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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. (Hadhwanaagnews) Tuesday, December 20, 2011 Gaalkacyo(HWN) Xildhibaano Ka tirsan barlamanka Galmudug ayaa sheegay in ay Xilkii Ka Qaadeen Mar Kale Madaxweeynaha Galmudug State Gaalkacyo(HWN) Xildhibaano Ka tirsan barlamanka Galmudug ayaa sheegay in ay Xilkii Ka Qaadeen Mar Kale Madaxweeynaha Galmudug State Madaxweyne Caalin oo dhawaan ay Xilka Ka tuureen dhawaan shir ay yeesheen Barlamanka Galmudug ayay Xilka Kaga xanyuubiyeen madaxweyne Caalin hayee shee ma aysan Noqon mid hir gasha in ay xilkaa ka tuuraan diidmo yo is qab qabsi kadib uu Xilka sidiisii usii Hayay Xasan Maxud Heyl oo ah afhayeenka Barlamanka galmudug oo shir jaraa,id Gaalkacyo ku qabtay ayaa sheegay in ay xilkii Mar kale Ka Tuureen Madaxweyne Caalin oo ay ku eedeeyeen in uu musuq Maasuqo hantida dadka iyo Tan dhaqaalaha Maamulka sidaana ay jagada kaga Tuureen Muranka ka dhex aloosan barlamanka iyo madaxweyne Caalin ayay Keentay in dhamaan laka diro barlamankaasi kadib markii Maalinkii shalay uu war saxaafdeed uu ku sheegay Madaxeynaha in uu kala diray xildhibaan Kadib Markii ay ku fashilmeen Howlihii loo egmaday Dadka siyaasada indha indheeya ayaa ka hadlay qilaafka xoogan ee ka dhaxeeya barlamanka Maamulkaasi iyo madaxweynahooda ayadoona ay ku Tilmaamen mid fowdo ah oo sidii caruurtii oo kale ay udhaq mayaan Wariye Xasankuuriya Hadhwanaagnews/office Muqdisho
  2. So this is definitely the highest ranking man of your diaspora. Mashallah. Great job inviting him back.
  3. Watch from 7:49, the guy saying "magaalada qurux badhanaa"
  4. A_Khadar;766304 wrote: Dancing on duty.. Just typical militia with uniforms..
  5. Absolutely nothing, Xaaji, absolutely nothing
  6. Hargeisa Mental Hospital Mental Illness is a widespread problem in Somaliland, some health experts project anywhere from 3% to 6% of the population could be suffering from severe mental problems - Voice of America VOA's video below ↓
  7. Especially the last one with the Fords in the background.
  8. Faroole hasn't failed, Mudug failed him, when he came for peace and unity, he had to take an army with him for his own protection, he told them what to do as the leader, it was his turn to rule but they didn't listen. He even asked the troops to be under his command when the time came, as they should, especially those around Central Mudug, but they said no. But now they are speaking out against the atrocities. This is solely on Reer Mudug, if they cared they'd implement the green line and wouldn't care about this so-called unity, there is no unity, a person who wants to kill you wants no unity. Look at all of these regions, Ximan and Xeeb, hosting meetings for small maamulo, while this neighbourhood institution can't even govern itself and its ministers has fistfights, it is a security disaster.
  9. I've seen the blame Faroole card. It doesn't happen Garowe or Qardho or anything under Iskushuban because Faroole has implemented the same policy he told asked Reer Mudug to implement in 2009 when they spat in his face. The single most insulting time of his presidency. So he washed his hand of the people and moved the checkpoint. The Green line was the boundary whereby if you cross without any permission you were finished. Troops used to guard it and when it was there, there was peace. Sure Faroole may have done some bad, yes he has tried to use the same tactics as his predecessors, but he is not the one systematically using it, nor is he the one bombarding an airport and he is definitely not the one kidnapping kids. The people of Mudug have woken up now, enough is enough. What is this with war? How will this cause war? Have you seen peace?
