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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Qandalawi;764819 wrote: I just like one thing about them: The girls are so innocent; and that is something when you are Somali. Also their prettiness mashallah
  2. Lol, he has been member for 2 years, but I am hated for my brilliance, I have yet to have 1 person outsmart me in a debate. what the hell who is giving me a negative reputation??
  4. First, I want to start off by congratulating Ximan and Xeeb for its peaceful means of conducting itself. It has shown to be a role model for South Central regions of Somalia and I hope it continues to host its neighbours and brothers like this in a orderly fashion. Cadaado : (Allpuntland)-Waxaa maalintii sadexaad Magaalada Cadaado ee xarunta Maamulka goboleedka Soomaaliyeed ee Ximan iyo Xeeb ka soconaya shirweyne balaaran oo isuguyimaadeen in kabadan toban Maamulgoboleed oo ka jira gobolada dhexe ee Soomaaliya kaasoo uu soo qabanqaabiyey Madaxweynaha Maamulka goboleedka Ximan iyo Xeeb iyagoo kawada hadlay sidii loo midayn lahaa maamuladaas islamarkaasna ay dhinacyadu siyaasadooda ku midayn lahaayeen ugu istaagi lahaayeen inay shacabkooda gaaraan. Kulanka oo maalintii sadexaad galay ayaa Maanta waxaa ka hadlay madaxbadan waxaana ay Dhinacyadu maanta ka rinsanayeen sidii dalad guud loo samayn lahaa islamarkaasna ay dhinacyadu wadashaqayntooda usii siyaadin lahaayeen Iyadoo dhinacyadu ay isla maanta isku raaceen shirweyne kale oo balaaran oo bartamaha Bisha afraad ee Sanad soo socda ay Cadaado ku qaataan ayna ku dhameeyaan arimaha imika qabyada u ah, Sidoo kalena Waxaa xusid mudan in jaaliyada cadaado ee dibaduhu ay shirka abaabulkiisa ka qaybgaleen iyadoo ergadaas uu horkacayo Gol.Maxamuud Faarax Qaarey. Madaxweynayaasha iyo Wakiilada shirkaas ka qaybgalayana waxay kalayihiin. 1. Dooxo State oo uu horkacayay kusimaha madaxweynaha maamulkaasi Maxamuud shido. 2. Dooxada Cagaaran State oo ka dhisan shabelleda hoose waxaa horkacayay M/kuxigeenka Cabdiraxakiin Sheikj Cusman Iyo Marwo Maano Sheikh Abuukar. 3. Hiiraan And Midland State M/Kuxigeen Ahna Kusimaha Madaxweynaha Abuukaate: Cabdulqafaar Axmed Cismaan. 4. Ceelbuur State Madaxweyne C/laahi Maalin Gaafow. 5. Hiiraan State Madaxweyne Maxamuud Cabdi Gaab. 6 . Central State Madaxweyne Maaxmed Xaashi Cabdi. 7 . Jiinwabi State oo ka dhisan Shaballeada Dhexe Kusimaha Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Maxamud Axmed Maxamed (miiraaq). 8. Mareeg State Wasiirka Caafimaadka Maxamed Cali Faydheer 9. Shabeeladha Dhexe State Madaxweyne Kuxigeen Ahna Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Dr. Cabdullahi Sheikh Hassan Adoow (Ashaddu). 10. Ximan iyo Xeeb Madaxweynaha Maxamed Cabdullahi Malin Addan (Tiiceey) Madaxweyne Kuxigeenka C/raxmaan Shaatticadde Afhayeenka Maxamed Cumar Hagafeey , Duqa magaalada cadaado Axmed Salaad , Xog-hayaha Xafiiska siyaasada Ximan iyo xeeb ee Geeska Afrika Muna Maxamed Diirshe iyo madax kale . Kulankani waa kii ugu balaarnaa uguna Muhiimsanaa oo ay qaataan Maamulada deegaankaas uga jira Waxaana dhamaan madaxweynayaasha iyo Wakiilada kale ee shirkaas ka qaybgalay Ay mahadcelin balaaran u jeediyeen Maamulka Ximan iyo Xeeb ee shirkaas soo qabanqaabiyey iyagoona hoosta ka xariiqay in shirkani uu yahay mid muhiim ah oo loo baahnaa.
  5. These pictures do not do Puntland justice. Let me post some more.
  6. He just said the truth and nothing but the truth.
  7. Any fair minded person would acknowledge Galmudug's hand in this. Not once has Puntland responded to kidnappings or killings. People are killed weekly along the Eastern border line, it has to stop.
  8. No one is doubting or arguing against the achievements of your region, it would be foolish to do so. Some of its institutions are better than any other part of Somalia and many places in Africa especially your taxation system which indicates and serves as a litmus test for stability, we all see that. But this is not me talking. This is a person who has been defending your region for years, he hails from the region and now has a Somali flag hanging in his home. I've witnessed the more educated the youth are, the more they urge Somali unity and it is an increasing trait. I just hope you realise what is right and what is wrong.
  9. But lobbying is exactly what we should do. Israel has just had the right friends and it got the right friends through lobbying and spending money the right way. Just like Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Gulf countries have been doing. Some countries benefit from support in the beginning and we should take all means in finding support in the West. Arabs have not been our best friends so I would rather look West for support.
