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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. LOL, I recognize someone in the picture. Anyway, I will be going to the London Book Opening where Abdullahi Yusuf himself will appear on the 27 of December 2012. I will tell him of your campaign.
  2. What do you regard as teen stuff? :confused:
  3. They'll see me there. I am the Special Envoy for Puntland in South Somalia - Youth Division.
  4. Waxaa dhamaan la ogaysiinayaa umadda Soomaaliyeed guud ahan gaar ahaan soomaalida Azaaniya ee kunool qaarada Yurub iney ka soo qeyb galaan shirweynihii sadexaad ee Golaha qurba joogta jubbooyinka iyo gedo/ AZAANIA.shirkasi waxaa kasoo qaybgali doono siyaasiyiin wax garad aqoonyahan ururada bulshada iyo mas.uuliyiinta katirsan dowlad gobaleedka azaania wuxuuna kadhici doona shirkan insha,allah
  6. Patrolling the area and enforcing law and order
  7. This proves I was wrong about the people of Jubboyinka and I apologize. SSC, I am not wrong about you though. December 2011 Jubboyinka Female soldier
  8. Second round of Somali National Consultation Meeting to launch on 20.12.2012 in Garowe, Puntland, Somalia. This meeting will focus on the downsizing of the Somali Parliament, the ending of Transitional Government and the formation of a Federal Government. Garowe( Madaxweynaha Dowlada Puntland Mudane Cabdiraxmaan SH.MM.Faroole ayaa maanta shaaca ka qaaday in Shirkawadatashiga Soomaaliya uu Garowe ka furmi doono maalinta Salaasada 20 Decembar 2011.(Sawirada hoos ka daawo, Codkiina hoos ka dhagayso) Hadalkaan ayaa Madaxweynuha ayaa yimid ka dib markii uu shir saacado socday layeeshay Wufuud ka kala socotay Qaramada Midoobey, Midawga Afrika, urur goboleedka IGAD iyo Safaaradda Soomalida ee Nairobi, waxaana hoggaaminayey wufuuddaasi ku xigeenka wakiilka xoghayaha guud ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan arrimaha Soomaliya Christian Manhal. Madaxweyne Faroole oo shir Jaraa’id ku qabtay Xarunta Jaamacada PSU ayaa sheegay in Shirka auu dhacao xiligaas ayna hada qabanqaabadiisu marayso dhamaystir, wuxuuna Madaxweynuhu hoosta ka xariqay inay shirka imanayaan oo kasoo qaybgalayan TFG, Suna Waljameeca iyo Galmudug iyo. Christian Manhal oo ah kuxigeenka wakiilka Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan Soomaaliya oo hogaaminayay waftiga ayaa dhaleycen dusha uga tuuray kooxdii Xildhibaanka ahayd ee isku daayay inay xilka kaqaadaan Gudoomiyaha iyo buuqii ay ka abuureen Barlamaanka. Wafuuda waxaa kaloo ka mid ahaa Midowga Afrika iyo DowladaKumeelgaarka ah ,waxayna dhamaantood hoosta ka xariiqeen inaysan jirin cid ishortagi karta Shirka Garowe iyo Barnaamijka Road map-ka Dhagayso khudbadii Madaxweyne Faroole
  9. I already watched it, very funny, it went on WSHH too, so he is famous. But this one is even more interesting.
  10. I think my work here is done, Dr_Osman is leading the army into battle
  11. Carafaat;765516 wrote: Classic. Lol
  12. Yes, Garowe is all well and done, but Bosaso and Galkacyo are dead cities. Lets look at the facts here. Somaliland's implementation of a tax system is excellent however its use is another matter which you've raised. I have no problem believing Somaliland doesn't use its funds well, I've heard the stories of Hargeisa and the fact that half of the city looks like it did in the 1980s and the fact that they've been able to build 1 bridge in 18 years, now they are building a 3rd I gather. But look at this. The autonomous region expects government income to total $100 million this year, even after the government slashed tax rates and abolished other levies, Vice Finance Minister Warsame Said Abdi told reporters in the capital, Hargeisa, yesterday. As of Jan. 1, payroll and sales taxes fell to 5 percent from 12 percent, while income taxes dropped to 10 percent from as much as 25 percent, Abdi said. - Bloomberg Faroole has spoken out in the media and told that businesses must be taxed but do you seriously think businesses like Dahabshiil get taxed the same in Puntland as they do in Somaliland? We are on the wrong path, not only should there not be a new tax system with actual accountants, the spending of those funds should be published. With no tax system, the production of oil should be a no go zone.
  13. LOL. It took you time to respond to this one. I rubbed more than a nerve. I will leave you with this question. What happened when Mark Bowden of the UN visited your neighbourhood and you asked him to establish the UN office for Central Somalia there?
  14. This is one thing we can learn from the secessionist region.
  15. Yes, we both know, it isn't Al-Shabaab. You wonder why we do not allow you to use our airport. You wonder why you have to ask for permission when coming as an entourage. Galkacyo could have been the best city in Somalia, equally distanced between Bosaso-Mogadishu-Hargeisa, great weather and the Hawd on one side and the villages in Central Mudug on the other, Garacad not too far away either. But when a person lives among degenerates, absolute cretinous savages he will not go anywhere and that is the situation today. Ironically if it wasn't for Faroole, the situation in Mudug would have been with people from the pseudo state of Galmudug being driven back to Dhusamareeb like 1993.
  16. I don't know if you are trying to be cute, but I can promise you once the negotiations in Garowe end, your 1 out of 12 neighbourhood administration will see its end.
  17. Som@li;765471 wrote: Are you guys naive or what? 80%, 70%? how much money did Puntland/Somalia contributed on cost? No country gets that amount when 100% the risk/cost is on foreign companies, I will be surprised if Puntland/Somalia is given more than 10% as royalty. Not in royalties, exclusive rights should have been given to a state company which would have hired companies to explore, then the burden would be on those companies that want to explore. Obviously they wouldn't explore at this moment then. This is greed and I am 100% against any deal being signed in the next year. The World Bank deemed it the 2nd after Sudan as African oil producers in the 1980s, people are aware. Royalties will not be under 20% if they are smart, Iraqi Kurdistan in a new deal 1 week ago gets 17%, while the central government gets the same and the rest goes to companies. @Burn Notice, if that's true, it is good.
  18. Political author Immense respect
  19. Bosaso looks like a favela, it needs cleaning up.