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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. I hate my fellow Somalis for absolutely no reason I ignore the injustice and plight of the minorities I love to associate myself with white people to make my case seem more legitimate
  2. I think his days are numbered. What sets him apart from other the crooks, is the level of greed and the little care he has even for his own clan members let alone everyone else. No doubt he will try and come back for Presidential election 2012.
  3. Ah, the evil eye, I do say Mashallah, I just do not write it all the time. I apologize. But where can I see more pics of the large building?
  4. Caadi ma'aha. I envy the people of the secessionist region when it comes to investing in their own land, they are the only ones I have seen consistently do so. Do you have more pictures of the large building in the last picture? I think the building has progressed.
  5. Somalia

    The APR

    You are a remarkably happy person
  6. This ain't right, do not sign it, I have not tasted it yet.
  7. More Pictures; Xulka Gabdhaha Soomaaliyeed oo ka badiyay Gabdhaha Qadar kubada Kolayga Doxa( Xulka Qaranka Gabdhaha kubadda koleyga (Basketball)ee Soomaaliya ayaa si xarage leh uga badiyey xulka qaranka gabdhaha kubadda koleyga ee waddanka Qatar, kadib markii ay maanta iskaga horyimaadeen cayaar ka tirsan cayaaraha kubadda kolayga ee olombiga carabta ee ka socda waddanka Qatar. Cayaartaas oo ay wada sugayeen dhammaan soomaalida ku nool waddanka Qadar.(Sawirada hoos ka daawo) Waxaa dhammaan gegida cayaarta soo buux dhaafshay soomaali lagu qiyaasay dhawr boqol. Waxay cayaarta noqotay mid aad u xiisa badan waxaana ka soo qaygalay guddoomiyaha olombiga waddanka Qatar Amiir Shiikh Sucuud bin Cabdiraxmaan altaani, isagoo ah guddoomiyaha tartanka cayaarha carabta ee dooxa. Waxaa kaloo ka mid ahaa madaxdaa wasiir ku xigeenka wasiirka shaqada iyo cayaaraha Daahir xaaji geelle, guddoomiyaha guddiga olombiga soomaaliyeed Aadan xaaji yabarow(wiish), Agaasimaha waaxda isboortiga ee wasaaradda shaqadda iyo cayaaraha ***** Xaashi jimcaale. Cayaarta waxay noqotay mid xulka qaranka gabdhaha kubadda koleyga ee soomaaliya guusha ku raacda iyagoo ku badiyey Soomaaliya 67 Qatar 57 Waxaa maanta dhammaan idaacadaha aljazeera laga siidaayey sida wanaagsan oo ay ciyaareen gabdhaha xulka soomaaliyeed.
  8. But you are all what is called Dirta Waqooyiga (which is not a clan but a political term) so why are you all not just happy with each other?
  9. 30.000 in Awdal is quite laughable. 4 million in the secessionist region not counting SSC and Awdal is even more laughable.
  10. A joint study by UNICEF Child protection and the ministry of family affairs and social development of Somaliland has shown an increased trend of different forms of Child abuses and Violence In many parts of Somaliland, among the major types of child abuses stated in the joint study; i. Children live or work on the streets ii. Violence against children (Home, Schools and on the streets) iii. Children without primary care givers (Orphans) iv. Children with mental or physical disabilities v. Children subjected to traditional harmful practices (Like FGM) vi. Children engaged hazardous or exploitative labor vii. Children in conflict with the la Children live and work on streets increases in number considerably in all main towns of Somaliland Female street children are recently seen in Hargeisa, Berbera and Borama districts that are very prone to be sexually abused This further supports the trend I have been showing of increase sexual violence in the region. I believe it is incumbent on the Somaliland government to work vigorously to stop these heinous acts when it is especially minorities who seem to be more likely to face such abuse at home. Both due to economical and social instability. The secessionist government of the region has not implemented any laws to prevent Female Genital Mutilation even though most of the United Nations considers it barbaric and inhumane. SOURCES Joint Somaliland and UNICEF Study More on Somaliland's "Most Dangerous" Female Genital Mutilation Source of this thread; GenderIndex.
  11. burahadeer;764688 wrote: Gov't of 2 villages totally encircled ....they will need Berlin airlift.DESPERADO :D:D:D:D Puntlanders are looking way out of the desert bestowed on them...SOMALIA.Mogadishu people know what you did last time & you r not welcome....keep barking.Somewhere,somehow,sometime they looking for saviour...Not going to come. Honestly, what are you saying, what are the 2 villages? I read what you wrote 3 times and did not understand it. @Abokor Omar, the destruction of your ethnocracy is what we all wish for. It has been a deception upon minorities and people are finally waking up. And do not give me the "Puntland" argument, minorities of Puntland are in Somalia so their future is safer.
  12. @mcali I think you should go into what @Valenteenah and N.O.R.F said or you should go into one of the 3 sciences, or specialised areas of mining or geochemistry regarding natural resources, petroleum engineering etc. Do not take medicine if you do not like it, I didn't either.
  13. @Valenteenah, it warms my heart that you've taken on a geeljire, I wish you nothing but happiness. But it's great to take on businesses on the side while studying to safeguard ones future, I wish every Somali did so. Also, I am very interested in investing in Somalia now that we are moving forward.
  14. But Awdal State movement is in the diaspora sxb, how does this make sense?
  15. Som@li;764372 wrote: Yo Pirate, which ship u holding for ransom? No ship, just strictly a buy-and-sell type of deal.
  16. Thank God they didn't kill him in his sleep like they do it in Hargeisa and elsewhere.
  17. Xaaji Xunjuf;764486 wrote: Somaliland: President Dismisses Joint Chiefs of Staff Nuh Tani HARGEISA(Somalilandpress)-Somaliland president Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud Siilaanyo today dismissed the country’s Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mr. Nuh Tani. The president appointed Mr. Mohamed Hasan Jidhif as the new man who will be responsible for the smooth running of country’s defense forces. The head of state Mr. Siilaanyo relieved from all his duties the man by the name of Mr. Hasan Abdi Yusuf better known as ‘Hasan Keyse’ who was responsible for Somaliland armed forces for operations. The president appointed Mr. Mohamed Adan Saqadhi known as ‘Dabagale’ to head of operations of Somaliland armed forces. According to press release issued by the presidential spokesman Mr. Abdilahi Mohamed Dahir Cukuse stated that the head of the country Mr. Ahmed Siilaanyo issued today a presidential decree in which he dismissed the former head of Somaliland armed forces Mr. Nuuh Tani and the head of operations Mr. Hasan Abdi Yusuf. haahahahahaha, wallahi that's hilarious. But anyway Emp, I think the fact that you guys are trying to go Puntland's route is excellent, but you are doing it wrong by killing people in their sleep, it doesn't work like that. You have to make sure they do something wrong and then seize on the moment.