  10. Abwaan;766073 wrote: Waxaan la yaabay this conference ma cid gaar ah baa iska leh oo uu dan u yahay mise waa mid Soomaaliyeed. Anigu sidaan u fahansanahay soo ma ahan mid ka mid ah shirarkii - Road-mapka oo kuwii Xamar ka dhacay ma daba socdo..weliba midkaani wuxuu khuseeyaa oo keliya dastuurka oo la soo gunaanadayo, waxaana xigi doona Baarlamaanka oo la beddelo iyo in madaxweyne cusub, raysal-wasaare iyo wasiirraba la sameeyo. Waxaa ayaandarro ah in dad dano gaar ah leh oo aan fahansanayn qarannimada uu qabiil madaxooda ka buuxo inay dadka u tusaan inay Soomaaliya leeyihiin just because mid habaryartiis dhashay baa jago ka haya, waxaa kale oo ayaandarro ah midka dadka noocaas oo kale ah inta ka xanaaqo iyaga ku dayanaya. Faroole waan fahmi karaa wuxuu u xanaaqay oo xoogaa shilimaad ah ayaa lagu siiyey in shirku qabsoomo, isaguna diyaar-garow ayuu sameeyey laakiin dhibaatada haysata ayaa ah inuusan qarsan karin caadifadda qabiilka. Faroole yaa u sheega oo dhaha dalkaan dagaal sokeeye uma baahna dad intii dhimatay ama ku waxyeeloowdey ka badanna ma wanaagsana inay wax ku darsamaan ee si wanaagsan u feker oo oday Soomaaliyeed iska dhig, qabyaaladdana qarannimada ayaa ka wanaagsan. No one looking for Somali unity would be against this conference. Why don't you just come out and profess your disdain for the recognition Puntland has gotten from the TFG and its progress towards unity. This is unity, holding the conference in Garowe itself is a sign. Accusing a whole region of qabilnimo with no backing shows what you truly are.
  11. What an intellectual midget, diversion politics as usual. No clan is being targeted. Puntland is made up of many clans and the most recent high profile figure was an Imam, and he was not from the majority clan. Come again..
  12. Abwaan;766067 wrote: Xaalku waa sidaas soo maahan...halla yaabin dadkaan net-ku-dirirka ah. Somalia inta uu la baxayo magaca ciddiisa inuu iska sheegto ayay ahayd. Waxaan moodey in laga gudbey ciddeenaa ciddaada ka fiican, iyo innaga waxaan ahayn maba jiraan. Dad baanba la socon wixii Soomaali u dagaashay ma is tiraahdeen? I am a realist, and none of you could carry the name of Somalia better. There's something called being civilised, obviously Galmudug isn't adherent to. How do you justify the killing of people, the kidnapping of children and the bombardment of infrastructure?
  13. Samafal;766039 wrote: Somalia you are not comparing like with like, South is much smaller and less populated than the North, therefore its not easy for the assassins to operate in there withou risking capture or getting killed. The other thing is it may be well true that the assasins live and operate in the South, or may not be true at all, so what do you do? Do you wage a war which will have far reaching consequences on the basis of unsubstantiated information? prove by any means necessay, even by paying militias that actually such and such group plan assasinations in Galmudug, uncover all to know and then and onlythen take steps. But Faroole & co have became incompetent and all they do is throw accusations and threats here and there, no action at all. Assassins don't operate in the southern district, they use it to go south. I asked you a simple question. Why is the targeted assassination not happening in Somaliland or anywhere else in Somalia? Are you trying to say that Faroole is telling Galmudug to shell Galkacyo Airport, kidnap children coming out of school and using targetted asssassination? I have proposed no war, I proposed the enforcement of the green line. Look at all of you, living it up cozy in the Western hemisphere, how about you talk to the people of Mudug and ask them what they want. They are accusing Abdullahi Yusuf of this mess due to the peace treaty, what the hell has the peace treaty done for Galkacyo? We try and be civilised, who is attacking them?
  14. To Samafal and Xiinfaniin, why is it that only people from Puntland is being targeted, why are there no targetting in Somaliland or in Galmudug, please do explain that to me. Your security point has no merit due to the insecurity of Galmudug where no targeted assassination happens. My solution is so simple. Enforce the Green line, no war, just peace then.
  15. Faroole is going soon so enjoy the time he has left.
  16. Lol, you don't even know my clan. But this is about Galmudug which has shown itself to be the most uncivilised neighbourhood in post-2008 history. Which neighbourhood kidnaps children leaving school? Galmudug.
  17. Yes, that it was copied from the ancient Land of Punt which is located in Puntland. I agree. Not Somaliland!
  18. How can this fraction of a neighbourhood cause so much trouble? I think when this meeting in Garowe is over, Reer Mudug must think about their future.
  19. Jacaylbaro;766000 wrote: :D Now you need to know: The tuna factories were copied from the Laasqoray one The conference is copied from Xamar The LAND is copied from Somaliland ................. Miyaan sii wadaa ?? It was copied from Land of Punt, not "Somaliland", loooooooool.
  20. Good man, showing the respect that is needed.