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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Fantastic stuff, I am genuinely surprised. Thanks for posting this.
  2. Saw everything. These are easy, get some hard ones.
  3. Now you can't criticize Faroole for branding any outlaw a terrorist for political gains.
  4. STOIC;764382 wrote: I personally know a Somali ENT speacialist, a prestigious medical school profesor, harvard MBA student and top the icing a Somali woman that manages two billion dollar wealth. What's one thing they have all in common if you may ask; HARDWORK and a little luck! Some of this people are close to non-practicing muslims She manages a 2 billion dollar hedge fund? Does the company have a website?
  5. hahahahaa, the fact that it's Chinese makes the episode so much funnier.
  6. Madaxweyne Shariif oo isagu dalka Qatar usoo dhoofay Jimcihii lasoo dhaafay kadib markii uu martiqaad rasmi ah ka helay madaxda dalka Qatar ayaa sidoo kale kulamo kala duwan la qaatay Mas’uuliyiinta dalkaas iyo Madax kale oo kuwa dalalka Carabta ka tirsan. Booqashada uu madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Shariif Sheekh Axmed ku joogo dalka Qatar ayaa kusoo beegmeysa xilli dhowaan Ra’iisul Wasaare Cabdiweli iyo wefdi uu hogaaminayo ay soo gaba gabeeyeen safar shaqo oo ay dalkaas ku tageen.
  7. ^ Why would you hint what I should buy when you've already stated it?
  8. Israel indeed is a fine case study for development. Excellent thread. It has been hard work but the political support of the US made it all happen, not so much the financial support. They worked from the bottom up, obviously with 3 billion dollars since 1985. But they started with aid from the US covering only basic food, medicine and the stuff they owned in Germany as repatriation. Other regions Somalia should look at includes Kurdistan and Oman. However it is important that we rediversify our potential natural resources and make the economy sustainable, we can't be dependant on income from oil and minerals. Ethiopia is not and so isn't Kenya but we can outpace them in no time. - Focus on agriculture in the south - Somalia all together is very arable but the south has rivers so it has most potential, including some central regions of Somalia. - Small sea ports along the longest coast of Africa connecting to Somali Galbeed and inner cities of Somalia. The funding for these should be from the mineral and oil income. The ports are small and for the fishing community. Arab states are setting up these ones all along their coasts. They are not large and worth the money, will not be more than a few million a piece Galmudug State of Somalia representatives which have been lobbying the German government and it has been kindly and looked at proposals. - Fishing industry could be thriving with regulation and a basic navy for protection. A visiting Somali delegation tabled a request for two search-and-rescue ships and six coast guard boat s, worth some 250 million euros, during talks at the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries, or SSM, in Ankara last Friday, a senior SSM official told the Hürriyet Daily News. The Somalis requested that Turkey provide the vessels either as a donation or as part of a barter deal with an offer for future opportunities in Somalia’s fishing sector , the SSM official said. - Livestock expansion, we should be looking to New Zealand. - The industry is worth $2.7 billion when only counting beef and lamb. One blessing we have had of this civil war is that the Somali diaspora is more educated than ever and they will be the future of the region. Most of these things can be worked on instantly when peace prevails.
  9. Waxaa maanta garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Boosaaso ka dhoofay Wefdi Puntland ka socda oo uu horkacayo Wasiirka qorsheynta iyo xiriirka Caalamiga ah ee Puntland Daa’uud Maxamed Cumar.
  10. MajorEChirchir Major E. Chirchir Request: Pls fwd any form of Al Shabaab media/Cyber warfare materials for our analysis. Thanks20 Nov » MajorEChirchir Major E. Chirchir #operationlindanchi TFG Army today engaged Al Shabaab in their camp at Busar area, exchanged fire and 12 Al Shabaab players Killed...
  11. Thank you, I needed that. I will come back and propose to Valenteenah, of course she won't deny the energy of a youth Then Abtigiis will give a speech at the wedding, Xiinfaniin will be held back by Carafaat for Abtigiis safety, Nuune will dance for absolutely no reason, Che will look sceptical as usual, Miskiin will keep an eye on Ciyaalka Xaafada. Xaaji and Jacaylbaro conspire with Saalax to ruin the wedding and you will look at the whole thing adiga oo yaaban.
  12. I will be a millionaire (USD) before I am 21. :cool: Inshallah
  13. 1 - Somali unity and stability 2 - Recognition of Somaliland by Ethiopia 3 - Awdal and SSC rebel 4 - Outside forces rethink recognition 5 - Somaliland becomes Taiwan of the Horn - without the economic way 6 - Stability and peace
  14. That last picture says "Man, lets get the hell outta here"
  15. If anyone wants to buy my vote or "steer" me in the right direction let me know :cool:
  16. LOL You lot really are scrapping the bottom of the barrel, not even Israel now, now it's India
  17. OMG how unfortunate! Mahiga in the background... not the bulletproof vest
  18. LOL!@ Saalax's article hahaaha, great one .. Abdulaziz Al-Mutairi
  19. UN chief Ban Ki-moon arrives in Mogadishu (AP) – 19 minutes ago MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — A Somalia police official says U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has arrived in Somalia's capital, the first visit by the U.N.'s top leader to Mogadishu in years. Ban's arrival in the war-torn capital city has been made possible because of the military gains that African Union forces have made this year against al-Shabab militants, who last year at this time controlled most of Mogadishu. Still, the militants have been waging a campaign of roadside and suicide bomb attacks, injecting some risk into the U.N. chief's visit. The visit is the first in years to Mogadishu by the U.N.'s top official. A Somalia police official confirmed the arrival of Ki-moon but said he could not be quoted by name.