabilism is a mental disorder and I am glad you admit you have it, but don't accuse others without any evidence, we aren't like you, thank God we ain't. So I take his question to you because the traitor card doesn't work anymore. What is the difference between Abdullahi Yusuf and Sheikh Shariif? Thank you.
  11. This is only proposed and is not signed at all. But some Arabs basically bought the rights for the project in the future. That's what I've been told and that's what it indicates.
  12. ^^ Thanks for pointing this out! Matthew Bryden is an analyst who has been involved with several organizations working in and for Africa, and he has specialized in Somali affairs. He was a coordinator of the UN Security Council's Monitoring Group which monitors the flow of arms in and out of Somalia. His nomination to the post caused controversy due to his support for independent statehood for Somaliland. Bryden has edited a book of essays on Somaliland. He is a Canadian national but is known to carry a Somaliland passport. A Somalia Report article describes another instance of bias. On December 10, 2010, the Somaliland government announced that "during an emergency landing they had seized a mysterious plane containing weapons and mercenaries bound for Puntland", prompting Bryden and members of the UN Monitoring Group to investigate. Witnesses state that Bryden was threatening two captives for not cooperating, but it was discovered that they were telling the truth that they were journalists heading to Puntland to report on anti-piracy training. Sources
  13. Your grammar is that of a 12 year old and you see fit to discuss my English? Are you serious? People from Mogadishu, Beledweyne, Baidoa and Kismayo don't have time to talk about Somaliweyn, but people of Puntland will be at the forefront to make sure we rub your failure in your face.
  14. Man, Xaaji, our country does need some fixing up man.
  15. We do want to control you, there's no point denying that. It's for the interests of the Somali people as a whole. But I am glad you finally came out and said the following; burahadeer;762620 wrote: Whether somaliland is recognised or not I like it. , I remember the good old days when there wasn't a 'not'.
  16. You didn't answer the question, Emperior. Let me state it more clearly. Why do you not control your supposed border to the east?
  17. ^^ But you don't control your supposed border to the east, how can you let people violate your territorial integrity?
  18. If the colonial masters they've been kissing up to has volunteered to host a Somalia Conference, things do not look bright. Silaanyo will be given Deputy Finance Minister in our government, inshallah , as a gift to their patience.
  19. Full article International recognition hit dead-end In a recent interview with, Dr. Mohamed Abdillahi Omar, the foreign minister and the former lecturer of Brunel University in London, admitted rather diplomatically that the secessionist’s endeavor to gain the much-sought after international recognition had hit difficulties. In other words, it is dead in the water. Without exactly saying the word dead, he mentioned his initially hyped trip to China alongside with Ahmed Silanyo in which tripartite trade deals between China, Ethiopia and “Somaliland” were supposed to be signed had ended in failure for reasons Dr. Omar deliberately avoided to explain but believed to be related to the enclave’s status in the international community. The painful fact is that “Somaliland” cannot enter deals with the outside world because, as far as international community is concerned, they don’t exist. The international community, including regional bodies such as IGAD and Arab league, doesn’t recognize “Somaliland” as a legitimate state. They recognize the TFG of Sheikh Sharif Ahmed as the sole and legitimate government of Somalia. In addition to Dr. Omar’s candid admission, anyone who observed Ahmed Silanyo’s statements during his recent trip to London, Addis Ababa and Djibouti, together with his body language will tell that the most veteran politician in the enclave, who had seen better days in Somalia during a spell of eight years as being a prominent economics minister, may finally be giving up this unattainable dream that exhausted the enclave’s meager resources. Unlike Riyaale, who used to promise the earth as far as international recognition is concerned every time he returned home from personal trips to abroad, often hyped as official trips by “Somaliland” officials, the incumbent Ahmed Silanyo is at least honest enough to show his frustration and share his lack of progress with the public in the attainment of international recognition. His recent after-midnight interview with the “Somaliland” press in which he talked, among other things, the lack of progress in the hunt of international acceptance is another indication that things are not getting better for the secessionists. In fact, things are getting from bad to worse. Despite privately endorsing “Somaliland”, it is an open secret that Ethiopia had never wanted to see another Somali state, albeit “Somaliland”, breathing on its neck, although politicians in Addis are happy to see the continuation of the status quo in the Somali peninsula as it suits them pretty well. Worst of all, Ethiopia has smelled a rat in Ahmed Silanyo’s cabinet and this made things even more complicated than they were under Rayaale’s regime. Zenawi, who was in good terms with Rayaale’s government, sees certain prominent ministers of Ahmed Silanyo’s government, among them Mohamed Hashi Elmi and the departed Dr. Gaboose, as staunch supporters of Somaliweyn (greater Somalia), hence a threat to the Ethiopian sovereignty. Ethiopia, believed to be an honest friend of “Somaliland” rather mistakenly, may have finally pulled the brakes on the secessionist’s runaway train.
  20. I didn't make it out to be PL/SL, but some guys always find the time to do so, so one must respond. There was one plant in Algeria which provides water for 2 to 3 million people. I misread the thread, it says coastal areas, I am talking about a region as a whole.
  21. Carafaat;759332 wrote: Gamla gardet här på SOL. lol
  22. Very sad situation, I hope for our secessionist friends that they get off the wagon and enter rehabilitation for their drug abuse.