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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. SSC waa Sii soco soo soco And they will always come back to Somalia! God bless.
  2. ^^ Ah, I see it too now
  3. Why do you keep using clan names???????? Also, how about you give me reputable sources like mine? I am not asking for much here. This thread is about the sexual violence your secessionist region perpetrates on the minority. Please, stay on point and give me good sources.
  4. First of all, you aren't allowed to use clan names on this website. I didn't, so you should not. Second. Your news source is Galgala News which is vehemtly anti-Puntland. The reason it is anti-Puntland is due to Puntland's Security Forces conducting operations against militants in the Galgala Mountains. BBC: Puntland forces attack al-Shabab in Somali mountains Renewed Fighting in Galgala Mountains Funny enough, Somaliland has been providing support for this man who has confessed his support for Al-Shabaab, a militant group that has been conducting mass killings in Mogadishu and Somalia. This also highlights Somaliland's adamant hope for Somalia's failure and renews chaos. Could Al-Shabaab gain from Somaliland's booming arms business?
  5. I'm afraid it isn't. One region has prophesied itself to be the model for Africa, so why is it continuing with these heinous crimes at a systematic level?
  6. I felt it was crucial at this juncture in time to resume my series of the sexual violence against women and children that surrounds the hierarchy of the secessionist region of Somaliland. We have already looked at the following Rape in the Somaliland Presidential Compound Somaliland Gang Rapes Increase Somaliland's Female Mutilation "Most Dangerous" _____________________________________ In retribution for the support of Siad Barre, Somalia's last dictatorial leader, the people of the secessionist region known as Somaliland conducted a wide ranging campaign of sexual humiliation against the minority clans who supported the former autocratic figure. Somaliland is relatively more secure than other parts of the country. There is an administration that functions, but has not been internationally recognized as a state. However minority groups such as the [minority] clans who 16 predominantly reside in Somaliland are subjected to serious discrimination. These groups do not benefit from any social facilities and other activities that major clans have access to. They remain barred from employment. There is no justice system even in Somaliland that protects the rights of this minority. The level of isolation meted out to these people is so grave that the NGOs and international agencies operating in Somalia do not have direct contact with them. Over time these people have become reclusive as a result of systemically discriminative attitudes towards them. The northern Somaliland region is safe only for those people belonging to that area’s majority clan. The [minority] clans were routinely raped, expelled from their homes, kidnapped, tortured and killed. The 2 above quotes clearly work against the UN Convention on Refugee Status The Contracting States shall apply the provisions of this Convention to refugees without discrimination as to race, religion or country of origin. Article 3. - Non-discrimination 1. The Contracting States shall not expel a refugee lawfully in their territory save on grounds of national security or public order. Article 32. - Expulsion SOURCES US Department of Justice - Executive Review Oxford House - Minority Groups UN Convention relating to the Status of Refugees Clearly I am using the Status of Refugees to highlight Somaliland's secession from Somalia in 1991, thus if it wants to be treated like a country, I must make it so. Side note: Atrocities did indeed happen throughout Somalia especially towards minority clans however, one must pause and think of the continuing assault against minorities in the so-called democratic secessionist state of Somaliland. Why are they intent 21 years later, to kill, rape and torture the helpless? Ladies and gentlemen, this shows the intent by the secessionist region to take out their frustration and anger on minorities.
  7. I don't get it, you have Awdal and SSC on the small red white and green block? Why :confused:
  8. If she's so passionate about Female Genital Mutilation how come she isn't telling her government to enforce a law against it? In fact, the region has the worst kind of mutilation (not that one should distinguish the brutality). I call on the de facto regional government of Northern Somalia to enforce a 1972 Law by Siad Barre which outlawed the practice.
  9. Che -Guevara;764158 wrote: ^ The whole Europe was setup to contain Germany after WWII but it looks like they will be running Europe should this conference achieves its goals.
  10. Nin Yaaban is still surprised And your right, they are on WSHH, which means they made it, views are over 100.000 already
  11. Yeah they are quite old aren't they.. Valenteenah must be 35, Abtigiis 48 etc
  12. Freedom;763941 wrote: ^^^ Are you crazy have you forgot the 90s, Warlords, killings, rapes, death and a sick crime and you blame us lool. Thats why you guies are in the state you are in you dont take responsiblity. Dont blame your on fault on us get up and get your acts together ok loool. Rape in Somaliland Presidential Compound Gang Rapes increase in Somaliland Most dangerous form of Female Genital Mutilation
  13. It's ok, the jealousy is understandable but not the hate. You want Puntland to be like the south and can't stand the fact that we are prospering. When we are sharing the pie with the TFG i.e Somali Navy to be based in Puntland, 1/3 of TFG revenue to Puntland and 1/3 of the scholarships to Turkey. Better army than yours “ the best-equipped indigenous military force anywhere in Somalia ". - the New York Times Oil and mineral explorations More high profile visits to Garowe and Bosaso, man, I do not blame you at all. Example This is just part of the game right?
  14. Yeah, but your future ain't going to happen the way you see it.
  15. Freedom;763921 wrote: And what are they going to use this stuff for lol This maybe? :confused:
  16. I've never seen this great picture before
  17. The first one I see 5 The second one I think I see it The last one I see 11 But which way she it turn for you? Watch the shadow
  18. Excellent contribution by TFG. More pictures at
  19. Somalis in Europe rank like this when it comes to trouble. 1. Holland 2. UK 3. Scandinavia/Germany least trouble.
  20. That too was the thing bothering me, while the men were asleep... I think even Mogadishu bandits know there's some moral conduct.
  21. Loool, I know Leicester, I was going to apply for the university but ended up taking another one. I know how big it is. It's a fairly large city, 10th in the UK. Around 4% of the city is Somali I like the slight name changing, I have a cousin who has now turned himself to Holland, he had Danish, Norwegian and English passports.