  10. There was this secessionist, this kid was the most vehement secessionist you'd ever see, shamelessly promoted fiction for years, even startled some of his British classmates. Then a few weeks back, instead of injecting his usual talk about how his country is great, he never brought anything up about the region. He went on to say that there was no reason why you should secede and that it would be dumb for your own interests. He cited Somalia's oil and minerals from Nugaal, Bari and SSC which is he himself without any argument acknowledged he would not be able to claim, international support, fertile lands with two rivers and said his own area was a barren stricken land with no rivers with the only possible export being quartz, the unexploitable oil seeps in the North and exporting firewood from a port in Berbera that wouldn't be likely to raise more than half a billion every year in taxes alone. He went on to say what happens when an economy based around money transferring loses its business in Somalia? So if this kid along with his father, realises that the economic safety of his people would be at risk, how can you as an "elder" believe you have any chance in succeeding at all? I honestly wonder.
  11. You making stories up to satisfy your sick lust for women from that region is the funny part. I just brought up a fact, that man was arrested for filming porn, including a Hargeisa woman with several children, that qualifies her as Somaliland's first MILF on tape. Imagine the ones that had no tape but was engaging in that activity
  12. ^^ Evading a topic shows mental retardation. It's like me bringing up ;Hargeisa women star in Porn Film and German director is arrested in Somaliland
  13. LOL, I think it is fake, it has to be.
  14. At least 70% should be Puntland. Every agreement should be disclosed to the Parliament and be shared with the public. Secrecy, nepotism etc, it is not looking good and is totally indefensible. :mad: I swear this oil might cause more trouble if we are not united.
  15. I agree uchi. But there's a lot we do not know, the oil exploration deals were re-negotiated by Faroole, I am not sure what the new agreements were and the lobbying he is doing in the US is also interesting. We need more transparency. . .
  16. Excellent news if they arrived. @Timur, great point on the funding of exploration back in the 1980s.
  17. Shirkii Baarlamaanka Oo Noqday Mid Gacan Ka Hadal Ah. Kulankii maanta ay isug yimaadeen golaha baarlamaanka Soomaaliya kaa oo ka dhacayay xarunta golaha Shacabka ee Magaalada Muqdisho. waxaana haatan lagu soo waramayaa in kulankaasi uu noqday mid ay gacmaha isu la galeyn xubnihii kala taabacsanaa kuwii shalay xilka ka qaaday Gudoomiye Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan iyo kuwa taageersan oo uu horkacayo C/wali Modoowe Nuunow oo ah ku simaha gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka. Isqab qabsi balaaran ayaa ka soconayo golaha Shacabka oo ay isug yimaadaan baarlamaanka Soomaaliya. Xildhibaanada qaar ayaa la sheegayaa in ay feer isla dhaceen halka kuwa qaarna ay is dhaafsanayaa hadalo aflagaado ah. Xildhibaanada baarlamaanka ayaa noqday kuwa ku diriya arrimaha Shacabka Soomaaliyeed kuwaa oo inta badani sheega iney matalayaan Shacabka Soomaaliyeed.
  18. Gacan ka hadal Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka KMG ah ku dhexmaraya Xarunta Golaha Shacabka ee Muqdisho Arbaco, December 14, 2011 (HOL) − Waxaa goor-dhaweyd ka billowday xarunt golaha shacabka ee Muqdisho gacan ka hadal u dhexeeya laba kooxood oo ka tirsan xildhibaannada baarlamnaka kuwaasoo qaarkoodna kasoo horjeeda guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka halka kuwa kalena ay taageersan yihiin. Mudanayaal goobjoog ah oo la hadlay HOL ayaa sheegay in gacan ka hadalka uu billowday markii uu xarunta golaha yimid guddoomiye ku xigeenka labaad ee golaha baarlamaanka ahna ku simaha guddoomiyaha, C/weli Sheekh Ibraahim Muuddeey. "Xarunta wuxuu kulan uga socday xubnihii shalay xilka ka qaaday guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka, waxaana goobta tagay xildhibaanaddii taageersanaa guddoomiyaha iyo guddoomiye ku xigeenka, waxaana billowday gacan ka hadal," ayuu yiri mudane codsaday inaan magaciisa la sheegin oo kasoo baxay xarunta. Sidoo kale, xildhibaankan wuxuu u sheegay HOL in kuraasta la isku garaacay, isagoo intaas ku daray inay jiraan mudanayaal dhaawacyo fudud ay gaareen, balse ma uusan xaqiijin tirada xidlhibaannada dhaawacmay ee uu arkay. Lama oga khasaaraha rasmiga ah ee ka dhashay gacan ka hadalka oo goor-dhow billowday, waxaase idiin ballanqaadaynaa inaan idinla socodsiinno wararka kasoo kordha gacan ka hadalka dhexmaray xildhibaannada. Gacan ka hadalka mudanayaasha baarlamaanka u dhexeeya ayaa wuxuu yimid iyadoo uu dhawaanahan jiray muran siyaasadeed xoogeystay oo u dhexeeya mudanayaasha baarlamaanka iyo afhayeenkooda Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan. Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online Muqdisho, Soomaaliya
  19. Have the drilling rigs arrived? I've been on some financial websites they were discussing the fact that you can't track ships in Somalia due to piracy so we do not know if they arrived. Thanks.
  20. lol She's right the article is from 2003, man, I was afraid for a minute.